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Date of download: 5/10/2017
Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved.
From: Multibody System of the Upper Limb Including a Reverse Shoulder Prosthesis
J Biomech Eng. 2013;135(11):111005-111005-10. doi:10.1115/1.4025325
Figure Legend:
Force estimates for the motion of abduction in the coronal plane for (a) model HC, and (b) model RC. Since the contributions of the
passive elements are negligible in the considered range of motion, only the contributions of the active elements are presented. The
numbering of the bundles is performed using the following convention: serratus anterior, three bundles from caudal to cranial;
trapezius scapular, three bundles from cranial to caudal; deltoid scapular, 11 bundles from lateral to medial. The humeral elevation
in the x-axis is described with respect to the thorax.
Date of download: 5/10/2017
Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved.
From: Multibody System of the Upper Limb Including a Reverse Shoulder Prosthesis
J Biomech Eng. 2013;135(11):111005-111005-10. doi:10.1115/1.4025325
Figure Legend:
Force estimates for the motion of anterior flexion in the sagittal plane for (a) model HC, and (b) model RC. Since the contributions of
the passive elements are negligible in the considered range of motion, only the contributions of the active elements are presented.
The numbering of the bundles is performed using the following convention: deltoid scapular, 11 bundles from lateral to medial;
deltoid clavicular, four bundles from lateral to medial. The humeral elevation in the x-axis is described with respect to the thorax.
Date of download: 5/10/2017
Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved.
From: Multibody System of the Upper Limb Including a Reverse Shoulder Prosthesis
J Biomech Eng. 2013;135(11):111005-111005-10. doi:10.1115/1.4025325
Figure Legend:
Muscle lengths in the anatomical reference position of the upper limb, with the forearm flexed 90 deg, for the anatomical and
reverse shoulder models. The numbering of the muscle bundles is performed using the following convention: pectoralis major
(PMJ), three bundles from cranial to caudal; latissimus dorsi (LTD), three bundles from cranial to caudal; deltoid (DLT), the first four
bundles correspond to the clavicular part, ordered from the most medial to the most lateral fibers, and the last 11 bundles
correspond to the scapular part, ordered from the most medial to the most posterior fibers; teres major (TMJ), one bundle; teres
minor (TMN), three bundles; coracobrachialis (CRCB), one bundle; biceps brachii (BB), bundles one and two correspond to the long
and short head, respectively.
Date of download: 5/10/2017
Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved.
From: Multibody System of the Upper Limb Including a Reverse Shoulder Prosthesis
J Biomech Eng. 2013;135(11):111005-111005-10. doi:10.1115/1.4025325
Figure Legend:
Muscle moment arms, throughout the elevation of the arm from 0 deg to 90 deg with respect to the scapula, for the numerically
simulated motions of (a) abduction in the scapular plane, (b) abduction in the coronal plane, and (c) anterior flexion in the sagittal
plane. As in most studies in the literature, the scapula was considered fixed during the elevation of the arm. Positive moment arms
assist the elevation of the arm, whereas negative moment arms oppose it. The numbering of the muscle bundles is performed using
the following convention: pectoralis major, three bundles from cranial to caudal; latissimus dorsi, three bundles from cranial to
caudal. The first bundle of pectoralis major corresponds to its clavicular portion, while the remaining bundles correspond to its
thoracic portion, ordered from cranial to caudal. The bundles of biceps brachii correspond, by order, to the long and short heads,
Date of download: 5/10/2017
Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved.
From: Multibody System of the Upper Limb Including a Reverse Shoulder Prosthesis
J Biomech Eng. 2013;135(11):111005-111005-10. doi:10.1115/1.4025325
Figure Legend:
Glenohumeral joint reaction forces for models HC and RC for (a) the unloaded abduction in the coronal plane, and (b) the unloaded
anterior flexion in the sagittal plane. The compressive and shear components of the reaction forces, acting perpendicular and along
the plane of the glenoid, respectively, are represented in the right column. The humeral elevation in the x-axis is described with
respect to the thorax.
Date of download: 5/10/2017
Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved.
From: Multibody System of the Upper Limb Including a Reverse Shoulder Prosthesis
J Biomech Eng. 2013;135(11):111005-111005-10. doi:10.1115/1.4025325
Figure Legend:
Deltoid muscle in the native joint geometry: (a) schematic representation, and (b) numerical implementation. The clavicular bundles
are represented by black lines, while the scapular bundles are represented by yellow lines. As a whole, the bundles of the deltoid
are sequentially ordered from 1 to 15 from anterior to posterior.
Date of download: 5/10/2017
Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved.
From: Multibody System of the Upper Limb Including a Reverse Shoulder Prosthesis
J Biomech Eng. 2013;135(11):111005-111005-10. doi:10.1115/1.4025325
Figure Legend:
Mechanical functions, between 0 deg and 90 deg of humeral elevation with respect to the scapula, of the different bundles of the
deltoid muscle for the numerically simulated motions of (a) abduction in the scapular plane, (b) abduction in the coronal plane, and
(c) anterior flexion in the sagittal plane. As in most studies in the literature, the scapula was considered fixed during the elevation of
the arm. Positive moment arms assist the elevation of the arm, whereas negative moment arms oppose it. The first four bundles,
from 1 to 4, correspond to the clavicular part of the deltoid, ordered from the most medial to the most lateral fibers, and the last 11
bundles correspond to the scapular part of the deltoid, ordered from the most medial to the most posterior fibers.
Date of download: 5/10/2017
Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved.
From: Multibody System of the Upper Limb Including a Reverse Shoulder Prosthesis
J Biomech Eng. 2013;135(11):111005-111005-10. doi:10.1115/1.4025325
Figure Legend:
Mean moment arms, throughout the elevation of the arm from 0 deg to 90 deg with respect to the scapula, for the different bundles
of the deltoid muscle for the numerically simulated motions of (a) abduction in the scapular plane, (b) abduction in the coronal
plane, and (c) anterior flexion in the sagittal plane. As in most studies in the literature, the scapula was considered fixed during the
elevation of the arm. Positive moment arms assist the elevation of the arm, whereas negative moment arms oppose it. The first four
bundles, from 1 to 4, correspond to the clavicular part of the deltoid, ordered from the most medial to the most lateral fibers, and the
last 11 bundles correspond to the scapular part of the deltoid, ordered from the most medial to the most posterior fibers.
Date of download: 5/10/2017
Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved.
From: Multibody System of the Upper Limb Including a Reverse Shoulder Prosthesis
J Biomech Eng. 2013;135(11):111005-111005-10. doi:10.1115/1.4025325
Figure Legend:
Geometrical description of the upper limb including a reverse shoulder prosthesis