Download Muscular Endurance Muscular endurance refers to the ability to

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Muscular Endurance
Muscular endurance refers to the ability to resist muscular fatigue or to persist in physical
activity. Along with muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and body
composition — muscular endurance is one of the five primary components of physical health.
Like muscular strength, endurance is developed by placing a greater than normal physical
demand on the muscles, thereby forcing adaptation. Adaptation takes place on the neurological,
cellular, and tissue level to better equip the muscles to cope with the demands placed on them.
Not to be confused with muscular strength, muscular endurance is a measure of the ability to
sustain muscular activity over time. While there is no clear distinction between cardiovascular
endurance and muscular endurance — both require muscular activity over extended periods —
there are identifiable differences. The limiting factor of cardiovascular endurance is primarily the
capacities of the heart and lungs, rather than the physiology of the muscles themselves. Muscular
endurance typically involves a greater resistance, and generally cannot be sustained for as long
as cardiovascular activities.
Muscular endurance training can increase bone mineral density, improve tolerance to lactic acid
concentrations, and strengthen the integrity of muscular connective tissue. Additionally, there is
considerable crossover between muscular endurance training and other aspects of muscle and
cardiovascular conditioning. Training to increase muscular endurance, then, can benefit muscular
strength and cardiovascular endurance as well.
In addition to personal levels of physical conditioning, muscular endurance can be affected by
factors such as hydration, level of fatigue, and nutritional status. To work efficiently, muscle
cells require adequate stores of carbohydrates in the form of glycogen, as well as readily
available water, calcium, and creatine phosphate within the cell. Observing a sensible, balanced
diet, along with sufficient rest and fluid intake, helps to promote maximum endurance.
Typical endurance training programs focus on resistance training with high numbers of
repetitions and low to moderate weight loads. A range of 30-50% of the athlete's one repetition
maximum test will normally allow sufficient resistance to develop endurance without being too
heavy. Whereas strictly power-oriented training programs generally recommend performing
eight repetitions or fewer per set, endurance exercises should be carried out for a minimum of 12
repetitions over several sets.
Martial arts, gymnastics, and military training typically involve workouts that tend to build
endurance. Calisthenic exercises — such as push-ups, sit-ups, and lunges — are excellent
choices for endurance-building workouts. For very little cost, one can devise a highly effective
training program that utilizes only body-weight resistance and limited equipment, that will also
benefit other aspects of physical fitness.