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Who Is the Beast? History Reveals Mystery
Part 1: The Sea Beast
The full lesson is available at
A land beast: Hazon 13:1.
A sea beast: Hazon 13:11.
These beasts have been an enigma for centuries. Who are they? Are they coming or have they
come and gone? There is more than one answer! But when understood in the context of
history, the identities of the two beasts and their heads and horns are quite certain.
A vile woman: Hazon 17:3, 18.
A drunken woman: Hazon 17:6.
Dan’s beasts repeated: Hazon 13:2. Daniel 7:3ff., 7:17ff.
Beast 1 Babylon: Lion / Eagle / Man; King Nebuchadnezzar.
Beast 2 Media: Bear; King Astyages (or Darius).
Beast 3 Persia: Leopard with wings and heads; King Cyrus.
Beast 4 Macedonia: Iron teeth, ten horns; King Alexander the Great.
The Roman Empire is never foreseen in Daniel; many popular prophecy teachers mistake beast 4 for Rome.
The Roman Republic
Seven hills & kings: Hazon 17:9, 10. five of whom have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come, and when he
comes he must remain only a little while. (This tells us the date of the composition.)
Rome was a republic up until after the reign of Gaius Julius Caesar (100-44 B.C.). (The United States is also a
Republic: A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for
officers and representatives responsible to them.
Empire: A political unit having an extensive territory or comprising a number of territories or nations and ruled
by a single supreme authority.
The Seven Heads / Kings
Head #1: Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus “Augustus” (reigned 27 BC - AD 14) Augustus may have been
poisoned or smothered by a family member.
Head #2: “Tiberius” Claudius Nero Caesar Augustus (AD 14 - 37) was “son-in-law of Augustus who became a
suspicious tyrannical Emperor of Rome after a brilliant military career.”
Head #3: Gaius Claudius Caesar Germanicus “Caligula,” adopted son of Tiberius (reigned 37 - 41). Caligula
ordered his statue to be set up and worshiped in the Jerusalem Temple.
Hazon 13: 4-6. Worship of the Beast “The Beast” Part 1 Page 1
Head #4: Tiberius “Claudius” Drusus Nero Germanicus (41 - 54): “He succeeded Caligula. Though in general he
treated the Jews, especially those in Asia and Egypt, with great indulgence, yet about the middle of his reign
(A.D. 49) he banished them all from Rome (Acts 18:2). In this edict the Christians were included, as being, as was
supposed, a sect of Jews.
Claudius mentioned: Acts 11:28., Acts 18:2.
Head #5: “Nero”: “He became emperor of Rome when he was about seventeen
years of age (A.D. 54), and soon began to exhibit the character of a cruel tyrant and
heathen debauchee. In May A.D. 64, a terrible conflagration broke out in Rome,
which raged for six days and seven nights, and totally destroyed a great part of the
city. The guilt of this fire was attached to him at the time, and the general verdict of
history accuses him of the crime.”
The Beast vs. the Vile Woman: Hazon 17:16.
The Beast vs. the Zadokites: Hazon 13:7-9.
The Beast is healed: Hazon 13:3.
Head #6: Titus Flavius Sabinus “Vespasianus” (69 - 79) Vespasian was a military general
sent by Nero to quell the Jewish revolt (67 – 70).
Hazon 17:10. “One is.”
Head #7: “Titus” Flavius Vespasianus Augustus (79 - 81) (Hazon 17:10 - "to remain a little while")
was one of the sons of Vespasian and fought under his father in Israel.
Head #8? Titus Flavius “Domitianus” (81-96) “Emperor of Rome; son of Vespasian who
succeeded his brother Titus; instigated a reign of terror and was assassinated as a tyrant.
The EIGHT: Hazon 17:11. The angel identifies Domitian as the prototype . . . How takes a mind
of wisdom.
Wisdom: Hazon 13:18.
Everyone knows that the mark of the beast is 666, and this will be made clear in the next
installment. But Domitianus in an eight – an ancient number trick used to identify him that you
can try today. Here’s how you can prove your wisdom. 1. Add all the numbers from 1 to 8. (1 + 2
+ 3 .. 8, etc.) 2. Add all the numbers in the sum you got in #1. (again, 1 + 2 + 3 .. ??).
3. What is an eighth equivalent to? “The Beast” Part 1 Page 2