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© AAPG Pacific Section, 2007 - Metropolitan Oil Fields and their Environmental Impact, 1973 A PROFILE OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GEOLOGY Richard H. Jahns PREFACE The Field Trip Committee of the Pacific Sections of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Society of Economic Paleontologist and Mineralogists, and Society of Economic Geophysicists bids welcome to all field trip participants. The new guidebooks cover a large segment of the southern one-third of the State and present both descriptive and interpretive information on some of the diverse and complex geology of the region. In addition to such subjects as the environmental aspects of metro- politan oil field development and future sources of geothermal power, a striking variety of geologic features and scenic routes are included. Moreover, at the suggestion of the Technical Program Committee, a number of papers in the technical sessions and symposia apply directly to specific facets of several field trips. We wish to offer our heartfelt thanks to the more than 50 individuals who organized, contributed to, and implemented the field trips. To those who volunteered articles or services but were turned down for lack of space or time, our sincere apologies. We also wish to express our gratitude to those companies that provided manpower and facilities in support of publication. Furthermore, we extend our appreciation to the landowners and public officials who permitted access and visiting privileges. The Field Trip Committee Chairman - J. C. Vedder, USGS Printing Chairman & Editor Doug Traxler T 7 0 0 0 \\ \ ,,\~ | //i ~D // I ,,,,;.j ~n f / • I \ r j , I I I I s ~ o ,/ ' ' ~ - m~ --7 / I ! 7- J ,4b \ ~.~. 0 A PROFILE OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GEOLOGY Richard H. Jahns GENERAL RELATIONSHIPS Southern California has been described in many contexts as a land of variety and abundance. This happy designation is quite appro- priate when applied geologically, as the region is one of numerous and remarkably diverse rock types, mineral deposits, geomorphic features. structural elements, and The diversity reflects an unusually complex geologic history whose latest chapter still is being written in terms of vigorous diastrophism, erosion, and sedimentation. strong contrasts in present topography, It also is responsible for cl~m~te, vegetation, and land use from one part of the region to another. Within an area of about 90,000 square miles in southern California are several mountain ranges whose crests rise above the 10,000-foot contour, at least fifty lesser ranges of major extent, precipitous canyons and broad valleys at many levels, and two basins that in large part lie below sea level. Several bold, canyon-gashed scarps rise 8,000 to i0,000 feet within horizontal distances of only a few miles from their bases; in contrast are areas over which the maximum topographic relief is less than 500 feet for tens or even hundreds of square miles. In terms of standard classifications, the climatic types within this region range from arid to humid and from hot to cold, the life zones from lower Sonoran to alpine. The Geolo$ic Section For purposes of this broad description, southern California can be most simply divided into a coastal belt, about 65 miles in average width, and a much more extensive interior region. In both these areal divisions the geologic sections comprise igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks and a considerable variety of surficial deposits, and they range in age from Precambrian to Holocene. Throughout the coastal belt the rocks can be readily grouped into two major sequences that are separated by a profound unconformity. erate to very great differences in lithology, Mod- structure, and degree of metamorphism distinguish the rocks beneath this break from those that lie above it. The oldest rocks above the unconformity are marine strata of Upper Cretaceous age, and in most areas the youngest rocks beneath it are plutonic types dated as mid-Cretaceous radiometric and stratigraphic means. or earliest Upper Cretaceous by both A similar two-fold division can be made among the rocks exposed on the sea floor adjacent to the present coastline, and the great unconformity also is easily recognized over large areas in western parts of the interior region. The rocks of the older sequence are predominantly plutonic, metasedimentary, and metavolcanic types. Many of these form parts of Precambrian terranes that are widely exposed in the interior region but only in one small part of the coastal belt. Post-Precambrian rocks also are abundant in the interior, and are overwhelmingly preponderant within the older sequences of the coastal belt, chiefly as batholithic masses of late Mesozoic age and as remnants of earlier layered sections of both continental and ocean affinities. Within the interior region, the intensity of deformation and metamorphism in most of the layered rocks decreases toward the east, where correlations have been established with the thick Mesozoic, Paleozoic, and youngest Precambrian sections of the Colorado Plateau province and adjacent parts of the Great Basin. The rocks of the younger sequence occur as marine and nor~arine strata of Upper Cretaceous, Tertiary, and other volcanic accumulations and Quaternary age, and as lava flows of Tertiary and Quaternary age. Dominant in the coastal belt are elastic marine sedimentary rocks, most of which were laid down in large basins over long periods of time and under a wide range of environmental conditions. Many of the sections are very thick, and most are marked by rapid lateral variations and numerous unconformities. The sedimentary rocks in the interior region are chiefly fluviatile and lacustrine, and were deposited mainly in smaller, over much shorter periods of time. essentially isolated basins Volcanic rocks constitute a minor part of the younger sequence in the coastal belt, but are widespread and very abundant in the interior region, Accumulations of oil and gas occur almost wholly within strata of the younger sequence, and in areas that are within or adjacent to the coastal belt. In such areas the rocks of the older sequence, which under- lie the Cenozoic basin sections or are exposed on adjacent ground that is structurally high, are referred to collectively as "basement" by many geologists. Structure The older structural features in most of the layered rocks that lie beneath the great unconformity reflect two or more episodes of mild to very severe deformation, at least one of which commonly appears to have been associated either with the emplacement of plutonic igneous rocks or with the eastward thrusting of oceanic rocks beneath an ancient margin of the North American continent. Thespatial folding, shearing, metamorphism, and temporal pattern of faulting, and igneous activity generally is complicated or even masked by the effects of younger deformation, and thus far has been satisfactorily deciphered in only a few relatively small areas. So complex are most of the end products that their complete structural history remains to be determined. The younger structural features, which affect rocks that lie above the great unconformity, are perhaps the most fundamental elements in the present framework of Southern California geology. The extremely complex history of the region during Cenozoic time is based upon a central theme of repeated faulting, much of it on a grand scale and much of it evidently related to changesinconfiguration faults of adjacent oceanic crust. have been primarily responsible for the definition, Movements along deepening, shift- ing, and more detailed modification of sedimentary basins, and for the uplift of mountain masses from which enormous quantities of clastic materials have been derived. The Cenozoic rocks themselves have been dislocated and other- wise disturbed, and so much of this diastrophic activity has persisted into recent geologic times that most of the present physiographic the region are intimately related to faulting. features in Folding and warping also have disturbed many of the younger rocks to significant and even to very important degrees, but in general their role in the broad structural framework has been subordinate to that of faulting. The compilation in Figure i shows most of the known major faults in a large part of southern California. Nearly all of these have been active during parts of Cenozoic time, and many can be confidently regarded as active today. The histories of some may date back into Mesozoic time, and a few of those in the interior region are known to be still older. Best represented among the principal elements of the fault pattern are nearvertical breaks whose major components of movement have been strike-slip (e.g., San Andreas, San Gabriel, San Jacinto, Elsinore, Garlock), along with gently- to steeply-dipping breaks whose major components of movement have been dip-slip in a thrust or reverse sense (e.g., Sierra Madre, Banning, Santa Ynez, White Wolf). Normal faults with large displacements are very rare in the coastal belt, but are prominent in parts of the interior region. The structural evolution of southern California during Cenozoic time not only is significant in a purely tectonic sense, but is fundamental to the reconstruction of regional paleogeography and the histories of individual sedimentary basins. A highly generalized paleogeographic map intended to show relationships in late Oligocene time, for example, may be inaccurate and even grossly misleading unless appropriate corrections can be made for large post-Oligocene displacements along lateral faults that transect the area. This and many other problems demand a more complete resolution of the nature, timing, and causes of fault movements in southern California. The interplay of these movements has been very complex on both local and regional scales, and determination of directions and amounts of net slip along individual breaks in many instances is compounded by evidence of reoriented movement. The problem has been under vigorous attack via avenues ranging from highly detailed mapping to piecing together the puzzles of plate tectonics (see, e.g., Dickinson and Grantz, 1968). GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS Systematic studies of southern California geology date from more than a century ago, when the first reasonably accurate geologic maps (Blake, 1856; Antisell, 1857) appeared as outgrowths from early surveys for routes of transportation. Additional investigations were made in the fifties and sixties under the aegis of the State, and from the time of its organization in 1880 the State Mining Bureau was active in many areas. A great deal of early work also was done by members of the U.S. Geological Survey, which was organized in 1879, and by teachers and students of the University of California and Stanford University. Attention was focused mainly on geo- logic mapping, studies of mining districts, and on special stratigraphic, structural, mineralogic and paleontologic problems. Geologic knowledge was applied directly to the search for oil and gas beginning at about the turn of the century, and within a few years detailed studies of stratigraphy and structure led to discovery and development of new fields, as well as to improved understanding of fields that had been found earlier on the basis of surface seepages. The general trend of investigations in petroleum geology is clearly shown in the published record, as the earlier and largely descriptive sunm~aries (e.g., Goodyear, 1888; Eldridge, 1903) were followed by a long series of detailed reports, mainly by members of the U.S. Geological Survey, outlining the results of intensive studies in specific areas and districts (e.g., Eldridge and Arnold, 1907; Arnold and Anderson, 1910; Arnold and Johnson 1910; Pack, 1920; English, 1921, 1926; Kew, 1924; Hoots, 1931; Woodring et al., 1932, 1940). The work of these men, and of numerous oil-company geologists, members of university staffs, and other investigators, provided a sound, basis for further interpretations of the shallow crust, as well as for the pursuit of many specific lines of inquiry in large parts of the region. Owing to the essential restriction of known accumulations of oil and gas to the San Joaquin Valley area and to the coastal belt, these parts of southern California have received much more detailed attention than the bulk of the interior region. This attention, moreover, has been focused chiefly upon the rocks that postdate the great unconformity, as it is within them that nearly all the accumulations of commercial value have been found. On the other hand, it should be emphasized that petroleum geology by no means has stood alone in southern California, as many other areas and geo- logic features have been studied extensively in connection with projects involving metalliferous water resources, deposits, earthquakes, occurrences of the industrial minerals, and engineering structures. A host of ad- ditional activities, many of a purely research nature, has added considerably to the breadth of geologic coverage. As investigations creasingly diversified of southern California geology have become in- in their nature and aims, and as the investigators themselves have represented a growing number of interests and affiliations, attempts have been made to summarize the existing information, instances, to include broad interpretations. considerable variations in purpose, and, in some The published results show coverage, and quality. One early summary (Hill, 1928), for example, represents an effort to place the problem of earthquakes in a new perspective for residents of the State, and its general usefulness has been thereby limited. Four decades ago, the Sixteenth Inter- national Geological Congress stimulated the preparation of a guidebook (Gale et al., 1932) that is brief but provides a more satisfactory of southern California geology. In many ways it has set the pace for the larger and more elaborate guidebooks 1952; Jahns, 1954; Higgins, sampling that have appeared since (e.g., Laiming, 1958). More complete summary coverage of the stratified rocks came soon thereafter, with publication of a classic volume on the geology of the State (Reed, 1933). In this work, careful integration and interpretation of an impressive wealth of data effectively brought some order out of chaos. It was the forerunner of a more specialized volume dealing with the structural evolution of southern California (Reed and Hollister, oil and gas in the State was later summarized 1936). The geology of in a third massive work (Jenkins et al., 1943), which remains today as a standard reference in its field. The geology of southern California was most recently and comprehensively outlined in Bulletin 170 of the State Division of Mines (Jahns, 1954), which includes the contributions of 103 authors representing many different organizations. This treatise provides general and detailed discussions of both topics and areas, as well as several geologic guides and numerous maps, and it is the source of much information quoted in later publications. A modern geologic map of California was prepared by the State Division of Mines 35 years ago (Jenkins, 1938), and a completely new edition was recently completed on a larger scale and in much greater detail. It comprises sections that have been issued separately, and some of these already have been revised on the basis of newly available information. Com- prehensive reports on minerals (Murdoch and Webb, 1956), geomorphic features (Hinds, 1952), mineral deposits (Jenkins et al., 1950; Wright et al., 1957), and engineering geology (Lung and Proctor, 1966) are among the other contributions to the summary record for recent decades. THE GEOLOGIC PROVINCES Southern California is readily divisible into eight natural provinces, in large part on the basis of distinctive physiographic characteristics but more fundamentally on the basis of geologic history since mid-Mesozoic time. The distribution, areal dimensions, and major topographic elements of these provinces are indicated in Figure 2, and a comparison with Figure 1 will show the relationships between these features and the pattern of major faults. Sierra Nevada The southern part of the Sierra Nevada proper is fundamentally a huge asymmetric, westward-tilted block that is bounded on the east by a zone of high-angle faulting and disappears to the west beneath the thick sedimentary fill of the San Joaquin Valley. This block consists-mainly of plutonic rocks that represent the composite Sierra Nevada batholith of late Mesozoic age, together with older metamorphic rocks that are subordinate but widely distributed. Resting upon these crystalline rocks are scattered patches of lower Tertiary fluviatile sediments, Tertiary and Quaternary volcanic rocks,~and Quaternary glacial and post-glacial deposits. The Tehachapi Mountains, at the south end of the province, consist chiefly of the same kinds of pre-Cenozoic rocks, but appear to have a much more complex internal structure. This range trends northeast rather than north, and it is bounded on both sides by major fault zones. Within it are large masses of Tertiary noumarine strata and associated volcanic rocks, and along its margins are moderately rocks. to steeply tilted sections of Tertiary Both the Tehachapi Mountains and the Sierra Nevada appear to have been affected by several episodes of uplift during Cenozoic time, and the most recent and possibly greatest of these took place during Pleistocene time. Basin-Range Province The part of the Basin-Range province that lies in southern California is characterized by north-trending basins, and an interior drainage. ranges, Pre-Cenozoic intervening valleys and rocks are exposed in most of the ranges, and include a wide variety of sedimentary, plutonic types. volcanic, Many have been mildly to intensely metamorphosed. and This older sequence is the only one in southern California that contains carbonate rocks in great abundance. The Cenozoic rocks are more patchy in terms of both initial and present distribution. They are nonmarine, and occur mainly as volcanic accumulations, coarse-grained basin fill, and as deposits formed in numerous short-lived lakes of Tertiary and Quaternary age. Taken together, the older and younger sequences in this region represent the extreme age range known within the State. Many of the mountain ranges are essentially fault blocks, and some of the valleys are fault-bounded nor the history of deformation troughs, but neither the structural pattern in the region is at all simple. The province is in part bounded on the south by the Garlock fault zone (Pig. i), along which there has been much left-lateral movement, and it is bounded on the west by the Sierra Nevada fault zone, along which dip-slip components of movement probably have been dominant. Within the province are many other high-angle faults, as well as flat to moderately-dipping thrust faults. Widespread faulting and warping of Quaternary age is reflected by many features of the present topography. Mojav e Desert The Mojave Desert region, most extensive of the geologic provinces, is in large part a gigantic fault-bounded wedge that points westward. consists dominantly of pre-Cenozoic and metamorphic widespread. It rocks, among which Precambrian igneous rocks and Mesozoic plutonic and volcanic rocks are most This very complex section resembles that in the Basin-Range province to the north, except that stratified rocks are much less abundant. The Cenozoic section comprises volcanic and hypabyssal intrusive rocks, along with fluviatile and lacustrine sediments reflecting a complex history of basin formation that began in middle Miocene time and has continued to the present. Much of the province lies between the left-lateral Garlock fault on the north and the right-lateral San Andreas fault on the southwest (Fig. i). Within it are north- to northeast-trending folds, steeply-dipping faults, and some major thrusts of Mesozoic age, as well as more open folds, low-angle normal and thrust faults, and steeply-dipping age. faults of Cenozoic Many of the high-angle faults trend northwest and show evidence of Quaternary movement that can be correlated with the San Andreas stress- strain system. Colorado Desert The Colorado Desert is an elongate, low-lying depression whose alluviated floor is in part occupied by the Salton Sea. It is separated from the Gulf of California by the delta of the Colorado River. This de- pression marks the general site of a former basin of middle and late Cenozoic sedimentation, and a thick section of fine- to very coarse-grained, nonmarine strata, ginal parts. together with some volcanic rocks, dominantly is exposed in its mar- The sedimentary sequence consists mainly of alluvial-fan and lacustrine deposits, but also included are marine beds that were laid down in a shallow, northward-extending Pliocene time. arm of the Gulf of California during early Considerable exploration for oil and gas has been directed toward this section, thus far without notable success, but the Salton basin appears to hold considerable promise as a source of geothermal energy. The basin fill rests upon igneous and metamorphic rocks of preCenozoic age in some areas, and is in fault contact with them in others. The northeast side of the province is traversed longitudinally by several subparallel breaks of the San Andreas fault zone, and its highly irregular western margin is in part outlined by several major fault zones that trend northwest. Many of these faults cut and offset rocks that are as young as Quaternary. The recent history of the basin, which has been associated with opening of the Gulf of California along the East Pacific rise during the past 5 million years, has involved subsidence, local volcanic activity, folding and intermittent movements along faults in both the marginal and interior areas, and occupation by at least one large fresh-water lake during late Quaternary time. San Joaquin Valley The San Joaquin Valley, or southern part of the Great Valley of California, is one of the two most important areas in the State from the standpoint of petroleum production and reserves. Now an ~Tmense, nearly flat-floored plain that is largely covered by alluvium, this structurally low region has been an elongate basin of deposition since mid-Cretaceous time. Beneath the valley floor is a remarkably thick and varied section of dominantly clastic sedimentary rocks. More than 25,000 feet of Upper Cretaceous marine strata rests upon a heterogenous basement terrane, and in turn is overlain by a considerably thicker sequence of younger formations that include both marine and nonmarine strata as well as some volcanic rocks. The broad trough of sedimentary deposits is asymmetric, with a relatively steep westerly flank and a gently inclined easterly flank that lies upon the western part of the Sierra Nevada fault block. During much of Tertiary time this basin was occupied by an inland sea, and a variety of lithologic facies accumulated contemporaneously subside. as its floor continued to Several episodes of uplift and depression are attested by uncon- formities and by lithologic contrasts within the sedimentary section, and many open folds, developed chiefly in mid-Pleistocene both the marginal and interior parts of the basin. time, are present in Several prominent lines of folding project southeastward and east-southeastward 10 into the basin from its western margin, and relatively severe deformation in the southern end and along the western side of the valley is expressed by numerous thrust faults and overturned sections of stratified rocks. Southern Coast Ranges The southern part of the Coast Ranges province is characterized by a distinct topographic and structural grain that trends northwest to north-northwest. A thick section of Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic sedi- mentary rocks, mainly marine and mainly clastic, is exposed over most of the area. Some of these strata contain important accumulations of oil and gas, principally in the Santa Maria and Cuyama basins. An older and in part highly disordered assemblage of rocks lies unconformably beneath the Cenozoic strata, and in places is juxtaposed against them along faults. It comprises felsic plutonic rocks and mildly metamorphosed but intricately deformed rocks of the Mesozoic Franciscan complex, which includes clastic sedimentary rock types, chert, limestone, various schists, basalt, diabase, and serpentinite of oceanic affinities. The province is sliced almost longitudinally by two major fault zones, the San Andreas on the northeast and the Nacimiento on the southwest (Fig. i), as well as by many other subparallel breaks with northwesterly trend. The Nacimiento zone appears to express a profound break, probably an ancient zone of subduction along which Franciscan rocks are now in contact with continental granitic rocks to the northeast. are late Mesozoic in age, form The plutonic rocks, which the core of a crustal block that appears to have been a highland mass during much of Tertiary time, while sediments were being deposited in the flanking areas. middle Miocene, Cenozoic deformation, late Pliocene, and mid-Pleistocene numerous folds, faults, and unconformities especially in times, is reflected by in the sedimentary section. Transverse Ranges Province Trending essentially eastward across the regional grain of southern California is the Transverse Ranges province, which comprises elongate mountain ranges and valleys, chains of hills, and broad basins that are geologically 11 very complex. Its eastern half, which is prevailingly mountainous, composed for the most part of plutonic, metasedimentary, rocks that pre-date the great unconformity. is and metavolcanic Tertiary sedimentary rocks, both marine and nor~arine, are preserved locally. The western half of the province is featured by diverse sections of Tertiary and Quaternary sedimentary rocks, in places enormously thick, that were deposited in several large basins. These and associated volcanic rocks rest upon and against older sedimentary rocks, as well as still older crystalline rocks that are in part correlative with those exposed in areas farther east. The basins of Cenozoic deposition did not, in general, corres- pond to the outlines of the present lowland areas, so that many of the basin sections are now exposed in relatively mountainous country. Of great importance as a source of petroleum is the Ventura basin, which extends over a large area now drained mainly by the Santa Clara River north of Los Angeles (Fig. 2). of the ocean west of Ventura. Tertiary, and 60,000 feet. common. Quaternary Much of it also lies beneath the shallow waters The basin fill includes Upper Cretaceous, strata whose maximum aggregate thickness is nearly Rapid lateral variations in lithology and thickness are very In one central part of the basin, for example, is 15,000 feet of elastic Pliocene strata, whereas only 4 miles to the south the Pliocene section is less than 2,000 feet thick. The sedimentary rocks have been deformed into a broad synclinorium that is complicated by numerous intra-basin folds and faults. The largest individual features are deep fan synclines with both limbs overturned; limbs are broken by outward-dipping inward and upward movements the thrusts and reverse faults that represent toward the axial regions of the folds. The his- tory of the entire basin, especially during middle and late Cenozoic time, appears to have involved a highly complex interplay of broad and local subsidence, folding, and faulting, accompanied by deposition of predominantly elastic sediments in local sub-basins at some times and over much larger areas at others. Almost the entire section is cut off at the east by the San Gabriel fault, and most of its stratigraphic units cannot be correlated with temporally equivalent units in contiguous basins on the other side of this major break. 12 The province as a whole resembles the adjoining Coast Ranges and Peninsular Ranges provinces in several respects, but is distinguished from them by its east-west structural trends. Elongate, generally steep-sided folds, many of them ruptured along their axes or on one or both flanks by gently- to steeply-dipping compressional faults, are characteristic of the present basinal areas and those western ranges that consist mainly of sedimentary rocks. The other ranges are best regarded as great up-thrown blocks, bounded mainly by faults that dip gently to very steeply, that have had both thrust and left-lateral components of movement, and that appear to converge downward beneath the blocks. The San Gabriel Mountains (Fig. 3) represent a very complex block that is structurally high, and within this range are the only rocks in the coastal belt of southern California that definitely have been dated as Precambrian. The entire province appears to have been under severe north-south compression during late Cenozoic time. Several episodes of intense deformation, including a late Mesozoic orogeny and accompanying widespread plutonic intrusion, are recorded by the older rocks of the province. The Cenozoic section contains unconformities, some of them extensive, that reflect a variety of disturbances in both basin and source areas. A great mid-Pleistocene orogeny produced intense folding and uplift, and was responsible for development of the major elements of the present topography. The great San Andreas-San Jacintofault zone slices across the eastern part of the province at an acute angle, and the San Gabriel fault zone is somewhat similarly disposed farther west (Fig. I). Marine terraces of Pleistocene age are prominent features of the coastal landscape, and lie at elevations of as much as 1,200 feet above present sea level. Some of them have been warped and broken by faults. Peninsular Ranges Proyince The Peninsular Ranges province is characterized by a northwesttrending topographic and structural grain that butts abruptly against the Transverse Ranges grain in the general latitude of Los Angeles. The inland parts of the province include several high mountain ranges, and are underlain chiefly by plutonic, metasedimentary, and metavolcanic rocks of Paleozoic 13 and Mesozoic age. The igneous rocks include widespread representatives the great composite Southern California batholith. of Patches of younger vol- canic rocks and nonmarine sediments of middle and late Cenozoic age are present locally. A coastal plain of irregular outline is marked by numerous marine terraces. It is underlain by dominantly clastic marine and nonmarine strata of Upper Cretaceous, Tertiary, and Quaternary age, and by scattered volcanic rocks of Tertiary and Quaternary age. This section thickens to more than 30,000 feet in the Los Angeles basin at the northwestern end of the province, where it evidently accumulated in a subsiding area under widely varying conditions of sedimentation. In many respects this basin resembles other Cenozoic basins in the adjoining Transverse Ranges province, but its major structural features have the typical Peninsular Ranges trend. The Los Angeles basin has yielded nearly one-half of all the petroleum thus far produced in the State. The present topographic basin is a coastal lowland area, nearly 1,000 square miles in extent, whose floor is marked by elongate low ridges and groups of hills (Figs. 4, 5). Both this and some adjoining areas were covered at various times in the past by marine waters, and received sediments in much the same manner as the Ventura basin to the northwest. Shifts in the rate of subsidence, structural adjustments along the margins and floor of the basin, and major elevations of nearby source areas were largely responsible for changes in the shape and extent of the marine embayment, repeated changes in the nature and rate of sedimentation, and for the development of many unconformities in marginal parts of the basin. During middle and late Miocene time the embayment was very large and was connected with the waters of the Ventura basin. ment was somewhat smaller, The Pliocene embay- though at first very deep in the central part of the basin a few miles southeast of the present Los Angeles Civic Center. During Pliocene and Pleistocene times the depression was gradually filled with sediments, until much of its surface finally lay above sea level. The post- lower Miocene strata reached a maximum thickness of more than 20,000 feet. 14 The basin area is transversed by subparallel zones of deformation that trend northwest to west-northwest. One of these, the Newport-lnglewood, can be likened to the Nacimiento fault zone of the Coast Ranges to the northwest (Fig. 1), in that it expresses a major boundary between basement rocks of oceanic and continental origins. The buried crystalline rocks of the basln floor are divided by faults into large blocks that lie at contrasting levels, and these irregularities are reflected in various degrees by undulations and folds in the overlying sedimentary section. Most of the known and inferred faults extend upward into the basin fill, commonly with decreasing amounts of displacement at successivley higher levels. out upward into zones of folding and warping. Some die Especially prominent on the present surface of the basin are two northwest-trending lines of anticlinal uplift along which enormous quantities of petroleum have been concentrated (Fig. 6). Most of the folds are open, but their flanks are complicated by unconformities, faults, and small-scale wrinkling. Many of the anticlines are known to contain deformed cores of basement rocks at depth. The folding affects strata as young as latest Pleistocene, and in large part is plainly reflected by the present topography (Figs. 4-6). The entire Peninsular Ranges province can be regarded as an uplifted and westward-tilted mass that has been broken into several elongate blocks by major faults that trend northwest. Most of these faults have been intermittently active during large parts of Cenozoic time, and adjacent fault blocks commonly have had distinctly different histories. The continental borderland, offshore from the Los Angeles basin and the higher ground to the southeast, is distinguished by prominent, steepsided ridges that appear to be horst-like in structure, and by intervening depressions that in general have the form of closed basins. The ridges are composed mainly of foliated rocks that resemble the Franciscan section of the Coast Ranges to the northwest, and in places are covered with sedimentary and volcanic rocks of Tertiary age. Younger sediment also veneers the ridges and forms considerable thick- nesses of fill in the basins. 15 OIL AND GAS Historical Sketch Commercial production of petroleum from occurrences in southern California dates from 1866, when a shallow well was completed in the northcentral part of the Ventura basin. Initial development of the Pico Canyon area, at the eastern end of the same basin, began a decade later and was followed by successful drilling along the northern margin of the Los Angeles basin. Important discoveries subsequently were made along the eastern and western borders of the San Joaquin Valley and in the Santa Maria basin of the Coast Ranges province. All the early production resulted from drilling in areas where surface seepages had been recognized. Beginning shortly after 1900, studies of surface geology were applied to the extension of existing oil fields and to the search for new ones. The last significant discovery attributable solely to drilling near seepages was made in 1904. Exploration of areas on the basis of structure recognizable from surface exposures led to development of most of the State's major fields during the following three decades. Production rates increased from an average of about 12,000 barrels per day in 1900 to more than 90,000 barrels per day in 1905 and 270,000 barrels per day in 1914. During each year from 1923 to 1930 the average daily production was well over 600,000 barrels, and in 1929 it reached a high of approximately 800,000 barrels. Although many of the earlier structural interpretations represented the integration of surface observations with data obtained from wells, it was not until the mid-thirties upon subsurface investigations. that significant new emphases were placed The seismograph proved to be a valuable tool, and within a period of only a few years it led to discovery of the prolific Wilmington field in the Los Angeles basin and several important fields in the San Joaquin basin. Another new approach now commonly referred to as stratigraphic, facies, or environmental analysis, was largely responsible for additional discoveries, especially in the San Joaquin basin. This method, involving consideration of all available surface and subsurface data on lithology, paleontology, and structure, is aimed at the reconstruction of 16 tectonic and sedimentary environments in order to establish targets for drilling. Its effectiveness in southern California has not been confined to the search for traps of a purely stratigraphic nature, and it played a major role, for example, in the discovery of the important structural-trap occurrences in the Cuyama Valley district of the Coast Ranges province. To date the total production of petroleum in California has amounted to approximately 15 billion barrels, a substantial fraction of the nation's total. This output represents the contributions from more than 65,000 wells in nearly 300 oll fields,most of which lie in the southern part of the State. Some pertinent production comparisons can be drawn from the following tabulation, which is based on data from the California Division of Oil and Gas. Petroleum Productions Bbl x 106 Field Geologic Province Net 1971 Cumulative Wilmington Peninsular Ranges 73 1480 Midway-Sunset San Joaquin Valley 34 1123 Kern River San Joaquin Valley 26 549 Huntington Beach Peninsular Ranges 16 863 Ventura Transverse Ranges i0 750 San Ardo Coast Ranges 10 238 Belridge, South San Joaquin Valley 9 171 McKittrick San Joaquin Valley 9 184 State of California 327 17 ~ 15,000 Nearly 24 trillion cubic feet of natural gas has been produced in the State to the present time. By 1958 about four-fifths of this total had come from oil fields, with the remainder obtained from dry-gas fields, most of which are in the northern San Joaquin Valley and the Sacramento Valley. Since that year the relative production of dry gas has steadily increased, and in 1971 it exceeded that from oil zones for the first time. Oil, gas, natural gasoline, and condensate together have contributed heavily to the total value of California's mineral output; when the annual value of this output first topped the billion-dollar level in 1948, more than three- quarters of it came from petroleum and allied fuels. Occurrence Most of the oil and gas in California occurs in the southern half of the San Joaquin Valley, Coast Ranges province, the southwestern and southeastern corners of the the western half of the Transverse Ranges province. The most productive areas-are the San Joaquin basin and the Los Angeles basin, each of which has accounted for roughly 45 percent of the State's total output. Much of the remainder has come from the Ventura basin. Strata of Miocene and Pliocene age have yielded nearly four-fifths of the oil thus far obtained, and they constitute the dominant reservoir rocks within every producing district. In addition,, significant amounts of oil have been extracted from Eocene and Oligocene strata in the Ventura basin, from Cretaceous~ Eocene, Oligocene, and Pleistocene strata in the San Joaquin basin, and from fractured basement rocks in several fields, mainly in the Los Angeles basin. Sandstone is the most widespread and abundant reservoir rock, and has yielded about 98 percent of the total production. der has been obtained from conglomerates occupies fractures, The remain- and from rocks in which the oil chiefly in shales, cherty or otherwise siliceous shales, schists, and igneous rocks. Carbonate rocks are extremely sections of the oil fields, and no significant rare in the Cenozoic limestone or dolomite reser- voirs are known. The concentrations of oil and gas plainly are attributable to a variety of controls, and many attempts have been made to classify the known 18 pools according to the type of trap involved. The situation is complicated by the widespread occurrence of more than one accumulation factor for individual pools, by contrasting controls from one pool to another within the same field, and by intrinsic difficulties in establishing a workable classification of traps. Only a few generalizations need be offered here. About 85 percent of the known accumulations are associated with folds, which include domes and elongate anticlines with double closure, anticlines and other folds in which closure is effected by one or more faults or sets of faults, and folds in which truncations, pinch-outs, or other lithologic factors are at least partly responsible for the trapping. More than one-half of the accumulations are associated with faults, some of which probably influenced localization of the oil and some of which probably or certainly did not. Also common are stratigraphic traps, most of them ascribable to depositional or erosional discontinuities, meability barriers, to more subtle per- or to tar seals at or near the surface. Anticlines and faulted anticlines, some with stratigraphic traps on their flanks, are most characteristic of the Los Angeles and Ventura basins. Most accumulations stratigraphic. category. in the Santa Maria basin are anticlinal, and several are Those in the Cuyama basin belong in the faulted-anticline All three types are well represented in the San Joaquin basin, where at least half of the pools are attributable to two or more major factors acting in combination. Neither salt-dome nor volcanic-plug traps are known in southern California. An outstanding feature of many southern California oil fields is their high productivity per unit of surface area. The average recovery for all fields to 1958 was more than 30,000 barrels per acre, and that for fields in the Los Angeles basin about I00,000 barrels per acre. The Long Beach field (Fig. 6) has yielded oil in the astonishing amount of more than 500,000 barrels per surface acre. The principal explanation for these high recovery ratios lies in the occurrence of several producing horizons, many fields. one above another, The "sands" in general are well saturated, in and their aggregate thicknesses commonly are measured in hundreds or even thousands of feet. The recovery data are not nearly so impressive, however, when they are equated 19 against both surface areas of the fields and thicknesses of the producing zones. More detailed treatment of numerous areas and oil fields in southern California is provided elsewhere in this volume, and much additional information of value is available in the earlier published record (e.g., Jenkins et al., 1943; Laiming, 1952; Oakeshott et al., 1952; Jahns, 1954). 20 REFERENCES Antisell, Thomas, 1857, Geological report in Report of Lieutenant John G. Parke, Corps of Topographical Engineers, upon the routes in California to connect with the routesnear the thirty-fifth and thirty-second parallels: Reports of explorations and surveys to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railraod from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, 33rd Cong., 2nd sess., Senate Ex. Doc. No. 78, vol. 7, 204 p. Arnold, Ralph, and Anderson, Robert, 1910, Geology and oil resources of the Coalinga district, California: U.S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 398, 354 p. Arnold, Ralph, and Johnson, H.R., 1910, Preliminary report on the McKittrickSunset oil region, Kern and San Luis Obispo Counties, California: U.S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 406, 225 p. Blake, W.P., 1856, Geological report in Report of Lieutenant R.S. Williamson, Corps of Topographical Engineers, upon the routes in California to connect with the routes near the thirty-fifth and thirty-second parallels: Reports of explorations and surveys to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, 33rd Cong., 2nd sess., Senate Ex. Doc. No. 78, vol. 5, 310 p. Dickinson, W.R., and Grantz, Arthur (editors), 1968, Proceedings of Conference on Geologic Problems of San Andreas Fault System: Stanford Univ. Pubis. Geol. Scis., vol. II, 374 p. Eldridge, G.H., 1903, The petroleum fields of California: Bull. 213, p. 306-321. U.S. Geol. Survey, Eldridge, G.H., and Arnold, Ralph, 1907, The Santa Clara Valley, Puente Hills, and Los Angeles oil districts, southern California: U.S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 309, 266 p. English, W.A., 1921, Geology and petroleum resources of northwestern Kern County, California: U.S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 721, 48 p. English, W.A., 1926, Geology and oil resources of the Puente Hills region, southern California: U.S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 768, ii0 p. Gale, H.S., and others, 1932, Southern California, Sixteenth Internat. Geol. Congress, Guidebook 15, 68 p. Goodyear, W.A., 1888, Petroleum, asphaltum, and natural gas in California: California Min. Bur., Rept. 7, 117-178. Higgins, J.W. (editor), 1958, A guide to the geology and oil fields of the Los Angeles and Ventura regions, 204p., Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., Pacific Sect., Los Angeles, California. Hill, R.T., 1928, Southern California geology and Los Angeles earthquakes, 232 p., Southern California Acad. Sciences, Los Angeles. 21 Hinds, N.E.A., 1952, Evolution of the California landscape: Mines, Bull. 158, 240 p. California Div. Hoots, H.W., 1931, Geology of the eastern part of the Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles County, California: U.S. Geol. Survey, Prof. Paper 165-C, p. 83-134. Jahns, R.H. (editor), 1954, Geology of southern California: California Div. Mines, Bull. 170, i0 chapters, 34 map sheets, 5 geol. guides. Jenkins, O.P., 1938, Geologic map of California, first edition, California Div. Mines. Jenkins, O.P., and others, 1943, Geologic formations and economic development of the oil and gas fields of California: California Div. Mines, Bull. 118, 773 p. Jenkins, O.P., and Staff, California Div. Mines, i950, Mineral commodities of California: California Div. Mines, Bull. 156, 443 p. Kew, W.S.W., 1924, Geology and oil resources of a part of Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, California: U.S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 753, 202 p. Laiming, Boris (editor), 1952, Guidebook: field trip routes, oil fields, geology, 290 p., Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. -- Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral.-Soc. Explor. Geoph., Joint Ann. Meeting, Los Angeles, California. Lung, Richard, and Proctor, Richard (editors), 1966, Engineering geology in southern California, 389 p., Special Publ. of Assoc. Engineering Geol., Los Angeles Sect., Glendale, California Murdoch, Joseph, and Webb, R.W., 1956, Minerals of California: Div. Mines, Bull. 173, 452 p. California Oakeshott, G.B., Braun, L.T., Jennings, C.W., and Wells, Ruth, 1952, Exploratory wells drilled outside of oil and gas fields in California to December 31, 1950: California Div. Mines, Special Report 23, 77 p. Pack, R.W., 1920, The Sunset-Midway oil field, California, Part I. Geology and oil resources: U.S. Geol. Survey, Prof. Paper 116, 179 p. Reed, R.D., 1933, Geology of California, 355 p., Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., Tulsa, Oklahoma. Reed, R.D., and Hollister, J.S., 1936, Structural evolution of southern California, 157 p., Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., Tulsa, Oklahoma. Woodring, W.P., Roundy, P.V., and Farnsworth, H.R., 1932, Geology and oil resources of the Elk Hills, California, including Naval Petroleum Reserve No. i: U.S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 835, 82 p. Woodring, W.P., Stewart, Ralph, and Richards, R.W., 1940, Geology of the Kettleman Hills oil field, California; stratigraphy, paleontology, and structure: U.S. Geol. Survey, Prof. Paper 195, 170 p. Wright, L.A. (editor), 1957, Mineral commodities of California: Div. Mines, Bull. 176, 736 p. 22 California "\ :! J' ..i# ' ";: '1 .,~cf , ., -Z ,,, , ..(.,...: ,. B "~¢ - T "" - O '~.~. "- I. ,.~ ~-'~ , I. ~ .,f.. | " :, :' ~ :..~. ,. ~ I-,~" . . . ",~ '~ X-..-'~- .~:> :. ~, L:,. ~, . "'~ 2 ,l.- .. v~.. :.., .. O .,t~." ~ I_.'" ~;~I . • " , ~ ~ .!~y-~-~.... . ~,~: o-~ ""--- .... ~I~ . , " '.~ ~ ~ ...~ . . ' i ~ "~,__~ .. . . ~ ~, . , :,;, Y . ~ \~. ' "" ~:.': ' , / .,> aC . " \A '\ ! Y |~ ,., / ~. ~ ",. . "~. ., ..{ :, % )., ,: ,.- .,~_.~.- ~ #_'" ~+'- ' ~:.,..... ~... - .~, Ii Oh" 23 aC FIGURE 3. The San ]acinto fault zone, looking southeastward toward the Santa Rosa Mountains. Streams are offset along the main break in central part of view, and a sag area appears in center foreground. Hemet Valley at left and the broad Anza surface at right contrast markedly in altitude. Photograph by J. S. Shelton and R.C. Frampton. 24 FIGURE 4. Southeastward view across parts of the San Gabriel Valley and the surface of the Los Angeles basin toward Santiago Peak in the Santa Ana Mountains. The San Jose and Chino Hills, appearing as low, dark ridges in middle distance, are underlain by Tertiary sedimentary rocks and represent structural uplifts within the basin. The atmosphere is clouded at tow levels by haze and smoke rather than smog, as this photograph was taken from the San Gabriel Mountains in 1905. Photograph courtesy of William C. Miller. FIGURE 5. Nightime view southwestward across a part of the surface of the Los Angeles basin from Mt. Wilson in the San Gabriel Mountains, 1950. Several elongate structural highs that trend northwestward appear as dark areas extending across the lowland surface. The Repetto Hills, parts of the Newport-Inglewood uplift, the Palos Verdes Hills, and Catalina Island can be s e e n at successively greater distances in left-hand part of view, and the Baldwin Hills, which mark a more northwesterly part of the New~ort-Inglewood uplift, are in right-center distance. Photograph courtesy of William ~. Miller. 25 0 ~ ~ ~0 0 "~ ~ ~,.. c,..~. ~ ~ ".,.~ -~2 ~ 26 0~