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Alexander the Great Video Notes
1. Alexander believed that he was protected by the god ___________.
2. Alexander was the son of Warrior King Philip of ______________.
3. Alexander’s father taught him that __________ were as important
as brawn.
4. Alexander was tutored by the Greek Philosopher ______________.
5. The epic The _____________ inspired Alexander the Great.
6. Alexander’s hero from Greek mythology was ________________.
7. Alexander was ____ years old when his father dies and is given the
crown of Macedonia.
8. Alexander’s first conquest was taking control of __________ in
9. Alexander unites ____________ to fight against the _________.
10. Alexander takes the _____________ from the tomb of Achilles for
good luck.
11. ________________ is the king of Persia who gathers troops
numbering ______________ to fight against Alexander’s troops.
12.When Alexander is ____ years old he has chased the Persian army
out of the Mediterranean area.
13.In 331 B.C. Alexander is crowned ____________ of Egypt.
14.Alexander builds the great city next to the Nile River called
_____________________, which is a miniature Greece, and
builds another ______ just like it throughout his empire.
15. In the Battle of Gaugamela the Persians have ___________ men
and Alexander has ____________ men.
16.King _____________ flees the battle and Alexander takes control
of the Persian capital at Persepolis and takes ____ billion dollars
worth of gold.
17. Alexander the Great became the _____________ man in history.
18. Alexander’s final revenge against Persia was to ________
19. Alexander’s troops refused to conquer India because of the
20.While Alexander’s troops were plotting to expand the empire west, he
died of a common disease called _________________.
21. Who did Alexander leave the empire to? ___________________
22. At the end of his life Alexander the Great had conquered
____________square miles, had marched _____________ miles,
and never lost a __________.
23. What happened to Alexander’s empire after he died?