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Data Provided for 2014 CORE Conference Re-ranking Process
Conference Name
CORE Conference Acronym: RuleML
CORE Conference Name: International Web Rule Symposium
CORE Portal URL (copy & paste from CORE Portal search – blank if Add):
Does this conference have a published archival proceedings containing full papers: YES
Are all papers peer reviewed in their full paper form: YES
Current Rank in CORE Portal: C
Proposed Rank: A
Proposed FoR Codes:
FOR Code 1 (4 digit or 2 digit): 801
FOR Code 2 (4 digit or 2 digit): 804
FOR Code 3 (4 digit or 2 digit): 802
Most Recent Conference Data
Conference Data – Year 1
Year: 2011
Conference URL :
Number full papers submitted: 87
FULL refereed papers published: 18
Acceptance rate: 20.69%
Programme Chair Information
PC Chair 1 Name: Guido Governatori
Affiliation: NICTA
h-index: 36
Google Scholar or DBLP URL:
PC Chair 2 Name: Nick Bassiliades
Affiliation: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
h-index: 20
Google Scholar or DBLP URL:
General Chair Information
GC Chair 1 Name: Georg Gottlob
Affiliation: University of Oxford
h-index: 64
Google Scholar or DBLP URL:
Conference Data – Year 2
GC Chair 2 Name: Juergen Dix
Affiliation: Technical University Clausthal
h-index: 30
Google Scholar or DBLP URL:
Year : 2012
Conference URL:
Number full papers submitted: 81
FULL refereed papers published: 14
Acceptance rate: 17.28%
Programme Chair Information
PC Chair 1 Name: Antonis Bikakis
Affiliation: University College London
h-index: 11
Google Scholar/DBLP URL:
PC Chair 2 Name: Adrian Giurca
Affiliation: Brandenburg University of Technology
h-index: 11
Google Scholar/DBLP URL:
General Chair Information
GC Chair 1 Name: Grigoris Antoniou
Affiliation: University of Huddersfield
h-index: 32
Google Scholar/DBLP URL:
GC Chair 2 Name: Guido Governatori
Affiliation: NICTA
h-index: 36
Google Scholar/DBLP URL:
Conference Data – Year 3
Year: 2013
Conference URL:
Number full papers submitted: 63
FULL refereed papers published: 12
Acceptance rate: 19.05%
Programme Chair Information
PC Chair 1 Name: Antonis Bikakis
Affiliation: SAIC, USA
h-index: 12
Google Scholar/DBLP URL:
PC Chair 2 Name: Adrian Giurca
Affiliation: National Tech. Univ. of Athens
Google Scholar/DBLP URL:
General Chair Information
GC Chair 1 Name: Adrian Paschke
Affiliation: Freie Universitaet Berlin
h-index: 20
Google Scholar/DBLP URL:
GC Chair 2 Name:
Google Scholar/DBLP URL:
Existing Conference Ranks
Category URL from Google Scholar:
Position of this conference in subcategory: 5
Lowest h5 index in subcategory list: 13
H5 index of this conference: 15
CORE acronym of conference immediately above this one in list: ECAI
CORE rank: A
CORE portal URL:
H5 index of conference immediately above: 18
CORE acronym of conference immediately below this one in list: ICTAI
CORE Rank: B
CORE portal URL:
H5 index of conference immediately below: 14
Arnetminer subcategory: 801
Arnetminer subcategory URL:,Logic.html
Number of conferences in this subcategory: 37
Rank of this conference in subcategory: 10
CORE acronym of conference immediately above this one in subcategory: ICWS
CORE portal URL:
CORE Rank: B
CORE acronym of conference immediately below this one in subcategory: RIDE
CORE portal URL:
CORE rank: B
Conferences inferior to this in overall ranking
Conference 1: AIME-Boley-ref-RuleML
Conference 2: TIME-Boley-ref-RuleML
Conference 3:
Conference 4:
Conference 5:
Conference 6:
Any other supporting information you feel useful:
We would like to request a change of the ranking of the International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML) from C to A. Currently, RuleML
is listed with the old title "International Conference on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web", which goes back
to the early years where the symposium was first a workshop and then an early-stage conference. This probably also explains the C
ranking which is certainly not justified for the premier flagship conference of a whole community. The new title is "RuleML 20xy: zth
International Web Rule Symposium", which is the result of its evolution since 2007 (e.g., RuleML 2014: Eighth International Web
Rule Symposium). The RuleML symposium is the flagship research conference of the Web rule community. It is also well known in
neighboring communities such as those focusing on Artificial Intelligence, the Semantic Web, Information Integration, Policy
Management, and Decision Support. RuleML has attracted high level research in rule technologies, methods, standards/languages,
and applications. Besides horizontal technologies, vertical technologies have been explored by RuleML, including in Biomedicine,
Ecology, Finance, the Internet/Web of Things, Privacy, Security & Trust, Governance, Risk & Compliance, as well as all aspects of Law
(cf. The success of RuleML is also reflected by
prominent RuleML Keynote Speakers, e.g. Luc de Raedt, Michael Gruninger, Lise Getoor, Robert Kowalski, Michael Genesereth, John
Sowa, and Michael Kifer. RuleML has thus received many collocation offers, not all of which it could accept, including from IJCAI,
AAAI, CADE, Web Reasoning and Rule Systems, as well as Pragmatic Web. The Springer LNCS proceedings of RuleML have been
reaching a wide audience through SpringerLink.
The RuleML Symposium also includes the International Rule Challenge which in 2014 is in its 8th edition and a RuleML Doctoral
Consortium which is in its 4th edition, as well as specialized sub-events, e.g. on rule standardization (W3C, OMG, OASIS, and ISO),
business rules (Business Rules Forum collaboration) and tracks. The proceedings of the Challenge and the Doctoral Consortium are
broadly listed, e.g. in Scopus and DBLP.
The RuleML Symposium has support by the major standardization bodies such as OMG, W3C, and OASIS, and is supported by the
major academic bodies in this field such as AAAI, ECCAI, ACM, and IFCoLog.
RuleML as the flagship event of the rule community has typically been collocated with the major AI conferences such as IJCAI in
2011 (international AI community), ECAI in 2012 (European AI community), AAAI in 2013 (American AI community), and ECAI in
2014. Over the years, it has been steadily gaining popularity and high reputation at these AI events. The last 3 editions of RuleML
had acceptance rates of 20% or lower.
As evidenced here, RuleML has become the most influential, highest impact rule-focused conference. Hence we would like to ask to
have RuleML listed as flagship conference of the rule community with an A ranking in CORE.
In the CitseerX ranking for the most influential impact venues it is on place 71:, almost on
the same level as WWW, which is ranked as an A* conference in CORE (
In the Microsoft Academic Ranking of the Top Conference in Artificial Intelligence it is on position 114
with a field rank on the same level as the above ICARCV conference (an A ranked conference in CORE:
In Arnetminer of the very broad category "Artificial Intelligence" it is on place 39 of all 299 listed conferences
( with the Conference on Logic Programming and Non-Monotonic
Reasoning (CORE: LPNMR,, A ranked) directly above RuleML.
The relations of RuleML to the major conference in the area of Artificial Intelligence has been also scientifically analyzed, see figure
3 on page 11 of the following paper:
Michael Kuhn and Roger Wattenhofer. The layered world of scientific conferences. In Progress in WWW Research and Development,
figure 3,
Proposer Details
Give information on the proposers of this addition.
Name: Harold Boley
Affiliation: University of New Brunswick
Email: [email protected]
Other Proposers:
Adrian Paschke (Freie Universitaet Berlin)
Harold Boley (University of New Brunswick)
Guido Governatori (NICTA)
Grigoris Antoniou (University of Huddersfield)
Monica Palmirani (University of Bologna)
Said Tabet (EMC Corp.)
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