Download The SunGlacier DC03 technology Ap Verheggen, apverheggen

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The SunGlacier DC03 technology
Ap Verheggen,
[email protected]
Peter van Geloven,
The SunGlacier team has designed a solar-powered, water maker based on Peltier technology that
operates without needing batteries or a current inverter. By employing a photovoltaic panel, the
X-model generates power for an 18W Peltier element, which cools an aluminum block to below
the ambient dew point. This innovative concept features a new type of artistic design that has been
tested, and still has potential for optimization.
The surface temperature of the aluminum cooling element is below the dew point of the ambient
air, so water will condense on the element surface. SunGlacier has designed several shapes of the
cooling element. Water from the air is collected and drips down from the element surface through
simple gravity.
The Peltier element has a temperature difference of 67C maximum between the upper “hot” side
and the under “cool” side. Thus, the more that the hot upper side releases its heat and cools – the
more cooling potential is realized in the under “cool” side. Normally the condensation temperature
increases when temperatures rise, so the cold side is below the dew point even in hot desert
A fan is commonly used in this type of process, but a fan’s moving parts are susceptible to
breakage. Instead, a no-maintenance self-regulating “heat-pipe”, with no moving parts does the
job more reliably for extreme long-term use.
By using only a PV panel of 30-50Wp enough power can be produced to run the Peltier element
for up to 6 hours a day. (Peltier element starts when generated solar power is > 15W, which is
achieved early by using a “oversized” PV panel). A “buck-converter” regulates the Peltier voltage
within an acceptable range of 12 volts.
The water production so far is relatively low: approximately half a glass (about 15cl) per 6 hours,
even without optimized technology. This is already a milestone because the X-model can run in
theory for decades until the solar panel no longer functions or the Peltier element wears out and
needs to be changed. Peltier is used in nearly all computers, so it is proven durable technology.
The X-model already has vast potential for agriculture, as it can produce enough water to grow
smaller plants with low water requirements.
The X-model can produce drinking water as well, if the surrounding air is relatively clean and if
the water is enriched with minerals. It is possible that a small piece of granite in a glass will provide
enough minerals for human consumption. For larger production of drinking water a commonlyavailable, inexpensive cleaning device should be used.
The aluminum condensation blocks have been tested and it was observed that a round shape is far
more efficient in condensation than a cone shape. This increased efficiency is because a round
shape has nearly equal distance to the cold side of the Peltier element.
A promising design enhancement is the addition of a cylinder-shaped panel surrounding the Peltier
system that creates a natural and higher flow of air around the system, in order to increase water
condensation potential.