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Fields and their effect
on Biological systems
Presented by:
Matt Wingard
The DNA and our Cells
tune into the environment!
Your DNA and all of your Cells are in constant
communication with their environment
The DNA is an antenna that tunes into Vibrational
Frequencies as Tones and converts them into Light
Your Cells tune into the local environment and
modify how they function and reproduce
The Field
Everything in the Universe is a Vibrational
Frequency! Information communicating to You
This information determines who and what
you are and how you function
Traditional Science has told us:
We live in a Physical Universe
You are like a machine with replaceable parts
Everything is made up of Atoms
Genes are what dictates everything physical in the
biological body
You are a victim of your Genes – Blame your parents!
The Brain controls the functions of organs, it is where
memory is held and it runs your life
The Nervous System is the primary communications
This is
Quantum Physics tells us:
We live in a Vibrational / Energy Universe
Atoms are 99% space - so what are we really?
You are not a physical machine, rather a dynamic
interaction of waves and particles
The Genes are temporary blueprints for building
biology. It is the Environment that makes the change
The Heart is the master controller, above the brain,
and is a tone (wave) generator
Fascia communicates 3 x that of the NS @ 1100km/h
This is
•How this relates to EMF’s
Electromagnetic Fields are Information
Your DNA and Cells are
designed to Tune into
information in the
environment. Nature has its
own ‘radio station’ with a
frequency of 7.83hz – The
Schumann Resonance. This
background ‘hum’ (caused
by lightning between the
Earth and Ionosphere)
entrains our brain waves to
also be at 7-8hz which is the
Theta/Alpha border.
Frequencies from typical daily EMF’s we are all subject
to are much higher than we are naturally designed
to resonate with, Billions of times Higher!
These high frequencies vibrate and excite our cells to
rates higher than biologically viable.
From the book ‘Healing is Voltage’ by Jerry L. Tennant
MD, the electrical potential of a cell is normally at
-20/-25 millivolts (mV). For a cell to split and divide
takes more energy and the cell raises to -50 mV.
When a cell gets to +30 mV or higher it is said to be
when cancer forms – uncontrolled cell growth (from
overly excited vibrational frequencies).
Of course these vibrational frequencies also cause
chemicals and hormones to be released into the
blood stream – simply a slower form of communication
•Mitosis – Cell division
•Mitosis – Cell division
Mitotic cell division. Fluorescent light micrograph of a cell
during the prometaphase stage of mitosis (cell division).
DNA genetic material is blue and the microtubules of the
cell's cytoskeleton are green. During prometaphase the
chromosomes (which contain the DNA) align along the
microtubule spindle (green lines across centre).
The spindles drag the chromosomes apart, forming two
identical sets. Mitosis is the process by which a cell
divides into two identical daughter cells. Magnification: x6500
A cell during the telophase stage of mitosis
(cell division). DNA genetic material is blue and
the microtubules of the cell's cytoskeleton are
green. By this stage of mitosis the chromosomes
(which contain the DNA) have divided and
moved to opposite ends of the mitotic spindle
(green lines across centre).
In telophase the spindle breaks down, and the
cell starts to split into two.
•Mitosis – Cell division
As you can see during cellular division, magnetic polarity
is needed and you can see the energy being produced.
This process is very delicate and can be influenced by
EMF’s in the Environment.
As Cell Biologist Dr Bruce Lipton proves, cells will modify
their behaviour to match that of their environment.
When a cell divides it takes with it both genetic and
energetic information to replicate with. If the mother cell
is surrounded by information from Sugar or Magnesium or
Love or Fear or Dopamine or Data from Mobile Phones, it
does not judge the vibrational frequency, it simply makes
sure there are more receptor sites dedicated to accepting
these informational fields.
•Voltage and pH
Battery acid
Soda drinks
Bottled water
Baking soda
Milk of Magnesia
Healing is voltage:
The pH scale relates to
Potential Hydrogen –
Hydrogen is what the body
uses as its energy source.
Your body wants a negative
(-) charge potential majority of
the time.
The pH scale = 0-14
0 pH = +400 millivolts
7 pH = 0 mV
14 pH = -400 mV
Ideal = 7.4 pH = -25 mV
going up to 7.9 pH or -50 mV
during cell division and repair
•EMF’s and Cell Voltage/pH
As we have seen there are 2 types of electrical charge + & -
• We
don’t only get charge from foods,
we also absorb it from the environment.
• Typically EMF’s are in the + charge
Sources of EMF’s
1. Electrical wiring, electronic devices
2. Microwaves (RF) from Phone Towers,
WiFi, DECT Phones, Baby monitors etc.
3. Dirty Electricity – transient spikes
•Types of EMF’s
There are 4 main groups of common radiation
Electric Fields
Magnetic Fields
Radio / Microwave Frequencies
Dirty Electricity
Each one operates within a different
frequency band and is measurable
with specific metres
•Types of EMF’s
Electric & Magnetic Fields
Electric fields and Magnetic
Fields go hand in hand.
They are both created
with the flow of current.
Depending on the Voltage
these fields can emanate out
1m – 100m and vary in strength according to the
Watts being drawn
•Types of EMF’s
Microwaves / Radio Frequencies
We have never in history been
subjected to so many high frequencies
coming at us from multiple sources.
Yes the body (Bio-field) has the ability
to fend off these frequencies – to a
point. When you are in these high energy
pulsed (square wave) fields for prolonged
periods the body just cant cope and certainly
cannot tune into the Schumann Resonance.
•Types of EMF’s
Dirty Electricity
DE’s are Transient Spikes or Radio
Waves that travel along the electrical
wiring in your home. They are generated
by appliances and a large degree by
Inverters, especially Solar Inverters.
DE’s operate between the Biologically active
range of 4-100kV.
Using a GS Metre we can see the rate of spikes
on your grid. Cancer clusters have been attributed
to Dirty Electricity when it reaches a rate above
1000GS Units. Ideally your home should be around
30GS Units. DE’s can be easily filtered 
World exposure guidelines
ACGIH occupational TLV: 25000 V/m;
DIN/VDE: occupational 20000 V/m, general 7000 V/m;
ICNIRP: 5000 V/m; TCO: 10 V/m; US-Congress/ EPA: 10 V/m;
BUND: 0.5 V/m;
Studies on oxidative stress, free radicals, melatonin, childhood leukaemia: 10-20 V/m;
Nature: < 0.0001 V/m
DIN/VDE: occupational 5000000 nT, general 400000 nT;
ACGIH occupational TLV: 200000 nT;
ICNIRP: 100000 nT; Switzerland 1000 nT;
WHO: 300-400 nT “possibly carcinogenic”;
TCO: 200 nT; US-Congress/EPA: 200 nT;
BioInitiative: 100 nT;
BUND: 10 nT;
Nature: < 0.0002 nT
---------------------------------------------------GEOLOGICAL (Geomagnetic Field)
Natural fluctuation of the earth magnetic field: temporal 10-100 nT;
-------------------------------------------------RADIO FREQUENCY RADIATION (High Frequency, Electromagnetic Waves)
DIN/VDE: occupational up to 100000000 μW/m², general up to 10000000 μW/m²;
ICNIRP: up to 10000000 μW/m²;
Salzburg Resolution / Vienna Medical Association: 1000 μW/m²;
BioInitiative: 1000 μW/m² outdoor; EU-Parliament STOA: 100 μW/m²;
Salzburg: 10 μW/m² outdoor, 1 μW/m² indoor;
EEG / immune effects: 1000 μW/m²;
Sensitivity threshold of mobile phones: < 0.001 μW/m²;
Nature < 0.000001 μW/m²
•What can you do about it?
Protection from EMF’s
There are measures you
can take to reduce the
impact of EMF’s to your
body while enhancing
your connection to the
Earth and improving your
overall Health and
EMF-X Home
consultations are a good
start to become aware of
potential radiation issues
within your home
environment and be
assisted with solutions
specific to your needs and
Nutrition &
Vortex Water
EMF Shield
Filters &
EMF-X Home
•EMF Shield – Unity Technology
Harmonisation of EMF Radiation
Information exchange
EMF Shield Unity Technology uses
the same principal that Nature
itself uses to create Organic Life
throughout the Universe,
Vibrational Frequencies of
Structured Information
EMF Shield Unity Technology is
encoded with the polarizing
pattern of senior subtle energies,
they are in fact, Creation Codes.
We imprint these specific codes
onto various mediums including
holographic optics which is then
ready to communicate its
coherent information energy
pattern to the local environment
or device it is attached to
harmonize in alignment with
Organic and Biological life.
Pendants, Phone protection
Holograms and Pyramids.