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What’s Going Around ‐ February 2017. This is what we’ve been seeing in the office lately: Bronchitis – persistent, severe cough Bronchiolitis – common in infants, cough, wheezing, labored breathing, Influenza – fever, chills, body aches, cough, fatigue, sore throat and headache. A prescription drug, Tamiflu, may help if started in the first 36 hours. Gastroenteritis (stomach or intestinal flu) – vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps / pain. Conjunctivitis (“pinkeye”) – this is an infection of the outer layer (conjunctiva) of the eye. May be viral or bacterial. Slight discharge is usually viral, heavier discharge or eyes crusting shut is usually bacterial. Allergic conjunctivitis will cause redness and itching but little or no discharge. Bacterial infection should be treated with prescription drops. Ear infections frequently accompany conjunctivitis in younger kids. Ear infections (“otitis media”) – ear pain may be one‐sided or both sides. Young kids should be treated with medication. Older kids may get better on their own but call us to discuss. Strep throat – sore throat, often headache, sometimes stomach pain, fever. Strep also causes impetigo – a crusty rash around the nose and mouth. Should always be treated with antibiotic to prevent serious complications Eczema – low humidity with indoor heat and outdoor cold weather aggravates skin dryness This month’s prediction:. Probably more influenza to come.