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Study Plan
E-Business and
University College Compulsory Courses (27 Credit hours):
Course Title
ENG101 English for Business I
ENG102 English for Business II
HIS100 History of Bahrain
COM101 Introduction to Information technology
BUS101 Business Communication Skills
BUS102 Business Ethics
ARB101 Arabic
HMR300 Human Rights
Islamic Culture
Total Credit Hours
s 3
University College Elective Courses (6 Credit hours*):
Course Title
Credit Prerequisites
BUS103 Business History
BUS201 Research Methodology
BUS202 Commercial Law
ECO103 Economic Development of the Arab World
PIS100 Introduction
to Political Sciences
Total Credit Hours
*Students should select only two courses from the University College Elective courses
Business College Courses:
The required Business College courses are described below of 30 credit hours which are
compulsory courses. Business College Compulsory Courses (30 Credit Hours):
Course Title
ACC111 Principles of Accounting I
MAT101 Business Mathematics
STA101 Business Statistics
ECO101 Microeconomics
LOG101 Introduction to Logistics
MGT101 Principles of Management
FIN210 Principles of Finance
ECO211 Macroeconomics
MKT212 Principles of Marketing
MIS240 Management Information Systems
Total Credit Hours
Concentration Courses:
TAGUCB offers eight concentrations in the BBA program. The required courses for each
concentration are described below in which 51 credit hours are concentration compulsory
courses and 12 credit hours are concentration elective courses for each of the International
Accounting, Management, Logistics, Islamic Banking and Finance, Banking and Finance,
E-Business and Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Human Resources.
E-Business and Entrepreneurial Compulsory Courses (51 Credit Hours):
Course Title
EBE210 Entrepreneurship Essentials
EBE220 Digital Design and Development
Integrated Marketing Communication
and Internet
EBE310 New Venture Creation
EBE320 Database Design and Development
EBE321 Internet and Web Technology
EBE340 Managing Change and Innovation
EBE420 Networks Management
EBE440 Leadership in Global Digital World
10. EBE450 Venture Growth Strategies
11. EBE499 Field Training
Finish 90 CH
12. LOG221 Supply Chain Management
13. MGT210 Human Resources Management
14. MGT310 Organizational Behavior
15. MGT333 Knowledge Management
16. MGT443 Strategic Management
Total Credit Hours
E-Business and Entrepreneurial Elective Courses (12 credit hours)*
ACC112 Principles of Accounting II
BAF220 Financial Management I
LOG232 Operations Management
MGT324 Negotiation Skills and Contracting
MGT334 Customer Relationship Management
MGT413 Project Management
MGT444 International Business
MKT213 Marketing Management
Total Credit Hours
*Students should select only four courses from the concentration Elective courses
Course Title
Total Credit Hours for E-Business and Entrepreneurial Concentration:
Credit Hours Requirements
Credit Hours
University College Requirements
33 Credit Hours
Business College Requirements
30 Credit Hours
Concentration Requirements
51 Credit Hours
Concentration Elective Courses
12 Credit Hours
126 Credit Hours
Total Credit Hours for Human Resource Program
Courses Description for
Bachelor of Business Administration Curriculum
E-Business & Entrepreneurial Concentration
English Foundation Course
This course will focus on preparing students for a career in business or supporting those who are already
working but want to improve their English communication skills. The emphasis is on using stimulating
recent ideas from the world of business with a strongly task-based approach. Throughout the course,
students will be encouraged to use their own experience and opinions in order to maximize involvement
and learning. The students are encouraged to develop their reading, speaking and listening, and writing
skills within the business context.
University College Compulsory courses:
English for Business I (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: None
This course is intended to develop students’ skills and ability to understand and use
business terminologies and comprehensively read business based documents. The
texts provide a context for the language work and develop students’ spoken and
written communication skills in the key business areas such as: networking,
telephoning, negotiation, problem-solving and meetings.
English for Business II (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (ENG101)
The main focus of the course is to develop further the skills in reading, writing,
speaking and listening within the business context, for instance, Finance and
Banking, Consulting and Strategy to mention a few. The course will also cover
vocabulary development activities, review of Business grammar and a case study for
students to practice language they have worked on during each unit.
History of Bahrain (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: None
The course focuses on the importance of the geographical locations in Bahrain
connected to the history of Bahrain during the period from 1600 until the know with
constable of the kingdom of Bahrain. The concentration will focus on Al Utubs and
the rise of Zubra at beginning of Al Khalifa ruling of Bahrain relationship with
neighbors and foreign power British protectorate, independence and building
Bahrain progress and modernization.
Introduction to information technology (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: None
This course presents the most up-to-date technologies in an ever changing discipline.
It promotes an in-depth understanding of why computers are essential components
in business and society, and key concepts of computer information systems. During
the course, students will be prepared to work with computers in a business context.
Arabic (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: None
This course focuses on the basics of the Arabic language in terms of grammar,
construction of sentences, and reading. It helps students to appreciate the modulation
of aesthetic value by semantic context: poetry and prose.
Business Communication Skills (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (ENG102)
Developing business communication skills is essential to building cohesive and
effective teams, and if you know how to communicate well in your workplace you
can minimize the risk of industrial problems to your business. This course focuses
on providing students with the skills to connect with others and write various kinds
of business documents.
Business Ethics (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: None
In today’s world, the public awareness of the importance of doing business ethically
has been increased. This is why, this course generates greater awareness amongst
students of business ethics so they can help organizations to strengthen their ethic
culture and encourage standards of business behavior based on ethical values.
Human Rights (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: None
The course adopts a holistic approach to learning international human rights law,
beginning from its normative foundations and emergence as a distinct field of
international law to its modern-day status and challenges for the future. Given the
introductory nature of this course, emphasis is placed throughout on idealism as well
as realism, including an understanding of how international and domestic politics
have influenced and continue to influence the field of international human rights law.
On the normative side, participants will analyze the merits and shortcomings of
classifying human rights under different labels and its effects on human rights
Islamic Culture (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: None
This course examines a variety of concepts and themes on the topic of Islamic
culture. It covers a variety of topics: study of the Qur’an and Hadith from the Arabic
texts, the contrasting views of classical and modern Islamic scholars, and
understanding of Islam and its impact on cultural aspects in Islamic societies.
University College Elective courses:
Business History (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: None
Business history provides a unique resource to enable students learn from the past
through rich evidence on the key issues faced by the world today. This course is
intended to focus on the history of the world business and economic by examining
an interaction of a series of historical events with the evolution of economic ideas.
Research Methodology (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: None
This course will provide an opportunity for students to establish or advance their
understanding of research through critical exploration of research language, ethics,
and approaches. The course introduces the language of research, ethical principles
and challenges, and the elements of the research process within quantitative,
qualitative, and mixed methods approaches. Students will use these theoretical
underpinnings to begin to critically review literature relevant to their field or
interests and determine how research findings are useful in informing their
understanding of their environment (work, social, local, global).
Commercial Law (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: None
This course introduces commercial law fundamentals, relevant to business
professions. The student will be introduced to the legal system including the roles of
the Constitution, parliaments and courts. An introduction to the basic rules of
commercial law including breach of contract, the tort of negligence, liability for
unsafe products, misleading conduct and unconscionable conduct.
Economic Development of the Arab World (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: None
Traditional and expanded areas, such as tourism, logistics, trade, retailing, finance
and shipping, are starting to interweave with the economic development of the Arab
World. Because of the strategic geographical location of the Arabic countries, they
serve as a hub for commerce and it is increasingly they are serving as a higher
education hub.
Introduction to Political Sciences (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: None
This course gives a broad overview of the academic analysis of politics. It introduces
students to the study of politics through discussion of the main issues and theoretical
perspectives. The course covers the core concepts used by political scientists and
political theorists. It also encourages students to link their own experiences of
politics to the ways in which the subject is studied.
Business College Compulsory courses:
Principles of Accounting I (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: None
The course covers the conceptual foundation of accounting, the accounting cycle for
service and merchandising enterprises, the preparation of income statement and
related information and the balance sheet, basics of accounting information systems,
introduction to the conceptual framework for the preparation and presentation of
financial statements, and valuation and reporting of selected items reported in the
balance sheet, such as cash, receivables and inventories.
Business Mathematics (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: None
This course provides students with the mathematical skills needed to perform
business operations, as well as focusing on conceptual understanding and problem
solving. Topics covered include ratio, markup and markdown, break-even analysis
and cash discount.
Business Statistics (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: None
This course introduces students to statistical methods of collection, analysis, and
presentation of quantitative data. Emphasis will be on the use of both descriptive and
inferential statistical techniques within the workplace. Topics covered include
descriptive statistics, probability, normal and binomial distributions, hypothesis
testing, confidence intervals, correlation and regression.
Microeconomics (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: None
Microeconomics is concerned with the behavior of the individual economic agents
such as consumers, households and firms. The course introduces students to the
analytical tools and techniques used to better understand how economic agents
interact and how markets function. Topics include resource allocation, price
mechanism, supply and demand analysis, various elasticity concepts and
applications, market structures, factor markets, income distribution, and government
Introduction to Logistics (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: None
This course sets out to provide an understanding of how logistics could fit into an
organization. It defines the concept supply chain and how it relates to logistics. The
relation between marketing and logistics will also be considered. It provides an
introduction to a wide range of logistics activities such as materials handling,
purchasing, storage, inventory and forecasting, transport systems and distribution
systems. It also provides an understanding of the role of information technology in
improving the efficiency of logistics operations. An overview of some contemporary
topic in logistics such as third-party logistics providers reverse logistics will be
Principles of Management (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: None
This is an introductory course designed to provide an overview of managerial roles
and functions such as planning, organizing, staffing, controlling, and leading in
business enterprise; it reviews the scope of management thoughts and processes that
lead to organizational effectiveness.
Principles of Finance (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (MAT101)
This course develops the necessary tools for the analysis of financial and strategic
decisions undertaken by corporations. The course examines financial markets and
institutions, studies alternative investments for inclusion in a portfolio, and explores
financial management techniques.
Macroeconomics (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (ECO101)
This course builds on the principles of microeconomics and examines the overall
behavior of the economy. Whereas microeconomics focuses on individual economic
agents, macroeconomics deals with broad economic aggregates such as national
income, employment and the overall price level. Topics covered include monetary
and fiscal policy, inflation, unemployment, economic growth, international trade and
the balance of payments.
Principles of Marketing (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: None
This course provides the students with an understanding of the theory and
application of marketing fundamentals and marketing management concepts. Topics
covered may include developing marketing strategies and plans, creating customer
value, satisfaction, and loyalty, creating brand equity, setting product strategy,
dealing with competition, and identifying market segments and targets.
Management Information Systems (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (COM101)
This course is designed to provide the students with an introduction to
information systems. It includes a discussion of the fundamental principles,
generalizations, and theories of information systems. Students will learn about
varied areas of information systems including databases, software and hardware,
telecommunications, and information security. What information systems are and
how there are developed is part of this course. Much of the course explores the role
of information systems in business and how information technologies are changing
the way a firm competes in the modern world.
E-Business and Entrepreneurship Compulsory Courses
Entrepreneurship Essentials (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (MGT210)
This course will provide students with an understanding of all the issues encountered
by entrepreneurs in practice while framing these issues theoretically.
Digital Design and Development (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (COM101)
This module explores how rapidly evolving and ubiquitous technologies are
enabling organizations to deal with traditional issues surrounding customer
attraction, acquisition and retention using contemporary digital strategies. Students
will undoubtedly be familiar with many of the technologies that are used by
organizations for advertising their goods/services be it via email, search engines or
social media. This module aims to build on students’ existing awareness by
highlighting, amongst other things, how the decision to engage in digital marketing
is made, how this is aligned with the broader organizational and marketing strategies,
as well as the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are used to determine the
success, or otherwise, of digital marketing. The module also aims to encourage
students to be able to evaluate the various digital marketing channels available to
organizations, as well as to formulate a digital marketing strategy.
Integrated Market Communication and Internet (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (MKT212)
This course focuses on the latest marketing communication practices, known as
integrated marketing communications (IMC), featuring an overview of the major
media, including broadcast, print, outdoor, point of purchase, direct mail, Internet,
telemarketing, public relations, promotion, and more. The emphasis is on how to
analyze and create an IMC program by using the latest value-based marketing
concepts and measuring "return on communications investment." Through
individual analysis and discussion of case studies, students learn how to apply core
marketing principles by using the latest IMC methods and communications tools.
New Venture Creation (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (MKT212)
This class is to get you comfortable building and evaluating new product and
business opportunities as both an entrepreneur and an operator within an established
company. This course treats Entrepreneurship as a form of Strategy. Regardless of
the type of company you will work in, in the 21st century it is critical to have
experience with entrepreneurship. At the end of this course, you will be able to
evaluate business opportunities as both an entrepreneur and an investor, within startups and established companies.
Database Design and Development (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (MIS240)
This course uses the latest database tools and techniques for persistent data and
object modeling and management. Students gain general hands-on experience with
exercises and a term project using various Database Servers, and other leading
database management systems. Students learn to model persistent data using the
standard Entity-Relationship model (ERM) and how to diagram those models using
Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs), Extended Entity-Relationship Diagrams
(EERDs), and UML diagrams.
Internet and Web Technologies (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (EBE220)
This course is intended to teach the basics involved in publishing content on the
World Wide Web. This includes the ‘language of the Web’ – HTML, the
fundamentals of how the Internet and the Web function, a basic understanding of
graphic production with a specific stress on creating graphics for the Web, and a
general grounding introduction to more advanced topics such as programming and
scripting. This class will also expose students to the basic tools and applications used
in Web publishing.
Managing Change and Innovation (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (MGT310)
This course provides students with principles for understanding, diagnosing and
implementing organizational change and innovation. This includes examination of
change agent abilities, the context, the process and the implementation choices of
change. The course also examines the strategic role of leadership and Human
Resource Management in creating climates of creativity suitable for the
implementation of change and innovation strategies.
Networks Management (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (EBE210)
This course introduces the student into the principles and concepts of network
management, with an emphasis on the “why”, not just the “how”. The course will
start out with presenting the “big picture”. This includes an overview of business
drivers and context in which network management technology is applied, as well as
a discussion of the general network management paradigms, including management
architectures, management functions, and foundational management algorithms. As
the course progresses, we will dive into more technical details such as management
protocols, interfaces, and data models, showing how the general concepts are
reflected in current management technology and in turn how that technology can be
applied to solve real business problems. We will also touch on the related subject
on SDN (Software Defined Networking) and explain how management concepts
apply there.
Leadership in Global Digital World (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (ECO211)
Examines digital and online efforts of community organizations to build community
leadership and civic engagement. Focus on how technological applications may
provide more effective and efficient pathways for community organizations to
communicate with their stakeholders and reach their strategic goals including the use
of social media. This course responds to new demands for innovations in nonprofit
organizations to manage communications’ efforts in a digital world. Nonprofits are
responding to a real demand for improved and increased communication in a more
efficient but also effective way. Some are embracing these new technologies while
others struggle with the challenges of technological capacity and organizational
Venture Growth Strategies (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (EBE210)
Rapid growth in small firms creates problems that can lead to poor performance and
business failure. This course traverses key topics in entrepreneurial management
such as intellectual property rights, opportunity assessment, timing, and organization
design with the purpose of identifying and managing the small firm growth problem.
This class is for students who are contemplating starting a business alone or with
others, or for students who plan to seek employment in a small to mid-size businesses
following graduation. Growth issues are studied through lectures by the professor
and industry experts, as well as case analysis and class discussion.
Field Training (6 Credit Hours)
Pre-requisite: Finish 90 CH, departmental Consent, and GPA of 2.
Filed Training is a mutual agreement between both a student and an organization to
gain a unique and practical real work experience. The employer agrees to offer
tangible duties and the student agrees to fulfill the duties to the best of their ability.
The field training may be paid or unpaid and can last 15 weeks over the same
semester of enrollment. This is typically part-time employment over the course of
10-15 hour work week (a minimum of 120 hours per semester). Academic work
generally includes, but is not limited to, one 18-20 pages paper or as directed by the
instructor before the enrollment period. In most cases the paper will be a blend of on
the job learning and reflective writing. Consultation with the instructor is strongly
advised before accepting an internship position.
Supply Chain Management (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (LOG101)
This course outlines the essential concepts to understand the different types of supply
chains. It discusses how different supply chains can be designed for different
products. Importantly, lean, agile and leagile supply chains will be studied as to
understand creating a responsive supply chain. The subject of supplying chain
postponement and speculation will be considered. The supply chain coordination
and its importance in increasing the visibility across the supply chain will also be
one of the main themes in this course. Managing risk in the supply chain and creating
resilience supply chain including the risk of off-shore sourcing will be studied.
Human Resources Management (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (MGT101)
This course introduces the diverse components of the human resource function and
its role in the current business environment. Topics include human resource
planning, staffing, training and development, implementing effective personnel
programs, compensation and benefits, and performance appraisal program; and deal
with government regulations.
Organizational Behavior (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (MGT101)
This course is an examination of the impact that individuals and groups have on
behavior within organizations and how their behavior affect organization’s
performance. Organizational behavior includes the core topics of motivation, and
leader behavior and power, interpersonal communication, group structure and
process, learning, attitude development and perception, change processes, conflict,
work design, and work stress.
Knowledge Management (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (MIS240)
The Internet has revolutionized how firms communicate and conduct business. In
this course, students gain an overview of developing effective knowledge
management internally as well as through external interaction. In order to exploit the
potential of the 'knowledge base' and aid the development of business, firms need to
engage with specialist of knowledge management practices.
Strategic Management (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (MGT101)
This is a capstone course integrating all aspects of the business and provides students
with a range of strategic frameworks concepts and tools. Through the analysis of
strategic management concepts and case studies, students are challenged to analyze
complex business situations, develop and evaluate alternatives and recommend
course of action. The fundamental objective of the course is for students to develop
the skills to be effective global manager.
E-Business and Entrepreneurship Courses (Select 12 Credits Hours)
Principles of Accounting II (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (ACC111)
This course is a continuation of ACC 101 in order to further students’ understanding
of the basic accounting principles and concepts. The course covers long-term
operational assets and related depreciation considerations, the valuation and
reporting of long-term liability items with a focus on bonds payable and long-term
notes payable, and investments in other companies’ securities. Moreover, the course
covers corporation accounting, the statement of cash flows, basic financial statement
analysis, basic concepts and applications related to managerial and cost accounting,
such as general introduction to cost terms, and a brief overview of cost-volumeprofit analysis, budgeting and costing methods.
Financial Management I (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (FIN211)
Functions of finance, legal and tax environments, role of financial markets,
compound interest and present value, theory of financial valuation, basics of capital
budgeting, financial analysis and planning, working capital management, short-term
Operations Management (3 Credit Hours)
Pre-requisite: (LOG221)
This course is designed to introduce the students to the concepts, principles and
practices in the field of operations management and its relationships with other
functions in an organization. In addition, this course attempts to provide techniques
required for the effective management of operations in both service and
manufacturing organizations. Students will have substantial benefit from
understanding the role of operations management in organizations.
MGT 324
Negotiation Skills and Contracting (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (MGT101)
This course is designed to focus on negotiations in a variety of business settings.
Negotiations could involve individuals, groups, and firms as represented by either
of the former categories. By providing important terms, concepts, and jargon tips
and tactics for conducting successful negotiations, this course offers a practical
understanding of conflict resolution and negotiations in today’s competitive work
Customer Relationship Management (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (MKT212)
This course defines CRM as the core business strategy that integrates internal
processes and functions and external networks to create and deliver value to targeted
customers at a profit. This course also provides students with a working knowledge
of the principles and best practices for managing customer relationships that result
in unwanted testimonials and relationship allowances. Students learn how to
quantify customer orientation and how to develop relationship-driven customer
management systems based on the sensible use of assets that comes from a
conclusive strategic plan. Topics include customer profiling, market segmentation,
customer service, retention, relational databases, and CRM software.
Project Management (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (MGT211)
This course provides an unbiased methodology for planning and undertaking the
necessary activities to implement a strategic initiative. Using industry standard tools,
the students will learn to identify and manage project tasks; estimate time and cost,
and analyze the project network.
International Business (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (MGT101)
This course is a theoretical and practical introduction to the issues, opportunities,
and complexities associated with doing business internationally. Topics covered are
foreign direct investment, international trade, firm and country competitiveness,
regional trade associations, international institutions, managerial functions in an
international context, organizational and national cultures, and global marketing and
financial management.
MKT 213
Marketing Management (3 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: (MKT212)
Elements of marketing management: the marketing system and the marketing
environment, analysis of the consumer and industrial markets, marketing research
and marketing information systems, market segmentation. The marketing mix:
product decisions, pricing decisions, distribution decisions and promotion decisions,
international marketing, marketing in non-profit organizations