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Matter with Moxie Unit
4th Grade Science
Rebecca Cadeau
Lesson #6
Common Core Standard:
o P.EN.E.5 Electrical Circuits - Electrical circuits transfer electrical energy and produce magnetic fields.
P.EN.04.51 Demonstrate magnetic effects in a simple electrical circuit.
I Can Statement:
o I can show how magnets are effected by a simple electrical circuit.
o Electromagnet materials
o Electromagnet Investigation booklet
o Electromagnet Reading
o Powerpoint
o Cue up PowerPoint and videos/ activity
o Make copies of reading and booklets
o Prepare electromagnet materials
Prior Knowledge:
o Energy definition
o Knowledge of electricity as form of energy
New Vocabulary/Ideas:
o Circuits
o Transfer of energy through circuits
o Protons/neutrons/electrons
o Electromagnet
Lesson Plan:
Focus Lesson
o Anticipatory Set: Show students a Brainpop video on electromagnets. Have
Group Work
& Guided Instruction
students watch the video and then let them know that today they will be
learning about electromagnets and learning about how they are used.
Value/Purpose: to show how electricity can be used to create magnets
Today we are talking about electromagnets and how we can use a simple
electric circuit to create a magnet!
Show students the materials (in the PowerPoint) and ask them how they think
that these materials will be used to make a magnet.
Have students turn and talk to make a prediction for how the materials will be
Matter with Moxie Unit
(can be separate or
Independent Learning
4th Grade Science
Rebecca Cadeau
used to make a magnet. Have students fill out the prediction section of their
electromagnet investigation booklet.
Show students the youtube video on how to make an electromagnet or
demonstrate with actual materials, if available.
Explain to students how these materials work together to create magnetism and
pick up metal objects, just like a regular magnet.
Tell students that they will be completing an activity to determine how to
change the strength of an electromagnet and how different variables affect the
Use the harcourt electromagnet activity to demonstrate that the amount of wire
and batteries will affect how strong the magnet is.
As you are going through the activity have students record the observations in
their electromagnetic investigation data table.
Have students take turns or vote on what to do in the activity (how many
batteries or wires to add or take away) in order to pick up the correct amount of
paper clips.
Go through a couple examples with the students until you feel they understand
the concept.
After going through the activity have students write their observations in their
booklets and draw a picture of an electromagnet
Have students read the Electromagnets reading independently.
After students have read show them the parking lot exit slip for the day and
have them write their answer on a sticky note and place it in the parking lot
next to their number.
Parking Lot Exit Slip: What do you need to do to make a strong electromagnet?
Close the lesson by restating the object and reviewing how to make an
o Formative assessment: Turn and talks, Electromagnet Investigation booklet, parking lot exit slip
o Summative assessment: Matter w/ Moxie assessment.
Higher Order Thinking:
o Kids will be connecting and synthesizing knowledge about matter with new knowledge about
o Above- Students who are more advanced will be given extra readings to apply their knowledge and asked
deeper questions to guide their thinking. They may be asked to try and think of how an electromagnet is
used in their everyday lives and how an electromagnet differs from a normal magnet that we have
previously learned about.
o Below- Students who are struggling with the lesson will be given extra practice and will be able to read
with a partner. They will also be able to work with the teacher in a small group setting to get more
individualized instruction.
o How well did the students respond/perform to the lesson?
Students were very engaged in this lesson. In the beginning they were a little unfocused and it took a
little while for them to really engage with the lesson. During the harcourt online electromagnet
activity students were very engaged. They loved that they were able to manipulate the coil and
Matter with Moxie Unit
4th Grade Science
Rebecca Cadeau
amount of batteries to change the strength of the electromagnet. Some students even figured out the
math to make the perfect electromagnet on the first try. Other students just understood that the more
wire that is wrapped around the nail the more strength the electromagnet has, which is what the goal
of this activity was.
o Were students able to understand what an electromagnet was and how to create one?
Yes, students understood that an electromagnet can be created using a nail, copper wire and a
battery. They also understood that depending on how much coil and batteries are used the strength of
the magnet will be affected. This was evident in their parking lot exit slip responses and all students
knew the correct materials needed to make an electromagnet.
o What will I need to change to future lessons based on the students understanding and performance
during this lesson?
I will definitely try to find more engaging activities that students can participate in like this one.
Students were engaged and learning about this new concept and it was evident that they understood
the concept based on the activities that were done to show their learning.