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Operating System 10
When a computer system contains more than a single processor,
several new issues are introduced into the design of the
scheduling function. We begin with a brief overview of
multiprocessors and then look at the rather different
considerations when scheduling is done at the process level and
the thread level. We can classify multiprocessor systems as
follows :
• Loosely coupled or distributed multiprocessor, or cluster
• Functionally specialized processors
• Tightly coupled multiprocessing
A good way of characterizing multiprocessors and
placing them in context withother architectures is to
consider the synchronization granularity, or frequency of
synchronization, between processes in a system.We can
distinguish five categoriesof parallelism that differ in the
degree of granularity.
Independent Parallelism
With independent parallelism, there is no explicit synchronization
among processes. Each represents a separate, independent
application or job.A typical use of this type of parallelism is in a timesharing system. Each user is performing a particular application, such
as word processing or using a spreadsheet.
It is possible to achieve a similar performance gain by providing each
user with a personal computer or workstation. If any files or
information are to be shared, then the individual systems must be
hooked together into a distributed system supported by a network.
Coarse and Very Coarse-Grained
With coarse and very coarsegrained parallelism, there is
synchronization among processes, but at a very gross level.This kind
of situation is easily handled as a set of concurrent processes running
on a multiprogrammed uniprocessor and can be supported on a
multiprocessor with little or no change to user software.
In general, any collection of concurrent processes that need to
communicate or synchronize can benefit from the use of a
multiprocessor architecture. In the case of very infrequent interaction
among processes, a distributed system can provide good support.
In that case, the multiprocessor organization provides the most
effective support.
Medium-Grained Parallelism
In this case, the programmer must explicitly specify the potential
parallelism of an application.Typically, there will need to be rather a
high degree of coordination and interaction among the threads of an
application, leading to a medium-grain level of synchronization.
Whereas independent, very coarse, and coarse-grained parallelism
can be supported on either a multiprogrammed uniprocessor or a
multiprocessor with little or no impact on the scheduling function, we
need to reexamine scheduling when dealing with the scheduling of
threads. Because the various threads of an application interact so
frequently, scheduling decisions concerning one thread may affect the
performance of the entire application.We return to this issue later in
this section.
Fine-Grained Parallelism
Fine-grained parallelism represents a much more complex
use of parallelism than is found in the use of threads.
Although much work has been done on highly parallel
applications, this is so far a specialized and fragmented
area, with many different approaches.
Granularity Example:Valve Game
Valve is an entertainment and technology company that has developed a
number of popular games, as well as the Source engine, one of the most
widely played game engines available. From Valve’s perspective, threading
granularity options are defined as follows :
• Coarse threading
• Fine-grained threading
• Hybrid threading
Valve found that a hybrid threading approach was the most promising and
would scale the best as multiprocessors with eight or sixteen processors
became available.Valve identified systems that operate very effectively
being permanently assigned to a single processor.
•> Figure 10.1 illustrates the thread structure for the rendering module. In this
hierarchical structure, higher-level threads spawn lower-level threads as
Design Issues
Scheduling on a multiprocessor involves three interrelated issues:
• The assignment of processes to processors
• The use of multiprogramming on individual processors
• The actual dispatching of a process
In looking at these three issues, it is important to keep in mind
that the approach taken will depend, in general, on the degree of
granularity of the applications and on the number of processors
Assignment of Processes to
If a process is permanently assigned to one processor from activation until its
completion, then a dedicated short-term queue is maintained for each
processor.An advantage of this approach is that there may be less overhead
in the scheduling function, because the processor assignment is made once
and for all.
A disadvantage of static assignment is that one processor can be idle, with an
empty queue, while another processor has a backlog. To prevent this
situation, a common queue can be used.
Regardless of whether processes are dedicated to processors, some means
is needed to assign processes to processors.Two approaches have been
used:master/slave and peer.With a master/slave architecture, key kernel
functions of the operating system always run on a particular processor.The
other processors may only execute user programs.The master is responsible
for scheduling jobs
The Use of Multiprogramming on
Individual Processors
When each process is statically assigned to a processor for the
duration of its lifetime, a new question arises: Should that processor
be multiprogrammed? The reader’s first reaction may be to wonder
why the question needs to be asked; it would appear particularly
wasteful to tie up a processor with a single process when that process
may frequently be blocked waiting for I/O or because of
concurrency/synchronization considerations.
In the traditional multiprocessor, which is dealing with coarse-grained
or independent synchronization granularity, it is clear that each
individual processor should be able to switch among a number of
processes to achieve high utilization and therefore better performance.
Process Dispatching
The final design issue related to multiprocessor scheduling is the
actual selection of a process to run. We have seen that, on a
multiprogrammed uniprocessor, the use of priorities or of sophisticated
scheduling algorithms based on past usage may improve performance
over a simple-minded first-come-first-served strategy.When we
consider multiprocessors, these complexities may be unnecessary or
even counterproductive, and a simpler approach may be more
effective with less overhead. In the case of thread scheduling, new
issues come into play that may be more important than priorities or
execution histories.We address each of these topics in turn.
Process Scheduling
In most traditional multiprocessor systems, processes are not dedicated to
processors. Rather there is a single queue for all processors, or if some sort
of priority scheme is used, there are multiple queues based on priority, all
feeding into the common pool of processors. In any case, we can view the
system as being a multiserver queuing architecture.
The study is concerned with process service time, which measures the
amount of processor time a process needs, either for a total job or the
amount of time needed each time the process is ready to use the processor.
The study in [SAUE81] repeated this analysis under a number of
assumptions about degree of multiprogramming, mix of I/O-bound versus
CPU-bound processes, and the use of priorities.The general conclusion is
that the specific scheduling discipline is much less important with two
processors than with one. It should be evident that this conclusion is even
stronger as the number of processors increases.
Thread Scheduling
On a uniprocessor, threads can be used as a program structuring aid and to
overlap I/O with processing. Because of the minimal penalty in doing a
thread switch compared to a process switch, these benefits are realized
with little cost.
Among the many proposals for multiprocessor thread scheduling and
processor assignment, four general approaches stand out:
Load sharing
Gang scheduling
Dedicated processor assignment
Dynamic scheduling
Real-time computing is becoming an increasingly important discipline. The
operating system, and in particular the scheduler, is perhaps the most
important component of a real-time system.
Real-time computing may be defined as that type of computing in which the
correctness of the system depends not only on the logical result of the
computation but also on the time at which the results are produced.
Another characteristic of real-time tasks is whether they are periodic or
aperiodic. An aperiodic task has a deadline by which it must finish or start,
or it may have a constraint on both start and finish time.
Characteristics of Real-Time
Operating Systems
Real-time operating systems can be characterized as having unique
requirements in five general areas :
• Determinism
• Responsiveness
• User control
• Reliability
• Fail-soft operation
An operating system is deterministic to the extent that it performs operations
at fixed, predetermined times or within predetermined time intervals.When
multiple processes are competing for resources and processor time, no
system will be fully deterministic.
Aspects of responsiveness include the following:
The amount of time required to initially handle the interrupt and begin
execution of the interrupt service routine (ISR).
The amount of time required to perform the ISR.
The effect of interrupt nesting.
User control is generally much broader in a real-time operating system
than in ordinary operating systems. In a typical non-real-time operating
system, the user either has no control over the scheduling function of
the operating system or can only provide broad guidance, such as
grouping users into more than one priority class.
Reliability is typically far more important for real-time systems than nonrealtime systems. A transient failure in a non-real-time system may be
solved by simplyre booting the system. A processor failure in a
multiprocessor non-real-time system may result in a reduced level of
service until the failed processor is repaired or replaced.
To meet the foregoing requirements, real-time operating systems typically
include the following features :
• Fast process or thread switch
• Small size (with its associated minimal functionality)
• Ability to respond to external interrupts quickly
• Preemptive scheduling based on priority
• Minimization of intervals during which interrupts are disabled
• Special alarms and timeouts
Real-Time Scheduling
Real-time scheduling is one of the most active areas of
research in computer science. In this subsection, we
provide an overview of the various approaches to
realtime scheduling and look at two popular classes of
scheduling algorithms.
Based on these considerations, the authors identify the following
classes of algorithms:
• Static table-driven approaches
• Static priority-driven preemptive approaches
• Dynamic planning-based approaches
• Dynamic best effort approaches
Static table-driven scheduling is applicable to tasks that are periodic.
Input to the analysis consists of the periodic arrival time, execution
time, periodic ending deadline, and relative priority of each task.
Static priority-driven preemptive scheduling makes use of the prioritydriven preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most non-realtime multiprogramming systems. In a non-real-time system, a variety
of factors might be used to determine priority.
With dynamic planning-based scheduling, after a task arrives,
but before its execution begins, an attempt is made to create a
schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks as well as the
new arrival.
Dynamic best effort scheduling is the approach used by many realtime systems that are currently commercially available.
Deadline Scheduling
Most contemporary real-time operating systems are designed with the
objective of starting real-time tasks as rapidly as possible, and hence
emphasize rapid interrupt handling and task dispatching. In fact, this is not a
particularly useful metric in evaluating real-time operating systems.
There have been a number of proposals for more powerful and appropriate
approaches to real-time task scheduling. All of these are based on having
additional information about each task. In its most general form, the
following information about each task might be used:
• Ready time
• Starting deadline
• Completion deadline
• Processing time
• Resource requirements
• Priority
• Subtask structure
Priority Inversion
Priority inversion is a phenomenon that can occur in any
priority-based preemptive scheduling scheme but is
particularly relevant in the context of real-time
scheduling. The best-known instance of priority inversion
involved the Mars Pathfinder mission.
In any priority scheduling scheme, the system should
always be executing the task with the highest priority.
Priority inversion occurs when circumstances within the
system force .a higher-priority task to wait for a lowerpriority task.