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How To Get More
Prospects, Customers,
Sales and Profits For Your
Business Using Seven
Proven Marketing Secrets
Statistics Tell Us That...
Within 5 years, 80% of all businesses go out
of business
Within 10 years, 80% of those who survived
the first 5 years go out of business
Those business owners who survive the first
10 years represent only 4% of all
businesses started
And 80% of those “Survivors” feel
consumed and trapped by their business
Statistics Tell Us That...
Less than 1% of all business
owners are able to step away
from their business and have it
run smoothly and be profitable
without them
Are You Too Busy Working IN
Your Business?
How Many Of These Boxes Have
YOUR Name In Them?
You Should Be Working ON
Your Business, Rather Than IN
Your Business
Your Goal:
Your Name Only At The Top !!
The most commonly stated
reason that most companies
fail is lack of...
Your Hidden Marketing Assets
Your Current Customers
Your Past Customers
Your Future Customers
Your Product or Service
Your Company’s Staff
The Owner’s Expertise
Your Hidden Marketing Assets
Your Company Policies & Procedures
Your Reputation and Goodwill
Your Relationships
Your Prospect Conversion Rate
Your Average Customer Value
Your Current Advertising
Businesses Need Multiple
Pillars of Marketing
Your Business
Built on a Foundation of Marketing Assets
Built On Only a Couple of Pillars
Your Business is Pretty Shaky
Your Business
Foundation of Marketing Assets
Three Ways To Grow
Your Business
• 1 - More Prospective Customers/Clients
• 2 - Increase Conversion Rate of Prospects
to Customers
• 3 - Increase Your Average Customer Value
– increase the average transaction amount
– increase the repeat sales rate
Grow Your Business By
50% Next Year?
$1,000,000 X 50% = $1,500,000
X 15% more prospects
X 15% better conversion rate
X 15% higher customer value
= $1,500,000 !!!
Secret #1
What is your USA?
• Why should customers do business with
you rather than anyone else, do it
themselves, or doing nothing at all?
• Why do customers do business with you
rather than anyone else, do it themselves,
or doing nothing at all?
• These answers become your Unique
Selling Advantage over your
Secret #1
What is your USA?
Three Categories of USA’s
• 1 - Price Leader
• 2 - Product/Service Differentiation
• 3 - Marketing to a Niche
Secret #1
What is your USA?
Four Questions You Better Answer
• 1 - Why should I listen to you?
• 2 - Why should I believe you?
• 3 - Why should I do something?
• 4 - Why should I take action now?
Secret #2
Leveraging Your Current
Marketing For More Profits
• The “Lifetime Value of a Customer”
• Increase your USA into everything you
do to attract more prospects (lead
• Increase your conversion rate
• Increase your average customer value
Secret #2
Leveraging Your Current
Marketing For More Profits
Increase your lead generation through:
– referral systems
– acquiring customers at breakeven upfront
and make profit on backend
– guaranteeing purchases through riskreversal
– host-beneficiary relationships
– advertising
– using direct mail
Secret #2
Leveraging Your Current
Marketing For More Profits
Increase your lead generation through:
– using telemarketing
– running special events or information
– acquire qualified lists
– develop your Unique Selling Advantage
– use customer education to increase the
perceived value of your product/service
– using public relations
Secret #2
Leveraging Your Current
Marketing For More Profits
Increase your conversion from inquiry to
sale by:
increasing sales skill levels of your staff
qualifying your leads upfront
making irresistible offers
educating your customers by giving “reasons
– persistently following-up on leads
Secret #2
Leveraging Your Current
Marketing For More Profits
Increase the average transaction value by:
– improving your team’s selling techniques to
up-sell and cross-sell
– using point-of-sale promotions
– packaging complementary products and
services together
– increasing your pricing and thus your margins
– changing the profile of your
products/services to be more “up-scale”
– offering greater or larger units of purchase
Secret #2
Leveraging Your Current
Marketing For More Profits
Increase the transaction frequency by:
– developing a backend of products/services
that you can go back to your customers with
– communicating personally with your
customers (phone, letter, etc.) to maintain a
positive and personal relationship
– endorsing other people’s products/services to
your customer list
– running special events such as “closed door
sales”, limited pre-releases, etc.
– programming customers (auto-payments)
– price inducements for frequency
Secret #2
Leveraging Your Current
Marketing For More Profits
Increase your customer retention rate
– delivering higher-than-expected levels of
– communicating frequently with your
customers to nurture them
Secret #3
Getting The Most Out Of
Your Current Customers
Three Magic Words That Will
Build Your Business Profits
For Years To Come…
“Back End Sales”
Secret #3
Getting The Most Out Of
Your Current Customers
Capture Your Customer
Information !!!
Get their…
• Name -- Address -- Phone Numbers
• Birthdays -- Hobbies and interests
• And anything you can about them
Secret #3
Getting The Most Out Of
Your Current Customers
Segment Your Customer Database By:
• Past Customers -- to reactivate them
• Present Customers -- to increase repeat
sales and average value
• Prospective Customers -- to educate,
make offers to attract and convert them
Secret #3
Getting The Most Out Of
Your Current Customers
Segment Your Customer Database By:
Products and Services you provided them
Dollar amount they purchased
Gender and Age
Employment and time of purchase
Geography, hobbies, and interests
And any relevant and useful information
Secret #3
Getting The Most Out Of
Your Current Customers
Re-Selling -- selling them the same thing they
bought before
Up-Selling -- getting your customers to buy
better, more expensive, or more upscale
products or services from you
Cross-Selling -- getting your customers to buy
something else that’s related to the original
product/service they purchased from you
Secret #3
Getting The Most Out Of
Your Current Customers
Develop back-end products or services,
Packaging or bundling these together to add
more perceived value to your customers in
these continuing service and product
purchases, and…
Use automatic service/product shipping, and
they pay you on an automatic payment plan
Secret #4
Create Joint Venture
Marketing Alliances
Why would other businesses be willing to
Joint Venture with you?
• it’s in their best interest to be of greater value
and service to their customers
• they will receive some sort of compensation for
doing so -- whether it be financial (a portion of
the initial sale), or a product/service you could
provide for them or their business
Secret #4
Create Joint Venture
Marketing Alliances
What’s in it for you?
• it saves you time in acquiring new customers
• it saves you effort in acquiring new customers
• it saves you money in acquiring new
Just remember how much it really costs
you in time, money and effort to
acquire a new customer.
Secret #4
Create Joint Venture
Marketing Alliances
Find Businesses With The Same Customers You
Have and Want More Of
• Use simple Cross Promotions and endorsements
• Use your database and theirs
Look To Your Own Customer Base First for JV’s
• They already know you, like you, and trust you
• They already have confidence in you
• They already fit your demographics
A Free Bonus For You
Seminar Workshop Feedback Form
ONE 15-Minute Marketing
Consultation By Telephone
More Info -- Free Book
How To Get More Prospects,
Customers, Sales and Profits For
Your Business Using Seven Proven
Marketing Secrets
by Mark Hendricks
352-583-3697 or 1-800-881-5546
Secret #5
Targeted Direct
Response Marketing
Don’t Use “Institutional” Advertising
• Name -- Address -- Phone Number
• Established in “1887”
• Best Price, Best Quality, Best Service
“Getting your name out there” is not the
answer. If you don’t get immediate results,
then something needs to be changed…fast!
Secret #5
Targeted Direct
Response Marketing
Use Targeted Direct Response Marketing
Get their attention
Make a specific offer
Tell them the benefits they will receive
Ask them to respond
Tell them how to respond -- right now
”Salesmanship in print”
Secret #6
Getting More Results From
Your Advertising Dollars
Your ad costs are the same whether
your ad makes zero dollars, modest
dollars, or many dollars for you...
Use the power of marketing
leverage to increase your results
2Xs, 3Xs, 5Xs (or more !)
Secret #6
Getting More Results From
Your Advertising Dollars
The Greatest Marketing
Secret Of All Time...
Test, Test, Test
Test headlines, stories, propositions, offers,
guarantees, time deadlines, payment plans,
and calls to action, etc.
Secret #7
FREE Marketing !!!
Come up with an irresistible introductory
special offer deal for new customers (or
current customers too) that could be
freely distributed by:
 other businesses as a special bonus to their
prospects and customers
 businesses to their employees
 clubs and organizations to their members
 schools to their staff, students and parents
Secret #7
FREE Marketing !!!
 non-profit groups to their supporters
 your customers as a gift to their friends
 you to your customers
 the media as a special deal for their customers
All these marketing "magnets" are always looking for
ways to benefit and do something nice for their
people, and your special irresistible offer could be
one of the best benefits they've ever promoted to
their people.
Pay for RESULTS -- Not Advertising!!
Marketing Secrets For
Future Growth
• Media Advertising
• Internet
• Financing
• Proposal Writing
• Yellow Pages
• Sales Automation
• Customer Service
• Selling Your
• Staying in Touch
• Company Image
• Seminars
• Newsletters
• Sales
• Hiring
You Should Be Working ON
Your Business, Rather Than IN
Your Business
Your Goal:
Your Name Only At The Top !!
Three Ways I Can Help
Grow Your Business
Marketing Action Plan (MAP)
Marketing Mentor Bootcamp
Master-Mind Marketing
A Free Bonus For You
Seminar Workshop Feedback Form
ONE 15-Minute Marketing
Consultation By Telephone
More Info -- Free Book
How To Get More Prospects,
Customers, Sales and Profits For
Your Business Using Seven Proven
Marketing Secrets
by Mark Hendricks
352-583-3697 or 1-800-881-5546