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JavaDoc and Contracts
Fall 2008
Documenting Contracts with
Contract model for methods
Industry standard for documenting APIs
Covers a lot more than contracts
How to go from one to the other?
Javadoc is a tool that generates java code
Input: Java source files (.java)
Individual source files
Root directory of the source files
Output: HTML files documenting
specification of java code
One file for each class defined
Package and overview files
Goal of an API specification
Knowledge needed for “clean-room”
Not a programming guide
Defines “contract” between callers and
Should be implementation *independent*
Also a useful document, but very different
Exceptions are highly undesirable
But are sometimes necessary
Should contain assertions sufficient to test
Adding specification
Specifications are defined in comment
*This is the typical format of a
*simple documentation comment that
*spans three lines.
Inside the comment block, use <p> tags to separate
paragraphs and javadoc pre-defined tags to define
specific elements.
Placement of comments
All comments are placed immediately before
class, interface, constructor, method, or
field declarations. Other stuff between them
is not permitted.
*This is the class comment for the class
import com.sun; // problem!
public class Whatever {}
Structure of the specification
Main Description
Tag Section
Comments are written in
* This is a <b>doc</b> comment.
* @see java.lang.Object
Note that tag names are case-sensitive.
@See is an incorrect usage - @see is
Block tags and in-line tags
Block tags - Can be placed only in the tag section
that follows the main description. Block tags are of
the form: @tag.
 Inline tags - Can be placed anywhere in the main
description or in the comments for block tags.
Inline tags are denoted by curly braces: {@tag}.
* @deprecated As of JDK 1.1, replaced
* by {@link #setBounds(int,int,int,int)}
Overview Tags
Package Tags
Class/Interface Tags
Field Tags
Method/Constructor Tags
@throws / @exception
JavaDoc Style Hints from
Use <code></code> for keywords and names
Use inline links economically
Omit parenthesis for methods and constructors
Example add vs add(index, value)
Phrases instead of sentences ok
3rd person preferred to 2nd
gets the label vs. get the label
Begin method descriptions with a verb phrase
Gets the label… vs. This method gets the label…
Use “this” instead of “the” to refer to the object
Add description beyond API name
Javadoc in Eclipse
In Eclipse, to create Javadocs:
Go to: File -> Export -> … -> Javadocs
 Make sure the Javadoc command refers to the Javadoc
command line tool
For example: C:\Sun\SDK\jdk\bin\javadoc.exe
Select the types that you want to create Javadoc for
Choose the Use Standard Doclet radio button, and
Browse for a destination folder
Click Next for more options, enter custom tags in the
options text field
Directly supporting contracts
A variety of tools support design by
contract explicitly by extending Javadoc
Example: JML (Java Modeling Language)
Various tools at JML Home Page
Javadoc tutorial:
Eclipse Javadoc configuration tutorial:
How to Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc Tool