Download James MacCafferty BA (HONS), MA, PGCE, LRSM, Dip

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Arklow Shipping Silver Band
Musical Director
James MacCafferty
BA (HONS) in Band musicianship, University of Salford, 1997
PGCE in Music, University of Ulster @ Coleraine, 1998
MA in Performance and Musicology, National University of Ireland @ Maynooth, 2007
Licentiate of the Royal Schools of Music, 2002
Diploma of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, 2002
Higher Diploma in Arts in Public Relations, Irish Academy of Public Relations
James studied conducting at graduate and
postgraduate level with conductor laureates Professor
David King and Doctor Roy Newsome, while studying
composition and arranging with Doctor Peter Graham
at the University of Salford.
A multi-instrumentalist (who plays Clarinets, Flute,
Saxophones, Tuba and Piano), James became the
youngest conductor of Saint Columb's Temperance
Association band, Derry, at the age of 21, before
repeating the feat with Strabane Concert Brass at the
age of 23. Since then James has conducted some of
Ireland's premier ensembles such as the Band of An
Garda Síochána, The Nás na Rí Singers, the Dublin
Concert Band as well as a period of several years as
resident and professional conductor of Strabane Concert Brass when he made the twice
weekly 400km round trip from Dublin.
James is in constant demand as an instrumentalist and conductor across Ireland and Britain
and has also worked with groups such as the Adelphi Brass, University of Salford Brass Band,
University of Salford Wind Band, the Western Education and Library Board Wind Ensemble,
Lucan Concert Band, and Saint James's Brass and Reed Band.
As a conductor he has worked with some of the best brass band composers and arrangers
and has proudly directed several world and Irish premieres of works by Paul Lovatt Cooper
and Brendan Breslin.
As a composer and arranger, his works have been performed by both brass and military
bands on TV and Radio by groups such as the Band of An Garda Síochána.
Having a keen interest in the history of British and Irish bands, James has published several
articles with particular reference to the Band of An Garda Síochána.
James has most recently finished a Higher Diploma in Arts in Public Relations and is looking
forward to returning to further Postgraduate study in the not too distant future.