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The lip bumper is a removable appliance that attaches to molar bands (braces) which are
cemented to your back teeth. It is used primarily on the lower arch.
The Lip Bumper utilizes the gentle yet continuous forces of the lip muscles to push
back and hold back the molar teeth it is attached to. The appliance also keeps the lips
and cheeks away from the teeth allowing the tongue to naturally expand the lower arch.
These actions help provide the necessary space for the eruption and proper alignment of
the permanent teeth.
For maximum results the Lip Bumper is worn 24 hours per day, including
overnight and when eating. We tie in the Lip bumper to keep it from coming out.
To keep it clean, brush around the bands and the lip bumper with a toothbrush and
toothpaste when you brush your teeth. Be sure to brush all around the appliance
When you first get your Lip Bumper your lower lip may protrude out. The protrusion will
diminish once your lip gets used to the appliance. You may also notice more saliva in
your mouth for the first few days. That too will go away!
Your speech may be affected for the first few days. Practice talking a lot and you will get
used to it in no time.
Some sores may develop on the inside of your cheeks from time to time. Try to keep
them clean using a mouth rinse such as PEROXYL. You can buy Peroxyl at the drug
store. You may also want to buy some ORABASE B to help keep the sores from hurting
and to help them heal. If the sores persist please contact our office.
Always check to make sure the bands around the molars are not loose. If a band comes
loose, contact our office immediately. Do not try to wear the lip bumper with a loose
Finally, there is a charge to replace a lost Lip Bumper, so be careful! Remember your
cooperation in wearing and caring for the Lip Bumper as prescribed is a major
factor in your successful treatment!