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Consent for Gingival Graft Surgery
I hereby authorize _______________________________ (herein called Doctor) to perform the operation
of gingival grafting on _________________________________________ (Patient).
After careful oral examination and study of my dental condition, the Doctor has advised me that I have
inadequate attached gingival (gum). I understand that with this condition, further attachment loss may
In order to treat this condition, the Doctor has recommended that gingival grafting procedures be
performed in the mouth. I understand that sedation may be utilized and that a local anesthetic will be
administered to me as part of treatment. This surgical procedure involves the transplanting of a thin strip
of gum from the roof of my mouth or from the adjacent teeth. The transplanted strip of gum can placed at
the base of the remaining gum, it can be placed so as to partially cover the root surface exposed by the
The purpose of gingival grafting is to create an amount of attached gum tissue adequate to reduce the
likelihood of further recession. Another purpose for this procedure may be to cover exposed root surfaces,
to enhance the appearance of the teeth and gum line or to prevent or treat root sensitivity or root decay.
I understand that a small number of people do not respond successfully to gingival grafting. If a transplant
is placed so as to partially cover the root surface exposed because of the recession, the gum placed over
the root may shrink back during the healing. In such a case, the attempt to cover the exposed root surface
may not be completely successful. Indeed, in some cases, adequate coverage may require more than one
I understand that complications may result from gingival grafting or from anesthetics. These
complications include but are not limited to: post-surgical sensitivity to hot, cold, sweet or acidic foods,
and allergic reaction. The exact duration of any complications cannot be determined and may be
There is no method that will accurately predict or evaluate how my gums will heal. The success of
gingival grafts can be affected by: medication conditions, dietary and nutritional problems, smoking,
alcohol consumption, clenching/ grinding teeth, inadequate oral hygiene and medications that I may be
taking. To my knowledge I have reported to the doctor any prior drug reaction, allergies, diseases,
symptoms, habits or condidition which may in a way relate to this procedure. I understand that my
diligence in providing the personal daily care recommended by the Doctor and taking all prescribed
medication is important to the ultimate success of the procedure.
My doctor has explained alternatives treatments for my gum recession. These include no treatment,
continued monitoring for progressive recession and modification of technique for brushing my teeth. I
understand that it is important for me to continue to see my general dentist. I recognize the need to come
to my post-operative appointments so the Doctor can monitor my healing and report on the outcome of
the surgery upon completion of healing. Smoking or alcohol intake may affect gum healing and may limit
the successful outcome of my surgery. I acknowledge that no guarantee, warranty or assurance has been
given to me that the proposed treatment will be successful. In most cases, the treatment should provide
benefits in reducing the cause of my condition and should produce healing which will help me keep my
teeth. I authorize photos, slides, x-rays or any other viewing of my care and treatment during or after its
completion to be used for my advancement of dentistry. My identity will not be revealed.
WITNESS_________________________________________________ DATE _____________________