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Grounding and Cabling
for the Small Studio
David Etlinger
NEVER defeat the AC ground!! (round
AC current can KILL – if in doubt, stop and
get more info
I am not an electrician so don’t count on
me to keep you safe
How can we get rid of that annoying hum?!?
How can we reduce the noise floor through
proper cabling?
How can we keep our equipment and ourselves
safe while doing it?
Can we do this systematically, not haphazardly?
Basic Definitions
Voltage (Potential) – difference in charge
between two points (V – Volts)
Current – the flow of electricity (positive to
negative) (I – Amperes)
Resistance – a component’s opposition to
current flow (R – Ohms)
Part I
Grounding (Earthing)
• Ground (1) – Literally the Earth, effectively a point with 0
potential and infinite charge-holding capacity
• Ground (2) – The lowest potential point in a circuit,
serving as a current return path
Two-Prong Outlets
Hot – Black, Red or Blue
Neutral - White
Three-Prong Outlets
Hot – Black, Red or Blue
Neutral – White
Ground – Green
Already a Problem
• Many, many home AC circuits are wired
• This can cause noise and shock hazards
• Use a multimeter or $5 Radioshack tester
to verify every AC outlet
Short Circuit with Proper Grounding
Short with Broken Ground
Mics and Electric Guitars with broken grounds are especially dangerous
Ground Noise
• All signals are referenced to ground
• Noise (voltage changes) on the ground
line create noise in the signal
• Since AC oscillates at 60Hz, this often
results in a 60Hz hum
Ground Loops
• “One point, two paths to ground”
• Current requires a closed loop to flow
• Two paths to ground makes a closed loop
• Ground noise is then possible
• Touching chassis can form an electrical
• Rackmount rails can also connect chassis
• This can be good or bad, depending on
the situation
Noise Source: Two Circuits
Easiest solution: Put both devices on one AC circuit
Noise Source: Dirty Ground
• Remember V = I R : Low resistance means big current
• Solve with a power conditioner (Furman, etc.) or
isolation transformer
• Or put everything on one AC outlet, but watch the
power draw
Induced Current
Induced Ground Current
Induced Current, Cont’d
• Usually, 6” separation is enough to
eliminate induced current
• Wall-wart transformers have unpredictable
fields; keep them as isolated as possible
• Induced currents cannot be totally
Other Sources of Ground Noise
• Internal Power Supply (Induction and
– Upgrade or mod the equipment
– use balanced cables
Fixing Ground Loops
Put everything on one AC circuit
Separate Signal cables from AC cables (and
esp. Wall-wart transformers)
Use a current meter like Kill-a-Watt or Power Angel to
measure current draw
Try to keep at least 6” between
Cross at 90° if necessary
Use Balanced Cables wherever possible
Part II
Balanced Cabling: CMR
Balanced Advantages
• High rejection of ground noise
• Also rejects external EMF
• CMR not perfect; still wise to minimize
ground noise
• Proper operation depends on proper
ground wiring
AC vs. Signal Ground
• AC Ground is designed for safety
• Signal Ground is an internal reference for
circuit paths
• Signal Ground is usually tied to Chassis
Ground at one point
• Balanced cables should ALWAYS use
chassis ground
WRONG: Signal Ground
RIGHT: Chassis Ground
• Much old or cheap equipment uses signal
• Unfortunately, this can cause noise even
with balanced connections
• The only choices are upgrading or
Finding Improper Grounding
• Visual Inspection
• Use a multimeter to test for voltage
between shield and chassis
• Should be very low (ideally 0V)
– But, could tie to both chassis and signal
Fixing Improper Balanced I/O
• Best: Cut the trace to signal ground and bond to
chassis ground
• Easier: Disconnect the cable shield at the end
tied to signal ground
– Breaks any ground loops
– But shield is now an RF antenna
– Can alleviate by bonding shield to chassis through a
0.01μF capacitor
– But then why not just mod the equipment?!?
Worst Case
• Both input and output tied to signal ground
• No standard solution, but most people
connect one end of the shield
• Which end is unimportant, but you must
make the same choice each time
– Might be a very slight benefit to lifting at the
input side
One More Problem
• Units with a wall-wart transformer are not
connected to AC ground
• These units can have balanced I/O
• Solve this by bonding the ungrounded
chassis to a known grounded chassis
Sidebar: Cable Quality
Cable quality varies substantially
Foil shields: best protection but easily
Use in fixed installations
Braided shields: look for maximum
Some Brands
Pro Quality: Canare, Mogami
Also good: Belden, Gepco, Rapco,
Monster: Good but way overpriced
Or make your own: pro quality at a budget
Connectors: Neutrik, Switchcraft
Unbalanced Cabling
• Two conductors: Hot and Neutral
• No CMR; no magnetic field rejection
• Often found on semi-pro or consumer gear
• ¼” TS (mono); RCA
• Always keep unbalanced runs as short as
Shield goes to Signal Ground!
• Shield acts as current return path
• Necessary to form a complete circuit
• Not a “true” shield but does offer some
Best Solution: Convert to Balanced
Next Best Solution: Transformers
Audio Isolation Transformers; DI Boxes; Many Preamps; etc.
Last Resort: Cut the Shield
• N.B.: Cutting the shield on a single-wire
cable will ruin the cable!!
• We are going to cut the shield on a twowire (“balanced”) cable
• This modified cable can then be used to
connect unbalanced <-> balanced
Most Common: Unbalanced 
• Simply disconnect the shield at one end
• TRS: sleeve; XLR: pin 1
Balanced  Unbalanced
Balanced  Unbalanced
Balanced  Unbalanced
Hierarchy of Preference
Balanced --> Balanced
• Unbalanced --> Balanced
• Balanced --> Unbalanced
• Unbalanced --> Unbalanced
Chassis-shielded at both ends
• Chassis-shielded at one end, other end lifted
• Signal-shielded at one end, other end lifted
More Info
• If the choice of which end to cut is
arbitrary, make the same choice each time
• Many possible scenarios
• See the two Rane references for excellent
• Also see Jensen whitepapers for a more
technical discussion
Summary of Best Practices
Connect all devices to one AC circuit
Use balanced I/O whenever possible
Transformer-Isolate unbalanced lines
when possible
• Cut shielding at one end if necessary
Keep signal lines away from AC (esp.
• Cross signal and AC lines at 90° if necessary
Noise Isolation Procedure
Disconnect everything
Connect monitors to main I/O; verify
good grounding and no noise
Connect balanced gear one by one;
verify no noise
Connect unbalanced gear one by one;
modify until noise is acceptable
Sidebar: Advanced Studio
Can reduce noise floor to commercial-studio
Often a workaround for improper cabling or
equipment design
Primary Techniques
Isolated Ground: drive a dedicated
ground bar, completely separate from
the main AC grid
Star Grounding: Use heavy copper
wiring to ground every device to one
central point
Balanced Power
Common-Mode Rejection Cancels
Ground Noise (just like balanced audio!)
Balanced Power Pros and Cons
Eliminates noise from reactive current
(i.e., bad internal design)
 Isolates from building power
Won’t solve all ground loop problems
 Pricey!! ($1000 and up)
Digital Audio Cables
• Digital signals themselves should be immune to
ground noise
• But, the cabling can create ground loops that
affect other signals
• AES/EBU: Isolation transformers prevent loops
• Optical S/PDIF (TOSLink): No electrical
connection so no loops
• Coaxial S/PDIF: Supposedly isolated but some
cheap equipment isn’t
– Can build an isolator; usually easier solutions
Interfacing with the Computer
• Tricky!!!
• High power load might require a separate
AC circuit
• Many different I/O paths
Common I/O schemes
• “Soundblaster”-type cards
– Almost always unbalanced
– Treat like any other unbalanced I/O
• Firewire Interfaces (MOTU 828, etc.)
– Firewire grounds to the computer
– Must then consider the computer part of the
grounding topology
Computer I/O Cont’d
• Cable Modem
– Ethernet interfaces usually won’t link grounds
– USB interfaces can link computer to cable
– Use a Cable Isolator to break the coax ground
• Many other I/Os possible
• You’ll need to experiment
Final Sidebar: Impedance
Too complex to cover here
 Basically, impedance is like a
frequency-dependent resistance
 Really good CMR requires I/O circuits
with good impedance design
If you want really really low noise,
read up on impedance
Grounding References
Cabling References
Good luck!!