Download to men turn, sometimes coarsely hairy by tubercle

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J . Th. Henrard, A Monograph of the genus Aristida.
to men turn, sometimes coarsely hairy by tubercle-based hairs, especially along the
margins and in the upper part, the margins mostly rather broad and more or less
hyaline and sometimes with a characteristic pubescence or finely ciliate there; in
much branched plants the sheaths more or less slipping from the stems, keeled below
and more or less open and rolled up at the summit, the lower ones falling off at
maturity and most of the lower internodes thus naked, the lowermost sheaths not
rarely reduced to scales with very short or wanting blades, the scales mostly pale
and shining or sometimes more or less lanate with a fugaceous wool; internodes
very different in length, mostly about equal with exception of the uppermost one
which is the peduncle of the inflorescence, in some species the internodes alternately
very long and very short, thus bringing the leaves approximately in pairs, the culms
sometimes but few-noded and the nodes placed together at the base of the stems
in which case the sheaths and blades are not rarely very long, forming groups of
aggregated blades, the culms sometimes without a node, in reality 1-noded, the node
placed at the very base of the culm, the leaves in that case quite basal; ligules nearly
always a very short ciliate rim, sometimes with longer hairs and ciliate, the auricles
thickened or not, nearly glabrous or mostly densely pubescent, in different species
with long, white, spreading hairs or bearded laterally with a tuft of spreading or
rellexed hairs, sometimes with a villous or distinctly pubescent line across the collar
of the sheath or with a very short membrane as a so-called ligula externa, the
auricles of the leaves of the innovations mostly long-bearbed even if those of
the culm-leaves are ciliate only; blades different in form and length, sometimes quite
flat and up to 5 mm. broad, or rarely 9 mm. broad, nearly always with a xerophytic
structure, sometimes flat only at the very base, soon becoming involute or convo­
lute, or convolute throughout, sometimes very rigid and almost junciform, ending
in a long setaceous point, not rarely very acute and pungent, the blades erect and
adpressed or divaricately spreading, sometimes very short and spine-like, sometimes
extraordinarily long, mostly shorter than the culms but in some species much
overtopping the panicles, lower surface of the blades striate, glabrous or scaberulous, the upper surface scabrous or hirtellous or densely pubescent and sometimes
lanate on both surfaces, few- to many-nerved, the nerves prominent, the midnerve not
or sometimes much thickened, the marginal nerves not rarely different from the other
ones and very thick, forming bands of sclerenchyma with scabrous margins; panicles
exserted or more or less sheathed by the uppermost leaf, the peduncle sometimes very
short, glabrous or scabrous, very different in form and outline, sometimes much reduced
and consisting only of a few spikelets, commonly more compound with numerous
flowers, dense and spike-like, more or less interrupted at the base, the branches
spikelet-bearing to the base, sometimes interrupted all over, or very lax and open,
the branches erect or ascending or divaricately spreading, sometimes rellexed or
drooping, more or less naked at the base, sometimes naked over a very long
distance, the axis of the panicle terete or angulous, sometimes triquetrous, glabrous
to very scabrous sometimes with long hairs here and there, branches nearly always