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Freshmen Fitness Word Wall and Vocabulary – 2014-2015
Abdominal muscles or abs: A set of eight small
muscles that is located below your chest. These
muscles help you to bend forward and twist from side
to side. This group of muscles also assists with your
regular breathing as well as supporting the muscles of
the spine.
Activity: Body movement that is intentionally
performed to improve health, cardiovascular fitness,
muscular strength, and/or flexibility. The components
of activity extend beyond traditional exercise to
include everyday actions (i.e., the activities of daily
living) that result in improvements to the body.
Aerobics: A variety of physical activity — such as
swimming, walking, or running — that requires you to
breathe a little harder in order to increase your heart
rate. Literally, aerobic means "with oxygen."
Barbell: A long bar with disc-like weights attached to
either end, and is a piece of equipment used for
weightlifting. The weights are often adjustable.
Bench: A flat, cushioned surface that you lie down on
when lifting weights overhead. This kind of
weightlifting is often done with a partner so you can
have another person safely spot you while you're
lifting the weight.
Bicep: A set of two muscles that run along the front
side of your upper arm. These muscles are used when
you bend your arm at the elbow; for instance, the
motion of paddling a canoe or kayak.
Cardiovascular fitness: Physical activity which
strengthens your heart and the circulation of blood in
your vessels. Improved cardiovascular fitness makes it
easier for your muscles to perform greater levels of
exercise with more efficiency.
Cardio plan, Weight Watchers: A one- to three-week
fitness plan for all skill and energy levels. These plans
are specifically designed to improve cardiovascular
fitness over a period of time. Subscribers can see
these on the Workouts page.
Circuit training: A series of exercises or activities that
are performed in prescribed sequence as quickly as
possible. Often, exercise equipment (such as
dumbbells or a jump rope) or machines are a part of
the series. Generally, circuit training focuses on
working all of the different muscle groups as well as
the heart and lungs.
Cool down: A gradual slowing down of activity for a
few minutes at the end of a workout. This cooling
down allows for your body temperature, heart rate,
and blood pressure to safely return to normal. For
example, stretching at the end of your workout can
allow your body temperature and heart rate to
decrease gradually.
Core training: Exercises that strengthen the muscles
related to the hip, abdominal, and pelvic area of your
body. The core muscles are vital because they are the
foundation for all other movement in your body.
Cross-training: This kind of training involves doing
different kinds of activities throughout your regular
workout week to avoid overuse injuries and to
prevent boredom. Biking, running and swimming are
three common activities often performed during
("recovery"). Intervals are often used by athletes to
improve their speed and endurance over time.
Crunches: A modified sit-up that requires a smaller
range of motion that reduces back strain. Crunches
are one of the popular forms of exercise to strengthen
the abdominal muscles.
Joint: The point where two bones in the body make
contact. For example, the knee joint or a finger joint.
Dehydration: A condition caused by losing too water
from your body. This can sometimes happen during
exercise if you sweat and don't drink enough water. It
is recommended that you drink at least one or two
cups (8 to 16 fluid oz) of water 15 minutes before
exercise. This amount will vary depending on the
length of your workout and the time of year.
Medicine ball: A heavy object, roughly the size of a
volleyball, which is often used for strength training.
Medicine balls are also commonly used in sports
medicine as a tool for physical rehabilitation.
Metabolism: The total number of calories the body
burns on a daily basis; includes the three major
components of resting metabolism, physical activity
and food digestion.
Dumbbell: A short bar with weights at each end that
can be held with one hand. Often dumbbell exercises
are completed in pairs, lifting a weight in each hand.
Quadriceps: The large muscle in front of the thigh.
Called "quads" for short. Quadriceps are used when
you extend your leg.
Elastic fitness band: A piece of exercise equipment
that is made of elastic tubing or stretchy plastic
ribbon. Often, the tubing features handles on either
end and is used for exercises related to resistance and
Range of motion: The range — usually measured in
degrees of a circle — through which a joint, such as
the knee or shoulder, can be flexed and extended.
Endurance: The ability to exercise your muscles over
an extended period of time.
Exercise, Weight Watchers: A single fitness
movement that is described through a video
demonstration or as a part of a Weight Watchers
Workout Routine. (These are only available for
Flexibility: The range of movement in a joint or group
of joints. When you are more flexible, you're able to
move easily during daily activity and exercise without
experiencing tightness, soreness, or injury.
Free weights: Hand weights that are often used for
weightlifting exercises. Dumbbells and barbells are
considered free weights. Because free weights are not
constrained by the motion of a weightlifting machine,
they allow for more natural movement that is more
likely to be similar to real life.
Glutes: Short for the gluteal muscles or the buttock
muscles. These muscles allow you to extend and
rotate your thighs.
Hamstrings: Any of the three muscles at the back of
your knee and thigh. Called "hams" for short. These
muscles are used when you bend and flex your knees.
Hip flexors: These muscles are located near your
pelvis and allow you to lift your knees and bend at the
Inhale/exhale: The combination of the inhale and
exhale make up the rhythm of your breathing. Inhaling
is when you draw in a breath, and exhaling is when
you release a breath. Always exhale on the exertion
part of an exercise.
Intensity: Intensity during exercise refers to how
much work is being done during any given movement.
The intensity of exercise has an effect on how many
calories the body uses performing the exercise.
Intervals: Exercise that alternates between high
intensity ("work") and easy or light intensity
Rate of perceived exertion, or RPE: RPE is measured
when you rate how you feel when performing a
physical activity (this is also called psychological
perception). For example, you would indicate whether
you are feeling fatigue or effort while during a specific
Reps: Short for repetitions, which involves the
repeated movement of one complete exercise.
Resistance training: A form of training in which each
effort is performed against a specific opposing force.
Methods of resistance training include using your own
body weight, elastic fitness bands, free weights, or
water. This kind of training particularly benefits the
elderly and those at risk for osteoporosis and
musculoskeletal disorders.
Sets: A collection of repetitions of a specific
movement, such as an arm curl or a squat. For
example, a set may have anywhere from three to 10
Stability ball: An oversize rubber ball that is used for
a variety of exercises. The stability ball (or the Swiss
ball) is particularly effective for core-strengthening
and conditioning exercises. Balls come in a variety of
Strength training: The use of resistance training in
order to improve your overall strength and health.
Triceps: The muscle located along the back of the
upper arm, which is primarily responsible for
straightening the arm.
Warm-up: A series of light, gradual exercises
performed to prepare your body for physical activity,
normally a slower version of the activity to follow. For
example, an easy jog before a run.
Weight-bearing exercise: Exercise that involves your
bones and muscles working against the force of
gravity, and your feet and legs carrying all of your
weight. Examples of this kind of exercise include
walking, running, jogging and dancing.