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Chapter10: Development
Multiple Choice
1. Quarry workers, quarry owners, stone cutters, exporters, designers and architects, builders, tile
and stone distributors, etc. represent an example of the links connecting producers and
consumers in a world market. This is an example of
a) an export-import model.
b) a commodity chain.
c) globalization theory.
d) a core-periphery model.
2. ________________ processes in the commodity chain involve technology, education, research
and development, and high wages.
a) Core
b) Value-added
c) Neo-colonial
d) Periphery
3. Which of the following is not associated with core production processes?
a) technology
b) low-wage labor
c) education
d) research and development
4. The word “development” implies
a) progress.
b) colonialism.
c) lowering of wages through mechanization.
d) technology.
5. Modern ideas of development are related to
a) the Industrial Revolution.
b) the Agricultural Revolution.
c) gross domestic product.
d) religious views of equity.
6. Gross national product (GNP) measures the total value of goods and services produced by a
country’s corporations and individuals. It is standardized by
a) being calculated in Euros.
b) measuring the informal as well as informal economy.
c) being calculated on a per capita basis.
d) adjusting for differences in attitude toward “progress.”
7. Gross domestic product measures only
a) home-based output.
b) the informal economy.
c) the productivity of individuals.
d) production only within a country.
8. Which of the following has the highest per capita GNP?
a) Japan
b) United States
c) European Union
d) Canada
9. Which does not make up a portion of Colombia’s GNP?
a) professional sports franchises
b) tourism
c) coffee production
d) drug trafficking
10. Which Asian nation listed below has a per capita GNP above the world average?
a) Vietnam
b) China
c) South Korea
d) North Korea
11. A large component of survival in countries with low per capita GNP is
a) foreign aid.
b) the sale of resources.
c) the informal economy.
d) tourism.
12. High levels of development can be determined by measurement of access to railways, roads,
airline connections, telephones, radio and television, etc. These are collectively referred to as
a) infrastructure.
b) dependency measures.
c) formal economy.
d) commodity connections.
13. Dependency ratio measures:
a) family size
b) percent of the population dependent on welfare
c) the number of young plus the number of elderly per 100 workers
d) average number of hours of work to feed a family of four
14. Which is not among the five stages of Rostow’s development model?
a) traditional
b) take-off
c) high-mass consumption
d) collapse-decline
15. Rostow’s model, developed in the early 1960s, was based upon the experience of
a) financial economists.
b) Latin American countries.
c) China.
d) Western modernization.
16. ____________ is the only country in the western hemisphere with a dependency ration over
a) Haiti
b) Brazil
c) Mexico
d) Guatemala
17. Even if the Gross National Product (GNP) index is used to measure the well-being of a
country, it will fail to show
a) growth in secondary industries (manufacturing).
b) the distribution of wealth.
c) growth within tertiary industries (services).
d) growth within primary industries (mining, forestry, agriculture, fishing).
18. The principal structuralist alternative to Rostow’s model of economic development is known
a) the “takeoff” model.
b) the liberal model.
c) the modernization model.
d) dependency theory.
19. The continuation of economic dependence even after political independence is referred to as
a) precondition to take-off.
b) modernization model.
c) neocolonialism.
d) independence movement.
20. Theories which hold that economic disparities are built into the global economic system are
referred to as
a) structuralist theories.
b) modernization theories.
c) liberal theories.
d) neo-capitalist theories.
21. El Salvador abandoned its currency, the Colon, in favor of the U.S. dollar. This process is
referred to as
a) re-structuration.
b) re-colonization.
c) international monetizing.
d) dollarization.
22. Wallerstein’s three-tier regionalization of the world includes all of the following except
a) core.
b) semi-core.
c) periphery.
d) semi-periphery.
23. Countries in which tier of the world economy (region) have high birth and death rates and
low life expectancy at birth?
a) post-industrial
b) core
c) semi-periphery
d) periphery
Ans: D
Link to: 10.3.A
Difficulty: Medium
Type: Factual
24. Young girls trafficked from the periphery to wealthier regions most often work as
a) domestic workers/street vendors.
b) industrial labor.
c) agricultural labor.
d) prostitutes.
25. Which organization is headed by a U.S. citizen, is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and is
charged with combating poverty in peripheral countries?
a) IMF
b) World Bank
c) Washington Federal Savings and Loan
d) United Nations
26. _________ have low levels of human development according to the Human Development
Index (2005).
a) Mali and the Congo
b) Haiti and Egypt
c) Libya and India
d) Yemen and India
27. According to the World Bank, ___________ had the highest external debt as a percentage of
exports of goods and services for low- and middle-income in 2006.
a) Mexico
b) Chad
c) Uruguay
d) Tunisia
28. Malaria kills about ___________ children in the global periphery each month.
a) 5,000
b) 75,000
c) 100,000
d) 150,000
29. In 2003, Malaria endemicity was very high in _____________.
a) Congo
b) Central Brazil
c) Egypt
d) Botswana
30. Argentina’s severe economic crisis in 2001 was triggered by economic decisions made
a) in Brazil
b) in Washington, D.C.
c) by the United Nations
d) in Spain
31. Economic development in some African states (e.g. Malawi and Zimbabwe) is hampered by
a) drought.
b) religions intolerance.
c) corrupt governments.
d) drop in the price of oil.
32. Most victims of malaria are
a) agricultural workers.
b) women in childbearing years.
c) the elderly.
d) children under 5
33. Mexico has established export processing zones with special tax, trade and regulatory
arrangements for foreign firms. This phenomena is referred to as
a) maquiladoras.
b) haciendas.
c) border cities.
d) NAFTA zones.
34. Subsistence forms of agriculture in peripheral areas produce little in the way of
a) protein.
b) grain crops.
c) root crops.
d) foodstuffs.
35. Desertification in Africa is a particular problem as ____ of the continent is arid or semiarid.
a) 2/3
b) 1/2
c) 1/3
d) 1/4
36. In peripheral countries it is not unusual for hotels in tourist areas to be owned by
a) worker’s cooperatives.
b) local or regional governments.
c) local owner operators.
d) multinational corporations.
37. Many tourist areas in peripheral regions are beach resorts. In 2004 Thailand’s beach resort
areas were ravaged by
a) cockroach infestations.
b) a tsunami.
c) prolonged drought.
d) terror attacks.
38. The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in the United States, with 80% unemployment and per
capita income around $6,000, illustrates ______________ within a core area country.
a) cultural choices
b) peripheral processes
c) core processes
d) preconditions for takeoff stage
39. Core area agriculture is characterized by
a) mechanization.
b) high levels of farmer education.
c) scientific agronomy.
d) all of the above
40. Establishment of government quotas on imports (e.g. cotton shirts or steel) to the U.S. has led
a) a decrease in Chinese shirt production.
b) an increase in Chinese wages.
c) a collapse of the U.S. market for shirts.
d) a shifting of production form country to country in the periphery and semi-periphery.
41. Governments in both core and periphery often create wealth by focusing well paid
government jobs
a) in the capital city.
b) in underdeveloped areas.
c) in port cities.
d) offshore in third world countries.
42. A look at the maps of Nigeria, Pakistan and Brazil would show that when governments
established new post-colonial capitals, they moved away from
a) swamps.
b) deserts.
c) areas of ethnic discord.
d) coastal port areas.
43. Port Gentile, Gabon was built by
a) an ancient Gabonese civilization.
b) British colonizers.
c) European oil companies.
d) migrants fleeing the Congo.
44. Twenty thousand nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Bangladesh constitute what can
be called
a) a parallel state.
b) colonial enclaves.
c) development islands.
d) subversive zones.
45. Microcredit programs have been successful in many places with the exception of
a) tropical regions.
b) places with high AIDS mortality rates.
c) areas with male dominance.
d) desert regions.
46. __________ give loans to poor people, preferably women, to encourage development of
small businesses.
a) NGOs
b) Micro credit programs
c) Structural adjustment loans
d) Maquiladoras
47. Gross national product (GNP) measures the value of officially recorded goods and services
produced within a country.
48. In Africa and other developing regions the output in the subsistence agricultural sector is not
included in GNP calculations.
49. The use of energy efficient process and devices may actually lower GNP.
50. A high percentage of laborers engaged in the production of food staples indicates a low,
overall level of development.
51. Core-periphery theory can operate at a number of scales. For example, Los Angeles can be
described as the core of Southern California.
52. One compensation of being in a peripheral region of the world economy is that goods and
services are low cost, thus making education free of cost in most of the region.
53. In the US, there is no area threatened by desertification.
54. Recent developments in China’s coastal provinces have created greater regional economic
disparities with interior regions.
55. Port Gentile is an example of an island of development.
56. Governments have least control over wealth generating processes at the point in the
commodity chain where goods enter the country.
57. The world economic system works to the disadvantage of the periphery countries.
58. Describe the regional inequality in the peripheral regions. Why is this a growing problem?
59. Discuss Rostow’s stages of modernization model and give examples of countries you believe
exemplify each stage.
60. What is the major difference between Rostow’s and Wallerstein’s models of development?
Compare and contrast the idea of core processes and peripheral processes with Rostow’s notion
of progressive stages of economic advancement.
61. Define Gross National Product. Discuss the world map of per capita GNP and apply
Wallerstein’s three-tier regionalization (core, semi-periphery, periphery) to divide the world into
three development regions. Give examples of countries in each region.
62. Discuss several types of barriers to development. What can governments do to remove those
63. There are extremes of development within all countries. Describe places at each end of the
spectrum within a developed county and compare the description with places of extreme wealth
and poverty within a peripheral country. In what ways are they similar and in what ways do they