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Assistance League® of Long Beach
Annual Meeting and Board of Directors Installation
May 23, 2016
Mission Statement
Assistance League® of Long Beach is a nonprofit corporation whose purpose is to create a
community of volunteers to identify and deliver philanthropic services.
Assistance League of Long Beach enriches the lives it touches.
Call to Order: President
Suzanne Powell
 The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. at The Centre at Sycamore Plaza.
Flag Salute
Nancy Lewis
Bonnie Dorrans
Suzanne Powell
Past Presidents and Auxiliary Chairmen were introduced. Suzanne also thanked Chapter
Committee Chairmen.
Presentation of Winifred Campbell Orchid Corsage
Suzanne Powell
 Following tradition, Suzanne presented the orchid corsage to Vickie Sullos.
Presentation of Awards
Flo Brooks Award
Don Knabe by Suzanne Powell
 Don Knabe accepted the award indicating he would use it for vocational training. He
also accepted a gift in lieu of a plaque for the Safe Surrender Program he supports. Mr.
Knabe thanked Assistance League for the work we do in the community.
Ada Edwards Laughlin Award
Catherine Vandenberg Smith by JoAnn McDonald
President’s Award
Cynthia Terry by Suzanne Powell
Special Award
Annette Kashiwabara by Faye Alperin & Suzanne Powell
Recording Secretary
Betty Wohlgezogen
 Minutes of the April 25, 2016 meeting were ready by Andrea McClintock, Julie Wilson
and Mary Kay Peterson.
 Minutes of the May 23, 2016 meeting will be read by Judy Anderson, Mimi Fox and
Sarah Pool.
Annual Reports
Annual reports were given by:
1st Vice President Philanthropic Programs
 Orthodontic Center Report
 Operation School Bell
2nd Vice President Fund Development
3rd Vice President Special Events
5th Vice President Membership
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Patti Brown
Dr. Joshua Schneider
Karen Jenkins, Rick Rackers
JoAnn McDonald
Joan Twedell by Penny Wilds
Joyce Ricci
Strategic Planning Chairman
Thrift & Vintage Shop Chairman
Rick Rackers Auxiliary Chairman
Las Hermanas Auxiliary Chairman
CAMEO Professional Auxiliary Chairman
Assisteens® Coordinator
Cynthia Terry
Suzanne Powell & Oscar Reyes for
Donna Lenihan
JoAnn Cheroske
Blair Carty
Judie Lecesne
Peggy Anatol
Barbara Kedwards
Suzanne Powell
Recognition of Retiring Board of Directors Members and Committee Chairmen
 Suzanne thanked everyone for their contributions to Assistance League this year.
 Suzanne recognized and thanked the staffs of the orthodontic clinic, office, the facilities
manager and Thrift & Vintage Shop for all they do.
 Suzanne honored the memory of Chapter and Life members who have passed this year.
President’s Report
Suzanne Powell
 Suzanne gave an audio-visual report and thanked the returning members of the Board of
Directors and Committee Chairmen.
Presentation of Gift From Chapter to Outgoing President
Joyce Ricci
 Joyce presented Suzanne with the traditional medallion and gift from the Board of
Presentation of President’s Book
Hilda Sanchez
 Suzanne was presented the President’s Book commemorating her year in office.
Installation of New Board of Directors and President
Kathy Wade, 007 Bond
Class & Friends
A skit was presented installing the new Board of Directors and President. It was very
clever and humorous.
Congratulations and Presentation of Gavel
Suzanne Powell
 The gavel was presented to Vickie Sullos, incoming President.
Closing Remarks
Vickie Sullos
President 2016-17
Vickie introduced her family and guests and thanked everyone for a special day.
Meeting adjourned at 12:20. Lunch was served.
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Suzanne Powell
Betty Wohlgezogen
Recording Secretary
_______________________ ______________________ ________________________
Judy Anderson
Mimi Fox
Sarah Pool
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