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Chapter 24: Digestive, Urinary, Nervous System
Digestive System:
1. Digestive System: Consists of the organs that break down food so
that it can be used by the body.
2. Digestion begins in the mouth.
3. The two types of digestion are: chemical and mechanical
4. The breaking, crushing, and mashing of food is mechanical digestion.
5. Large molecules being broken down into smaller ones by enzymes or
acid would be chemical digestion.
6. Chewing is important because: It makes the pieces smaller so they
are easier to swallow and digest
7. ___C____. Canines
___C____. Incisors
___B____. Molars
___A____. Premolars
A. Mashing
B. Grinding
C. Shredding
8. Saliva mixes with the food in the mouth and begins digestion
9. A long straight tube that leads from the throat to the stomach is the
10. After food leaves the esophagus it enters the stomach, where both
mechanical and chemical digestion occurs. The acid kills most of the
bacteria swallowed with the food.
11.The soupy mixture caused by the food, acid and enzymes is known as
12.Describe the jobs of each of the following:
a. Liver – Stores nutrients; makes bile; gets rid of toxins
b. Gallbladder – stores bile
c. Pancreas – makes the enzymes to protect the small intestine
13.What in the small intestine that absorbs the nutrients? Villi
14.Put the following steps in order:
a. The pancreas releases enzymes
b. Food moves down the esophagus
c. Nutrients are absorbed by the small intestine
d. Food is chewed by the teeth in the mouth
e. Food is reduced to chyme in the stomach
f. Water is absorbed by the large intestine
D, B, E, A, C, F
15.What is the difference between chemical and mechanical digestion?
Give an example of each?
Mechanical Digestion – Food is broken down through mashing
and crushing; Teeth
Chemical Digestion – Large molecules of food are being broken
down into smaller pieces using chemicals; saliva
16.What is the difference between your digestive system and digestive
Digestive System – All the organs that break down your food
Digestive Tract – Tubelike organs the food passes through
17.______Urinary System______: Contains the organs that remove
waste products from the blood.
18._Kidney_______ are a pair of organs that clean the blood
19.Nephrons are filters in the kidney that remove the waste from the
20.The waste is sent from the kidneys through the ureter to the bladder
to be stored until it leaves the body
21.When salts and waste build up in the kidneys they can cause kidney
22.A diuretic causes you to urinate more often and decreases the
amount of water in your blood.
23.The clean blood then goes into a vein and back to the body.
24.Functions of the different parts of the brain:
a. Cerebrum – Thinking and Memory; split into 2 hemispheres
b. Cerebellum – Keeps track of body position
c. Medulla – Responsible for involuntary processes.
25.Nerves: A collection of axons bundled together with blood vessels
and connective tissue
26.Vertebrae: Protect the spinal cord
27.The two types of neurons are sensory and motor neurons
28.Explain how a spinal cord injury could leave a person unable to move
his legs voluntarily.
a. The injury will block messages from being delivered
Salivary Glands
Small Intestine