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Chapter 18
The Digestive System
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Functions of the GI Tract
Movement of of food through the GI tract.
Chewing the food and mixing it with saliva.
Taking food into the mouth.
Swallowing the food.
Rhythmic wave-like contractions that move food
through GI tract.
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Functions of the GI Tract
Includes both exocrine and endocrine
HCl, H20, HC03-, bile, lipase, pepsin, amylase, trypsin,
elastase, and histamine are secreted into the lumen of the
GI tract.
Stomach and small intestine secrete hormones to help
regulate the GI system.
Gastrin, secretin, CCK, GIP, GLP-1, guanylin, VIP, and
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Functions of the GI Tract
Breakdown of food particles into subunits
(chemical structure change).
Process of the passage of digestion
(chemical subunits) into the blood or
Storage and elimination:
Temporary storage and elimination of
indigestible food.
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Digestive System (GI)
GI tract divided
GI tract is 30 ft
long and
extends from
mouth to anus.
Insert fig. 18.2
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Layers of GI Tract
Composed of 4 tunics:
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Lines the lumen of GI tract.
Lamina propria:
Consists of simple columnar epithelium.
Thin layer of connective tissue containing lymph
Muscularis mucosae:
Thin layer of smooth muscle responsible for the
Folds increase surface area for absorption.
Goblet cells:
Secrete mucus.
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Thick, highly vascular layer of
connective tissue.
Absorbed molecules enter the blood and
lymphatic vessels.
Submucosal plexus (Meissner’s plexus):
Provide autonomic nerve supply to the
muscularis mucosae.
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Responsible for segmental contractions and
peristaltic movement through the GI tract.
Inner circular layer of smooth muscle.
Outer longitudinal layer of smooth muscle.
Contractions of these layers move food
through the tract; pulverize and mix the food.
Myenteric plexus located between the 2
muscle layers.
 Major nerve supply to GI tract.
Fibers and ganglia from both sympathetic and
parasympathetic nervous systems.
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Binding and protective outer layer.
Consists of areolar connective tissue covered
with simple squamous epithelium.
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Regulation of the GI Tract
Extrinsic innervation:
 Parasympathetic nervous system:
Vagus and spinal nerves:
 Stimulate motility and GI secretions.
Sympathetic nervous system:
Postganglionic sympathetic fibers that pass
through submucosal and myenteric plexuses
and innervate GI tract:
 Reduce peristalsis and secretory activity.
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Regulation of the GI Tract
Enteric nervous system:
Local regulation of the GI tract.
Paracrine secretion:
Sites where parasympathetic fibers synapse with
postganglionic neurons that innervate smooth
Submucosal and myenteric plexuses:
Molecules acting locally.
Hormonal secretion:
Secreted by the mucosa.
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From Mouth to Stomach
Mastication (chewing):
Mixes food with saliva which contains salivary
Enzyme that can catalyze the partial digestion of starch.
Deglutition (swallowing):
Begins as a voluntary activity.
Involves 3 phases:
Oral phase is voluntary.
Pharyngeal and esophageal phases are involuntary.
Cannot be stopped.
Larynx is raised.
Epiglottis covers the entrance to respiratory tract.
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From Mouth to Stomach
Involuntary muscular contractions and
relaxations in the mouth, pharynx, larynx, and
esophagus are coordinated by the swallowing
center in the medulla.
Connects pharynx to the stomach.
Upper third contains skeletal muscle.
Middle third contains a mixture of skeletal and smooth
Terminal portion contains only smooth muscle.
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Produced by a series of
localized reflexes in
response to distention of
wall by bolus.
Wave-like muscular
Circular smooth muscle
contract behind, relaxes
in front of the bolus.
Followed by longitudinal
contraction (shortening)
of smooth muscle.
Rate of 2-4 cm/sec.
After food passes into
stomach, LES constricts.
Insert 18.4a
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Most distensible part of GI tract.
Empties into the duodenum.
Functions of the stomach:
 Stores food.
 Initiates digestion of proteins.
 Kills bacteria.
 Moves food (chyme) into intestine.
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of the
churn chyme.
Mix chyme
with gastric
Push food
Insert fig. 18.5
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Gastric mucosa
has gastric pits
in the folds.
Cells that line
the folds
deeper in the
mucosa, are
gastric glands.
Insert fig. 18.7
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Gastric Glands
Secrete gastric juice:
Goblet cells: mucus.
Parietal cells: HCl and intrinsic factor.
Chief cells: pepsinogen.
Enterochromaffin-like cells (ECL):
histamine and serotonin.
G cells: gastrin.
D cells: somatostatin.
Stomach: ghrelin.
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HCl Production
Parietal cells
secrete H+ into
gastric lumen by
primary active
transport, through
H+/ K+ ATPase
Parietal cell’s
membrane takes
in Cl- against its
gradient, by
coupling its
transport with
Insert fig. 18.8
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HCl Production
HCl production is stimulated:
Indirectly by gastrin.
Indirectly by ACh.
ACh and gastrin stimulate release of
Stimulates parietal cells to secrete HCl.
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HCl Functions
Makes gastric
juice very acidic.
ingested proteins
(alter tertiary
structure) so
become more
pepsinogen to
Pepsin is more
active at pH of
Insert fig. 18.9
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Digestion and Absorption in the
Proteins partially digested by pepsin.
Carbohydrate digestion by salivary
amylase is soon inactivated by acidity.
Alcohol and aspirin are the only
commonly ingested substances
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Gastric and Peptic Ulcers
Peptic ulcers:
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome:
Ulcers of the duodenum are produced by excessive gastric
acid secretions.
Helicobacter pylori:
Erosions of the mucous membranes of the stomach or
duodenum produced by action of HCl.
Bacterium that resides in GI tract that may produce ulcers.
Acute gastritis:
Histamine released by tissue damage and inflammation
stimulate further acid secretion.
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Protective Mechanisms of
Parietal and chief cells impermeable to
Alkaline mucus contains HC03-.
Tight junctions between adjacent
epithelial cells.
Rapid rate of cell division (entire
epithelium replaced in 3 days).
Prostaglandins inhibit gastric secretions.
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Small Intestine
Each villus is a fold in
the mucosa.
Covered with columnar
epithelial cells
interspersed with goblet
Epithelial cells at the tips
of villi are exfoliated and
replaced by mitosis in
crypt of Lieberkuhn.
Lamina propria contain
lymphocytes, capillaries,
and central lacteal.
Insert fig. 18.12
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Absorption in Small Intestine
Duodenum and jejunum:
Carbohydrates, amino acids, lipids, iron,
and Ca2+.
Bile salts, vitamin B12, electrolytes, and
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Intestinal Enzymes
Microvilli contain brush border enzymes that
are not secreted into the lumen.
Brush border enzymes remain attached to the
cell membrane with their active sites exposed to
the chyme.
Absorption requires both brush border
enzymes and pancreatic enzymes.
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Intestinal Contractions and
2 major types of
contractions occur in the
small intestine:
Slow movement.
Pressure at the pyloric end
of small intestine is greater
than at the distal end.
Major contractile activity of
the small intestine.
Contraction of circular
smooth muscle.
Mix chyme.
Insert fig. 18.14
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Contractions of Intestinal
Smooth Muscles
Occur automatically in
response to
endogenous pacemaker
Rhythm of contractions
is paced by graded
depolarizations called
slow waves.
Slow waves produced by
interstitial cells of Cajal.
Slow waves spread from
1 smooth muscle cell to
another through
Insert fig. 18.15
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Contractions of Intestinal
Smooth Muscles
When slow waves above threshold, it triggers
APs by opening of VG Ca2+ channels.
Inward flow of Ca2+:
Produces the upward depolarization phase.
Stimulates contraction of smooth muscle.
VG K+ channels open.
Slow waves decrease in amplitude as they are
May stimulate contraction in proportion to the
magnitude of depolarization.
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Cells and Electrical Events in the
Insert fig. 18.16
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Large Intestine
Outer surface bulges outward to form haustra.
Little absorptive function.
Absorbs H20, electrolytes, several vitamin B complexes,
vitamin K, and folic acid.
Intestinal microbiota produce significant amounts of folic acid and
vitamin K.
Bacteria ferment indigestible molecules to produce short-chain
fatty acids.
Does not contain villi.
Secretes H20, via active transport of NaCl into intestinal
Guanylin stimulates secretion of Cl- and H20, and inhibits
absorption of Na+ (minor pathway).
Membrane contains Na+/K+ pumps.
Minor pathway.
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Fluid and Electrolyte Absorption
in the Intestine
Small intestine:
Most of the fluid and electrolytes are absorbed by
small intestine.
Absorption of H20 occurs passively as a result of the
osmotic gradient created by active transport.
Absorbs about 90% of the remaining volume.
Aldosterone stimulates NaCl and H20 absorption in the
Large intestine:
Absorbs about 90% of the remaining volume.
Absorption of H20 occurs passively as a result of the osmotic
gradient created by active transport of Na+ and Cl-.
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Waste material passes to the rectum.
Occurs when rectal pressure rises and
external anal sphincter relaxes.
Defecation reflex:
Longitudinal rectal muscles contract to
increase rectal pressure.
Relaxation of internal anal sphincter.
Excretion is aided by contractions of
abdominal and pelvic skeletal muscles.
Push feces from the rectum.
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Structure of Liver
Liver largest internal organ.
Plates separated by sinusoids.
Hepatocytes form hepatic plates that are 1–2 cells
Arranged into functional units called lobules.
More permeable than other capillaries.
Contains phagocytic Kupffer cells.
Secretes bile into bile canaliculi, which are
drained by bile ducts.
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Structure of Liver
Insert fig. 18.20
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Hepatic Portal System
Products of digestion that are absorbed
are delivered to the liver.
Capillaries drain into the hepatic portal
vein, which carries blood to liver.
¾ blood is deoxygenated.
Hepatic vein drains liver.
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Enterohepatic Circulation
Compounds that
recirculate between
liver and intestine.
Many compounds can
be absorbed through
small intestine and
enter hepatic portal
Variety of exogenous
compounds are
secreted by the liver
into the bile ducts.
Can excrete these
compounds into the
intestine with the bile.
Insert fig. 18.22
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Major Categories of Liver Function
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Bile Production and Secretion
The liver produces and secretes 250–1500 ml of
Bile pigment (bilirubin) is produced in spleen, bone
marrow, and liver.
Free bilirubin combines with glucuronic acid and
forms conjugated bilirubin.
Derivative of the heme groups (without iron) from
Secreted into bile.
Converted by bacteria in intestine to urobilinogen.
Urobilogen is absorbed by intestine and enters the hepatic
Recycled, or filtered by kidneys and excreted in urine.
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Metabolism of Heme and
Insert fig. 18.23
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Bile Production and Secretion
Bile acids are derivatives
of cholesterol.
Major pathway of
cholesterol breakdown in
the body.
Principal bile acids are:
Cholic acid.
Chenodeoxycholic acid.
Combine with glycine or
taurine to form bile salts.
Bile salts aggregate as
95% of bile acids are
absorbed by ileum.
Insert fig. 18.25
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Detoxification of the Blood
Liver can remove hormones, drugs, and other
biologically active molecules from the blood
Excretion into the bile.
Phagocytosis by Kupffer cells.
Chemical alteration of the molecules.
Ammonia is produced by deamination of amino acids in
the liver.
Liver converts it into urea.
Excreted in urine.
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Detoxification of the Blood
Inactivation of steroid hormones and
Conjugation of steroid hormones and
xenobiotics make them anionic.
Can be transported into bile by multispecific
organic anion transport carriers.
Steroid and xenobiotic receptors stimulate
production of cytochrome P450 enzymes.
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Secretion of Glucose,
Triglycerides and Ketones
Liver helps regulate blood glucose
concentration by:
Glycogenesis and lipogenesis.
Glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis.
Contains enzymes required to convert
free fatty acids into ketone bodies.
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Production of Plasma Proteins
Albumin and most of the plasma globulins
(except immunoglobulins) are produced by
the liver.
Constitutes 70% of the total plasma protein.
Contributes most to the colloid osmotic pressure in
the blood.
Transport cholesterol and hormones.
Inhibit trypsin.
Produce blood clotting factors I, II, III, V, VII,
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Sac-like organ attached to the inferior surface
of the liver.
Stores and concentrates bile.
When gallbladder fills with bile, it expands.
Contraction of the muscularis layer of the
gallbladder, ejects bile into the common bile duct
into duodenum.
When small intestine is empty, sphincter of
Oddi closes.
Bile is forced up to the cystic duct to gallbladder.
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Islets of
insulin and
Insert fig. 18.26
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Pancreatic Juice
Contains H20, HC03- and digestive enzymes.
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Pancreatic Juice
Complete digestion of
food requires action of
both pancreatic and
brush border enzymes.
Most pancreatic
enzymes are produced
as zymogens.
Trypsin (when activated
by enterokinase)
triggers the activation
of other pancreatic
Pancreatic trypsin
inhibitor attaches to
Inhibits its activity in
the pancreas.
Fig. 18.29
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Neural and Endocrine Regulation
Neural and endocrine mechanisms
modify the activity of the GI system.
GI tract is both an endocrine gland, and
a target for the action of hormones.
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Regulation of Gastric Function
Gastric motility and secretion are automatic.
Waves of contraction are initiated
spontaneously by pacesetter cells.
Extrinsic control of gastric function is divided
into 3 phases:
Cephalic phase.
Gastric phase.
Intestinal phase.
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Cephalic Phase
Stimulated by sight, smell, and taste of food.
Activation of vagus:
 Stimulates chief cells to secrete pepsinogen.
 Directly stimulates G cells to secrete gastrin.
 Directly stimulates ECL cells to secrete
 Indirectly stimulates parietal cells to secrete
Continues into the 1st 30 min. of a meal.
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Gastric Phase
Arrival of food in stomach stimulates the gastric
Gastric secretion stimulated by:
Chemical nature of chyme (amino acids and short
 Stimulates G cells to secrete gastrin.
 Stimulates chief cells to secrete pepsinogen.
 Stimulates ECL cells to secrete histamine.
 Histamine stimulates secretin of HCl.
Positive feedback effect.
As more HCl and pepsinogen are secreted, more polypeptides
and amino acids are released.
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Gastric Phase
Secretion of HCl is also
regulated by a
negative feedback
HCl secretion
decreases if pH < 2.5.
At pH of 1.0, gastrin
secretion ceases.
 D cells stimulate
secretion of
 Paracrine
regulator to
secretion of
Insert. Fig. 18.30
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Intestinal Phase
Inhibits gastric activity when chyme enters
the small intestine.
Arrival of chyme increases osmolality and
Activates sensory neurons of vagus and produces
an inhibitory neural reflex:
Inhibits gastric motility and secretion.
In the presence of fat, enterogasterone inhibits gastric
motility and secretion.
Hormone secretion:
Inhibit gastric activity:
Somatostatin, CCK, and GLP-1.
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Enteric Nervous System
Submucosal and myenteric plexuses
contain 100 million neurons.
Include preganglionic parasympathetic
axons, ganglion cell bodies,
postganglionic sympathetic axons; and
afferent intrinsic and extrinsic sensory
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Enteric Nervous System
ACh and
substance P
stimulate smooth
above the bolus.
NO, VIP, and ATP
stimulate smooth
muscle relaxation
below the bolus.
Insert fig. 18.31
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Paracrine Regulators of the
Serotonin (5-HT):
Stimulates intrinsic afferents, which send impulses into
intrinsic nervous system; and activates motor neurons.
Stimulates contraction of the duodenum and stomach
Activates guanylate cyclase, stimulating the production of
cGMP stimulates the intestinal cells to secrete Cl- and H20.
Inhibits the absorption of Na+.
May stimulate kidneys to secrete salt in urine.
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Intestinal Reflexes
Intrinsic and extrinsic regulation controlled by
intrinsic and paracrine regulators.
Gastroileal reflex:
Ileogastric reflex:
Increased gastric activity causes increased motility
of ileum and movement of chyme through
ileocecal sphincter.
Distension of ileum, decreases gastric motility.
Intestino-intestinal reflex:
Overdistension in 1 segment, causes relaxation
throughout the rest of intestine.
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Secretion of Pancreatic Juice
Secretion of pancreatic juice and bile is stimulated by:
 Occurs in response to duodenal pH < 4.5.
 Stimulates production of HC03 by pancreas.
 Stimulates the liver to secrete HC03 into the bile.
 Occurs in response to fat and protein content of
chyme in duodenum.
 Stimulates the production of pancreatic enzymes.
 Enhances secretin.
 Stimulates contraction of the sphincter of Oddi.
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Digestion and Absorption of
Salivary amylase:
Pancreatic amylase:
Begins starch
Digests starch to
hydrolyzed by brush
border enzymes.
Glucose is transported
by secondary active
transport with Na+
into the capillaries.
Insert fig. 18.32
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Digestion and Absorption of
Digestion begins in the stomach when pepsin
digests proteins to form polypeptides.
In the duodenum and jejunum:
Endopeptidases cleave peptide bonds in the
interior of the polypeptide:
 Trypsin.
 Chymotrypsin.
 Elastase.
Exopeptidases cleave peptide bonds from the ends
of the polypeptide:
 Carboxypeptidase.
 Aminopeptidase.
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Digestion and Absorption of
Free amino acids
absorbed by
cotransport with
Dipeptides and
transported by
secondary active
transport using a
H+ gradient to
transport them into
the cytoplasm.
Hydrolyzed into
free amino acids
and then secreted
into the blood.
Insert fig. 18.33
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Digestion and Absorption of
Arrival of lipids in the duodenum serves as a
stimulus for secretion of bile.
Bile salt micelles are secreted into duodenum to
break up fat droplets.
Pancreatic lipase and colipase hydrolyze
triglycerides to free fatty acids and
Colipase coats the emulsification droplets and
anchors the lipase enzyme to them.
Form micelles and move to brush border.
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Digestion and Absorption of
Free fatty acids, monoglycerides, and
lysolecithin leave micelles and enter into
epithelial cells.
Resynthesize triglycerides and
phospholipids within cell.
Combine with a protein to form chylomicrons.
Secreted into central lacteals.
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Transport of Lipids
In blood, lipoprotein lipase hydrolyzes
triglycerides to free fatty acids and glycerol
for use in cells.
Remnants containing cholesterol are taken to
the liver.
Form VLDLs which take triglycerides to cells.
Once triglycerides are removed, VLDLs are
converted to LDLs.
LDLs transport cholesterol to organs and blood vessels.
HDLs transport excess cholesterol back to
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Absorption of Fat
Insert fig. 18.36