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East Tennessee State University
College of Nursing
Learning Resource Center
Media Library
**NOTE: These videotapes may ONLY be checked out by faculty. Students may NOT
individually check these out.**
To check out any of these videos call the LRC at 94546 or come by Lamb 134.
Acute and Chronic:
Neuroscience Nursing: Assessment: LOC, Motor, and Pupillary Response
Neuroscience Nursing: Assessment: Cranial Nerves, Sensory Response, and Vital Signs
Neuroscience Nursing: Increased Intracranial Pressure
Moments in Time – A Day in the Life of Critical Care
Mosby Critical Care Nursing: Oxygenation: Clinical Assessment and Evaluation
Managing Your Asthma: Understanding Proper Inhaler & Peak Flow Technique
Bringing Two Worlds
Nocturnal Asthma: Proposed Mechanisms, Treatment, and Related Nursing Care
Bioterrorism CDC Teleconferences:
Anthrax: What Every Clinician Should Know, Part 1 & 2
CDC Responds: Coping with Bioterrorism – The Role of the Laboratorian
CDC Responds: Bioterrorism and the Healthcare Epidemiology/Infection Control Team
CDC Responds: Risk Communication and Bioterrorism
Smallpox: What Every Clinician Should Know
Communication with Difficult Clients and colleagues
Communication Across Different Cultures
Communication Across the Life Span
Basic Principles for Communicating Effectively
Effectiveness of Communication in the Caring Environment
Conversations for Three: Communicating Through Interpreters
A World of Differences: Understanding Cross-Cultural Communication
Diversity Crossing the Lines
Transcultural Perspectives in Nursing
Crisis Intervention:
Child Abuse: Prevention, Detection & Management, Initial Assessment of Hospitalized
Child, Feeding the Patient
Critical Thinking:
Critical Thinking in Nursing: Lessons from Tuskegee
And the Band Played On
Discovery Health Series:
Nursing the Mind
Touch of Mercy
Battling for Babies
Critical Care
Nurses Pediatrics
The Hanta Virus
Environmental Health
Environmental Control: Avoiding Allergen Exposure
Bloodborne Safety: Universal and Standard Precautions, Needlestick Prevention
Injection Workshop Video
Body Fluids, The Critical Balance, Acid Base Balance, Metabolic Acidosis
Specimen Collection
Specimen Screening
Mosby Nursing Skills Series:
Medication Administration Guidelines
Medications by Nonparenteral Routes
Administration of Medications by Injection
Administration of Medications by IV
Preoperative Skills
Postoperative Skills
Specimen Collection
Promoting Bowel Elimination
Catheterization and Urinary Care
Vital Signs
Body Mechanics, Exercise and Activity
Hygiene and Personal Care
Medical Asepsis and Infection Prevention
Bed Making
Applying Restraints
Equipment and Oxygen Therapy
Promoting Adequate Oxygenation
Artificial Airways
Tracheostomy Care
Oropharyngeal, Nasopharyngeal and Nasotracheal Suctioning
Use of Peripheral Access Device
Blood Administration
Care of the Client with Chest Tubes
Wound Care and Applying Dressings
Pain: The Fifth Vital Sign
Medical Surgical:
Mosby Medical Surgical Nursing Series:
Hip Fracture
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder
Myocardial Infarction
Congestive Heart Failure
Cerebrovascular Accident
Spinal Cord Injury
Breast Cancer
Heart Failure and Pulmonary Edema
Modern Management of Pressure Ulcers
Mental Health:
Innocent Addicts
My Sister’s Keeper
Not By the Book
Fires of the Mind
Dark Voices: Schizophrenia
Flight from Despair: Depression and Mania
Circuits of Fear: Anxiety Disorders
The Invisible Wall: Autism
Psychiatric Intervention & Care
A New Shine on Old Shoes
Subarctic Survival Situation
It’s A Dog’s World
The S.M.I.L.E. Program (So Much Improvement, Little Exercise)
Nursing Recruitment:
Opening Doors (Public Health)
A Career in Nurse-Midwifery
ABC News Segment: Nursing Shortage
NLN – Nursing in America: A History of Social Reform
On the Frontier: The Challenges & Rewards of Rural Nursing
Fetal Development, Nine Month Journey
Home Follow-Up of Early Postpartum Discharge Families
Nursing Care of the New Family: Nursing Assessment of the Postpartum Patient
Nursing Care of the New Family: Ineffective Breast Feeding
Nursing Care of the New Family: Knowledge Deficit: Infant Care
Human Development: Pregnancy
Human Development: Birth and the Newborn
Human Development: Reducing Risk Factors
Unit 9: EMT Essential Emergency Childbirth
Human Development: A New Look at the Infant, Social Cognition, The Development of
Self: Three Views, It’s Okay to be Early
Pediatric Assessment Programs 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Pediatrics
The Compromised Neonate: Assessment and Basic Care
The Compromised Neonate: Support in Acute Respiratory Compromise
The Compromised Neonate: Meeting Nutritional Needs
The Compromised Neonate: Implications of Early Neonatal Infections
Physical Assessment:
Lippincott Physical Exam Series:
Musculoskeletal System
Peripheral Vascular System
Neck, Vessels and Heart
Female Genitalia
Motor System and Reflexes
Cranial Nerves and Sensory System
Eyes, Ears and Nose
Breasts and Axillae
Male Genitalia
Thorax and Lungs
Head, Face, Mouth and Neck
Medcom Physical Assessment: Integumentary
Auscultation of Heart Sounds
Assessment of Lung and Heart, Unusual Heart Sounds
MSN Common Cases in Dermatology
Nursing Station: Interpretation of Heart Sounds
Rapid Assessment of the Critically Ill Patient
Gestational Age Assessment
Primary Care:
Career Encounters – Advanced Practice Nursing
Primary Health Care: Doing Something About It
Tennessee Caring For Kids EPSDT Provider Video
Professional Development:
Ten Tips to Improve Your Tests
Teaching Clinical Judgment
Evaluating Critical Thinking and Clinical Judgment
Using Statistics to Improve Your Tests
Choices: Dialogues on the Subject of Equal Access to Quality Health Care
Give Me Strength
Destinos: Introduction to Spanish 52 lessons
Jean Watson
Rosemarie Parse
Callista Roy
Martha Rogers
Dorothy Johnson
Hildegard Peplau
Margaret Newman
Betty Neuman
Reva Rubin
Virginia Henderson
Dorothea Orem
Florence Nightingale
Ida Orlando Pelletier
Myra Levine
Madeleine Leininger
The following videos were a gift from the Veterans Administration Geriatrics/Gerontology
department. These videos may be viewed in the LRC by anyone. Members of the
community who are in Geriatrics/Gerontology may check them out on a limited basis.
The Cognitively Impaired Geriatric Patient: Behavior Management and Support
The Cognitively Impaired Geriatric Patient: Characteristics and Behavior
Time to Care: Nursing Home Clinical (Kellogg Foundation)
Making Decisions and Plans
Growing Old in a New Age: Maximizing Physical Potential of Older Adults #13
The Grand Generation
On My Own: The Traditions of Daisy Turner
Depression and the Elderly
Social Roles and Relationships in Old Age
One East
Family Support Groups: Help For the Families of Alzheimer’s Patients
Update on Alzheimer’s Disease
The Queen of Falcon
Caregiving: The Normal Aging Process
Alzheimer’s 101: The Basics for Caregivers
The Story of Miriam & Leonard
Helping Hands: The Right Way to Choose A Nursing Home
Caring for Nursing Home Residents with Impaired Vision
Preventing falls and Other Injuries in the Elderly
Dealing with Alzheimer’s Disease
The Right To Decide Life Support for the Aged
How Much Is Enough? Dental Treatment Decisions in Older Patients
Living With Grief When Illness Is Prolonged
Functional Assessment in the Elderly
Ethnic Diversity: Barrier or Benefit in Health Care for the Elderly
The Sixth Sense: Understanding Sensory Changes and Aging
Growing Old in A New Age: Myths And Realities of Aging #1
Borderline Medicine
Caregiver Stress
Case Management for Older Adults: New Issues, New Venues-A Live Videoconference
Alcoholism and Substance Abuse in Older Adults
Aging in Rural America
Dealing with Alzheimer’s: Facing Difficult Decisions
The Challenge of Alzheimer’s Disease: Advances in Etiology, Diagnosis & Management
Black Midwife and Nurse
Detecting Dementia
Dying, Death and Bereavement
Alzheimer’s Disease:
Interviewing and Assessment Techniques for Social Workers
Managing Difficult Behaviors
A Multicultural Perspective
Overview Part I Alzheimer’s and Related Disease
Managing Aggressive Behaviors
Caregiver Issues
Stress Reduction Method
Problem Solving Methods
Pieces of the Puzzle, A Practical Approach to Problem Behaviors
Pieces of the Puzzle, Practical Approach to Recreational Activities
Activities of Daily Living
Pieces of the Puzzle, Recreational Activities Overview
Inside Looking Out
Living In The Here and Now
Thicker Than water
Video Journal of Medicine
Rehabilitation of Hip Fractures in the Elderly
Diagnosis Alzheimer Disease:
Recognizing Alzheimer Disease
Bringing More Meaning to Life
Clinical Protocol Series for Care Managers:
Impaired Mobility
The Treatment of Sleep Disorders of Older People
Ethel Forney w/ Dr. Swofford Family Practice
Geriatric Assessment
Home Assessment: The Key to Managing Chronic Disease
A House Divided: Elderly Abuse
Granny Woman
What Is Aphasia?
Moving On: Rehabilitation After Stroke
Introduction to Clinical Auscultation
Miss Nora’s Store
Problems in Geriatric Pharmacy
Sharing The Burden: Meeting the Challenge of Alzheimer’s in Local Communities
Just For the Summer
Elder and Abuse Part I- The Visit, Part II- The Abuse, Part III- The Assessment
Current Concepts and Issues in Managing Anxiety in the Elderly
Care of the Dying Series:
A Conspiracy of Silence
Learning About Dying, Death, The Final Stage of Growth
Living with Alzheimer Disease, The Family Caregiver’s Guide:
The New Relationship
The Middle Years
The Beginning
The Caregivers Options
Ethical Issues
A National Teleconference :
Healthy People 2000, October 25, 1998
Healthy People 2000 Progress Report: African-American Issues
The Geriatric Nursing Assistant: The Most Important Eyes
Decisions to be Made
Loving Life: Older Adults Discuss Intimacy and Sexuality
Sanders Brown Center on Aging “Overview: Managed Care for the Older Population”
Medicare and PPS: Role of the Medical Director-Strategies for Success
The Benefits: Bringing Geriatrics Home
Memory Testing
A Late Frost
My Name Is Stanley Newman
Middle of the End
A 10- Year Celebration of Geriatric Education Center Excellence
Soft Fire
Intensive Review of Geriatric Medicine Tape 11
Not Alone- Caring For Someone with Alzheimer Disease
Dr. Viktor Frankel:
Facing The Transitory Nature of Human Existence
A Conversation with Dr. Frankl
Dr. Frankl Responds
“Mildred-The First 90 Years” Visual Portrait of Dancer/Instructor
Linda Laisure and H.O.M.E. (Helping Out Mobile Elders) Starting a Non-Profit Organ.
Breakway 100
Gentle Connections- An Intergenerational Program
Dr. Melvin Kimble- An Overview of Logotherapy and Its Application to Aging
Elder Abuse-5 case studiesDepression
Depression in The Elderly
Caring For the Cognitively Impaired Elder Tape 1 & 2
Intensive Review of Geriatric Medicine Tape 13
Discussing Advanced Directives- A Practical Guide
Winter Comforts When Dependency Increases
Nurse’s Aides: Making A Difference
A Good Place to Grow Old
Solutions for Today
Fear of Falling: A Matter of Balance
I’m Pretty Old
Complaints of a Dutiful Daughter
Brush Those Teeth and Dentures
Masturbation and Sexually Provocative Behavior
Psychometric Testing (Memory Clinic)
Aging and Developmental Disabilities Issues of Concern to Famili8es
AIDS and Appliances Used for the Management of Incognitive Health Sciences
Urethal Catheterization - Intermittent and Continuous
Fecal Incontinence
Promoting Urinary Continence - Who and How
Pelvic Floor Muscle Re-education
Urinary Incontinence:
Principles of Management for the General Practitioner
Causes, Investigations and Treatment Options
Physical Assessment of the Elderly
Physical Examination of the Elderly
Images of Aging
My Mother, My Father
The Home of the Brave
The Healing Influence
Pathways: Moving Beyond Stroke and Aphasia
A Time to Cry
Stroke Rehabilitation: Health Care Options for Elderly Patients
Medical Crossfire - The Insomnia Challenge
New Directions in Alzheimer Disease Teleconference
Luther Metke at 94
Principles of Human Comm. Space and Touch -#6
Designing the Environment for Persons with Dementia
All of Our Lives Women in Their Later Years
Exercising with Dorothy
A Family Decision
Opportunities for Social Workers in the Hospital Setting
Responsive Health Care for Minority Elderly
Rites of Sight
Transcultural Diversity and the Elderly Ovar/Gec Topical Workshop 4/3/92
A Safe Place
Alcohol, Drugs, and Seniors: Tarnished Dreams
I never Planned on This
“My Mother, My Father” Seven Years Later
The Medicated Generation
Happy Birthday, Mrs. Craig
I only Hear You When I See Your Face
Illness and Disability
Intellect, Personality and Mental Health
Even These May Forget A Pastoral Care Challenge
All of Our Lives
Agitation, Aggression and Violence
Family and Intergenerational Relationships
Facing Death
The Route to Better Management of Parkinson’s Disease
The Detour
Advanced Directives: CPAR in Nursing Homes
Cotton Man
Ernie and Rose
New Directions in Alzheimer’s Disease Teleconference
Community Acquired Respiratory Infection
I think We’re Going to Make It
You Must Remember This
Where Did You Get That Woman?
Two Dollars and A Dream
The More We Get Together
Sexuality and Aging
Perspectives on Grace: Medical Implications
Principles of Human Communication:
Sound and Movement #5
Who Listens? #7
Listen and Learn
Living with Grief:
Personality and Professionally
After Sudden Loss
Growing Old In A New Age: Maximizing Physical Potential of Older Adults #3
Medication and Dementia
Learning, Memory and Speed of Behavior
Learning about Dying: Death the Final State of Growth
When The Brain Goes Wrong -7 short films- Brain Damage
Caring…Sharing… The Alzheimer’s Caregiver
A Friend in Need: Caring For an Incapacitated Adult
Someone Who Cares
I Grow Old
Intensive Review of Geriatric Medicine: Tape 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10&12
A Choice among Risks: Physical Restraints Rejected
Older, Stronger, Wiser
Nursing Home- Mental Health Series Confusion
Mental Health Problems of Older Adults
Antipsychotic and Antidepressant Medication and Side Effects
Communicating with Moderately Confused Older Adults
Therapeutic reminiscence
Older Adult Development
One to One
Middle of the End
A Journey to Dementia’s “Inner World” of Feelings Tape 1,2,3,4
Just To Have A Peaceful Life
When She Gets Old
94 Years and 1 Nursing Home Later
Whisper, the Waves, the Wind
Older Voices: Interviewing Older Adults
Full Circle
Labour Of Love: Five Stories of Caregiving
You Won’t Need Running Shoes, Darling
Maintaining the Elderly in the Community: Congregational and Social Service
Coping & Home Safety Tips for Caregivers of the Elderly
A Time to Die: Who Decides?
The Natural Process of Aging
Serving the Victim of Elder Abuse
Nutrition & Experience for the Elderly:
Creating A Healthstyle
Eat Right, Feel Better
The Emerging Elderly
Exercise for the Elderly
Overcoming Lifelong Habits
Problems of Nutrition for the Elderly
Behaviors Associated with Dementia: Case Presentations
Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease
Memories of Love:
Family Caring
Caring for the Caregiver
Sorting Out the Clues, Monitoring Medications in Alzheimer’s Disease
Recognition and Treatment of Anxiety in Long Term Care
The Changing Health Relationship Between Health Care and Religious Institutions
Madison House
When All Is Said and Done
A New Home
In Your Hands
Someone I Love Has Alzheimer’s Disease
Oral Health Care: A Guide for Nurses Aides & Caregivers
Understanding Your Diabetes
Ninety in the 90’s
The Nurse’s Role During the Living /Dying Interval
Living Wills
Driving to Utopia
The Courage to Grieve, the Courage to Grow
Mr. Nobody
Voices of Caregiving: Insights Along the Way
Experiencing Sensory Loss
Death & Dying
Dress Him While He Walks
A Thousand Tomorrows: Intimacy, Sexuality, & Ad
Forget Me Never
An Alzheimer’s Story
When the Day Comes
Breast Health for Women Over 60
Rose By Any Other Name
Women At Midlife
Correcting Our Elders
Aging Parents: The Family Survival Guide
Breaking Point
Something Should Be Done About Grandma Ruthie
Looking For Yesterday
Walk Me to the Water
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
The Mental State Exam in Dementia 1, 2
Home Care of Stroke Survivors Left Brain
Feet Can Last A Lifetime
Code Gray: Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing
Home Care of stroke Survivors Right Brain
Home Care for People with Ad:
Home Safety
Activities of Daily Living
Surfing For Life
Ethnic Diversity: Barrier or Benefit in Health Care of the Elderly
Injury Prevention: Preventing Adverse Medication Reactions
He’s Doing This To Spite Me: Emotional Conflicts in Dementia Care
When Help Was There: Four Stories of Elder Abuse
Whisper the Women
A Prescription For Caregivers: Take Care of Yourself
Substance Abuse in the elderly
You and Your Physician: Partners in Health Care
Solving Bathing Problems in Persons with Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders
Aging with Grace
Managing Behavioral in the Geriatric Population:
Volume 4: The Different Faces of Dementia and Psychosis
Volume 5: The Consultant Pharmacist: Partnering in Positive Patient Outcomes
Depression in Older Adults: The Right to Feel Better
Clinical Protocol Series For Care Managers:
Elder Abuse
Problems With Money Management
Adverse Drug Reactions
Families with Dysfunctional Dynamics
Symptom Self-Care/Noncompliance
Chronic Pain
The Golden Years
Intergenerational Service Learning in Gerontology
Communicating the Impact of Alzheimer’s Disease to Patients and Caregivers
CenTenArians: Tell It Like It Is
Oral Care Training Program