Download Homework 27 Answers #1 Hint: Use the defect theorem 4.8.2. #2

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Homework 27 Answers
#1 Hint: Use the defect theorem 4.8.2.
#2 Hint: Note that the altitude splits the Saccheri quadrilateral into two Lambert quadrilaterals.
Use the properties of Lambert quadrilaterals to complete the proof.
#3 Hint: Same hint as #2.
#4 Hint: Show that none of the properties hold for a Saccheri quadrilateral, which is a
1. Suppose that every triangle has the same defect c. Let ABC be a triangle, and suppose that
point E is in the interior of BC. We know that δ(ABC) = δ(ABE) + δ(ECA). But the
defect of each of these triangles is c, so c = c + c, which implies that c = 0.
Because it is not possible to have a triangle with a defect of 0 in a hyperbolic geometry,
then triangles in a hyperbolic geometry can't all have the same defect.
2. Let MN be the altitude of the Saccheri quadrilateral ABCD. Since the
altitude is perpendicular to both AB and CD, then ∠DAM, ∠AMN, and
∠MND are all right angles. Then it follows that AMND is a Lambert
quadrilateral. But this implies that MN < AD. Through a similar proof,
MN < BC.
3. Let MN be the altitude of the Saccheri quadrilateral ABCD. Let ∠DAM, ∠AMN, and
∠MND are all right angles. Note that AMND and BMNC are Lambert quadrilaterals, so
by #2 above, AM < DN and BM < CN. Also, since M is in the interior of AB and N is in the
interior of CD, A * M * B and C * N * D. Then AB = AM + MB < DN + NC = CD.
4. Let ABCD be a Saccheri quadrilateral.
1. Suppose that the diagonal AC divides the quadrilateral so that ACD ≅ ACB (RAA).
Then because ∠ABC is a right angle, so is the summit angle ∠ADC. But the summit
angles must be acute in hyperbolic space, so this is a contradiction. A similar argument
can be constructed to show that BD cannot divide the quadrilateral into two congruent
2. We know from #3 that AB < CD, so this pair of opposite sides is not congruent.
3. We know that the summit angles are acute and the base angles are right angles, so
opposite angles are not congruent.
4. Suppose that the angles bisect each other at point E. Then
DE = EB, AE = EC, and since ∠AEB and ∠CED are
vertical angles, they are congruent. Then AEB ≅
CED. But then AB = CD, a contradiction.