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ECE 206
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Lab 4: Introduction to ELVIS II+
Introduction to ELVIS II+
Laboratory Goals
Familiarize students with the National Instruments hardware ELVIS II+
Identify the capabilities of ELVIS II+
Make use of the built in variable power supply
Make use of the built in function generator
Record results in the laboratory notebook
Pre-lab / lab reading
ELVIS II+ instruction manual
Course Textbook
Manual for ELVIS II+: or
14BA0 See for ELVIS resources.
Review the Tutorials, Getting Started Guide for NI ELVIS II/II+,
Top 10 Instruments for NI ELVIS II Series and NI myDAQ,
Lesson 1 – NI ELVIS II Workspace Environment
From the link:
Equipment needed
Lab notebook, pen
Latest version of NI ELVIS II+ and ELVIS II+ Drivers loaded on lab computers
Dell Computer with Windows 7 Enterprise and LabVIEW 2012
Parts needed
 Jumper wires
Lab safety concerns
Do not make voltage measurements while the multimeter is set for current
measurements-you will blow the current limiting fuse!
Do not turn on the power supply until you have rechecked your circuit for correct
Do not allow the test leads connected to the power supply to touch each other
National Instruments’ ELVIS II+ Series Hardware
NI ELVIS II Series combines hardware and software into one complete laboratory suite. The system
consists of an independent computer running a version of Microsoft Windows XP (or later), an USB cable
to the ELVIS II+ Workstation equipped with the ELVIS II series prototyping board, and an AC/DC power
supply. See Figure 1, Typical System and Figure 2, Prototyping Board below:
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Lab 4: Introduction to ELVIS II+
Fig 1(above): Typical ELVIS System || Fig 2(below) Prototyping Board
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Fig 3(above): View of ELVIS II+ Fig 4 (below) Controls & Functions
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Lab 4: Introduction to ELVIS II+
These exercises introduce the NI ELVIS II+ workstation and demonstrate how you can
measure electronic component properties. You can build circuits on the prototyping
board and later analyze them with the NI ELVIS II+ software instruments or independent
The circuit development process begins with a need for a product or service. This need is
recorded as a concept in a concept document. The concept is then formalized into an
accomplishable set of requirements. The requirements document is used to develop the
design that will meet the requirements. The design is first tested using circuit simulation.
The simulations help with understanding the interaction of the various parts used in the
design. The electronic parts’ values and tolerances can be estimated. Once the
simulation is complete, the circuit can be constructed with actual, physical devices on a
prototyping board were measurements can be made to verify the simulations and
determine if any issues arise that the simulation models didn’t illustrate.
The Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite, ELVIS II+, is a system that
delivers hands-on lab experience with an integrated suite of more than 12 of the most
commonly used instruments in one compact form factor. It includes a two channel, 100
Ms/S oscilloscope; digital multimeter; function generator; dual output(+12V & -12V),
variable power supply; three output (+15V, -15V, +5), fixed power supply; and a Bode
Software Front Panels Used in this Lab
This lab exercise requires the following SFP (Software Instruments)
1. Digital Ohmmeter on the DMM [Ω
2. Digital Capacitance Meter on the DMM [C]
3. Digital Inductance Meter on the DMM [C]
4. Digital Voltmeter on the DMM [V]
Components Used in this Lab
This lab exercise requires the following components:
1. 1.0 kΩ resistor, R1 (brown, black, red) or closest available
2. 2.2kΩ resistor, R2 (red, red, red) or closest available
3. 1.0 MΩ resistor, R3 (brown, black, green) or closest available
4. 1 μF capacitor, C or closest available
5. 5 unknown resistors
6. 1 inductor of any milli-henrys value
Exercise 1: Measuring Component Values
Complete the following steps to measure component’s electrical values:
1. Turn on the ELVIS II+ power switch. See Fig 5.
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Figure 5: Power Switch Location.
When the power switch (1) is turned on, the computer should recognize the ELVIS and
produce this message in the lower right of the screen. See Figure 6:
Figure 6: ELVIS Detection Message.
Clicking the message produces the following window. See Figure 7.
Figure 7: ELVIS Start Message
With the highlighted task selected, click OK. This action will produce the following
window, Figure 8a & b: Newer Version or Figure 8c: Older Versions.
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Figure 8a: ELVIS Instrument Launcher (New Version)
Figure 8b: ELVIS Instrument Launcher (New Version) Manual Link
Figure 8c: ELVIS Instrument Launcher (Older Version)
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Lab 4: Introduction to ELVIS II+
Figure 8a shows the Instruments Tab with icons for the various instruments available
utilizing the hardware and software of the ELVIS II+. Within the ELVIS, there are A/Ds,
Analog to Digital Converters; D/A, Digital to Analog Converters; Digital Inputs, Digital
Outputs, and Power Supplies. The software within the PC requests the data needed for
the selected measurement from the ELVIS. It then properly formats this data for
presentation to the user.
Figure 8b has a link to display the ELVIS User’s Manual on the Resources Tab.
Figure 8c is the Instrument Launcher used in older versions of the ELVIS software.
It is always good to review an instrument’s user manual to gain insight into how to most
efficiently and effectively to use the instrument. This should be done for all the
instruments and equipment we use in this course. Most, if not all manuals can be found
online at the manufacturer’s website.
2. Connect two banana-type leads (black lines) to the DMM current inputs on the
workstation front panel. See item 3 of Figure 4.
3. The other end of the banana-type leads are connected to the Banana A and Banana
B connectors by printed circuit lands (indicated by white lines) on the prototyping
board. See item 11 of Figure 2. These connections are shown here in Figure 9.
Figure 9: Connections of Banana Leads to DMM
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Lab 4: Introduction to ELVIS II+
The black lines indicate where the banana leads connect and the white lines indicate
which places on the prototype board are connected to the banana leads.
The ends of the resistor should be connected with one lead in row 38 and the other end in
row 39.
4. Launch the ELVIS DMM by clicking on the ‘Digital Multimeter’ on the ELVIS
Instrument Launcher (Figure 8a). This will open the DMM window, Figure 10.
a. Click button marked Ω, Ohms (#5)
b. Select Auto for the Mode (#11)
c. Leave Null Offset unchecked (#13)
d. Leave Device on Dev 1 (#15)
e. Leave Acquisition Mode on Run Continuously (#16)
Figure 10 ELVIS II+ Digital Multimeter
5. Measure the resistors R1, R2, and R3 by
a. inserting one of the resistor’s lead into row 38 and the other lead into row
39 and
b. click Run (#17) and after a reading appears in the display click Stop (#18)
c. Record the values in your lab notebooks.
i. R1 _____________ Ω (1.0 kΩ nominal)
ii. R2 _____________ Ω (2.2 kΩ nominal)
iii. R3 _____________ Ω (1.0 MΩ nominal)
6. Take the five unknown resistors and tape them to a sheet of paper with your name
at the top and measure them as follows:
a. Determine the nominal value with the color code and write this next to the
resistor. (Black=0, Brown=1, Red=2, Orange=3, Yellow=4, Green=5,
Blue=6, Violet=7, Gray=8, White9 and Silver=10%, Gold=5%.)
b. Remove the Banana Leads from the Banana Jacks on the Prototype board
c. Leave the other ends connected to the DMM
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d. Click Run
e. Touch the banana lead connected to the red DMM jack to one resistor lead
and the banana lead connected to the black DMM jack to the other resistor
f. Read the resistance measurement from the display and record it next to the
resistor and record in your lab notebook.
g. Repeat for each unknown resistor.
h. To the T/A, give the paper on which the resistors are taped.
7. Next we will measure the actual capacitance of the 1 μF Capacitor.
a. Click the Capacitance measurement button - #6, Figure 10
b. Note that the connection diagram (#14, Figure 10) now indicates that the
capacitor must be connected between Row 29, DUT+, and Row 30, DUT-,
of the Lower P2 Terminal Strips on the Prototype Board, just up from the
banana lead terminals – see Figure 11.
Figure 11 Capacitor/Inductor Test Connections
c. Turn ON the Prototyping board power supply with the switch in the upper
right of the ELVIS II+ (#8 of Figure 4).
d. Connect the Capacitor with the positive lead in Row 29, DUT+ and the
negative lead in Row 30, DUT-.
Note the polarity of the Capacitor, Figure 11b: Polarized Capacitor.
Figure 11b: Polarized Capacitor with negative lead marked with
Minus Sign and being the shorter lead
e. Set the Acquisition Mode to ‘Run Once’
f. Record the reading from the display in your lab notebook.
i. C __________ μF (1 μF nominal)
g. Turn OFF the Prototyping board power supply with the switch in the
upper right of the ELVIS II+ (#8 of Figure 4).
i. Remove the capacitor from the Prototype board.
8. Now we will measure an Inductor
a. Click the inductor measurement button (#7 on Figure 10).
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b. The highlighted inductor button will be the only change in the DMM
c. Connect the inductor with one lead in Row 29, DUT+ and one lead in
Row 30, DUTd. Turn ON the Prototyping board power supply with the switch in the upper
right of the ELVIS II+ (#8 of Figure 4).
DO NOT remove the inductor while this power supply is ON.
e. Click the Run button and Record the measurement in your lab notebook.
f. Record the value marked on the inductor case in your lab notebook.
g. Turn OFF the Prototyping board power supply with the switch in the
upper right of the ELVIS II+ (#8 of Figure 4).
End of Exercise 1
Exercise 2: Voltage Measurements
1. On the Prototype board, locate a clear area and connect R1 (1kΩ) and R2 (2.2 kΩ)
in series. See Figure 12.
Figure 12: Series Resistor Network connected to DMM
2. Connect the top of R1 to the ELVIS’s +5 Volts Power Supply in the lower left of
the Prototype Board. See Items 7 & 8 on Figure 2.
3. Connect the bottom lead of R1 to the top lead of R2 and the bottom of R2 to the
ground of the ELVIS’s +5 Volt Power Supply – see Items 7 & 8 of Figure 2.
4. Double check all connections for correctness and when correct.
5. Turn ON the Prototyping board power supply with the switch in the upper right of
the ELVIS II+ (#8 of Figure 4).
6. Calculate the expected V1 voltage from the voltage divider equation:
V1 = Vs ( R2/(R1 + R2))
The measured values of Vs, R1, & R2 should be used since the measurements are
on the actual components and not ideal components. (This should always be done)
7. Set the DMM Acquisition Mode to ‘Run Continuously’
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8. Measure the voltages at Vs and V1.
a. Click the DC Voltage button on the DMM window (#1, Figure 10)
b. Connect the other end of the banana lead from the black DMM jack to the
circuit ground and the other end of the banana lead from the red DMM
jack to Vs and record the reading in your lab notebook.
i. Vs = ______________VDC.
c. Leave the banana lead connected to the ground in place and move the
banana lead on Vs to V1.
d. Record the V1 voltage in your lab notebook.
i. V1 = _____________VDC.
9. Turn OFF the Prototyping board power supply with the switch in the upper right
of the ELVIS II+ (#8 of Figure 4).
End of Exercise 2
Exercise 3 Current Measurement
1. Calculate the expected Current for the two resistor, series circuit of Figure 12
using the equation: I = V/Rt where Rt = R1 + R2 and record the expected value
in your lab notebook.
2. Using the circuit from the previous exercise 2, remove the wire connecting
bottom of R2 to the Ground of the +5 Volt power supply.
3. Click the Amps DC button on the DMM (#3 of Fig 10) and note the change in the
Banana Jack Connections illustrated in the DMM window (#14 of Fig 10). See
Figure 13, and make the Acquisition Mode ‘Run Continuously.’
Figure 13 DMM Current Measurement Connections
4. Connect the DMM to the bottom of R2 to the DMM red ‘A’ jack.
5. Connect the Ground of the Power Supply (Row 53) to the DMM black ‘COM’
6. Triple check the connections. If the connections are incorrect you may damage
the power supply or blow (melt) the DMM fuse.
10. When sure the connections are correct, turn ON the Prototyping board power
supply with the switch in the upper right of the ELVIS II+ (#8 of Figure 4).
11. Click the Run button on the DMM window and read the current from the display.
Record the reading in your lab notebook next to the calculated value.
a. I (Calculated)___________ mA
b. I (measured)____________ mA
12. Turn OFF the Prototyping board power supply with the switch in the upper right
of the ELVIS II+ (#8 of Figure 4).
13. Turn OFF the ELVIS II+ Power Supply with the power switch #1 of figure 5.
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14. Return all leads to their proper place in the cabinets.
15. Give Sheet of paper with name and 5 unknown resistor (now properly classified
and measured) to the Instructor or TA.
16. Return all components to their proper drawer in the component drawers.
End of Exercise 3
Report Tips:
1. Explain how to use the ELVIS II+ DMM and how the connection points change
depending on the type of measurements.
2. Always measure all circuit components for their actual values
3. Always measure all power sources for their actual values
4. Always use the measured component and source values to calculate expected
5. Compare the expected results to the measured results, give the error in both
absolute and percentage error, and explain any errors larger than 5 to 10 %.
7. Try to say something nice about the help from the TA of the Lab ;-)
Lab Procedure was written/updated by David Modisette on 09-15-16 to reflect changing
from the ELVIS to the ELVIS II+ and added inductance measurement.