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tiny, very small
 a tiny world in comparison to a larger world
 a tiny world in comparison to a larger world
 a device used to heat items in small amounts
of time
 a device used to heat items in small amounts
of time
 a tiny piece of a computer that holds the memory; a
tiny piece of meal that has a memory and can be
safely inserted into a pet for identification
 a tiny piece of a computer that holds the memory; a
tiny piece of meal that has a memory and can be
safely inserted into a pet for identification
 a tool that makes tiny objects appear
much larger for close analysis
 a tool that makes tiny objects appear
much larger for close analysis
 the study of the smallest forms of life
such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses
 the study of the smallest forms of life
such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses
 a device that converts small sounds into
louder ones
 a device that converts small sounds into
louder ones
 a material on which written forms are
produced in tiny format for easier storage
 a material on which written forms are
produced in tiny format for easier storage
 describes something that is too tiny to
see with the bare eye
 describes something that is too tiny to
see with the bare eye