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Headaches: Migraine, Cluster and Tension
Types of Headaches
Primary Headaches – These do not need Imaging
Cranial Neuralgia and Facial pain
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Occipital Neuralgia
Secondary headaches
Sinus, Temporal Arteritis, Low Pressure Headaches, Carotid Artery Dissection, Cerebral Vein Thrombosis, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Subdural Hemorrhage,
Hypertension, Menningitis.
Secondary Headaches
Systemic signs or symptoms
Neuralgic signs or symptoms
Old age
Progression of an existing headache disorder
Taking History
Exacerbating Factors
Relieving Factors
Medication Tried
Family History
Physical Localizing Findings
Case Study # 1
23 year old female, left sided stabbing pain for three weeks. Brief,
comes and goes, debilitating pain. Has been to the ER 3 times.
Medications have not been helpful. Head CT normal. All other exams
also normal.
Answer: Trigeminal Neuralgia
Possible: Cluster Headache: but usually lasts 1-2 hours at a time.
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Paroxysmal attacks – 1-2 min
Character of pain: intense, sharp, superficial or stabbing
Precipitated from trigger areas or trigger factors
No clinical evidence or neurological deficits
Not attributed to another disorder
Examples: if you fan at a patients face or brushing teeth can
exacerbate pain.
Carbamezapine/oxycarbamezapine, Gabapentin, Phentoin, Lamotrigine, Baclofen, Clonazepam, TCA( TRICYCLIC), Valproate,
Most patients will get better
1/3 will not response to medications: they maybe benefitted from surgical options.
If the patient is young and female it could be MS. Another possibility is a mass or a tumor.
Case # 2
30 year old male, stabbing pain behind right eye, pain wakes him at night, pain last
hours at a time, right eye injected, nose runs, OTC medications have not been
helpful, no family history of headaches.
Headache type: Cluster: have to have at least 5 attacks, one sided and comes in
Severe or very severe unilateral orbital, supra orbital and/or temporal pain
lasting 15-180 min if untreated.
Ipsilateral conjunctival injection and/lacrimation.
Ipsilateral nasal congestion and/or rhinorrhea.
Ipsilateral eye lid edema.
Ipsilateral facial or forehead sweating.
Ipsilateral meiosis or ptosis.
Sense of restlessness or agitation, 1-2 attacks per day up to 8 attacks per day.
Suicide is a concern.
Oxygen 10-15L/MIN via NRB
SQ Sumatriptan- 4-6mg.
Dihydroergotamine – 0.5-1mg IM/IV
Zolmitriptan 10 mg IN
Ergotamine Tartrate 1-2mg po/pr
Intranasal Lidocaine
Prednisone x 3 days in between short term treatment and
preventative treatment.
Preventative Medicine
Verapamil 240mg-720mg/day, Lithium 150-300 mg( also for Bipolar),
Depakote, Topamax, and histamine desensitization.
Case # 3
Severe throbbing headaches weekly, photophobia, phonophobia,
osmophobia, nausea and vomiting, Tylenol, BC’s, Iboprofen, Excedrin has
not helped, Mother and aunt has “sick” headaches.
Answer: Migraine ( also known as sick headaches- known to throw up).
 Headaches last 4-72 hours. Pedi patients much shorter
Exhibits two of the following characteristics
 Unilateral location
 Pulsating quality
 Moderate to severe pain( mild headaches not migraines)
 Aggravated by routine physical activity
 During headaches patient may experience N/V, photophobia, &
Causes of Migraine
Central Generator
Neuronal hyper-excitability with events initiated centrally in brain stem or
Peripheral pain mechanism
Neurogenic inflammation, vasodilation.
Pain signals are transduced centrally at the level of the trigeminal nucleus
caudilis in the lower brain stem.
Short half life Triptans for standard Migrains
 Zomig, Relpax, Axert, Imitrex, Maxalt.
Long half life Triptans – 8-12 hour half life
 Treximet, Amerge
Other Treatments for Migraines
DHE- Give anti- nausea meds first can be nauseating
 NSAIDS ex Tordol
 Fiorocet, Dolgic plus
 Avoid narcotics
Other Medications
Amitriptyline, Divalproex Sodium ( Depakote), Topiramate, Butterbur( herb,
propranolol, Timolol, Topramate, Botox ( must have symptoms at least 15
days per month to receive botox).
Other treatments- life style changes
Regular sleep, regular exercise, regular meals, adequate water in take,
stress management
Criteria for diagnosis of chronic
> 15 days headache days per month.
> lasts at least 4 hours.
Tension Headaches
Lasts 30 minutes to 7 days
Has at least 2 of the following characteristics
Bilateral location
Pressing/tightening( non-pulsating) quality
Mild or moderate intensity( a variant from Migraines)
Not aggravated by routine physical activity
No nausea/vomiting
Not more than one of photophobia or phenophobia
Treatment- Tension Headache
Anti- Inflammatory
Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Neproxen, Indomethacin,
Celecoxib, ASA, Isometheptene Compound.
Management- Life style changes
Stress management
Trigger avoidance
EMG- guided bio feedback
Cognitive/behavioral therapy
Physical therapy
Case #4
645 year old male, daily moderate halocranial headaches, improves
as the day goes on, Tylenol gives some relief, left hand weakness on
Someone with morning headaches can be due to a mass or tumor.
CT scan
In general/ nursing interventions
Taking a good history is important
Treat migraines early and avoid narcotics
Nonpharmacological strategy is important
Headache > 10 days get checked out
Drug Therapy
Migraine: aura due to hypo perfusion of the brain.
Followed by reflex hyper perfusion and arterial dialation.
Arterial dilation due to release of bradykinins and serotonin.
Treatment: narcotics, control of sound and light, ergot derivatives,
and triptans.
Ergot Derivatives: constrict cranial blood vessels and decrease
pulsation of cranial arteries. It also blocks alpha adrenergic and
serotonin receptor sites in the brain. Prototype is Ergotamine.
Contraindications include allergy to the drug, CAD, hypertension and
PVD. If combines with beta blockers, risk of peripheral ischemia and
gangrene is increased.
Drug Therapy
Prototype is Sumatripan. MAC: binds to serotonin receptor sites to
cause vasoconstriction of cranial vessels. First choice drug for migraine
and cluster headaches. Its used for treatment of acute migraines but
not to prevent migraines. Adverse effects are related to
vasoconstriction. Combining triptans with ergot containing drugs can
cause prolonged vasoconstriction.
Key points:
Migraines are caused by arterial dilation in the brain and it’s treatment
is geared towards arterial contraction. With arterial constriction other
body systems can be effected. Ex cardiac, peripheral vasculature ets.
Nursing Considerations
Assess for contraindications
Base line physical assessment
Assess for neurological status
Monitor for complaints of extremity numbness and tingling
Vital sx, EKG
LAB: Liver profile and renal function
Nursing diagnosis
Acute pain related to vasoconstrictive effects
Risk for injury related to change in peripheral sensation.