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Letter of Agreement
This Letter of Agreement (“Agreement”) is between the composer and the buyer. This
letter governs how and what music is to be provided to the buyer, what ownership rights
to the music are transfered to the buyer and how buyer is to pay the composer for the
music. The type of this agreement is type of agreement. This agreement MAY be altered
or voided with consent of all involved parties. For reference, the ID code of this agreement
Involved parties.
Composer – personal info here.
Buyer – personal info here.
Obligations. Composer:
Provide original music, which characteristics are, to the best of composer’s ability,
aligned with characterstics the buyer stated on e-mail when requesting this
particular piece of music. (Composition and production agreement)
Provide recorded, mixed and mastered track, which is based on
composition/arrangement provided by the buyer and the characteristics are, to
the best of composer’s ability, aligned with characteristics the buyer stated on email when requesting this particular piece of music. (Production agreement)
Provide mastered version of the track, provided by the buyer for mastering.
(Mastering agreement)
Provide mixed and mastered track from buyer’s provided studio recordings.
(Mixing agreement)
Alter provided music per buyer’s request up to 3 times per music track. Buyer can
buy additional alterations for a price, listed in Appendix A.
Provide music in time agreed on by both parties on e-mail plus 3 business days.
Provide music in any of the formats included in Appendix B per buyer’s request.
Obligations. Buyer:
Pay any amount, requested by the composer, which is in price range listed in
Appendix A, depending on the type of agreement. Price is expressed in dollars per
track minute ($/min).
Pay for additional alterations to already provided music (3 alterations are free).
Price is listed in Appendix A and expressed in dollars per alteration.
Provide a thourough explaination of the music style and characteristics of the
tracks buyer wants composer to provide, preferably illustrating it with musical
Use the provided music only in a way that is agreed upon in this agreement. Any
third parties that may get ahold of the music via the buyer are obliged to follow
the rules of this agreement.
Music in question. The names of files and files themselves in question are attached (either
as link or a file attachment) to the e-mails between the composer and the buyer.
Buyer’s rights to the music. Buyer may only use this music in a video game called game
name here. Composer may allow the buyer to use this music elsewhere by explicitly
stating so in an e-mail between the buyer and the composer. Composer may NOT allow
any third parties to use this music in their projects without buyer’s consent.
Composer’s rights to the music. If the provided music is not decided to be released as the
official soundtrack of the game via buyer’s channels, composer is free to put the album on
sale himself. Buyer MUST mention composer’s name in the credit list of the game under
section “Music” or “Soundtrack”.
Violation of this contract may be handed to any of the involved parties’ countries’ of
residence National Courts for investigation.
Appendix A
Agreement type
Composition and production agreement
Production agreement
Mastering agreement
Mixing agreement
Price range ($/min)
Each additional revision of already provided tracks (after three free revisions) costs $20.
Appendix B
Available formats:
MP3, 16-bit 44100Hz 128kbps.
MP3, 16-bit 44100Hz 192kbps.
MP3, 16-bit 44100Hz 256kbps.
MP3, 16-bit 44100Hz 320kbps.
MP3, 24-bit 44100Hz 128kbps.
MP3, 24-bit 44100Hz 192kbps.
MP3, 24-bit 44100Hz 256kbps.
MP3, 24-bit 44100Hz 320kbps.
MP3, 32-bit 44100Hz 128kbps.
MP3, 32-bit 44100Hz 192kbps.
MP3, 32-bit 44100Hz 256kbps.
MP3, 32-bit 44100Hz 320kbps.
FLAC, 16-bit 44100Hz.
FLAC, 24-bit 44100Hz.