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Adapting to life in water
Level Assessed Task
Living in water can be difficult. Animals and plants have to be specially adapted to be able to do it.
These are some of the problems in fast flowing streams.
Problem 1: Breathing in water
Problem 2: Not being swept away by the current
Problem 3: Low oxygen levels if the bottom of the stream is muddy.
Task 1
Look at each picture and description; decide which problem each animal or plant is designed to
overcome. You may see more than one for each animal or plant.
Task 2
Explain how each animal or plant is able to overcome these problems.
Bloodworm (midge larva): contains
red haemoglobin, has external gills
Pondsnail: muscular foot
to hold onto plants or
Flatworm: flattened
shape to give it a large
Mayfly larva: flattened
shape and strong legs
Diving beetle: has hairy
legs that trap air bubbles
Leech: sucker at both
Caddis fly larva: makes a
case out of pebbles or
other objects, and sticks
it to a rock or plant.
Pondweed: has small,
streamlined leaves.
surface area.
You should be able to …
Identify ways a living thing is suited to its environment.
name simple features of animals that make them suited to specific habitats.
Describe how animals and plants are suited to their habitat and identify what
an organism must do for its survival.
Describe how organisms are adapted to the environmental conditions,
explaining how the adaptations help survival.
Make the link between competition for resources with adaptation, population
size and survival