Download Neisseria Meningitidis

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O Often referred as
O Inflammation of the nose and
O Divided into Type A,B,C.
Organism’s M.O.
O Neisseria Meningitidis is spread
through the exchange of saliva
like coughing, kissing, and/or
chewing on toys.
O Mostly infects children
Most Common Victims
O Neisseria Meningitidis is most
common in children.
O Can still be infected as an adult.
O 5-15% of adults are infected with
O 1 in 3 children are infected with
Neisseria Meningitidis.
Where the virus is most likely
O Bacteria is found in the nasal
passage and throat of humans.
O Doesn’t infect animals.
O Found mostly in Asia and Africa.
Most Common Injuries
O This bacteria can be fatal.
O Waterhouse-Friderichsen
syndrome (adrenal gland failure)
O Causes various types of injuries:
O Spinal Meningitis
O Septicaemia (infection of the
Armed? Dangerous?
O Related to many infant deaths
O Symptoms include a purpura-like rash
O It is advised to go to a hospital immediately
if this happens
Number of victims
O 5-15% of Adults are infected with this
O 1-3 children are infected with Neisseria
O Responsible for many deaths at birth in Asia
and Africa
Most effective weapons against
O Victims should be hospitalized immediately
even if the symptoms are suspicious.
O Third-generation cephalosporin antibiotics.
O Most effective if used before the bacteria is