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Living Environment – Lesson 67
Do Now: What is a mutation? What are its effects (Lesson 66?)
Article 1: World facing cancer ‘tidal wave’
The globe is facing a "tidal wave" of cancer, and restrictions on alcohol and sugar need to be
considered, say World Health Organization scientists. It predicts the number of cancer cases will reach 24
million a year by 2035, but half could be prevented. The WHO said there was now a "real need" to focus
on cancer prevention by tackling smoking, obesity and drinking. The World Cancer Research Fund said
there was an "alarming" level of naivety (Naïve=lack of judgment/wisdom) about diet's role in cancer.
Fourteen million people a year are diagnosed with cancer, but that is predicted to increase to 19 million
by 2025, 22 million by 2030 and 24 million by 2035.The developing world will bear the brunt of the extra
How many cancer cases could there be by 2035?
What are the main ways that cancer could be prevented?
*Challenge* Why is the number of cancer cases increasing?
Meanwhile, a survey of 2,046 people in the UK by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF)
suggested 49% do not know that diet increases the risk of developing cancer. A third of people said
cancer was mainly due to family history, but the charity said no more than 10% of cancers were down to
inherited genes. Amanda McLean, general manager for the WCRF, said: "It's very alarming to see that
such a large number of people don't know that there's a lot they can do to significantly reduce their risk of
getting cancer. "In the UK, about a third of the most common cancers could be prevented through being a
healthy weight, eating a healthy diet and being regularly physically active. "These results show that many
people still seem to mistakenly accept their chances of getting cancer as a throw of the dice, but by
making lifestyle changes today, we can help prevent cancer tomorrow."
What percentage of cancer is not caused by genetics?
Do people’s perceptions match reality with causes of cancer? Explain
What would you recommend to help prevent cancer?
Living Environment – Lesson 67
Article 2: Most cancer types ‘just bad luck’
[Regarding Cancer], A team at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Bloomberg
School of Public Health believe the way tissues regenerate is the answer. Old tired cells in the body are
constantly being replaced with new ones made by dividing stem cells. But with each division comes the
risk of a dangerous mutation that moves the stem cell one step closer to being cancerous. The pace of
turnover varies throughout the body with rapid turnover in the lining of the gut and a slower pace in the
brain. The researchers compared how often stem cells divided in 31 tissues in the body over a lifetime
with the odds of a cancer in those tissues. They concluded that two thirds of cancer types were "due to
bad luck" from dividing stem cells picking up mutations that could not be prevented.
Bibliography: 1. Gallagher J. BBC News. Most cancer types 'just bad luck' [Internet]. 2015
[cited 6 January 2015]. Available from:
According to article 2, what causes most cancer types?
How do the two articles differ?
Which study seems more reputable (trust-worthy)? Why?
Cancer: Disease caused by _____________________________________________
Cancer can avoid _______________________
Cells can potentially ________________________
Cells start out from _______________________________
Most common in cells that ___________________________
Causes of Cancer
Carcinogen: Anything that _________________________
o Includes many different ___________________ or __________________
o Radiation: Waves that carry ______________
From _________ or other sources
Heredity: The ability to ___________________
o Certain ________________ get passed on
o Oncogene: A gene that causes __________________
o Proto-oncogene: A normal gene that when ________________ causes cancer
Is cancer caused by nature or nurture? Explain
Living Environment – Lesson 67
Cancer prevention
More than 30% of cancers could be prevented by avoiding __________________
o Ex. ________________, diet, ________________, STDs, air pollution
One of the keys to preventing cancer is _________________________
o Mammogram: Procedure that _____________________________
o Self-exam: Checking __________________
o Other exams: Colonoscopy, prostate exam
Activity: You are an oncologist (doctor who studies cancer) that is making recommendations to
the United Nations on how to lower the cancer rate in the world. Your recommendations must
address what is cancer, what causes cancer, and how can cancer be prevented (since most
politicians aren’t that informed). Also given the current Ebola outbreak, why should scientists
care more about cancer? Due to the short attention spans of politicians, it should only last 30
seconds-1 minute.