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Magnetic David A. Feinberg, GRASE A New PhD, MD Koichi #{149} (GradientFast Clinical A novel technique of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, which cornbines gradient-echo and spin-echo (GRASE) technique, accomplishes T2-weighted multisection imaging in drastically reduced imaging time, currently 24 times faster than spinecho imaging. The GRASE technique maintains contrast mechanisms, high spatial resolution, and image quality of spin-echo imaging and is compatible with clinical whole-body MR systems without modification of gradient hardware. Image acquisition time is 18 seconds for 11 rnultisection body images (2,000/80 [repetition time msec/echo time msec]) and 36 seconds for 22 brain images (4,000/104). With a combination of multiple Hahn spin echoes and short gradient-echo trains, the GRASE technique overcomes several potential problems of echo-planar imaging, including large chemical shift, image distortions, and signal loss from field inhomogeneity. Advantages of GRASE over the RARE (rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement) technique indude faster acquisition times and lower deposition of radio-frequency power in the body. Breath holding during 18-second GRASE imaging of the upper abdomen eliminates respiratory-motion artifacts in T2- weighted images. A major improvement in T2-weighted abdominal imaging is suggested. Index terms: Abdomen, MR studies, 70.1214 Brain, MR studies, 13.1214 #{149} Magnetic resonance (MR), comparative studies . Magnetic resonance (MR), echo planar . Magnetic resonance (MR), rapid imaging . Magnetic resonance (MR), technology Radiology 1991; Oshio, 181:597-602 MD, Resonance PhD and Spin-Echo) MR Imaging: Imaging Technique’ W oven the last decade, it is remarkable that multisection two-dimensional Fourier-transform spin-echo imaging (1) with T2 weighting has remained a standard of reference for routine clinicat MR imaging studies of the body and head. Since the earliest studies in ben of image sections and in S/N, the hybrid RARE technique currently has a fourto 16-fold reduction in imaging time from that of spin-echo imaging with one excitation and has tissue contrast similar to that of the spinecho technique. In hybrid RARE imaging, the rapid application of a large number of 180#{176} radio-frequency (RF) 1982, pulses HILE there resonance magnetic imaging has has (MR) improved been rapidly a progressive reduction in image acquisition time. Improvements in MR-imager hardware and pulse-sequence design have permitted faster imaging times by neducing the number of signals averaged (NSA) used to raise the signalto-noise ratio (S/N) in images. Conjugate synthesis of data (half Fourier or NSA = Y2) yields nearly another factor-of-two reduction in imaging time by taking advantage of a natural symmetry in the k-space data to halve the number of phase-encoded signals (2,3). For clinical imaging, it is significant that the conjugate synthesis contrast, method chemical produces shift, and tissue spatial resolution identical to that of spinecho imaging with one excitation. Whereas the conjugate synthesis method produces an expected 35%41 % reduction in image S/N, this S/N is acceptable for many T2-weighted examinations. An alternative approach for fast T2-weighted imaging is the rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement (RARE) technique (4). The hybrid RARE technique, also called fast spin-echo imaging, reduces imaging time by performing phase encoding both in trains of multiple spin echoes and during multiple cycles (repetition times [TRs]) of signal excitation. While there is a reduction in the num- produces deposition body From the Department of Radiology, Harvard Boston. Received April 18, 1991; revision requested 1. Address reprint requests to D.A.F., Department ter, 560 First Ave. New York, NY 10016. © RSNA, 1991 Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, June 1; revision received June 25; accepted July of Radiology, New York University Medical Cen- considerably higher of RE energy at the standard in the human absorption rate (SAR). shorter pulses, ultimately ments Although SAR increases with time intervals between RE the speed of RARE imaging is limited by the time requireof section-selective 180#{176} RF pulses during which signal cannot be acquired. In echo-planar imaging (5), signals are produced by rapid switching of gradient polarity in place of the slower selective 180#{176} RF pulses. In this way, echo-planar imaging and its modern variants, modulus-blipped echo-planar single-pulse technique (MBEST) (6) and Instascan (Advanced NMR, Woburn, ing use produce msec. Mass) of a single an image At high strengths, imaging (7), both involv- 180#{176} RF pulse, can in less than 100 magnetic methods field of echo-planar produce a large amount of chemical shift on the phase axis of images, typically 10-15-pixel misregistration between water and fat. This problem can be circumvented by using fat-suppression methods. These single-shot images, however, have lower spatial resolution and S/N than spin-echo images. This can be improved by using multiple excitation Abbreviations: boom-Gill, GRASE echo, MBEST I Imaging single-pulse nals averaged, relaxation SAR = to-noise time. = CPMG = Carr-Purcell-Mei= gradient echo and modulus-blipped technique, RARE = NSA rapid = spin echo-planar number of sigacquisition with enhancement, RF = radio frequency, standard absorption rate, S/N = signalratio, TE = echo time, TR = repetition 597 cycles (multiple imaging TRs) times. quirements that Other lengthen stringent of echo-planar reimaging include static magnetic fields with good homogeneity (better than 0.3 ppm for head imaging with a 1.5-T system) to avoid signal loss and image Phase distortions and themlcal resulting from inhomoge- neity-induced phase errors. All echoplanar imaging variants require strong magnetic gradients with fast rise times, which to date has limited their application to a handful of research centers. It is significant that the subsecond imaging time of echo-planar techniques eliminates artifacts caused by both respiratory and cardiac motion. In this article, a novel technique of MR imaging, which combines gradient echo and spin echo (GRASE) techniques, enables T2-weighted abdominat imaging in tess than 18 seconds. This is sufficiently fast to permit breath holding during image acquisitions to eliminate respiratory-motion artifacts, currently not possible in dinical T2-weighted spin-echo studies of the abdomen performed with acquisition times of 4-8 minutes. MATERIALS GRASE AND METHODS Technique The technique of combining echoes with spin echoes pulse-sequence diagram number of RF refocused is produced by using sequence. gradient is shown in the (Fig 1). A train, or spin echoes (NSE), the CPMG Centered about a number of gradient-recalled are produced by switching the readout gradient. The each echoes (NGR) the polarity of speed advan- In GRASE is sampled, train. imaging, shift. it1 RF&slgnal (Read vu tt Gy (Phase) Pulse-sequence Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill multiple signal reproduced near the the use of 180#{176} RE read echo. way, the modern echo-planar techniques, MBEST (6) and involve with use of a single greater proportional ent-echo 128 and the center In a similar gradient (Gx) GRASE the selective With the An echo train is formed 180#{176} RE pulses (rr, ‘rr, multiple 180#{176} pulses, phase shift are greatly echo train. In GRASE proportional through of fre- the echo reduced In echo-planar in magnitude imaging, with . the .) and . errors and are peri- with the imaging, the chemical to the time interval small phase increments are ing each 180#{176}-180#{176} interval train. shift is of the absence short echo train with NCR echoes, whereas in echo-planar imaging, the chemical shift is proportional to the longer time of the gradient-echo train composed of 64-128 echoes. The GRASE pulse sequence is more complicated than a simple combination spin echo with gradient echo, since the small field-inhomogeneity errors recur identically in each NCR echoes between successive pulses, as shown in Figure 1. of phase group of 180#{176} RE If phase en- coding is continuously incremented the total echo train, as in echo-planar aging or the RARE technique, there along imwould of chemical shift and T2* axis of k space. After Fourier- but ing artifacts in the image. This problem is eliminated with use of a discontinuous phase-encoding order duning the echo train. As more fully described elsewhere (9), phase encoding sweeps error, of 64- through during these image reconstruction, would three each large result large group phase these in severe increments increments ghost- of k space of NCR echoes. Holding constant, imposed along the echo train. Subsequent computer ing or interleaving of the signals 180#{176} RE pulse, composed technique. with reversals. and chemical axis as a result sensitivity transform signals. #{149} Radiology sequence modulations Common to both GRASE and echo-planan imaging, chemical shift is greaten on the phase axis of the image than on the 598 of the (CPMG) (7), field-inhomogeneity typically diagram imaging Instascan to half the time of the graditrain n throughout (frequency) quency be modulation on the phase echo spin vu of 180#{176} pulses there would be a large accumulation of phase errors and chemical shift (dashed line). The 24 echoes are phase-encoded differently by the gradient pulses in the phase-encoded direction (Gy). In each excitation cycle (TR), the strength of certain Gy pulses are changed (down-directed arrows) to offset the phase position in k space, while the pairs of negative Gy pulses maintain constant large jumps in the k-space trajectories. (The k-space location of signals [sl-s9] is shown in Fig 2.) By using refocusing pulses (up-directed arrows), the net accumulated Gy phase shift is returned to zero before each 180#{176} RF pulse. Here, three readout gradient reversals (NCR = 3) are shown, and only three of the eight RE refocused spinecho periods (N5) are shown. each respective readout due to field inhomogeneity fi vu n Gz (slice select) odically ‘k_I I\_[\ f\_/\ 1. s7s8s9 JVJ’\lJ(J& out) Figure s4s5s6 JVJ’tAJ& ir/2 relatively gradient-recalled 2 s2s3 Si pulses to nutate on reverse the position of spins leads to the nulling of field inhomogeneity errors at the Hahn spin-echo time (8), eliminating image distortions and loss of S/N. Small field-inhomogeneity errors evolve within each group of N(;R echoes during the relatively short time between of their T..... (nhomogenetty spin-echo spin echo, tage over standard spin-echo imaging is proportional to the total number of echoes pen 90#{176} excitation and equals NGR X N5. The effective echo time of the image is the time at which the origin of k space (zero order phase encode) middle of the echo -i error ottleld (Fig 2) effectively removes duntotal reorderin k space the peniodicity of field inhomogeneity errors on the phase axis. In this way, GRASE phase encoding orden is significantly different from that of RARE and echo-planar imaging, which continuously ing steps train increase as a function (Fig 2). Similar technique, formed shifts Multiple their phase-encodof time in the to the multiple with hybrid excitations small to fill in additional sections are incremental TR cycle of GRASE per- phase areas are echo RARE of k space. imaged during each echo-train excitation. The acquisition time (T) of the GRASE technique can be directly expressed as T [TR x (NL X NSA)/(NGR X N SE)] + TR, = where NL number of acquired phaseencoded image lines. The additional TR is required to establish steady-state zation. This initial excitation a template of echoes without coding, which can tude normalization timing corrections echoes. ments In the in which be used magneti- also produces phase enfor T2* magni- and gradient-echo in the phase-encoded presented NL imaging 192, NcR expen3, and November 1991 ky s4 s7 I III III s2 III uu S5& Ii’ II I III I I I III II s3 s6 kx L I___ s9 L b. a. Figure 2. The k-space and Instascan. Numbers tal arrows) reverse jectony of the except for a their first slightly are continuously space trajectory on the by interleaving N5E 8, the direction right on the phase signals total from data in both acquisition GRASE and Methods 1.5-T tems, were MR system Milwaukee) performed (Signa; using with a GE Medical Sysmaximal gradient of 1 C/cm (10 mT/rn). The readout periods were 2 msec on 4 msec with 0.6 msec gradient ramp times for a respective 18- or 24-msec interval between each pair of 180#{176} RE pulses. Free-induction-decay spoiler pulses were used on the read-gradient axis and are not shown in Figure 1. The effective echo time (TE) is the time at which the origin of the k space is sampled: 80 on 104 msec. With NGR 3 and NSE 8, there is a totat of 24 signals per 90#{176} excitation to give exactly 192 phase-encoded signals in eight excitations. The 192 x 256 k-space data set acquired in this way is symmetrically zerofilled to 256 x 256 before two-dimensional strength Fourier-transform image reconstruction. A standard multisection excitation scheme (1) was performed by using selective RE excitations with frequency offsets. Head and body images of the same healthy volunteer were obtained. Also, two patients with a known radiologic and clinical diagnosis of multiple sclerosis un- the GRASE technique at the time of their routine T2weighted spin-echo studies. derwent imaging with GRASE, tissue obtained spin-echo, and RARE intentionally equal (NSA Volume set 181 Number #{149} synthesis and NSA 2 are similar among the three techniques, the ment is affected accuracy of measureand limited by van- ability structure. in tissue of the abdomen (Fig 4) were in 18 seconds, during a sinhold. Therefore, respiratory artifact is totally absent. kidney = shift are on the sharply phase defined. axis The Chemical (horizontal) Multiple excitation cycles (a), MBEST (horizonthe tra- of signals trajectories fill in k axis. 1.6 pixels (vertical) and on the is 0.8 pixel. Typical tong-TR 5, 6) obtained with frequency axis head studies (Figs a pulse sequence of 4,000/104 and NSA = 2, require a 72-second imaging time; those obtamed with NSA = 1 require a 36second imaging time. Comparison of the image quality and S/N can be made at similar brain levels in these NSA = 1 and NSA = 2 studies. The image quality is sufficient to demonstrate many neocortex. small radial By using the arteries GRASE in the tech- nique with NSA = 1, a multiple sclerosis plaque is readily demonstrated in the right frontal white matter (Fig 6b) of a patient with multiple scterosis. Direct comparison by a neuroradiologist of the number of multiple sclerosis plaques in T2-weighted spinecho images with that in GRASE images at the same levels demonstrated the two an equal patients number studied. of plaques in Sagittal GRASE images of the lumbosacral spine (Fig 7) demonstrated the myetographic effect of cerebrospinat fluid with a TR of 3 seconds. Degenerative disk disease was noted in the lumbar spine. DISCUSSION renal arteries branching from the abdominal aorta are well demonstrated without respiratory motion artifact. The contours of the liver, spleen, and to be nearly by using conjugate = V2) for spin-echo and RARE images involved use of NSA = 2 and a signal readout period of 4 msec, whereas acquisition of spin-echo images involved use of NSA = ‘/2 and a signal readout period of 8 msec. Although estimates of image S/N, calculated from the ratio of tissue signal intensity to air signal in- motion tech- niques, each with similar pulse sequences: 2,500/100-104 (TR msec/TE msec). For this comparison, the S/N was contrast is somewhat affected by the different TE values. To obtain similar S/N in images, acquisitions of GRASE Images obtained gle breath contrast, brain with the arrows), unlike GRASE imaging. ky = phase axis, kx = frequency the GRASE and RARE techmques (Fig 3). In all three images, the phase axis is horizontal. The contrast among gray matter, white matter, and cerebrospmat fluid is similar in these images. The signal intensity of skin in the RARE image (Fig 3c) is noticeably more intense than that in either the GRASE or spin-echo image due to a higher signal of lipid in the RARE image. Greater flow artifact is present across the central region of the spinecho image (Fig 3b). Quantitative measurements of tissue signal intensity (pixel intensity) obtained from the comparative head study involving the spin-echo, RARE, and GRASE techniques are provided in the Table. Comparison of tissue tensity, RESULTS To compare images were hybrid in time (thick RARE imaging. 2 for is (9 x TR x NSA). Experiments including signals the negative-polarity readout gradients (Fig 1). In the GRASE technique over nearly the entirety of k space, with identical trajectories for subsequent groups between each group. In RARE imaging (b) and echo-planar imaging (c), the k-space axis sequentially time and (c) echo-planar imaging techniques, signal in the echo train. The phase-encoded to left during group of three signals scans displaced starting position displaced c. of (a) the GRASE technique, (b) RARE technique, left side in a-c correspond to the time order of the is The development of computed tomo(CT) technology for abdominal not unlike that of MR imaging, required a large leap in image acquisition speed to move from the early head imaging times of 3-5 minutes to the present imaging times of 1-3 seconds. CT body imaging is now of great clinical utility, while the problems of respiratory motion have not been overcome in routine clinical MR imaging. To date, respiratory motion graphic imaging, Radiology 599 #{149} a. b. Figure 3. Comparison of tissue contrast were acquired with a TR of 2.5 seconds C. and (c) RARE MR images of the brain. and a section thickness of 5 mm. (a) The GRASE image was obtained of 45 seconds for 13 sections. (b) The spin-echo image was obtained with conjugate synthesis (NSA = ‘/2) and 25 sections of both proton-density and T2-weighted images. (c) The hybrid RARE image was obtained with seconds for 13 sections. RARE and spin-echo images were acquired with a TE of 100 msec, while the GRASE to sequence artifacts weighted wise timing in (a) GRASE, (b) spin-echo, The three multisection images with NSA = 2 and an image time an image time of 4.6 minutes for NSA = 2 and an image time of 64 TE differed slightly (104 msec) due differences. have significantly limited T2spin-echo imaging, which other- has great sensitivity to abdominal pathologic conditions. To eliminate respinatony artifact, GRASE imaging times of 18 seconds permit comfortable breath holding for a large portion of the patient population. Due to the ing method discontinuous phase-encod- of GRASE imaging, echoes coven the entire tion of k space where energy sue occurs contrast practice, that (8). For this reason, of GRASE, by similar spin-echo echoes. plaques equally gradient-echo suboptimal for logic conditions. detection 3, Table), that of predomiechoes Given their GRASE and multiple well, unlike lowimaging, which is the of some the T2 relaxation patho- ,, As demonstrated (Fig from contrast mechanism, imaging demonstrate sclerosis flip-angle and imaging, determined these central gradient in fact are spin spin the tis- in theory is indistinguishable spin-echo nantly Hahn central third porthe highest signal in the tissue images is essentially spin-echo images head contrast studies obtained S/N as that with in similar TRs and TEs. The abdominal 4), including liver, spleen, tissues (Fig kidney, muscle, and spin-echo fat have weighted expected contrast. effectively While eliminates related mains the artifact, because much some of pulsations being The GRASE, signal primary RARE, bandwidth the square 600 investigated Radiology #{149} liver is proportional read in time). is to While more period more factor loss efficiently uses to refocus signals does unless or pen acquisition not shorter each periods in as long a read S/N directly read excitation, period techniques loss. periods lated with permitted in these suitable image for routine use of about clinical that the 180#{176} RF pulses per multisection that are used in a similar RARE tion, which advantage has a higher of the GRASE SAR. over with I is imaging in- number of acquisition acquisiThe the can be given in a simple average time of each speed RARE The echo by using average can be exemplary 180#{176} RF time directly time nefocusings expresphaseof a calcu- values; and the sun- rounding free-induction-decay spoiler (T51) equal 5 msec; the net time of the initial phase-encoding pulse and final rephasing pulse (TPE) equals 4 msec; gradients echo readout period plus a gradient times (TRw) equals 5.2 msec. Average time per echo = [TRI + TPE + (NCR X T5))]/ N,5. For RARE imaging with NCR = L the average time per signal is (5 + 4 + 5.2)/I, or 14.2 msec. For GRASE imaging with NGR 3, the average time per echo is [5 + rise imaging. GRASE a third % quality = the selective 4-msec 35%-41 demonstrated It is significant and experiments, for its intrinsic The twice as the GRASE technique sion for encoded signal. phase-encoded cause in head and body studies obtained the GRASE technique with NSA volves imaging out” this compensating re- (10). of S/N technique larger signal bandwidths are used. Conjugate synthesis spin-echo imaging, not haying the time constraint of many signal read RARE motion- artifact in the and spin-echo (S/N holding Pulse sequence cardiac pulsation artifacts are cur- determinant root of signal T2- of the residual and adjacent structures. modifications to reduce effects and other related nently breath pump time, in GRASE the same GRASE _ 4 + (3 x 5.2)]/3, imaging per echo ciency on 8.2 msec. For GRASE N(;5 = 7, the average time is 6.5 msec. Although the effi- with of GRASE imaging is currently in- November 1991 b. a. Figure 4. Abdominal (a, b) Coronal obtained MR studies during images. of the upper single breath abdomen holds. The total image time was 18 seconds for 11 multisection images, pulse sequence was 2,000/80, section thickness was 10 mm, and field of view with coronal a. b. Figure 5. (a-c) GRASE MR images obtained was 4,000/104, field of view was 24 cm, and termediate technique between imaging, with echo-planar Volume except obtained of the for a TE of 90 msec. GRASE an imaging system with gradients (fast rise maximal gradient) will the efficiency of GRASE making it closer to that gradients 181 because Number #{149} of the 2 of echo- technique from high C. in the head of a healthy volunteer section thickness was 5 mm. of gradient of the planar imaging. The RARE not benefit nearly as much formance and application high performance times and strong further increase imaging, images (c, d) Axial images identical to those d. C. RARE was 38 cm. parameters canper- absence head tions. refocusing, its large in 180#{176} RF pulses, At first glance, and SAR in comparing with time MBEST and Instascan, cost of the multiple ings certainty the efficiency with appears of GRASE NSA time over- limita- GRASE the additional 180#{176} RE refocus- to directly = 2. Imaging reduce imaging. These additional nefocusings, however, signal acquisition to occur much permit earlier than time was in these 72 seconds, echo-planar pulse sequence techniques, which necessarily have a much 90#{176}-180#{176} time interval when no longer signals can be acquired. This advantage of GRASE imaging may largely offset the efficiency differences between these techniques for T2-weighted imaging. It is important to realize that GRASE imaging is a variant of spin-echo imaging that involves use of the CPMG sequence Radiology #{149} 601 Figure 7. Sagittal GRASE images of the spine obtained with a TR of 3 seconds, NSA 2, and section thickness of 5 mm. Image time was 56 seconds. Note the myelographic = effect of cerebrospinal disk disease levels, with Figure and at the L2-3 level in the L4-5 disk. b. a. 6. GRASE pulse MR sequence images obtained of 4,000/104. in the (a) Image tamed in a patient with multiple those of brain images obtained identical image parameters. sclerosis. with NSA head with obtained The NSA = in healthy image 1, image volunteer quality and S/N 5, which were = 2 in Figure can be compared otherwise acquired with with 2. imaging, spin which echoes, involves and use single-shot echoes. Several imaging train into decrease by the of multiple imaging ciently weighting two identically of GRASE of the echo in clinically acceptable imaging of performing with the CPMG magnetic field and imaging could be to perform imaging with NSA = 4 or 8 to increase image S/N in clinically acceptable imaging times. In summary, multisection GRASE imaging ing 602 is similar in terms to long-TR spin-echo imagof image fidelity, contrast, Radiology #{149} imaging Jolesz, rologic The technique with imaging studies preparation of this grateful to Lawrence tonal comments. Biol 1984; 29:857-867. J, Nauerth a fast A, Friedburg imaging MR. Magn Reson Mansfield P, Maudsley H. method RARE for clinical Med 1986; 3:823-833. AA. J Magn Planar spin 1977; 27: high-penfor- nan techniques. 7. and spa- however, new to is a 8. 9. high- Magn Reson 10. to Ferenc neu- Crooks Nuclear L, Arakawa magnetic M, HoenningerJ, et al. resonance whole-body imager operating at 3.5 KGauss. of fast MR imaging technique. Magn Reson Med 1991; 20:344349. Feinberg DA, Oshio K. Gradient echo time shifting in fast imaging (abstr). In: Book of abstracts: Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 1991. Berkeley, Calif: in We are very PhD, for his edi- References Med 1989; 10:227-240. Rzedzian RR, Pykett IL. Instant images the body by magnetic resonance. Magn Reson Med 1987; 5:563-571. Hahn EL. Spin echoes. Phys Rev 1950; 50:580-594. Oshio K, Feinberg DA. GRASE (Gradient and Spin Echo): a novel U in comparing NMR. Reson RJ, Howseman A, Coxon R, et al. imaging at 0.5 T using echo-pla- Society 1 1. 1. Med DA, HaleJD, Watts JC, Kauffman A. Halving MR imaging time by demonstration at 3.5 kG. Ra1986; 161:527-531. Ordidge Snapshot 6. and for his comments manuscript. E. Crooks, Phys Feinberg L, Mark conjugation: diology Hennig imaging: Combination ability to implement without the need assistance Uijen CMJ, Holzcheres NMR imaging by Fourier zeugmatogra- by quality hardware, his intensity imaging 101-107. We are grateful for 5. should produce in imaging time image gradient MD, A pen- in the current time. technique Acknowledgment: and flow have 4. effi- period. significant advantage of this speed imaging technique. possible apin systems strength decay sections maintaining resolution. GRASE re- time. The over spin-echo of the GRASE technique with tradeoffs in T2 and change times. diffusion sequence been described (II). Another plication of GRASE imaging low imaging; tial the T2 gradient systems large reductions while phase-encoded volume high-resolution mance further a 24-fold by more image of the GRASE obvious modifications are possible: division three-dimensional use of 512 x 512 with the of fewer implementation can be optimized in imaging time use of gradient with acquisition of GRASE is accomplished using alty data sets for simultaneous proton-density and T2-weighted (double-echo) imaging, use of different TEs and TRs for desired image contrast; extension to multislab Methods imaging resolution echo-planar imaging, which involves use of multiple gradient echoes. In GRASE imaging, a small amount of chemical shift is accepted with the and SAR afforded spatial duction in image time advantage at multiple disk disk bulging central loss of signal denBoefJH, van CD. Multiple-slice three-dimensional phy. and and Degenerative time of 36 seconds, and (b) image ob- 3. to produce spin-echo contrast. GRASE imaging lies on a continuum between RARE fluid. is demonstrated more severe of Magnetic cine, 1991; 1239. Feinberg DA, Jakab in humans studied tnbution, line scan, ing. Magn Reson Resonance in Medi- PD. Tissue perfusion by Fourier velocity disand echo-planar imagMed 1990; 16:280-293. Radiology 1982; 143:169-174. November 1991