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Lec 3: 31 August 2011
Chapter 2: The Celestial Sphere
LAST TIME - The Layout of the Sky
The Appearance of the Sky (from Earth)
Describing “Location” on the Sky
You should
practice until
you clearly
-- altitude-azimuth
-- constellations
TODAY - The Celestial Sphere
•  Chapter 2 Pre-Quiz
•  Spherical Earth and Celestial Coordinates
•  The Celestial Sphere
MONDAY - The Daily Motion of the Sky
How Do We Know the Earth is Spherical? • 
Columbus? Views from space? Shadows of Earth on Moon? Sun, Moon, and Planets are; maybe we are too?
Can we demonstrate it?
–  If Earth were flat (but stars still a long ways away),
everyone would see same sky. Star at zenith would
always be at zenith. –  Azimuth and Elevation would be same for everyone.
•  But it’s NOT the same for everyone! This has
been known for thousands of years!
How Do We Know the Earth is Spherical? •  Columbus? •  Shadows of Earth on Moon? Ancient astronomers determined that the Earth is Spherical
(and they could measure its size)
In the town of Syene, the Sun
shone directly down a vertical
shafts on the summer solstice
In Alexandria, the position of the
sun was 7° away from vertical
(~1/50th of a circle)
Around 200 B.C., the Greek
astronomer Eratosthenes used 50x
the distance between Alexandria
and Syene to get a circumference
of the earth of about 42000 km
(the actual is about 40000
Location in the Sky. III. “Global”
1.  On Earth....
•  latitude: angle from equator (+ = north) •  longitude: angle from prime meridian (east or
west) Analog: azimuth and elevation viewed from center of Earth
Charleston: 32o 46’ 35” North & 79o 55’ 53” West
How do we put a similar grid on the sky?
We first need a POLE and EQUATOR ...
The “Celestial Sphere”
“Landmarks” on the
celestial sphere are
projections of those on
the Earth:
•  Celestial poles are
where the Earth’s axis of
rotation would intersect
the celestial sphere
  Polaris is less than 1°
away from the north
celestial pole, which is
why it is called the North
Star or the Pole Star.
•  Celestial equator
divides the sky into
northern and southern
The View From a Spherical Earth
Altitude of celestial poles
and equator depends on your
•  North Pole (lat=90o)
Location in the Sky. III. “Global”
1.  On Earth....
•  latitude is angle from equator (+ = north) •  longitude is angle from prime meridian (E or W)
•  alt(NCP) = 90o
•  alt(CE) = 0o
•  Equator (lat=0o)
To make a similar grid on the sky, we use the North
and South Celestial Poles and the Celestial Equator
•  alt(NCP) = 0o
•  alt(CE) = 90o (E->W)
•  Charleston, SC (lat=33o)
•  alt(NCP) = 33o
•  alt(CE) = 57o (at the
meridian; E->W)
2.  On the Sky...
The Celestial Sphere
Celestial Equator divides sky into
northern and southern hemispheres
DECLINATION. Celestial latitude. Lines of
constant DEC parallel to equator. Measured north
(+) or south (-) of celestial equator, like latitude on
Earth. •  From north pole, see only northern
•  From south pole, see only southern
•  From equator, see both hemispheres!
RIGHT ASCENSION. Celestial longitude. Lines
of constant RA perpendicular to celestial equator,
and all pass through celestial poles. Measured in
HOURS (0-24; 24 hours=360 degrees; so 1 hour =
15 degrees)
•  From Charleston, see from -57o to
+90o declination
This figure is misleading!
Celestial Equator runs from East to
West. Apparent motion on sky
depends on whether object is north
or south of celestial equator
Rotation of the Earth
•  Spherical Earth “rotates” once in 24 hours
(we will see next time that it’s actually 23h 56m)
•  Earth’s rotation is from west to east (counterclockwise
viewed from above north pole)
•  Sky appears to rotate east to west once in 24 hours
(opposite sense of Earth’s rotation)
•  “Axis” of rotation through north and south poles
–  projects to north celestial pole (NCP) and south celestial pole (SCP)
•  Equatorial plane perpendicular to axis
–  cuts through our equator
–  projects to circle on the sky called the celestial equator (CE)
Apparent Daily Motion of the Sky
•  Sun, Moon, planets, stars, etc. rise in East and
set in West?
–  well, sort of, but not really
–  what do they do in between?
•  Not everything is up for 12 hours! Some things
never rise or set. Some are up for 24 hours.
•  Path across the sky, and how long things are
“up” depends on:
–  your latitude on Earth
–  object’s declination in the sky