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2009 Chemistry I: Modern Chemistry Holt, Rinehart, & Winston
Chapter 3: Atoms – The Building Blocks of Matter, pp 67-87
1 atom; 2 atomic mass unit; 3 atomic number; 4 average atomic unit; 5 Avogadro’s number;
6 isotope; 7 law of conservation of mass; 8 law of definite proportions; 9 law of multiple proportions;
10 mass number; 11 molar mass; 12 mole; 13 nuclear forces; 14 nuclide
1 The smallest particle of an element that retains the chemical properties of that element
2 One amu = 1/12 of the mass of a carbon-12 atom
3 The number of protons of each atom of an element
4 The weighted average of the atomic masses of the naturally occurring isotopes of an element
5 The number of particles in exactly 1 mole of a pure substances; 6.02214179 x 1023
6 Atoms of the same element with different # of neutrons, and therefore, different masses
7 Mass is neither created nor destroyed in ordinary chemical reactions or physical changes.
8 Chemical compounds contain same elements in exactly the same proportions by mass regardless of
the size of sample or source of compound.
9 If > 2 different compounds are made of the same 2 elements, then the ratio of the masses of the 2nd
element combined with X mass of the 1st element is always a ratio of small whole numbers.
10 The total # of protons & neutrons making up the nucleus of an isotope
11 The mass of 1 mole of a pure substance
12 Amount of substance containing as many particles as there are atoms in exactly 12 g of carbon-12
13 Short-range proton-proton, proton-neutron, & neutron-neutron forces holding the nuclear particles
14 A general term for a specific isotope of an element
Abbreviations used below: cpd = compound; rxn = reaction; b/w = between; w/ = with
Main Ideas
I. Atomic Theory
A. Contributors
1. Democritus
a. 400 B.C.
b. Proposed “atom” as nature’s basic particle, but did no experiments
c. Countered by (and lost to) Aristotle
2. Dalton
a. 1790s
b. Developed atomic theory based on quantitative analysis of experiments
All matter is composed of atoms.
Atoms of same element are identical to each other & unique from others
Atoms cannot be subdivided, created, nor destroyed ***
Atoms of different elements combine in whole-number ratios to form cpds
Atoms are combined, separated, or rearranged in chemical reactions
B. Laws upheld
1. Law of conservation of mass
a. Chemical rxns = the combination, separation, or rearrangement of atoms
b. C + O2  CO2; 2 C + O2  2 CO
2. Law of definite proportions
a. CO always equals carbon monoxide
b. CO2 always equals carbon dioxide
3. Law of multiple proportions
a. CO2 always has a 2:1 ratio of oxygen atoms to carbon atoms
b. CO always has a 1:1 ratio of oxygen atoms to carbon atoms
c. In CO2, there are 2x as many oxygen atoms as there are in CO
II. Structure of Atom
A. Discoverers
1. E. Goldstein (1886)
a. Cathode-ray tube
Gas at low pressure fills tube; currents pass from (-) cathode to the (+) anode
“Canal rays” traveled in opposite direction from anode to cathode
b. Found positively charge particles, now called “protons”
c. Now know mass of proton = 1 amu = 1.67 x 10-27 kg
2. Joseph John Thomson (1897)
a. Cathode-ray tube
Current was made of negatively charged particles.
Rays were deflected from negatively charged objects.
b. Found “electrons” – negatively charged particles w/ large charge: mass ratio
c. Plum pudding model
3. Robert A. Millikan (1909)
a. Measured charge & mass of electron (~1/2000 mass of proton)
b. Now know that mass of electron = 1/1837 mass of proton, or 9.109 x 10-31 kg
4. Ernest Rutherford (1911)
a. Gold-foil experiment with alpha particles
Co-workers = Hans Geiger & Ernest Marsden
b. “Nucleus” – positively charged center comprising bulk of atom’s mass
c. Nucleus: atom = marble on 50-yd line compared to the whole stadium
5. Niels Bohr (1913)
a. Electrons were in orbitals surrounding the nucleus like planets & our sun
b. Explained atomic emission-line spectrum of hydrogen
6. James Chadwick (1932)
a. Found “neutrons” as particles with no charge but with mass ~ proton = 1 amu
B. Atomic nucleus
1. Composition
a. Protons – 1+ charge, 1 amu, 1.673 x 10-27 kg
1. Number of protons = atomic number = Z; is unique for each element
b. Neutrons – No charge, 1 amu, 1.675 x 10-27 kg
1. Number of neutrons varies among elements
2. Number of neutrons of the same element can vary, e.g., isotopes
Mass # - Atomic # = # of neutrons
Nuclides of elements = specific isotope of an element
H’s nuclides: protium (1amu);deuterium (2amu);tritium (3amu)
Written as element symbol-hyphen-atomic mass; H-1, H-2, H-3
2. Forces
a. Electric force = 1 of the 4 basic forces of the universe
Opposites attract and like repels, as a rule; occurs at long distances.
Is 100x weaker than the strong nuclear force (another basic force)
b. Strong nuclear force – attraction between nuclear particles at close range.
Between protons & neutrons
Between neutron & neutron
Between proton & proton (up to 83 in one nucleus)
c. Weak nuclear force – attraction between the quarks
Are 6 unique quarks with “flavors”, “colors”, & “direction”
Quarks comprise neutrons (3 each) & protons (different 3 each)
3. Size of atom
a. Radius = Distance between nucleus and outer realm of electron cloud
b. Expressed in picometers, i.e., 10-12 m
c. Range = 40 – 270 pm
d. Size of nucleus = 1 fm = 10-15 m or 0.001 pm
e. Density of nucleus = 2 x 108 metric tons/ cm3 [WOW!!!!]
C. Counting atoms
1. Atomic number = # protons
2. Mass number = # protons + # neutrons
3. Average Atomic Mass
a. Weighted average of masses of isotopes
b. If 69.15% is Cu-63 @ 62.930 amu & 30.85% is Cu-65 at 64.928 amu,
then 0.6915(62.930 amu) + 0.3085 (64.928 amu) = 63.55 amu for Cu
4. Relative atomic mass
a. C-12 is standard for all masses of atoms for elements of periodic table
b. 1 atomic mass unit (amu) = 1/12 of C-12 mass
c. Because there are an equal number of protons & neutrons, each is ~1 amu.
Proton’s mass = 1.007276 amu
Neutron’s mass = 1.008665 amu
Electron’s mass = 0.000 5486 amu
5. Relating mass to numbers of atoms
a. Avogadro’s number = # of particles in a mole = 6.022 x 1023 atoms/ mole
b. Mole = # particles as in exactly 12 g of C-12
c. Molar mass = mass of 1 mole of a substance *** Listed on periodic table***
1 mol of C = 12.01 g
1 mol of H = 1.008 g
1 mol of Li = 6.941 g
d. Molecular masses on periodic table, therefore, are used as “grams/ mole”
e. Can use Avogadro’s number to calculate # atoms per grams (or moles) of X
Given: 3.01 x 1023 atoms of Ag; ? # of moles of Ag
3.01 x 1023 atoms/ 6.022 x 1023 atoms/ mole = # moles
= 0.500 mole of Ag
0.500 mole of Ag (197 grams/ mole) = 98.5 grams
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