Download Date of Birth: 25/07/1956 Name: ALireza Emami Naeini Place of

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Date of Birth: 25/07/1956
Name: ALireza Emami Naeini
Place of Birth: Isfahan
Academic position: Associate professor
Number of Children: 2
Marital status: married
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +98 -311-6614667
Fax: +98 -311-6614667
Address: Soffeh street , Alzahra Hospital , P.O.BOX 914, Isfahan , Iran
Education: Infectious Diseases
Academic experience: 14 years
Professional experience: 14 years
Educational courses: infectious diseases courses
Research projects: Infection in immunodeficiency patients
Publications and oral presentations:
• Peripheral and mediastinal lyphadenitis due to mycobacterium tuberculosis in an adult immunocompromised host Clin Pract
Rev. 2007
• Avian influenza Isfahan Medical Council Journal. 2006
• Is procacitonin a specific marker for sepsis diagnosis? Journal of Isfahan Medical School. 2006
• Procalcitonin marker for sepsis diagnosis Saudi Medical Journal. 2006
• Avian influenza A(H5Ni) infection in humans Isfahan Medical Council Journal. 2005
• Case report of Lyme disease in Isfahan Journal of Isfahan Medical School. 2005
• Cutaneous Myiasis Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences( IJMS). 2003
• Hodgkin,s Lymphoma overriding Bloom,s syndrome(A case report) Isfahan Medical Journal. 2003
• Is Clinical resistance of salmonella typhi a major problem? Journal of Isfahan Medical school. 2002
• Should we consider another booster dose of measles vaccine? Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences(IJMS). 2002
• Verrucous Carcinoma overriding eumycetoma Archives of Iranian Medicine. 2002
• Crime-Congo Hemorrhagic fever Epidemy .A preliminary report of Isfahan province in Iran 2001
• CRP measurment in CSF 2001
2001‫•مروری بر تب های خونریزی دهنده ویروسی و نحوه بر خورد با آنها‬
• Avian Influenza Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. 2005
• Infectious Disease Emergencies ( ‫ انتشارات دانشگاه علوم پزشکی‬5002 .‫) اصفهان‬
• Evaluation of protective antibody to measles virus in vaccinated medical students Clinical Microbiology and Infection. 2006
• Procalcitonin marker for sepsis diagnosis Clinical microbiology and infection. 2006
• Demographic , clinical and laborary data in 140 meningococcal disease cases clinical microbiology and infection. 2004
• Distribution of systemic inflammatory response syndrome(SIRS)according to cause in emergency ward admissionsEsfahan ,
Iran,2002-3 clinical microbiology and infection. 2004
• Is it need to screen candida in the urine of granulocytopenic patients? 12th congress of infectious diseases. 2004
• Some previously not reported aspects of Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic fever 10th congress of infectious diseases. 2002
• A survey of 300 cases with fever and rash : Al- zahra hospital,(1997-1999) 6th International Congress of Dermatology. 2001
• Survey of etiologies of fever in 384 senile patients admitted in Alzahra hospital 2th congress of public health and preventive
medicine. 2001
• Psychosis due to brucellosis(A case report) 10th congress of infectious and tropical diseases. 2000
• Six year study of tuberculosis patients admitted in Amin hospital 23rd middle east regional congress of the international union
against tuberculosis and lung disease(I.U.A.T.L.D). 1997
(The 14th Iranian Congress on Infectious disease and Tropica Medicine. 2005)
2003‫•بررسی فراوانی آلود گی با مایکو باکتر یوم تو بر کلوزیس در بیماران روانی بستری در مرکز شهید مد رس اصفهان‬
2th congress ( 8731 ‫ ساله در مهر ماه‬81-22 ‫• بررسی شیوع موارد مثبت آنتی بادی سرمی علیه ویروس سرخک در دانشجویان پزشکی‬
)of public health and preventive medicine. 2001
( 8th Iranian (8731-8731 ‫•بررسی دموگرافیک و اپید میو لوژیک ما ال ریای ارجاعی به مرکز بهداشت استان اصفهان در سا لهای‬
congress on infectious diseases and Tropical medicine. 2000
‫• بررسی نتایج درمان با سیپروفلو کساسین در موارد مقا ومت به کلر آمفنیکل در بیماران مبتال به تیفوئید بستری در بخش عفونی‬
2000‫بیمارستان امین اصفهان‬
2000‫•بررسی دو ساله هپاتیت برق آسا و بهبود تک موردی آن دربیمارستان الزهرا(س) اصفهان‬
• Infectious diseases specialist: MPH( Master of public health)
Professional Experiences
• Member of Scientific committee of war related accidents Isfahan. 2003 • Member of editorial board ( Journal of Isfanan Medical School) Isfahan. 2002 • Head of infectious diseases ward ( Al Zahra hospital) Isfahan. 2002 • Member of Infectious Diseases Research center Isfahan. 2001 • Iranian Infectious diseases association Iran. 1994 • Member of Iranian medical council Islamic republic of iran. 1982 • Member of European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Taufkirchen- Germany. 2004 - 2005
2005-2003 .‫ آلمان‬- ‫ •اروپا‬Research Interests
• Infectious Hepatic Diseases (viral, bacterial,...)- preventable diseases(vaccination) - Septic shock
Theses Supervision
• Frequency of noninfectious fever adimitted in infectious ward of Alzahra Hospital , Isfahan , Iran 2003 - 2005
• Frequency of blood group in chronic viral hepatitis 2001 - 2003
• Frequency of patients with fever and rash admitted in Alzahra hospital 1999 - 2000
• Survey of clinical, laboratory and radiologic findings in patients with pneumonia (Alzahra hospital) 1999 - 2000
• Frequency of FUO(fever of unknown origin ) in Alzahra hospital. 1998 - 1999
• Survey of demographic and predisposing conditions in patients with infective endocarditis 1998 - 1999
• Freuency of PPD in psychotic patients residing in Shahid Modaress institution 1998 - 1999
• Survey of the effects of ciprofloxacin in chloramphenicol resistant typhoid patients(Alzahra hopital) 1997 – 1999
• Survey of tuberculosis patients in order of demographic and organ involvement (Amin Hospital) 1994 - 1995
• Measurement of CRP & LDH in CSF of patients with meningitis (Amin Hospital) 1993 – 1995
8711-8718 ‫• بررسی فراوانی نسبی کا ندید وری در بیماران گرانو لو سیتو پنیک بستری در بیمارستان سیدا لشهداء اصفهان در سالهای‬
2003 - 2003
‫• بررسی فراوانی شناسگر پروکلسیتونین در بیماران مبتال به سپسیس و مقایسه آن با بیماران با نشانگان پاسخ التهابی عمومی بدون‬
‫ جنس در بیمارستانهای امین و‬- ‫ سن‬-‫ پا راکلینیکی‬- ‫•بررسی توزیع فراوانی بیماران مبتال به تب تیفوئید بر حسب یافته های کلینیکی‬
1997 - 19988711-8731 ‫الزهرا(س) در طی سالهای‬
‫• بررسی نتایج درمان با سیپروفلوکساسین در موارد عدم پاسخ بالینی به کلرآمفنیکل در بیماران مبتال به تیفوئید بستری در بخش عفونی‬
1995 - 19978731-8731 ‫بیمارستان امین و الزهرا(ٍس)طی سالهای‬
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