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Approved by Council
November 6, 2010
Orthodontic Module Policies
1. A “qualified” RDA, for the purposes of these policies, is one who is properly educated through
the successful completion of a CADA-approved orthodontic program and authorized by CADA
to perform the skills included in the CADA Orthodontic Module. A qualified RDA must work
under the direction of a Dentist, authorized to provide orthodontic services, while performing
any restricted activity. Direction means on-site and able to assist as per Section 12 (4) of the Dental
Assistants Profession Regulation (Appendix 2).
2. A qualified RDA must only provide authorized orthodontic services following the diagnosis and
treatment planning prescribed by the Dentist. Prior to dismissal of the patient, the Dentist must:
y Perform a final check on any of the following orthodontic procedures performed by a
qualified RDA:
ƒ Bonding of non-critical attachments
ƒ Indirect bonding
ƒ Cementation of bands and appliances
y Perform the final fitting and/or adjustment of any appliance
3. For the purposes of this policy the following definitions apply:
y “Appliance” means any temporary, provisional, or long-term fixed or removable device designed to influence the
shape and/or function of the stomatognathic system
y “Orthodontic appliance” means any device used to influence the growth or the position of teeth and jaws (e.g.
holding arches, bands, headgear, activator, bionator, palatal expansion device, etc.)
y “Periodontal appliance” means any device used to immobilize and stabilize loose teeth (e.g. splint); reduce
occlusal trauma caused by bruxism (e.g. nightguard) or treat TMJ disorders
y “Preliminary fit” means the initial try-in or placement of an appliance prior to final fitting and/or adjustment
by a regulated member of ADA+C
4. For entrance to the CADA Orthodontic Module clinical session, applicants must hold current
CADA registration for all of the current entry-to-practice Alberta dental assisting skills
(radiography, dental dam, impressions, rubber cup polishing, fluoride application, pit and fissure
sealants, desensitizing agents, topical anaesthetic, matrices and wedges, bases and liners, suture
removal, dental probing, and temporary coverage and restorations 1 ).
5. The course of study in the CADA Orthodontic Module will include a theory component with
examination which must be successfully completed prior to enrolment in the mandatory clinical
component. The candidate must successfully complete the clinical session within 12 months of
successful completion of the theory component. The theory component of the CADA
Orthodontic Module consists of three months of home study followed by a written examination;
a maximum of 2 three-month extensions may be granted upon request. One re-write is
permitted if the passing grade of 80% is not achieved. The clinical session will be 24-30 hours
including instruction, practice, and evaluation.
Current as of October 2010.
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College of Alberta Dental Assistants December 2010
6. An Orthodontist or a senior orthodontic graduate student must be present for a minimum of
two days of the clinical session. Their presence is not required for the portion of the clinical
session which includes the teaching of transferable skills that the students were previously
authorized to perform (ie. radiography [placement only], impressions, and photography).
7. Students enrolled in the CADA Orthodontic Module may perform orthodontic procedures, as
outlined in the Orthodontic Skills for Alberta Registered Dental Assistants (Appendix 1), in an
educational institution under the supervision of an orthodontist, a senior orthodontic graduate
student, or a Registered Dental Hygienist and/or Registered Dental Assistant who is authorized
to perform the restricted activity of fitting an orthodontic appliance. Supervision means on-site and
able to assist as per Section 14 (2) of the Dental Assistants Profession Regulation (Appendix 2). Students
may not practice orthodontic procedures outside of an educational institution until authorized
by CADA through the granting of the orthodontic credential.
8. Students will only be considered graduates of the CADA Orthodontic Module upon successful
completion of both the theoretical and clinical aspects of the program.
9. RDAs who have successfully completed the CADA Orthodontic Module, or a recognized
equivalent approved by the CADA Council, may, upon application, be granted the orthodontic
credential and be authorized by CADA to perform orthodontic skills in Alberta.
10. Practical evaluations, theoretical evaluations, and clinical upgrades may be used to determine
substantial equivalence of orthodontic training acquired outside of the CADA Orthodontic
11. CADA-approved dental assisting programs in Alberta who wish to offer the CADA
Orthodontic Module must receive written approval from CADA, and fulfill the obligations of
the License Agreement, prior to offering the program. The program must also submit
confirmation to CADA of graduate eligibility for registration.
CADA Orthodontic Module Policies are subject to change without notice; please check the CADA
Website for currency of policy.
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College of Alberta Dental Assistants December 2010
Appendix 1
Orthodontic Skills for Alberta Registered Dental Assistants
Registered Dental Assistants must have successfully completed both the Orthodontic Module theory
and clinical components and be authorized by CADA prior to performing any of the following
orthodontic skills:
placement and removal of separators
preliminary placement of fixed appliances prior to adjustment by a dentist
preliminary placement of removable appliances prior to adjustment by a dentist
preliminary fitting of bands
bonding of non-critical attachments following prescription of the dentist and prior to final check by
the dentist
indirect bonding following the prescription of the dentist and prior to final check by the dentist
cementation of bands and appliances prior to final check by the dentist
removal of banding cement and bonding adhesive, utilizing hand instruments as taught in the
Alberta Orthodontic Module and/or within the individual RDA’s scope of practice
checking integrity of bands, bonds, attachments, etc.
placement and removal of archwires which have been formed by a dentist
placement and removal of archwire accessories and ligatures
removal of bands and bonded metal attachments, utilizing hand instruments as taught in the
Alberta Orthodontic Module and/or within the individual RDA’s scope of practice
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College of Alberta Dental Assistants December 2010
Appendix 2
The following excerpts were taken directly from the Dental Assistants Profession Regulation
(January 2006):
Restricted Activities
Authorized activities
12(1) Regulated members may, within the practice of dental assisting, perform the
following restricted activities under the direction of a dentist, dental hygienist or
denturist who is authorized to perform or to order the performance of the following
restricted activities:
(a) to apply any form of ionizing radiation in medical radiography;
(b) to cut a body tissue or to perform surgical or other invasive procedures on body
tissue in or below the surface of teeth, for the purpose of performing dental
probing, including periodontal screening and recording;
(c) to fit a fixed or removable partial or complete denture for the purpose of
determining the preliminary fit of the device;
(d) to fit a periodontal appliance for the purpose of determining the preliminary fit
of the device;
(e) to fit an orthodontic appliance for the purpose of determining the preliminary
fit of the device.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), a regulated member who has advanced training approved
by the Council may perform the restricted activity of cutting a body tissue or performing
surgical or other invasive procedures on body tissue in or below the surface of teeth, for
the purpose of scaling teeth under the direction of a dentist or a dental hygienist
authorized to perform that restricted activity.
(3) The performance of the restricted activity referred to in subsection (2) is subject to
the condition that the client has been recently assessed by the dentist or dental hygienist
who has determined the patient has healthy gingival and periodontal tissues or plaque
associated gingivitis, pockets of 4 mm or less and no overt or radiographic signs of
alveolar bone loss.
(4) For the purpose of this section, “direction” means a dentist, dental hygienist or
denturist is on-site and able to assist.
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College of Alberta Dental Assistants December 2010
13 Despite section 12, regulated members must restrict themselves in performing
restricted activities to those activities that they are competent to perform and to those
that are appropriate to the member’s area of practice and the procedure being
14(1) A student who is enrolled in a dental assisting program approved by the Council is
permitted to perform the restricted activities set out in section 12(1) under the
supervision of a regulated member registered on the general register or courtesy register.
(2) The supervising regulated member must
(a) be on-site with the student while the student is performing the restricted
(b) be available to assist the student in performing the restricted activity as required,
(c) be authorized to perform the restricted activity set out in section 12(1).
(3) A regulated member who is undertaking a program of studies approved by the
Council for scaling of teeth is permitted to perform the restricted activity of cutting a
body tissue or performing surgical or other invasive procedures on body tissue in or
below the surface of teeth for the purpose of scaling teeth under the on-site supervision
of the following who are able to assist:
(a) a dental assistant who is authorized to perform the restricted activity under
section 12(2);
(b) a dentist who is authorized to perform the restricted activity;
(c) a dental hygienist who is authorized to perform the restricted activity.
G:\Council\Policies\Ortho\Orthodontic Module Policies.docx
College of Alberta Dental Assistants December 2010