Download Music - Quinton Church Primary School

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Year 3 Music Targets
I can sing a solo with expression.
I can sing in a group with expression.
I can play an instrument with increasing accuracy in a group.
I can play an instrument with increasing accuracy on my own.
I can play clear notes on instruments.
I can create repeated patterns with different instruments.
I can compose music for a range of purposes.
I can use different elements in my composition.
I can compose melodies and songs.
I can combine different sounds to create a specific mood or feeling.
I can improve my work; explaining how it has been improved.
I can start to listen and recall sounds.
I can start to use staff (stave) to record music.
I can appreciate a wide range of live and recorded music from
different traditions and from great composers.
I can begin to understand the history of music.
I can use musical words to describe a piece of music and
compositions.(Pitch, Pulse, Rhythm, Dynamics, Tempo, Timbre,
Structure, Texture)
I can use musical words to describe what I like and do not like
about a piece of music.
I can recognise the work of at least one famous composer.
(Giuseppe Verdi.)
Bold targets are from target tracker.
Key words –
How loud or quiet the music is.
Another name for a tune.
The range of high and low sounds.
The heartbeat or steady beat of a song/piece of music.
The combination of long and short sounds to make patterns.
How the sections (verses and choruses etc) of a song are ordered to make the whole piece.
A set of horizontal lines and intermediate spaces used in notation to represent a sequence
of pitches, in modern notation normally consisting of five lines and four spaces. Also called
An Italian word used to describe how fast/slow the music goes.
Layers of sound in music.
The quality and character of the soun