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Installing the Freight Board
Copyright © 2017 TMW Systems, Inc.
A Business Confidential Document.
Save Date: 5/2017
Installing Freight Board Interface
Overview...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Pre-installation check list ........................................................................................................................................... 2
Licensing third-party freight board services ................................................................................................... 3
Establishing ftp access to freight board vendors ............................................................................................. 3
Verifying the required licenses are applied to your TMWSuite database ................................................... 3
Scheduling your system administrator to perform the installation ............................................................. 5
Determining your type of installation .............................................................................................................. 5
Typical installation ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Non-typical installation ............................................................................................................................... 6
Downloading the installation files from ClientCenter .......................................................................................... 6
Installing Freight Board ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Setting up the communications port and version compatibility ................................................................... 7
FBIPortOffset ...........................................................................................................................................7
Installing Freight Board on your server ........................................................................................................... 8
Installing Freight Board on workstations ....................................................................................................... 16
Installing the Load Status Monitor on your server .............................................................................................. 21
Running the Load Status Monitor installation file ........................................................................................ 21
Identifying the trip statuses that will cancel a posting ................................................................................. 25
FBICancelPostLoadLegStatusList .......................................................................................................... 26
Determining where the monitor saves log files ............................................................................................. 26
Starting the Load Status Monitor .................................................................................................................... 27
Accessing the Freight Board window .................................................................................................................... 28
Accessing the Freight Board window from Order Entry ............................................................................. 28
Accessing the Freight Board window from the Trip Folder ........................................................................ 29
Accessing the Freight Board window from the Planning Worksheet ........................................................ 29
Setting up General Options for user workstations ............................................................................................... 29
Allowing users to view/edit the interface setup information ............................................................................ 32
Setting vendor connection defaults in the interface ............................................................................................. 32
Upgrading to a new version of Freight Board interface ...................................................................................... 34
Uninstalling Freight Board ............................................................................................................................... 34
Uninstalling the Load Status Monitor ............................................................................................................ 36
Using the repair option ............................................................................................................................................ 36
Repairing Freight Board ................................................................................................................................... 36
Repairing the Load Status Monitor ................................................................................................................. 37
Troubleshooting problems ...................................................................................................................................... 38
Verify that Freight Board is running ............................................................................................................... 38
Verify you are connecting to the right database............................................................................................ 38
Verify that Load Status Monitor is running and processing cancelations ................................................. 39
Verify entries are being made in the Load Status Monitor table ................................................................ 39
Verify a vendor's ftp site ................................................................................................................................... 39
System administrator does not see all tabs .................................................................................................... 40
Change a system-wide default for a workstation ......................................................................................... 40
Copyright © 2017 TMW Systems, Inc.
A Business Confidential Document.
Save Date: 5/2017
Installing Freight Board Interface
The TMW Freight Board interface provides TMWSuite® users the ability to post available loads
and trucks to one or more freight board services from within TMWSuite’s Order Entry and
Dispatch applications.
Freight Board also provides the Load Status Monitor, which is installed on your server. It
checks the TMWSuite database for load status changes that indicate the loads have been
requested from your load boards and are no longer available. The monitor automatically lets
Freight Board know to send cancel posting messages to the supported load boards at the next
Currently, the Freight Board interface supports these freight board services:
DAT (TransCore®'s)
DriveLine Load Exchange (Flying J)
Getloaded (
Internet Truckstop (Internet Truckstop)
PostEverywhere (Grizella Corporation)
 (TMW Systems, Inc.)
Vessage Load Board (
The Freight Board interface is installed from an .msi file. It can be installed on a network
terminal server to process postings for all users, or it can be installed on each PC workstation
that will be using one or more freight board services. During the installation, each vendorspecific interface you purchased is enabled. The Freight Board interface must be running in the
background when you are running TMWSuite.
The Load Status Monitor is installed from an .msi file. It should be installed on a network server
where the Freight Board interface is running. It must be running in the background.
1. The TMW Freight Board interface is a licensed add-on module that must be purchased from
TMW®. In addition to the general FreightBoardInterface license, you must also have the
vendor-specific license for each freight board service to which you subscribe. For details,
contact TMW Sales at 216/831-6606.
2. You must be running TMWSuite V.2007, build 2007.06_10.0456 or later.
Pre-installation check list
Before you start the Freight Board Interface installation, here is a check list of things you'll need
to do:
Purchase a license to each specific third-party freight board service vendor you plan to use.
Have your third-party vendor(s) set up an account to access their ftp site(s).
Verify that the required licenses are applied to your TMWSuite database.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
Save Date: 5/2017
Installing Freight Board Interface
Schedule your system administrator to do the Freight Board installation.
Determine the type of installation you need.
Licensing third-party freight board services
In addition to your license for the TMW Freight Board Interface, you must purchase a license
from each specific freight board service you plan to use. These arrangements are made with the
individual third-party vendor(s). Valid license agreement(s) must be in place before you can
begin installing Freight Board.
Establishing ftp access to freight board vendors
Each third-party vendor you have licensed must set up an account for your company to
establish communications connection to their freight board ftp site. You will need:
FTP address
FTP login
FTP password
Account number
Sub Account (if applicable for your vendor)
Have this information ready during the installation.
Note: Your freight board service vendor provides the communications connection account
information. TMW cannot provide this data. You must contact each of your vendors for this
information before beginning the setup.
Verifying the required licenses are applied to your TMWSuite
Special licensing is required to run Freight Board and the Load Status Monitor. The licensing is
contained in an SQL script that is applied to your TMWSuite database using SQL Server
Enterprise Manager/SQL Query Analyzer.
Note: For instructions on applying the SQL to your database, refer to your SQL Query
Analyzer help system.
To verify that the licensing has been properly applied to your database, follow these steps:
1. From any TMWSuite application, select the About command from the Help menu.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
Save Date: 5/2017
Installing Freight Board Interface
2. Click the More button located at the bottom right of the window.
The system displays a second About window. The licensing window provides a table
containing three columns:
Option Name
Lists the applications and features available in TMWSuite.
Option Value
Signifies whether the application/feature is active.
Option Expiration
Lists the date that the subscription to a feature will expire.
3. Scroll through the list to find the license:
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
Save Date: 5/2017
Installing Freight Board Interface
1. The list is alphabetical.
2. If the required license is not listed, contact your Support Team.
Support Team 1
[email protected]
Support Team 2
[email protected]
Support Team 3
[email protected]
Call 216/831-6606 and choose
Option 6. Follow the prompt to select
your team’s extension. If all support
personnel are busy, you can leave a
voice mail message.
Scheduling your system administrator to perform the installation
The person installing Freight Board must have system administrator or Windows administrator
authority. Otherwise, the software cannot be successfully installed. You will need this
information for the installation:
Server name
Database name
System Administrator's user name for the server
System Administrator's password for the server
Determining your type of installation
The type of installation you will perform depends on where Freight Board and the Load Status
Monitor will be installed, and which of your users will be posting loads.
Typical installation
Application Server
Identify the server that will post all loads processed by your user workstations and run the
Load Status Monitor to process all load cancelations. Both the Freight Board and Load
Status Monitor software will be installed on this server.
1. This should be a server other than the one on which the TMWSuite database resides.
Load Status Monitor runs 24/7 and can affect performance if on the same server as the
TMWSuite database.
2. On the server only, Freight Board must be installed to run in Auto Mode. This expedites
the process by sending all user postings directly to the send queue, eliminating posting
edits or prompt messages.
Identify each user who will post loads/trucks to the freight board service(s). Freight Board
will be installed on the workstations for these users.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
Save Date: 5/2017
Installing Freight Board Interface
Non-typical installation
If the typical installation described above does not meet your needs, contact your TMW Support
Team for assistance.
Downloading the installation files from ClientCenter
You will download the TMW Freight Board Interface installation files from the Build Delivery
section of TMW ClientCenter (
From ClientCenter, select Build Delivery > Downloads and use the Product Family, Product,
and Build lists to locate the Freight Board product.
Download the Freight Board Interface and the Load Status Monitor .ZIP files to your local
computer or network.
TMW Freight Board Interface for
Contains the TMW Freight Board Interface for TMWSuite.msi
file for installing and updating the Freight Board application.
TMW Freight Board Load Status
Contains the TMW Freight Board Load Status Monitor.msi file
for installing the Freight Board Load Status Monitor.
Use an application such as WinZip or 7-Zip to extract the files from the .ZIP file and save them
to the current folder, or to another location on your computer or network.
Note: For more information about downloading files from ClientCenter, see "Downloading
product updates" in the ClientCenter online help.
Installing Freight Board
Installing Freight Board requires three basic tasks:
1. Setting up the communications port.
2. Running the Freight Board installation .msi file.
3. Setting connection defaults in the interface.
If you plan to use the Load Status Monitor, you must also:
1. Run the Load Status Monitor installation .msi file.
2. Identify trip statuses that will cancel a posting.
3. Determine where the monitor saves log files.
Note: Make sure you have completed the tasks listed in the Pre-installation check list and
downloaded the Freight Board files from ClientCenter.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
Save Date: 5/2017
Installing Freight Board Interface
Setting up the communications port and version compatibility
During the installation, you will use the TMW Freight Board Interface Setup Options dialog box
to enter the communications port and version compatibility information.
The TCP Port# field is the Base TCP Port number the interface will use for communication
between TMWSuite and the Freight Board interface. You will accept the default value 55555.
The Older Dispatch App Compatibility check box allows you to specify whether you are using
an older version of TMWSuite with Freight Board. This helps the system maintain version
compatibility between Freight Board and your TMW database.
The TMWSuite version you are running determines the entry you make in the FBIPortOffset
General Info Table setting's String1 field.
TMWSuite V.2010.09_08.990 and earlier
You will select the check box during the installation, and the entry in the String1 field in the
FBIPortOffset General Info Table setting must be RDP#. This is the default entry for the
field. Verify that entry.
TMWSuite V.2010.09_08.990 and later
You will leave the check box cleared during the installation, and enter SESSION# as the
String1 field entry in the FBIPortOffset General Info Table setting.
Applies to
Freight Board Interface:
TMW's Freight Board Interface allows you to post loads and/or trucks to freight
board services from within Order Entry or Dispatch. This setting allows you to
maintain version compatibility between older versions of Freight Board and new
versions of TMWSuite.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
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Installing Freight Board Interface
RDP# (default)
If you selected the Older Dispatch App Compatibility check box during the
Freight Board installation process, you must use this option.
If you left the Older Dispatch App Compatibility check box cleared during
the Freight Board installation process, you must use this option
Additional Notes
For more information, see the Setting the communications port and version
compatibility section in the Freight Board Installation guide.
Installing Freight Board on your server
Follow this procedure to install the TMW Freight Board interface on your application server.
1. Using My Computer or Windows Explorer, find the folder where you saved the TMW
Freight Board Interface for TMWSuite.msi file, and double-click on it.
Note: You extracted the .msi file from the file that you downloaded from ClientCenter.
2. The Welcome to the TMW Freight Board Interface Setup Wizard dialog box appears.
Click Next.
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Freight Board Interface
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Installing Freight Board Interface
3. The Select Installation Folder dialog box appears. The default location is:
C:\Program Files\TMW Systems, Inc\TMW Freight Board Interface.
To accept the default location, click Next.
To specify another location, click the Browse button, access the desired location, and
then click Next.
4. The Installing TMW Freight Board Interface dialog box appears.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
Save Date: 5/2017
Installing Freight Board Interface
While the Installing dialog box is displayed, the Setup Options dialog box will open.
Note: If you do not see the Setup Options dialog box, it may be hidden behind the Installing
dialog box. Move the top dialog box to another location on your desktop to view the Setup
Options dialog box.
Make the following entries.
TCP Port#
Base TCP Port number the interface will use for
communication between TMWSuite and the Freight Board
Accept the default value of 55555.
Auto Mode
Enables the automatic mode
Select this check box when installing Freight Board on the
server where the Load Status Monitor will also reside. This
allows all loads from all user workstations to be automatically
processed and sent to your licensed freight boards by the
server. More specifically, when a user selects a load or truck to
post, there will be no posting edits or prompts to the
workstation. Freight Board will by-pass the Create Postings
tab and send the posting directly to the send queue. The
posting will show on the View Postings tab with Queued
Vendor Comm
Enables vendor communications
Leave the check box cleared when installing Freight Board on
the server where the Load Status Monitor will also reside.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
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Installing Freight Board Interface
Vendors Pick
Allows users to select a vendor on the Create Postings tab to
receive a posting
Leave the check box cleared. It does not apply when installing
Freight Board on the server where the Load Status Monitor
will also reside.
1. The default setting for the above three check boxes shows gray, meaning they are
inactive. These are system-wide defaults that apply to all users (both server and
2. If you override a default during installation on the server, the check box shows a
check mark. It becomes a user-specific setting for that option for the server.
Installations on workstations are not affected by this user-specific setting.
3. Three related check boxes appear on the Freight Board window's General Options
tab. They are used after an installation to change a setting for all workstations (both
server and workstations) at one time.
Warning: If a system-wide default is changed on the General Options tab for the server, it is
not specific to the server. The change applies to the server and all workstations that were set
up to use the default. See Setting up General Options for user workstations for more
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
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Installing Freight Board Interface
Older Dispatch
Identifies the communications offset method used by Freight
Board and allows you to specify whether you are using an
older version of TMWSuite with Freight Board
This helps the system maintain version compatibility between
TMWSuite and Freight Board.
If your TMWSuite is V.2010.09_08.990 or later:
Leave the check box cleared.
Note: When you use this option, you must enter Session#
in the FBIPortOffset General Info Table setting's
String1 field.
If your TMWSuite version is V.2010.09_08.990 or earlier:
Select the check box.
Note: When you use this option, you must enter RDP# in
the FBIPortOffset General Info Table setting's String1
1. The compatibility check is only performed once, during the
initial and the first upgrade installation on the server. It is
not necessary when installing Freight Board on
2. If this is not properly set up, errors will be returned when
processing in TMWSuite.
3. See Setting up the communications port and version
compatibility for more information on the String1 field
Click Next.
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Freight Board Interface
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Installing Freight Board Interface
5. The second Setup Options dialog box appears.
You must identify the database you will connect to and provide its server location. Make the
following entries.
Note: The SQL is applied only once, during the initial server installation (or the first server
upgrade installation).
Server Name
Name of the server on which your TMWSuite database resides
Complete this field when installing Freight Board on the
Note: You must do this when you are performing the initial
installation or upgrading to a new version of Freight Board.
Database Name
Name of the TMWSuite database from which you will be
posting loads and trucks
Complete this field when installing Freight Board on the
Note: You must do this when you are performing the initial
installation or upgrading to a new version of Freight Board.
User Name
System administrator login to the server
Complete this field when installing Freight Board on the
1. You must do this when you are performing the initial
installation or upgrading to a new version of Freight Board.
2. Leave blank if you are using Windows Authentication.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
Save Date: 5/2017
Installing Freight Board Interface
System administrator password associated with the login
entered in the User Name field
Complete this field when installing Freight Board on the
1. You must do this when you are performing the initial
installation or upgrading to a new version of Freight Board.
2. Leave blank if you are using Windows Authentication.
Merge Cities
Determines whether the Freight Board cities table will be
updated with new cities available through the installation
For the initial installation on the server, leave the check
box cleared. The city file is automatically installed.
For an upgrade installation on the server, select this check
box to install any new or changed cities that were added
since the last version.
1. This is performed only once, during the initial and the first
upgrade installation on the server. It is not necessary when
installing Freight Board on workstations.
2. Freight Board has its own city file, different from the
TMWSuite city file. They are maintained separately.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
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Installing Freight Board Interface
Click Finish to close the database information dialog box.
The installation application applies the needed SQL to the database you identified.
The Installing TMW Freight Board Interface dialog box reappears.
Throughout the installation, the Please wait indicator shows the progress.
6. When the installation is finished, the Installation Complete dialog box appears. Click Close.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
Save Date: 5/2017
Installing Freight Board Interface
Installing Freight Board on workstations
Follow this procedure to install the TMW Freight Board interface on the workstation for each
user who will be posting loads.
1. Using My Computer or Windows Explorer, find the folder where you saved the TMW
Freight Board Interface for TMWSuite.msi file, and double-click on it.
Note: You extracted the .msi file from the file that you downloaded from ClientCenter.
2. The Welcome to the TMW Freight Board Interface Setup Wizard dialog box appears.
Click Next.
3. The Select Installation Folder dialog box appears. The default location is:
C:\Program Files\TMW Systems, Inc\TMW Freight Board Interface.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
Save Date: 5/2017
Installing Freight Board Interface
To accept the default location, click Next.
To specify another location, click the Browse button, access the desired location, and
then click Next.
4. The Installing TMW Freight Board Interface dialog box appears.
While the Installing dialog box is displayed, the Setup Options dialog box will open.
Note: If you do not see the Setup Options dialog box, it may be hidden behind the Installing
dialog box. Move the top dialog box to another location on your desktop to view the Setup
Options dialog box.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
Save Date: 5/2017
Installing Freight Board Interface
Make the following entries.
TCP Port#
Base TCP Port number the interface will use for
communication between TMWSuite and the Freight Board
Accept the default value of 55555.
Auto Mode
Enables the automatic mode, with no posting edits or prompts
sent to a workstation
Leave the check box cleared. The workstation will not post
directly to freight board vendors, or monitor for cancelations.
These functions will only be performed on the server, where
both the interface and Load Status Monitor are installed. All
postings will show on the View Postings tab with Queued
Vendor Comm
Enables vendor communications
Leave the check box cleared. After the installation, you can
choose to activate it on the General Options tab for all users.
Vendors Pick
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
Only applies to workstations when you are licensed for
multiple vendors
If you are licensed for only one load board vendor, leave
the check box cleared.
If you are licensed for more than one load board vendor,
leave the check box cleared. After the installation, you can
choose to make the Freight Boards button available to all
workstations by activating the Allow Picking Vendors
check box on the General Options tab.
Save Date: 5/2017
Installing Freight Board Interface
1. The default setting for the above three check boxes shows gray, meaning they are
inactive. These are system-wide defaults that apply to all users (both server and
2. If you override a default during installation on a workstation, the check box shows a
check mark. It becomes a user-specific setting for that option for that workstation.
Installations on other workstations (and the server) are not affected by this userspecific setting.
3. Three related check boxes appear on the Freight Board window's General Options
tab. They are used after an installation to change a setting for all workstations (both
server and workstations) at one time.
Warning: If a system-wide default is changed on the General Options tab for a
workstation, it is not specific to that workstation. The change applies to all workstations (and
the server) that were set up to use the default. See Setting up General Options for user
workstations for more information.
Older Dispatch
Leave blank. This was handled during the Freight Board server
Click Next.
5. The second Setup Options dialog box appears.
You must identify the database you will connect to and provide its server location.
Note: The SQL that updates the database is applied only once, when Freight Board is
installed on the server. You can leave these fields blank when installing the application on
workstations that are using the same database.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
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Installing Freight Board Interface
If you are unsure that the server installation has taken place, you may provide information
in these fields.
Server Name
Name of the server on which your TMWSuite database resides
Database Name
Name of the TMWSuite database from which you will be
posting loads and trucks
User Name
System administrator login to the server
Note: Leave blank if you are using Windows Authentication.
System administrator password associated with the login
entered in the User Name field
Note: Leave blank if you are using Windows Authentication.
Note: Do not select the Merge Cities check box when performing a workstation
6. Click Finish to close the database information dialog box.
The installation application applies the needed SQL to the database you identified.
The Installing TMW Freight Board Interface dialog box reappears.
Throughout the installation, the Please wait indicator shows the progress.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
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Installing Freight Board Interface
7. When the installation is finished, the Installation Complete dialog box appears. Click Close.
Installing the Load Status Monitor on your server
Starting with V., Freight Board includes the Load Status Monitor. It is installed on
your server. It is not installed on user workstations.
Load Status Monitor checks the TMWSuite database for load status changes that indicate the
loads have been requested from your load boards and are no longer available. The monitor
automatically cancels the posting, and lets Freight Board know to send cancel posting messages
to the supported load boards at the next upload.
Note: The Freight Board interface and the Load Status Monitor must both be installed on the
same server. This should be a server other than the one on which the TMWSuite database
resides. Load Status Monitor runs 24/7 and can affect performance if on the same server as the
TMWSuite database.
Running the Load Status Monitor installation file
Follow this procedure to install the Load Status Monitor on the server.
1. Using My Computer or Windows Explorer, find the folder where you saved the
TMW_Freight_Board_Load_Status_Monitor.msi file, and double-click on it.
Note: You extracted the .msi file from the file that you downloaded from ClientCenter.
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Freight Board Interface
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Installing Freight Board Interface
2. The Welcome to the TMW Freight Board Load Status Monitor Setup Wizard dialog box
Click Next.
3. The Select Installation Folder dialog box appears. The default location is:
C:\Program Files\TMW Systems, Inc\TMW Freight Board Load Status Monitor\
To accept the default location, click Next.
To specify another location, click the Browse button, access the desired location, and
then click Next.
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Freight Board Interface
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Installing Freight Board Interface
4. The Confirm Installation dialog box appears.
To start the installation, click Next.
5. The Installing TMW Freight Board Load Status Monitor dialog box appears.
During the installation process, the Installing dialog box's Please wait indicator shows the
Click Next.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
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Installing Freight Board Interface
6. The Setup Options dialog box appears. This information is for applying the SQL and for the
monitor to know which database to check for postings.
Complete these fields.
Server Name
The name of the server on which your TMWSuite database
Database Name
Name of the TMWSuite database from which you will be
posting loads and trucks
User Name
System administrator login to the server
Note: Leave blank if you are using Windows Authentication.
System administrator password associated with the login
entered in the User Name field
Note: Leave blank if you are using Windows Authentication.
Older Dispatch
Leave blank. This was handled during the Freight Board server
Click Finish.
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Freight Board Interface
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Installing Freight Board Interface
7. When the installation is finished, the Installation Complete dialog box appears.
Click Close.
Identifying the trip statuses that will cancel a posting
The Load Status Monitor polls the TMWSuite database, watching for trip status changes. When
it sees a trip attain a status you have identified as indicating the posting should be canceled, it
sends a cancel posting message for that trip to Freight Board. At the next upload, a cancel
posting message is sent to the load board vendors.
You use the FBICancelPostLoadLegStatusList General Info Table setting to identify
which dispatch statuses will cause the monitor to send a cancel posting message.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
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Installing Freight Board Interface
Applies to
Freight Board Interface:
TMW's Freight Board Interface allows you to post loads and/or trucks to freight
board services from within Order Entry or Dispatch.
When a load is planned, dispatched, started, or canceled, you must manually
cancel the posting to remove it from your vendors' boards. However, if you are
using the Load Status Monitor module of the Freight Board Interface, you can
identify the trip segment status(es) that will remove a posted load from your
vendors' boards.
STD (default)
Orders having a Started dispatch status will be removed from the vendors'
User-defined status(es)
You can enter a single status, or you can have multiple entries in a commaseparated. Use the Abbr column value from the DispStatus label for each
option you want to include. The most commonly used statuses are:
Determining where the monitor saves log files
The Load Status Monitor writes to a default log file:
C:\Documents and Settings\<UserId>\Application Data\TMW Systems, Inc\FBI Load
Status Monitor\<VersionNumber>\FBI Load Stat Monitor.log.
To change the default log file, enter a new .log file name in the TMW Freight Board
Interface.exe.config configuration file. The default location of the config file is:
C:\Program Files\TMW Systems, Inc\TMW Freight Board Interface\
If you need assistance, contact your Support Team.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
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Installing Freight Board Interface
Starting the Load Status Monitor
Follow this procedure to start running the Load Status Monitor.
1. Select Start > All Programs > TMW Systems Inc > TMW Freight Board Load Status
Monitor. The FBI Load Status Monitor window appears.
Host Name and
Port Number
The host address and port number to which the Load Status
Monitor sends messages
Calculate Port
Normally, you will not change the Port Number. If needed, clear
this check box and enter a different port number in the Port
Number field.
Polling Interval
The number of seconds until the Load Status Monitor performs
the next polling of the database, to look for leg status changes
The default is 300 seconds (5 minutes), but can be changed.
Automatically Run
When Application
(Load Status Monitor)
To run the Load Status Monitor automatically when it is opened,
select this check box.
The database that the Load Status Monitor is watching
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
When the monitor runs, it will check your database for postings
that need cancel messages to be sent by Freight Board to your
vendors. The monitor should continually run on your server.
Save Date: 5/2017
Installing Freight Board Interface
Shows the current state of the monitor.
The Load Status Monitor is not polling the database.
The Load Status Monitor is polling the database.
Waiting for next interval
The Load Status Monitor is in between polling times.
2. If needed, click Run to start the Load Status Monitor program.
3. To have the monitor start each time your system starts, add the Load Status Monitor to your
system start up folder.
Note: This step is optional but recommended.
Accessing the Freight Board window
Once the interface is installed, it should be running in the background and the
Board icon appears in your taskbar.
If the Freight Board interface is not running in the background, you will receive an error
message similar to this when you try to access the Freight Board window:
Start it manually: Start >All Programs > TMW Systems Inc > TMW Freight Board Interface.
Use one of these methods to reach the Freight Board window:
Accessing the Freight Board window from Order Entry.
Accessing the Freight Board window from the Trip Folder.
Accessing the Freight Board window from the Planning Worksheet.
Accessing the Freight Board window from Order Entry
1. Using your normal procedure, log in to Order Entry.
2. Right-click in the order header section of the window.
3. In the shortcut menu, select Post Load.
The Freight Board window opens and shows the Create Postings tab.
Note: After accessing the interface for the first time, you must enter your vendor
communications information. See Setting connection defaults in the interface.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
Save Date: 5/2017
Installing Freight Board Interface
Accessing the Freight Board window from the Trip Folder
1. Using your normal procedure, log in to Dispatch and open the Trip Folder.
2. Right-click anywhere in the window.
A shortcut menu is displayed.
3. Select either of the following:
Post Load
 Post Truck
The Freight Board window opens and shows the Create Postings tab.
Note: After accessing the interface for the first time, you must enter your vendor
communications information. See Setting connection defaults in the interface.
Accessing the Freight Board window from the Planning Worksheet
1. Using your normal procedure, log in to Dispatch and open the Planning Worksheet.
The Dispatch window is displayed.
2. Right-click in the Available Trips grid.
3. In the shortcut menu, select Post Load.
The Freight Board window opens and shows the Create Postings tab.
Note: After accessing the interface for the first time, you must enter your vendor
communications information. See Setting connection defaults in the interface.
Setting up General Options for user workstations
Only a system administrator or Windows administrator can see the General Options tab in the
Freight Board window. This tab is not available to general workstation users.
The General Options tab contains check boxes for the Vendor Comm, Allow Picking Vendors,
and Auto Mode options. These relate to the options on the Setup Options window, although
they function differently:
Option changes made in the Setup Options window during installation apply to that one
Option changes made on the General Options tab are global, and apply to all installations
(server and workstations).
The check boxes on the Freight Board window's General Options tab will always show cleared.
This is the system-wide default for both the server and all workstations, regardless of what was
selected in the Setup Options window during each installation. The check boxes on the General
Options tab are used only after the installation to make a change to all of the installations. A
check mark in a check box indicates the option was applied after the installation.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
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Installing Freight Board Interface
There is one exception to having entries on the General Options tab affect all the installations. If
you override a default setting while installing Freight Board on an individual workstation, the
setting for that workstation will not be affected by a change on the General Options tab.
For example:
1. You override the Vendor Comm default setting when installing Freight Board on
Workstation 2. Workstation 2 is the only one on which you selected that option.
2. After installing Freight Board on the remaining workstations, you select the Vendor Comm
check box on the General Options tab. The option is activated and its check box is selected
on the General Options tab for all workstations except Workstation 2. This happens because
the other workstations were initially set up to use the system-wide default.
3. Later, you clear the Vendor Comm check box on the General Options tab. This action clears
the Vendor Comm check box on all workstations. Although the Vendor Comm check box
on Workstation 2 is cleared, Freight Board knows that it was selected during Workstation 2's
installation. It will continue to apply it for only Workstation 2.
To change an option, access the Freight Board window and select the General Options tab.
Vendor Comm
Enables vendor communications
Select this check box to allow users to interact with the loads they
are posting.
Note: Selecting this option affects all workstations that initially
used the system-wide default.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
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Installing Freight Board Interface
Allow Picking
Allows users to select multiple vendors to receive a posting
This option is applicable only when you subscribe to multiple load
board services and have the required licenses applied to your
TMWSuite database.
If you are licensed for only one vendor, leave the check box
If you are licensed for more than one load board vendor, and
want users to be able to post to more than one vendor, select the
check box. Doing so will make the Freight Boards button
available on the Create Postings tab for all workstations.
When a user clicks the button, a list of all vendors for which
you are licensed shows. The user can select which vendors are
to receive postings on a posting-by-posting basis.
Note: This check box relates to the Vendors Pick option in the
Setup Options window.
Auto Mode
Enables the automatic mode
In Auto Mode, load posting and cancelation processing are
performed only on the server where both Freight Board and Load
Status Monitor are installed.
Leave this check box cleared.
When a load or truck is selected to post, Freight Board will bypass the Create Postings tab, and send the posting directly to
the send queue. The posting would show on the View Postings
tab with Queued status.
Note: Only the Freight Board server installation should be set
to use Auto Mode.
If you plan to use Trailer Matching and Sub Account
information to pre-fill all the posting fields, and have no need to
review the data on the posting before it is submitted, select this
check box.
Note: A change made here affects all workstations. Discuss
your company's Trailer Matching needs with your TMW
Support Team before you activate this option for all users.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
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Installing Freight Board Interface
Allowing users to view/edit the interface setup
Only the Windows system administrator can see the Vendor Options, Contacts, and Company
Address tab. These tabs are used to enter and maintain vendor, contact, and company address
However, if you want your users to be able to view the tabs or change information they contain,
you can allow them access.
1. Select the General Options tab.
The General Options window is displayed.
2. Select the Allow Options Access check box.
The Vendor Options, Contacts, and Company Address tabs will be available for all users to
view and edit.
1. The Windows system administrator will always be able to see the three tabs.
2. The first time a TMWSuite system administrator accesses the Freight Board window, these
three tabs are not available. The system administrator must first post a load. The tabs are
visible from that time on.
3. Non-system administrator users will not have access to these three tabs unless the Allow
Options Access check box is selected.
Setting vendor connection defaults in the interface
For the initial installation, you must enter connection and account information for each freight
board service you will be using. This is the information you were asked to secure from your
licensed load board vendors in the Pre-installation check list. It is needed to perform the
following steps.
Note: When you do an upgrade installation, your vendor data is retained from the previous
version. It is recommended that you review all of your vendor information and make any
appropriate updates.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
Save Date: 5/2017
Installing Freight Board Interface
1. Using one of the methods described in Accessing the Freight Board window, access the
Freight Board window. The Create Postings tab is displayed.
2. Select the Vendor Options tab. Our example shows sample data.
3. Click the drop-down arrow for the Vendor Board field and select a freight board service to
set up. A check mark will show in the Enabled check box if you are licensed for that vendor.
Later, if you need to disable the interface for some reason, you can clear the check box.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
Save Date: 5/2017
Installing Freight Board Interface
4. Enter the connection information for each of your freight board service accounts. Entries are
required in all fields.
FTP address
FTP login
FTP password
Account number
Sub Account (if applicable for your vendor)
Note: Complete instructions are available in the Setting up the interfaces section in the Freight
Board window's help system.
Upgrading to a new version of Freight Board interface
TMW will continue to enhance the Freight Board interface.
Before you install a new version upgrade, uninstall the older version of Freight Board and the
Load Status Monitor. Use your Windows uninstall program function, or use the Remove option
in the installation .msi file to remove it.
Note: Rerunning the .msi file is the same as choosing the application from the Control Panel,
Add/Remove Programs list.
Uninstalling Freight Board
Follow this procedure to remove (uninstall) the Freight Board interface.
1. Using My Computer or Windows Explorer, find the folder where you saved the installation
2. Double-click the TMW Freight Board Interface for TMWSuite.msi file.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
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Installing Freight Board Interface
3. The system sees a prior version of the current Freight Board interface and will display this
Welcome dialog box.
Select the Remove TMW Freight Board Interface radio button and click Finish.
4. When the removal is complete, the Installation Complete dialog box appears.
Click Close.
Follow the steps in the Installing Freight Board section to install the newest Freight Board
upgrade version to your server and workstations.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
Save Date: 5/2017
Installing Freight Board Interface
Note: The first time you install the upgrade (usually on the server), complete the Setup Options
fields. Leave the fields blank when installing the application on additional machines that are
using the same database, and click Finish.
Uninstalling the Load Status Monitor
Follow this procedure to remove (uninstall) the Load Status Monitor.
1. Using My Computer or Windows Explorer, find the folder where you saved the installation
2. Double-click the TMW_Freight_Board_Load_Status_Monitor.msi file.
3. Follow the remaining steps in the Uninstalling Freight Board section.
Using the repair option
The repair option allows you to rerun the installation and, if needed, to:
Make setup field changes to the Vendor Comm, Auto Mode, Vendors Pick, and Older
Dispatch Compatibility check boxes.
Reinstall any program files that may have been damaged.
Repairing Freight Board
Follow this procedure to repair the Freight Board interface.
1. Using My Computer or Windows Explorer, find the folder where you saved the installation
2. Double-click the TMW Freight Board Interface for TMWSuite.msi file.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
Save Date: 5/2017
Installing Freight Board Interface
3. The system sees a prior version of the current Freight Board interface and will display this
Welcome dialog box.
Select the Repair TMW Freight Board Interface radio button and click Finish.
4. When the Setup Options dialog box appears, click Next.
5. During the Repair, the Installing dialog box's Please wait indicator shows the progress.
6. When the repair is complete, the Installation Complete dialog box appears. Click Close.
Repairing the Load Status Monitor
Follow this procedure to repair the Load Status Monitor.
1. Follow Steps 1 - 3 in the Uninstalling the Load Status Monitor section.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
Save Date: 5/2017
Installing Freight Board Interface
2. When the Welcome dialog box appears, select the Repair TMW Load Status Monitor radio
button, and then click Finish.
3. Follow the remaining steps in Repairing Freight Board.
Troubleshooting problems
If problems arise during or after the Freight Board and/or the Load Status Monitor installation,
the following information can help you identify the source of the problem.
Verify that Freight Board is running
During the installation, Freight Board is added to your system start up folder. Each time you
start your computer, Freight Board will run in the background. The
appears in your taskbar.
Freight Board icon
If it is not running, start it manually. Go to Start >All Programs > TMW Systems Inc > TMW
Freight Board Interface.
Verify you are connecting to the right database
Verify you have entered the correct SQL Server information. If Freight Board is running, you
can check the information on the application's About tab.
1. Right-click
Freight Board in your taskbar, and then select the Show option. The About
tab on the Freight Board window appears, and shows the values that it connected with
when it received its last posting message.
2. Verify that this data is correct:
The name of the server on which your TMW database and the Freight Board and Load
Status Monitor applications reside.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
Save Date: 5/2017
Installing Freight Board Interface
The name of the TMWSuite database with which you are using a freight board service
User ID
The system administrator login to the server.
1. Workstation users will not see the Database Connection values.
2. If you are using a version of Freight Board earlier than V3.98.51.64, and values do not
display for a system administrator, it means that no loads have been posted since you
started running this session of Freight Board. Consequently, there has been no connection to
the database. Once you post a load, the connection is made and the values will show.
Verify that Load Status Monitor is running and processing
In the Installing the Load Status Monitor section, it was suggested that after the installation was
completed, you add the Load Status Monitor to your system start up folder. If that was not
done, and the Load Status Monitor is not running on your server, see the Starting the Load
Status Monitor section.
If the Load Status Monitor is running, but is not processing cancelations, it may be because the
Freight Board interface was not installed in Auto Mode on the server. Uninstall and re-install
Freight Board on the server and make sure the Setup Options window's Auto Mode check box
is selected.
Verify entries are being made in the Load Status Monitor table
When the Load Status Monitor starts polling the database for loads to be canceled, it reads and
writes to table fbi_load_status_modified_queue. The queue holds trip segment status change
rows, and whether the cancel posting message for the trip has been accepted by the Freight
Board interface. If you experience problems with cancel messages not being sent to the load
board vendors, contact your Support Team for assistance.
Verify a vendor's ftp site
If you cannot connect to a vendor's site from Freight Board, go to the Vendor Options tab,
select the Vendor Board name, and copy the ftp address from the record. Then go to Internet
Explorer, paste the vendor's address and press Enter. If you receive an error message and still
cannot connect, contact the vendor to verify the site address.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
Save Date: 5/2017
Installing Freight Board Interface
System administrator does not see all tabs
After installing the software (the initial or upgrade installation), the first time the system
administrator accesses the Freight Board window, these tabs are not available:
Vendor Options
Company Addresses
The system administrator must post a load first. Then the three option tabs are available for
processing from that time on.
Change a system-wide default for a workstation
During installation, the system-wide defaults apply to all workstations. If a system default is
changed on the General Options tab, all workstations are changed.
If you need to change a system-wide setting for a specific workstation, you must uninstall and
then re-install the Freight Board software on that workstation. During the re-installation, you
will override the default setting so that it applies only to that workstation.
Installation guide
Freight Board Interface
Save Date: 5/2017