Download CHAPTER 17 STUDY GUIDE 1. Where does electron transport

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1. Where does electron transport occur (important terms - inner membrane, matrix, cristae)?
What is the relationship between electron transport and glycolysis, citric acid cycle, fatty acid
breakdown and oxidative phosphorylation?
2. What are the malate and glycerol phosphate shuttles and what is their purpose?
3. Be able to calculate standard free energy changes corresponding to the transport of electrons
from NADH or FADH2 to O2, or between any members of the electron transport chain using a
table of standard reduction potentials such as Table 13-3, p. 418.
4. Know the types of electron transport components, such as Fe-S proteins, cytochromes, etc.,
and how they are arranged in complexes I - IV) in the inner mitochondrial membrane, and
unique roles of CoQ and cytochrome c. How did use of compounds sych as rotenone and
antimycin A (p.500) help elucidate arrangement of electron transport components. Know where
NADH and FADH2 feed electrons into the electron transport chain. Be able to predict the order
in which various components are arranged (i.e., transport between any pair of components must
occur with a positive voltage change). How do two-electron carriers interact with one-electron
5. What is meant by the statement, electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation are tightly
coupled? Why are they coupled? How can they be uncoupled and what might an advantage to
uncoupling be, if any?
6. What is the mechanism by which the free energy released during electron transport is
harvested to synthesize ATP? How do ADP and Pi, ingredients for ATP synthesis find enter the
mitochondrial matrix, and how does ATP get out (p.549)? Why can the transfer of a pair of
electrons from NADH through the electron transport chain result in the production of three ATP,
whereas FADH2 yields only two?
7. How oxidative phosphorylation regulated and what is the relationship between control of the
glycolysis and the citric acid cycle to electron transport? In addition to control issues on pp. 519
- 522, note also the effects of Ca++ (see class notes).
8. Problems: 2, 3, 4, 7, 9