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•Lookup Functions
•Database Functions
•array Required
A range of cells or an array constant.
•row_num Optional
Selects the row in array from which to return a value.
oIf row_num is omitted, column_num is required.
•column_num Optional
Selects the column in array from which to return a value.
oIf column_num is omitted, row_num is required.
Microsoft® Excel® Lookup Functions
• Returns the value of an element in a table or an array, selected by the
row and column number indexes.
• If both the row_num and column_num arguments are used, INDEX
returns the value in the cell at the intersection of row_num and
#REF! – If row_num and column_num do not point to a cell within array
Microsoft® Excel® Lookup Functions
Microsoft® Excel® Lookup Functions
=MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type])
•lookup_value Required
The value that you want to match in lookup_array.
•lookup_array Required
The range of cells being searched.
•match_type Optional
Specifies how Excel matches lookup_value with values in lookup_array.
oThe number -1, 0, or 1
Microsoft® Excel® Lookup Functions
• Searches for a specified item in a range of cells, and then returns the
relative position of that item in the range
• The lookup_value argument can be a value (number, text, or logical
value) or a cell reference to a number, text, or logical value.
• MATCH returns the position of the matched value within lookup_array, not
the value itself.
• MATCH does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters
when matching text values.
#N/A – If MATCH is unsuccessful in finding a match
Microsoft® Excel® Lookup Functions
MATCH finds the largest value The values in the
that is less than or equal to
lookup_array argument
must be placed in
ascending order.
MATCH finds the first value
that is exactly equal to
MATCH finds the smallest
value that is greater than or
equal to lookup_value.
The values in the
lookup_array argument
must be placed in
descending order.
Microsoft® Excel® Lookup Functions
Microsoft® Excel® Lookup Functions
•A combination of INDEX and MATCH can be used as a form of table
•It is similar to the VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP function but more flexible.
•It is usually of the form:
=INDEX(some_array, MATCH(some_value, some_array, criteria),
[MATCH(some_value, some_array, criteria)])
Microsoft® Excel® Information Functions
How would you find the count of oranges using INDEX and MATCH?
=INDEX(B1:B5, MATCH("Oranges",A1:A5,0))
Microsoft® Excel® Information Functions
=LOOKUP(lookup_value,lookup_vector, [result_vector])
•Lookup_value Required
a value that LOOKUP searches for in the first vector. Lookup_value can be a
number, text, a logical value, or a name or reference that refers to a value.
•Lookup_vector Required
a range that contains only one row or one column. The values in lookup_vector can
be text, numbers, or logical values. Must be in asending order.
•Result_vector Optional
is a range that contains only one row or column. It must be the same size
as lookup_vector.
Microsoft® Excel® Lookup Functions
A) Use LOOKUP to find the
color of 4.91 frequency.
B) Use LOOKUP to find the
color of 5.00 frequency.
C)Use LOOKUP to find the
color for 7.66 frequency.
D)Use LOOKUP to find the
color for zero frequency.
•database Required
The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
•field Required
Indicates which column is used in the function.
•criteria Required
The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
•Averages the values in a field (column) of records in a list or database that
match conditions you specify.
•You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it includes at
least one column label and at least one cell below the column label for
specifying the condition
•Although the criteria range can be located anywhere on the worksheet, do
not place the criteria range below the list
•Make sure the criteria range does not overlap the list
•To perform an operation on an entire column in a database, enter a blank
line below the column labels in the criteria range.
None specified
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The average yield of apple trees over 10 feet in height.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The average yield of apple trees over 10 feet in height.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The average yield of apple trees over 10 feet in height.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The average yield of apple trees over 10 feet in height.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The average yield of apple trees over 10 feet in height.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The average age of all trees in the database.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The average age of all trees in the database.
=DAVERAGE(A4:E10, 3,A4:E10)
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The average age of all trees in the database.
=DAVERAGE(A4:E10, 3,A4:E10)
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The average age of all trees in the database.
=DAVERAGE(A4:E10, 3,A4:E10)
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The average age of all trees in the database.
=DAVERAGE(A4:E10, 3,A4:E10)
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The maximum profit of apple and pear trees.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The maximum profit of apple and pear trees.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The maximum profit of apple and pear trees.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The maximum profit of apple and pear trees.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The maximum profit of apple and pear trees.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The minimum profit of apple trees over 10 in height.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The minimum profit of apple trees over 10 in height.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The minimum profit of apple trees over 10 in height.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The minimum profit of apple trees over 10 in height.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The minimum profit of apple trees over 10 in height.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
This function looks at the records of apple trees between a height of 10 and 16
and counts how many of the Age fields in those records contain numbers.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
This function looks at the records of apple trees between a height of 10 and 16
and counts how many of the Age fields in those records contain numbers.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
This function looks at the records of apple trees between a height of 10 and 16
and counts how many of the Age fields in those records contain numbers.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
This function looks at the records of apple trees between a height of 10 and 16
and counts how many of the Age fields in those records contain numbers.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
This function looks at the records of apple trees between a height of 10 and 16
and counts how many of the Age fields in those records contain numbers.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The total profit from apple trees.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The minimum profit of apple trees over 10 in height.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The minimum profit of apple trees over 10 in height.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The minimum profit of apple trees over 10 in height.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
The minimum profit of apple trees over 10 in height.
Microsoft® Excel® Database Functions
Access creates
__________ databases
◦ Data is stored in
various separate
tables by subject or
◦ The data is related
and can be brought
together in ways that
you specify
_______ are the most important
parts of a database.
______ store your data in rows and
columns. All databases contain
one or more of these.
_______ retrieve and process your
data. They can combine data from
different tables, update your data,
and perform calculations on your
_____ control data entry and data
views. They provide visual cues
that make data easier to work
_______ summarize and print your
data. They turn the data in your
tables and queries into documents
for communicating ideas.
To distinguish one record from
another, tables can contain a
primary key field.
◦ The primary key is an
identifier—such as a part
number, a product code, or
an employee ID—that's
unique to each record.
◦ The primary key should be a
piece of information that
won't change frequently.
◦ When tables relate, the
primary key of one table
becomes a foreign key of the
other table.
Goal Seeking function
Can work through multiple scenarios
Can have Data tables
◦ Find the interest rate that is needed to finance
$20,000 car over 5 years (60 months) with a
payment no more than $400.
Set up the information in excel
My car loan
Loan Amount
Term (months)
Interest rate
Calculate the payment
Go to Data, What id analysis, Goal seek
◦ Set cell is C5; To value 400; By changing cell C5.
◦ =7.42%
My car loan
Loan Amount
Term (months)
Interest rate