Download Mesopotamian food Normally they eat 2 meals a day, except for the

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Mesopotamian food
Normally they eat 2 meals a day, except for the rich, most people ate
unleavened bread, and drank large amounts of beer (up to one gallon a
day). Cow’s milk was also drunk, but it quickly turned sour in the hot
climate. Because meat was expensive, most people ate cooked
vegetables stew’s. Fish was an important source of protein include
apples, pears, grapes, figs, quinces, apricots, mulberries, melons and
pomegranates. Pistachio nuts were also enjoyed. Cakes for special
occasions were also made with butter, cheese, dates, flour, and raisins.
The Mesopotamians made good use of the resources that were available
to them and were very productive. The growth and trade of the food in
the area contributed a lot to this productiveness and help Mesopotamia
to become a very powerful leader.
Date palms were also a very important food source to the
Mesopotamians. These palms grew in southern Mesopotamia by the
river marshes and supplied fibers, fodder, wood, and rich food. Products
from these palms were very important to Mesopotamian trade and help
make Mesopotamia a very rich and powerful leader in international
Even though Mesopotamia was for the most part very dry and hot, the
Tigris and the Euphrates irrigated the soil on its banks and produced a
lot of very fertile soil that was used to grow many other types of crops.
Some of these other crops included leeks, onions, lentils, wheat, and
barley. Each of these crops were readily available to the
Mesopotamians and were consumed at a very common rate.
As well as leeks, lentils, and other types of crops, many spices, herbs,
and fruits such as the fig were available. Grapes were also very
important to Mesopotamia and were used in the production of wine.
The olive tree, witch was native to the Mesopotamia area, was very
useful as well. It was valued throughout Mesopotamia and its
surrounding areas for its oil witch was used to make medicines,
perfume bases, lamp fuel, and most of all for cooking.
Mesopotamia’s richness in food always attracted its poorer neighbors.
A common crop that was grown annually in Mesopotamia was flax. Flax
was used by the Mesopotamians in the production of nets, cloth,
linseed oil, meal, and even many pharmaceuticals.
Another very poplar food source for the Mesopotamians were the two
rivers that surrounded the ancient land. From the Tigris and Euphrates
the Mesopotamians were able to pull many different types of fish and
other aquatic animals, and wildfowl of all sorts could be found in the
wet marshes that bordered both of the rivers.
By Malin