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Thirteen Colonies
Study Guide
Name: __________________________________ Test on: _________________________
1. The early settlers come to America and stayed because they wanted to:
a. Earn a living
b. Get rich
c. Worship God as they wanted
2. The English colonies were divided into three regions: The New England
Colonies, The Middle Colonies, and The Southern Colonies.
3. A colony is an area settled by a group of people from another country
(i.e., the American colonies were settled by people from Europe)
4. A region is an area whose landscape, climate, soil, and way of life make
it different from other areas.
5. The New England Colonies are Massachusetts, New Hampshire,
Connecticut, and Rhode Island.
6. The Middle Colonies are New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and
7. The Southern Colonies are Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South
Carolina, and Georgia.
8. The New England region has a long coastline with many natural harbors.
As the colonies grew, trading ships sailed in and out of New England
carrying timber and fish to faraway places.
9. A harbor is a place where ships can land easily and safely.
10. The Middle colonies were nicknamed “the bread colonies” because a
lot of wheat was grown there, and wheat is used to make bread.
11. The Southern colonies were perfect for farming because of their mild
winters and fertile soil. Colonist built large farms called plantations.
12. Plantations are a large farm, usually found in warm climates, where
crops such as cotton and tobacco were grown.
13. Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Charleston became port cities
because they were built along waterways or at a harbor on the coast.
These cities became centers for trade.
14. Philadelphia is located on the Delaware. It became the busiest port city
in the American colonies. It also became the largest and wealthiest city
in the colonies.
15. A cash crop is a crop grown to sell rather than eat.
16. Jamestown was the first English colony in North America.