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United States presidential election, 1980 wikipedia , lookup

History of the United States (1964–80) wikipedia , lookup

History of the United States (1980–91) wikipedia , lookup

Presidency of Jimmy Carter
Elected in 1976
Defeats Gerald Ford
Took over after Nixon resigned
Carter was seen as a fresh start for US
Huge domestic economic troubles
Gas/oil, OPEC (organization of Petroleum Export Countries)
Stagnant job market
US is losing influence overseas
Panama Canal
Carter administration tried to correct the injustice of previous treaty
New treaty was ratified by senate in 1978
Turned over control gradually from US to Panama
Aimed to be completed by 2000
Camp David Accords 1978
One of carter’s greatest achievements
Arranged peace settlement with Egypt and Israel
Concluded in 1979
Egypt became first Arab nation to recognize Israel
Anwar Sadat
President of Egypt
Assassinated months after he signed treaty
Sinai Territory/Six Day War
PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)
Iranian Hostage Crisis
Islamic fundamentalists overthrew the shah dictorial gov’t in Iran
Shah = King
Stopped oil production to the west
Led to second international oil shortage in that decade
Iranian military captured US embassy in Teheran
52 hostages held for 444 days
Carter agreed to unsuccessful rescue mission months later
Became a symbol of carters presidency
Showed US weakness
Ayatollah Khomeini
Religious leaders of Iran
Have veto power over gov’t
Have veto over who can run for election
Republican guard
Elite portion of military
Control major industries in Iran
US Embassy Teheran
Military Action
Eased tensions between US and USSR
Limited size of nuclear delivery system of each country
Never ratified by congress
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
Oil Crisis
US support for Israel
Oil exporting nations cut oil (OPEC)
Another oil crisis after Iranian revolution
Immigration 1965-1980s
Immigration Act 1965
Ended ethnic quotas of 1920’s
Better chance of getting in if family lives in US or you have skills
Immigration Reform and Control Act 1986
1970’s – 12 million illegal immigrants in US
Act punished employers for hiring illegal immigrants
Pardoned those here before 1982
Cesar Chavez/United Farm Workers Organization
Chavez was head of UFWO
1975 – organization gained bargaining rights
Ended exploitation of Mexican labor
American Indian Movement (AIM)
Founded in 1968
To achieve determination and self revival of tribes
More militant than other groups
Alcatraz Island 1969
Occupied Alcatraz
Native Americans seized it from fed gov’t
Stay there for 19 months
Wounded Knee 1973
South Dakota
It was the sight of native American massacre by US Calvary in 1890
Wounded Knee Massacre/Ghost Dance
Occupied space to bring back tribal traditions
Indian Self-Determination Act of 1975
Gave reservations and tribes control of their own gov’t
Tribes are sovereign nations
Can have their own legal systems
A member of tribe cannot be prosecuted by the outside
Allows them to open casinos
They don’t have to respond to US gaming laws
Asian Americans
Yellow Power
The presidencies of Nixon and Ford
Evidence of steady shift to right
More conservative political ideas
Religious fundamentalism
Pro- Military
Scaling back on public programs (New Deal/ Great Society)
Barry Goldwater
Runs against LBJ in 64
God father of modern conservative movement
Hilary Clinton volunteer
Religious Fundamentalism
Taking the Bible literally
Opposed abortion
Opposed Gay Liberation movement
Opposed Affirmative action
When colleges accept a certain number of students based on race
Reduced gun control
Pat Robertson, Oral Roberts
60 to 100 mil viewers
Made religion into an instrument of politics
Moral Majority
Group founded by evangelical Christians
Finance campaigns to unseat liberal members of congress
Wanted Bible teachings and creationism to go back to schools
Against secular humanism
Secular-Non religious
Humanity can exist in a secular nature (Atheist)
Sagebrush Revolution
Conservative movement that starts in West
Backlash against environmental protection
Lower taxation
Immigration control
Gives power to Reagan administration
Reverse Discrimination
Affirmative action to ensure under privileged minorities and woman got education, jobs,
promotion, and housing
White male were suffering years of recession and stagflation
Blamed problems on reverse discrimination
What they call affirmative action
Regents of the UCal v. Bakke
Colleges couldn’t admit people because of their race
After this case conservatives fought for the end of all racial quotas
Ronald Reagan
Was an actor then was a spokesman for general electric
Went around giving speeches on general electric
Became governor of California
Runs against Jimmy Carter in election of 1980
“Are you better off”
Challenging the U.S economic, international, military position in the world
Misery index
Rate of inflation plus the rate of unemployment
Blue Collar Vote
Reagan gets the blue collar vote
White male working class
Traditional democrat
They don’t go back to democratic party
Reagan Revolution
He’s going to put all his stuff into practice
Tax cuts, military spending, decreasing gov’t spending on social programs, bringing back
environmental, more conservative federal court
On the day Reagan was inaugurated
Iranians released hostages they were holding
Gave presidency a positive start
Taxes/Size of Government/Military
“In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the
Supply-Side Economics/’Reaganomics’ ‘Trickle-Down Economics’
Tax cuts would reduce gov’t spending
Increase investment by the private sector
Lead to an increase in production
More jobs
Tax cuts would increase consumer spending
Fuel the economy
Make life better for everybody
Wealthy prosper and everyone else prospers
Impact of Reaganomics
Tax Cuts
Spending Cuts
Labor Unions
Federal air controllers
Rehnquist Court
Sandra Day O’Conner/Antonin Scalia/Anthony Kennedy
Election of 1984
Democratic Ticket
Budget and Trade Deficits
Cold War
Expansion of Military
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
High tech system of lasers that would destroy missiles (ICBM) before reaching its
In Space
‘Star Wars’
Central America
Iran-Contra Affair
El Salvador
Middle East
PLO/West Bank
Relations between U.S and USSR began to improve under Reagan’s presidency
Mikhail Gorbachev became new Soviet leader
He wanted to rebuild the soviet economy
Had 2 big reform ideas
1992 is going to break apart
Become Russia, Czech Republic
S.U is force to invest heavily in military spending
U.S economy could do it S.U economy couldn’t
Wanted to gain more political opportunities for the soviet people
Restructure soviet economy by introducing free market practices
More open trading
Similar to capitalism- shifting away from communist S.U
INF Agreement/Afghanistan
USSR and US agreed to remove and destroy IMR missiles
USSR pulled troops out of afghan.
Cooperated with US to put diplomatic pressure on Iran and Iraq
Afghan. is USSR’s Vietnam
Proxy war
Two countries fighting through other countries
USSR is in Afghan
US is providing weapons to Afghani resistance called Mujahedeen
Mujahedeen will turn into Taliban
Bin Laden