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UPCA 4th Grade / A+ Math Lesson Plans
Student Friendly
A+ Integration
Monday, March 16th, 2015, Day: 4
I can classify two-dimensional shapes based on their geometrical attributes.
See Think-Tac-Toe for: people smart, nature smart, self smart, body smart, math master
smart, word smart, music smart, logic smart, art smart
SMART Board, math notebook, chromebooks
Points, lines, segments, rays, and angles are the building blocks of the geometry.
Point and line are undefined terms because they do not have definitions. We can understand
these terms by thinking of examples of what a point and line might look like. A point can be
a tip of a pencil; it has position but no dimension. Euclid described a line by saying that
through any two points there is always a line and every line contains at least two points.
Line segment is part of a line and it contains two endpoints meaning it has a beginning and
endpoints. A line contains an infinite number of points and has no endpoints and goes on
and on forever. A ray is part of a line that has one endpoint and extends forever in only one
Parallel lines are lines that never cross and are the same distance apart. Perpendicular lines
intersect to form right angles.
Spend about 5 minutes on the warm-up problems.
Sorting shapes based on their angle types
Students will be engaged in classifying shapes based on what type of angle they have. Some
shapes have acute angles, right angles, or obtuse angles. Some shapes have a combination
of all angle types. Students will need to be familiar with sides and vertices. Students can be
split into groups and rotate to different shapes. They will identify angles within shapes.
Students can also use tape or jump ropes to make shapes with specified angle types. Use of
the geoboard is also needed.
strategies & flexible
Afterward, students will work in pairs or individually to complete the practice problems.
The students will complete a ticket out the door/cool-down problem to assess their learning
of the content taught today.
Below grade level (RIT 200-below): Students will use models to compare angles relative to
right angles. Identify lines, parallel lines, right angles, plane figures with lines of
symmetry, the number of lines of symmetry in plane figures
At grade level (RIT 200-210): Students will identify rays, perpendicular lines, acute angles,
obtuse angles. Classify polygons by type of angle.
Enrichment (RIT 210-above): Students will determine which lines are perpendicular
(analysis), classify equilateral triangles, classify polygons by type of angle, compare
polygons by properties.
Exit ticket, warm-up, cool-down, practice problems
UPCA 4th Grade / A+ Math Lesson Plans
Student Friendly
A+ Integration
Tuesday, March 17th, 2015, Day: 5
I can classify two-dimensional shapes based on their geometrical attributes.
See Think-Tac-Toe for: people smart, nature smart, self smart, body smart, math master
smart, word smart, music smart, logic smart, art smart
SMART Board, math notebook, chromebooks
Points, lines, segments, rays, and angles are the building blocks of the geometry.
Point and line are undefined terms because they do not have definitions. We can understand
these terms by thinking of examples of what a point and line might look like. A point can be
a tip of a pencil; it has position but no dimension. Euclid described a line by saying that
through any two points there is always a line and every line contains at least two points.
Line segment is part of a line and it contains two endpoints meaning it has a beginning and
endpoints. A line contains an infinite number of points and has no endpoints and goes on
and on forever. A ray is part of a line that has one endpoint and extends forever in only one
Parallel lines are lines that never cross and are the same distance apart. Perpendicular lines
intersect to form right angles.
Spend about 5 minutes on the warm-up problems.
Sorting shapes based on presence/absence of perpendicular/parallel lines
Students will be engaged in classifying shapes based on whether or not they have
perpendicular or parallel lines. Students should recognize perpendicular as shapes that make
right angles and parallel lines as lines that never cross and go side by side. Students can be
split into groups and rotate to different shapes. They will identify perpendicular or parallel
lines within the shapes. They can use tape or jump ropes as well to make shapes with
perpendicular/parallel lines. Use of the geoboard is also needed.
strategies & flexible
Afterward, students will work in pairs or individually to complete the practice problems.
The students will complete a ticket out the door/cool-down problem to assess their learning
of the content taught today.
Below grade level (RIT 200-below): Students will use models to compare angles relative to
right angles. Identify lines, parallel lines, right angles, plane figures with lines of
symmetry, the number of lines of symmetry in plane figures
At grade level (RIT 200-210): Students will identify rays, perpendicular lines, acute angles,
obtuse angles. Classify polygons by type of angle.
Enrichment (RIT 210-above): Students will determine which lines are perpendicular
(analysis), classify equilateral triangles, classify polygons by type of angle, compare
polygons by properties.
Exit ticket, warm-up, cool-down, practice problems
UPCA 4th Grade / A+ Math Lesson Plans
Student Friendly
A+ Integration
Wednesday, March 18th, 2015, Day: 1
I can classify two-dimensional shapes based on their geometrical attributes.
See Think-Tac-Toe for: people smart, nature smart, self smart, body smart, math master
smart, word smart, music smart, logic smart, art smart
SMART Board, math notebook, chromebooks
Points, lines, segments, rays, and angles are the building blocks of the geometry.
Point and line are undefined terms because they do not have definitions. We can understand
these terms by thinking of examples of what a point and line might look like. A point can be
a tip of a pencil; it has position but no dimension. Euclid described a line by saying that
through any two points there is always a line and every line contains at least two points.
Line segment is part of a line and it contains two endpoints meaning it has a beginning and
endpoints. A line contains an infinite number of points and has no endpoints and goes on
and on forever. A ray is part of a line that has one endpoint and extends forever in only one
Parallel lines are lines that never cross and are the same distance apart. Perpendicular lines
intersect to form right angles.
Spend about 5 minutes on the warm-up problems.
Classifying triangles
Students will be engaged in classifying the different types of triangles. Triangles can have
acute (all acute angles), obtuse (one obtuse angle), or right (one right angle). Triangles can
also be isosceles (two sides and angles equal), scalene (no sides or angles equal), or
equilateral (all sides and angles equal). Students should practice making triangles by using
jump rope or tape. Use of the geoboard is also needed.
strategies & flexible
Afterward, students will work in pairs or individually to complete the practice problems.
The students will complete a ticket out the door/cool-down problem to assess their learning
of the content taught today.
Below grade level (RIT 200-below): Students will use models to compare angles relative to
right angles. Identify lines, parallel lines, right angles, plane figures with lines of
symmetry, the number of lines of symmetry in plane figures
At grade level (RIT 200-210): Students will identify rays, perpendicular lines, acute angles,
obtuse angles. Classify polygons by type of angle.
Enrichment (RIT 210-above): Students will determine which lines are perpendicular
(analysis), classify equilateral triangles, classify polygons by type of angle, compare
polygons by properties.
Exit ticket, warm-up, cool-down, practice problems
UPCA 4th Grade / A+ Math Lesson Plans
Student Friendly
A+ Integration
Thursday, March 19th, 2015, Day: 2
I can classify two-dimensional shapes based on their geometrical attributes.
See Think-Tac-Toe for: people smart, nature smart, self smart, body smart, math master
smart, word smart, music smart, logic smart, art smart
SMART Board, math notebook, chromebooks
Points, lines, segments, rays, and angles are the building blocks of the geometry.
Point and line are undefined terms because they do not have definitions. We can understand
these terms by thinking of examples of what a point and line might look like. A point can be
a tip of a pencil; it has position but no dimension. Euclid described a line by saying that
through any two points there is always a line and every line contains at least two points.
Line segment is part of a line and it contains two endpoints meaning it has a beginning and
endpoints. A line contains an infinite number of points and has no endpoints and goes on
and on forever. A ray is part of a line that has one endpoint and extends forever in only one
Parallel lines are lines that never cross and are the same distance apart. Perpendicular lines
intersect to form right angles.
Spend about 5 minutes on the warm-up problems.
Mixed review
Students will be engaged in a review of the lessons from the week: sorting shapes based on
angle type, sorting shapes based on the presence/absence of parallel/perpendicular lines,
and classifying the different types of triangles.
strategies & flexible
Afterward, students will work in pairs or individually to complete the practice problems.
The students will complete a ticket out the door/cool-down problem to assess their learning
of the content taught today.
Below grade level (RIT 200-below): Students will use models to compare angles relative to
right angles. Identify lines, parallel lines, right angles, plane figures with lines of
symmetry, the number of lines of symmetry in plane figures
At grade level (RIT 200-210): Students will identify rays, perpendicular lines, acute angles,
obtuse angles. Classify polygons by type of angle.
Enrichment (RIT 210-above): Students will determine which lines are perpendicular
(analysis), classify equilateral triangles, classify polygons by type of angle, compare
polygons by properties.
Exit ticket, warm-up, cool-down, practice problems
UPCA 4th Grade / A+ Math Lesson Plans
Student Friendly
A+ Integration
Friday, March 20th, 2015, Day: 3
I can classify two-dimensional shapes based on their geometrical attributes.
See Think-Tac-Toe for: people smart, nature smart, self smart, body smart, math master
smart, word smart, music smart, logic smart, art smart
SMART Board, math notebook, chromebooks
Points, lines, segments, rays, and angles are the building blocks of the geometry.
Point and line are undefined terms because they do not have definitions. We can understand
these terms by thinking of examples of what a point and line might look like. A point can be
a tip of a pencil; it has position but no dimension. Euclid described a line by saying that
through any two points there is always a line and every line contains at least two points.
Line segment is part of a line and it contains two endpoints meaning it has a beginning and
endpoints. A line contains an infinite number of points and has no endpoints and goes on
and on forever. A ray is part of a line that has one endpoint and extends forever in only one
Parallel lines are lines that never cross and are the same distance apart. Perpendicular lines
intersect to form right angles.
Spend about 5 minutes on the warm-up problems.
Mixed review/Assessment/Learning check
Students will be engaged in a review of the lessons from the week: sorting shapes based on
angle type, sorting shapes based on the presence/absence of parallel/perpendicular lines,
and classifying the different types of triangles. Students will also complete an
assessment/learning check for the week.
strategies & flexible
Afterward, students will work in pairs or individually to complete the practice problems.
The students will complete a ticket out the door/cool-down problem to assess their learning
of the content taught today.
Below grade level (RIT 200-below): Students will use models to compare angles relative to
right angles. Identify lines, parallel lines, right angles, plane figures with lines of
symmetry, the number of lines of symmetry in plane figures
At grade level (RIT 200-210): Students will identify rays, perpendicular lines, acute angles,
obtuse angles. Classify polygons by type of angle.
Enrichment (RIT 210-above): Students will determine which lines are perpendicular
(analysis), classify equilateral triangles, classify polygons by type of angle, compare
polygons by properties.
Exit ticket, warm-up, cool-down, practice problems