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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Berne University of Applied Sciences School of Engineering and Information Technology Artificial Intelligence Dr. Bernhard Anrig October 2006 Artificial Intelligence 1 Overview 1. Problem Solving 2. Uninformed Search Strategies 3. Informed Search Strategies 4. Local Search 5. CSP – Constraint Satisfaction Problems Source: S. Russel, P. Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach”, Prentice Hall, second ed., 2003 Artificial Intelligence 2 Problem Solving: Content Problem Solving Holidays in Romania Problem Solving: The Steps General Problem-Solving Agent Problem Formulation Problem Types Searching for Solutions Tree-Search Search Strategies Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving 3 Holidays in Romania Problem: On holiday in Romania, you are currently in Arad, your flight leaves tomorrow from Bucharest Formulate goal: I be in Bucharest Formulate Problem: I I states: various cities actions: drive between cities Find solution: I sequence of cities, e.g. Arad, Sibiu, Fagaras, Bucharest Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: Holidays in Romania 4 Oradea 71 75 Neamt Zerind 87 151 Iasi Arad 140 Sibiu 118 99 92 Fagaras Vaslui 80 Rimnicu Vilcea Timisoara 111 Lugoj 142 211 Pitesti 97 70 Mehadia 146 75 Dobreta 85 101 138 120 Bucharest 90 Craiova Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: Holidays in Romania Giurgiu 98 Urziceni Hirsova 86 Eforie 5 Steps 1. Goal Formulation I I Formulate a goal based on the current situation and the agent’s performance Goal = the set of world states in which the goal is satisfied 2. Problem Formulation: I I What actions and what states are to be considered? “Granularity” 3. Solution Finding! Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: Problem Solving: The Steps 6 Agent Function Simple-Problem-Solving-Agent(percept) returns an action static: seq, an action sequence, initially empty state, some description of the current world state goal, a goal, initially null problem, a problem formulation state ← Update-State(state, percept) if seq is empty then goal ← Formulate-Goal(state) problem ← Formulate-Problem(state, goal) seq ← Search(problem) action ← Recommandation(seq, state) seq ← remainder(seq, state) return action Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: General Problem-Solving Agent 7 Remarks: I This is offline problem solving I Online problem solving = acting without complete knowledge So: I static environement, no changes in the environment are considered I observable environment, the agent knows all cities and streets I discrete environment Hence quite a simple agent Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: General Problem-Solving Agent 8 Steps of problem formulation Initial State I Where the agent starts, e.g. In(Arad) Actions I I I I I Description of the possible action available to the agent Most common: using a successor function which maps a state x to a set of haction, successor i ordered pairs E.g. SuccessorFn(In(Arad))) = {hGo(Sibiu), In(Sibiu)i , hGo(Timisoara), In(Timisoara)i , hGo(Zerind), In(Zerind)i } State space of the problem: Set of all states reachable from initial state implicitly defined by initial state + successor function State space forms a graph Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: Problem Formulation 9 Steps of problem formulation Goal Test I I I Determines whether a state is a goal state Explicit set of goal states, e.g. {In(Bucharest)} Implicit declaration: e.g. “checkmate” in chess Path cost I I I I Function which assigns a numeric cost to each path Agent chooses a function that reflects its own performance measure E.g. if agent wants a quick way to get to Bucharest, then cost function = length in kilometers In the sequel: path cost = sum of action costs E.g. cost of path to Bucharest = sum of distances between cities on the path Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: Problem Formulation 10 Steps of problem formulation Solution I I A sequence of actions leading from the initial state to a goal state Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: Problem Formulation 11 Typology I Deterministic, fully observable → single-state problem • Agent knows exactly which state it will be in • Solution is a sequence I Non-Observable → conformant problem • Agent may have no idea where it is • solution (if any) is a sequence I Nondeterministic and/or partially observable → contingency problem • Percepts provide new information about current state • solution is a tree or policy • often interleave search, execution I Unknown state space → exploration problem (“online”) Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: Problem Types 12 Examples: Vacuum World 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Vacuum world: States: 8 possible world states Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: Problem Types 13 Examples: Vacuum World Initial state: any of the states Successor function: This generates the legal states that results from trying the three actions Left, Right and Suck Goal test: Checks whether all squares are clean Path cost: Each step costs 1 Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: Problem Types 14 Examples: Vacuum World R L R L S S R R L R L R L L S S S S R L R L S Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: Problem Types S 15 Examples: Vacuum World I Single-state, start in # 5: Solution: [Right, Suck] I Conformant, start in {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} Solution: [Right, Suck, Left, Suck] I Contingency, start in # 5 Murphy’s Law: Suck can dirty a clean carpet Local sensing: dirt, location only Solution: [Right, if dirt then Suck] Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: Problem Types 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 Example: 8-puzzle 7 2 5 8 3 4 2 6 3 4 5 1 6 7 8 Start State States: 1 Goal State integer locations of tiles Initial State: any state can be given as initial one Actions: move blank left, right, up, down Goal test: Goal state (given) Path cost: 1 per move Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: Problem Types 17 Example: 8-queens States: any arrangement of 0 to 8 queens on the board is a state Initial State: No queens on the board Action: Add a queen to an empty square Goal test: 8 queens on the board, none attacked Path cost: – Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: Problem Types Not a solution. . . 18 Example: Route finding States: each state is a location (e.g. railway station) and the current time Initial State: Specified by the problem Successor function: Returns the states resulting from taking any train leaving later than the curent time from the current station to another Goal test: Do we arrive at the destination by some prespecified time? Path cost: Depends on ticket fare, waiting time, train quality, changes, . . . Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: Problem Types 19 Example: Robotic assembly States: real-valued coordinated of robot joint angles part of the object to be assembled Actions: continuos motions of robot joints Goal test: complete assembly (with no robot included) Path cost: time to execute Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: Problem Types 20 Search Tree I explicit search tree I generated by the initial state and the successor function I offline, simulated exploration of state space I which search strategy? I state space 6= search tree! Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: Searching for Solutions 21 Node in a search tree Data structure for a node in the search tree: State: the state in the state space to which the node corresponds Parent-Node: the node in the search tree that generated this node Action: the action that was applied to the parent to generate the node Path-Cost: the cost g (n) of the path from the initial state to the node, as indicated by the parent pointers Depth: the number of steps along the path from the initial state Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: Searching for Solutions 22 Node in a search tree PARENT-NODE Node 5 4 6 1 88 7 3 22 ACTION = right DEPTH = 6 PATH-COST = 6 STATE Node: Data structure constituting part of the search tree State: Representation of a physical configuration Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: Searching for Solutions 23 Informal description: Function Tree-Search(problem, strategy ) returns A solution, or failure initialize the search tree using the initial state of problem loop do if there are no candidates for expansion then return failure choose a leaf node for expansion according to strategy if the node contains a goal state then return the corresponding solution else expand the node and add the resulting nodes to the search tree The set of all nodes that have been generated but not yet expanded is called the fringe. Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: Tree-Search 24 Elements of a formal description: I MakeQueue(element,. . . ) creates a queue with the given element(s) I Empty?(queue) returns true only if there are no more elements in the queue I First(queue) returns the first element of the queue I RemoveFirst(element, queue) returns First(queue) and removes it from the queue I Insert(element, queue) inserts an element into the queue and returns the resulting queue (we do not yet say where to insert the element here!) I InsertAll(elements, queue) . . . Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: Tree-Search 25 Formal description: Function Tree-Search(problem, fringe) returns a solution, or failure fringe ← Insert(Make-Node(Initial-State[problem]), fringe) loop do if Empty?(fringe) then return failure node ← Remove-First(fringe) if Goal-Test[problem] applied to State[node] succeeds then return Solution(node) fringe ← InsertAll(Expand(node, problem), fringe) Argument fringe must be an empty queue and the type of this queue will imply the order of the search. Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: Tree-Search 26 Formal description: Function Expand(node, problem) returns a set of nodes successors ← the empty set for each haction, resulti in SuccessorFn[problem](State[node]) do s ← a new Node State[s] ← result ParentNode[s] ← node Action[s] ← action PathCost[s] ← PathCost[node] + StepCost(node, action, s) Depth[s] ← Depth(node)+1 add s to successors return successors Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: Tree-Search 27 Strategy: defined through the order of node expansion! Evaluation of strategies: Completeness: does it always find a solution if one exists? Time complexity: number of nodes generated and/or expanded Space complexity: maximum number of nodes in memory Optimality: does it always find a least-cost solution? Time and space complexity are measured using b maximum branching factor in the search tree d depth of the least-cost solution m maximum depth of the state space (can be ∞!) Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving: Search Strategies 28 Uninformed Search Strategies: Content Uninformed Search Strategies Introduction Breath-first Search BFS Uniform-cost Search UCS Depth-first search DFS Depth-limited search DLS Iterative deepening search IDS Bi-directional search Comparison Repeated steps Search with partial information Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies 29 Types of Searching Uninformed search = blind search: The search strategie considers only the information provided by the problem definition, no additional information. Hence, what can be done is to generate successors and distinguish goal states from non-goal ones. Informed search = heuristic search: see Informed Search Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Introduction 30 Restrictions for this Subject: In this part: I Uninformed search I Fully observable environment I Deterministic environment I Hence the agent can calculate exactly which state results from any sequence of actions and always knows which state he is in! Key for distinguishing these search algorithms: Order in which the nodes are expanded! Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Introduction 31 Breath-first Search – General Idea Concept: expand shallowest unexpanded node Implementation: fringe is a FIFO queue, i.e. insert at read end! A A B D C E F A B G D C E F A B G D C E Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Breath-first Search BFS F B G D C E F G 32 Breath-first Search Properties Complete? Yes (if b finite!) Time? 1 + b + b 2 + b 3 + · · · + b d + b(b d − 1) = O(b d+1 ) Exponentional in d Space? Keeps every node in memory, O(b d+1 ), Optimal? Yes (if cost=1 per step); not optimal in general Big problem: Space. . . Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Breath-first Search BFS 33 Breath-first Search Example Example: tree with b=10, 10’000 node per second, 1 Kbyte per node Depth 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Nodes 1100 111’100 107 109 1011 1013 1015 Time 0.11 sec 11 sec 19 min 31 hours 129 days 35 years 3’523 years Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Breath-first Search BFS 1 106 10 1 101 10 1 Memory megabyte megabyte gigabyte terabyte terabyte petabyte exabyte 34 Uniform-cost Search – General Idea Concept: expand least-cost unexpanded node Implementation: fringe ordered by path cost Equivalent to breath-first if step costs all equal! Complete? Yes (if if all step costs ≥ for some > 0) Time? number of nodes with g ≤ cost of optimal solution, C∗ O(b b +1c ), where C ∗ = cost of optimal solution Space? number of nodes with g ≤ cost of optimal solution, C∗ O(b b +1c ), where C ∗ = cost of optimal solution Optimal? Yes! Nodes are expanded in increasing order of g (n) Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Uniform-cost Search UCS 35 Depth-first search – General Idea Concept: expand deepest unexpanded node Implementation: fringe is a LIFO queue, i.e. insert at front end! Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Depth-first search DFS 36 Depth-first search Example A A B C D H E I J B F K L N C D G M O H E I J K C E I J L G N M D J I J K O H I J L K L G M N O H J N M O H E I J F K L G N M B F K O O A E I N M C D G C D L G B F B F K H F A E C E I O E A B H C D C A D N M B F K L G A B H B F A D A L G M N Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Depth-first search DFS C D O H E I J F K L G M N O 37 H I J K L N M O H I J K D C H I J K L N M E I J F K L G N M C D O H E I J C E I J G N M D O H J I J K L G G N M M N O H J H E I J F L K G N M B F K O O A E I N M C D O C D L B F L K B F K H G A E I C E J O F A B I N M E C A D D G B F L K L C A B D B F K O A B A H O A B H N M Depth-first search Example (cont) A H L L G M N Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Depth-first search DFS C D O H E I J F K L G M N O 38 Depth-first search Properties Complete? No, fails in infinite spaces or spaces with loops Complete in finite spaces if modified to avoid repeated states along paths Time? O(b m ) which is very bad if m much larger than d If solutions are “dense”, may be much faster than BFS Space? O(bm), linear! Optimal? No Remember: m = max. depth of state space! Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Depth-first search DFS 39 Depth-limited search – General Idea, Properties Concept: depth-first search with pre-determined limit ` So all nodes with depth ` are assumed to have no successor! Implementation: DFS + stop at depth ` Complete? No, fails if ` < d, and in infinite spaces or spaces with loops Complete if ` ≥ d in finite spaces if modified to avoid repeated states along paths Time? O(b ` ) Space? O(b`), linear! Optimal? No Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Depth-limited search DLS 40 DLS Algorithm, Properties a solution, Function Depth-Limited-Search(problem, limit) returns or failure, or cutoff return Recursive-DLS(MakeNode(InitialState[problem]), problem, limit) a solution, Function Recursive-DLS(node, problem, limit) returns or failure, or cutoff cutoff-occurred? ← false if GoalTest[problem](State[node]) then return Solution(node) else if Depth[node] = limit then return cutoff else for each successor in Expand(node, problem) do result ← Recursive-DLS(successor, problem, limit) if result = cutoff then cutoff-occurred? ← true else if result 6= failure then return result if cutoff-occurred? then return cutoff else return failure Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Depth-limited search DLS 41 IDS – General-Idea Concept: calls depth-limited search with increasing depth Function Iterative-Deepening-Search(problem) returns aorsolution, failure for depth ← 0 to ∞ do result ← Depth-Limited-Search(problem, depth) if result 6= cutoff then return result Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Iterative deepening search IDS 42 IDS Example A Limit = 0 A A Limit = 1 A B C B C B A Limit = 2 E F G D E A C E F H G D C E I J F G D E E F F D B A F G C D E F G D C E F B F G C D E F D C E M Intelligence M H H K L O I J K L O I J K L N N Artificial Uninformed Search Strategies: Iterative deepening search IDS G A B G G A B C E C C A B G B A C A B D B A C A B A Limit = 3 C A B D B A B D A C B F M N C D G O H E I J F K L G M N O 43 B C D E F A E E G D J G M H D J O N H I J K D G M L I J O N H I J O N H G J L M N O H M L J O N F K H M L O N C D H E I J F K J B F K L G G M N O H M L O N H E I J F K J B F K G M L O N A E I O N C D C D G M L A E I G B G B F K E A E I C D C D C D G F A G A A E I G B F B F K F A B F K M L E C E E C D G C A H E A B D D B F B F K C D A E C E I G C A B D G C A L B F B F B F K E A E C E I C D C A B D G B F Limit = 3 B F A C D C D IDS Example (cont) B H B G L Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Iterative deepening search IDS G M N C D O H E I J F K L G M N O 44 IDS Properties Complete? Yes Time? (d + 1)b 0 + db1 + (d − 1)b 2 + · · · + b d = O(b d ) Space? O(bd) Optimal? Yes, if step cost ≡ 1 Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Iterative deepening search IDS 45 General idea Concept: two simultaneous searches: one forward from the initial state one backward from the goal Stop when the searches meet somewhere Example: 8-puzzle, route in Romania Problem: Not always applicable! How do you compute the predecessor of a node? Hard example: Chess! How do you go backwards from all goal states, i.e. all checkmate states? Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Bi-directional search 46 Graphical Example Start Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Bi-directional search Goal 47 Search Techniques compared Criterion Complete? Time SPACE Optimal? a: b: c: d: e: BFS Yesa O(b d+1 ) O(b d+1 ) Yesc Uniform Cost Yesa,b C∗ O(b b +1c ) C∗ O(b b +1c ) Yes DFS no O(b m ) O(bm) No Depth limited no O(b ` ) O(b`) No Iterat. Deep. Yesa O(b d ) O(bd) Yesc Bidir.e Yesa,d d O(b 2 ) d O(b 2 ) Yesc,d complete if b is finite complete if step costs ≥ for some > 0 optimal if step cost are all identical if both directions use BFS if applicable Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Comparison 48 Problem of Repeated Steps If repeated states are not detected, a simple problem might turn into an exponentional one! A A B B C C B C C C D Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Repeated steps 49 Idea how to avoid repeating steps Idea: Compare the node to be expanded to the already expanded ones, if match then delete one of the paths to this node. Tradeoff: Keep already expanded nodes in memory Advantage: Avoid loops Disadvantage: Memory. . . Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Repeated steps 50 Function Graph-Search(problem, fringe) returns a solution, or failure closed ← an empty set fringe ← Insert(Make-Node(Initial-State[problem]),fringe) loop do If Empty?(fringe) then return failure node ← RemoveFirst(fringe) if Goal-Test[problem](State[node]) then return Solution(node) if State[node] is not in closed then add State[node] to closed fringe ← InsertAll(Expand(node, problem), fringe) Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Repeated steps 51 Partial Information Sensorless problems or conformant problems: I Agent has no sensors at all I It can be in one of several possible initial states I Each action can lead to one of several possible successor states Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Search with partial information 52 Example: Sensoreless Problem L R L R S S S L R L S S R R L L S L R S R Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Search with partial information 53 Example: Sensorless problems (cont.) a) Start in {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} b) Action right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 c) then in one of {2, 4, 6, 8} d) Action suck e) then in one of {4, 8} f) Action left g) then in one of {3, 7, } h) Action suck i) in 6 I Such sets of states = belief states I Agents coerces world into state 7 Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Search with partial information 54 Contingency problems I Environment is partially observable I Or actions are uncertain I Agent has sensors I It can obtain new information from its sensors after acting Each possible percept defines a contingency that most be planned for Special case: adversarial contingency if the uncertainty if cause by the actions of another agent General solution: lectures on “planning” Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Search with partial information 55 Contingency problems: Example Example: Vacuum world with Murphy’s law, i.e. sucking on a clean square might result in dirt on that square. a) Percept: [L,dirty ] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 b) Hence in {1, 3} c) Action suck, d) Hence in one of {5, 7} e) Action right f) then in one of {6, 8} g) if dirt then Action suck h) Then in 8 Artificial Intelligence Uninformed Search Strategies: Search with partial information 56 Informed Search Strategies: Content Informed Search Strategies Introduction Best-first search Heuristic functions Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies 57 Types of Searching Uninformed search = blind search: The search strategie considers only the information provided by the problem definition, no additional information. Informed search = heuristic search: Use problem-specific knowledge! Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Introduction 58 Best-First Search – General Idea Problem-specific knowledge: Evaluation function for each node (heuristic function) Desirability: Nodes with low evaluation are more desirable Idea: Use desirability for choosing the node to expand Implementation: fringe is a priority queue sorted by desirability Two examples: – Greedy best first search – A* search Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Best-first search 59 Greedy best-first search Evaluation function: = estimation of cost from node to the closest goal Idea: Greedy best-first search expand the node that appears to be closest to the goal Example: Holidays in Romania Evaluation function: hSLD (n) = straight-line distance from n to Bucharest Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Best-first search 60 Arad Bucharest Craiova Dobreta Eforie Fagaras Giurgiu Hirsova Iasi Lugoj hSLD : Oradea 71 75 Zerind Arad 151 Arad Mehadia 366 366 Bucharest Neamt 0 0 Craiova Oradea160 160 Dobreta Pitesti 242 242 Eforie Rimnicu Vilcea 161 161 Fagaras Sibiu 176 176 Timisoara Giurgiu 77 Neamt 77 Hirsova Urziceni151 151 Iasi Vaslui 226 226 87 Lugoj Zerind 244 244 Mehadia 241 Neamt 234 Oradea 380 Pitesti 100 Rimnicu 193 Vilcea Sibiu253 Timisoara 329 Urziceni 80 Vaslui 199 Zerind 374 Iasi 140 Sibiu 118 99 241 234 380 100 193 253 329 80 199 374 92 Fagaras Vaslui 80 Rimnicu Vilcea Timisoara 111 Lugoj 142 211 Pitesti 97 70 Mehadia 146 75 Dobreta 85 101 138 120 Bucharest 90 Craiova Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Best-first search Giurgiu 98 Urziceni Hirsova 86 Eforie 61 Greedy best-first search: an example (a) The initial state Arad 366 (b) After expanding Arad Arad Sibiu Timisoara Zerind 253 329 374 Timisoara Zerind 329 374 (c) After expanding Sibiu Arad Sibiu Arad Fagaras Oradea Rimnicu Vilcea 366 176 380 193 (d) After expanding Fagaras Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Best-first search Arad 62 (c) After expanding Sibiu Arad Greedy best-first search: an example Sibiu Arad Fagaras Oradea Rimnicu Vilcea 366 176 380 193 (d) After expanding Fagaras Fagaras Oradea Rimnicu Vilcea 380 193 366 Sibiu Bucharest 253 0 Zerind 329 374 Timisoara Zerind 329 374 Arad Sibiu Arad Timisoara Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Best-first search 63 Greedy best-first search: Properties Complete? No! May get stuck in loops! Example: Goal = Oradea, start = Iasi gives sequence Iasi, Neamt, Iasi, Neamt,. . . Time? O(b m ), but a good heuristic can give big improvements Space? O(b m ) Optimal? No Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Best-first search 64 A* search – General Idea Idea: Minimize total estimated solution cost Combine – cost to reach the node g (n) – estimated cost to get from the node to the goal h(n) Evaluation function: f (n) = g (n) + h(n) = estimated cost of the cheapest solution Heuristic: Expand node with minimal value of f This heuristic is admissible if h(n) ≤ h∗ (n) where h∗ (n) is the true cost of n Example: hSLD (n) is never larger than the actual road distance! Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Best-first search 65 A* search: an example (a) The initial state Arad 366=0+366 (b) After expanding Arad Arad Sibiu 393=140+253 (c) After expanding Sibiu Fagaras Oradea Zerind 449=75+374 Arad Sibiu Arad Timisoara 447=118+329 Timisoara Zerind 447=118+329 449=75+374 Rimnicu Vilcea 646=280+366 415=239+176 671=291+380 413=220+193 (d) After expanding Rimnicu Vilcea Sibiu Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Best-first search Arad Timisoara Zerind 447=118+329 449=75+374 66 (c) After expanding Sibiu Arad A* search: an example Sibiu Arad Fagaras Oradea Timisoara Zerind 447=118+329 449=75+374 Rimnicu Vilcea 646=280+366 415=239+176 671=291+380 413=220+193 (d) After expanding Rimnicu Vilcea Arad Sibiu Arad Fagaras Oradea Timisoara Zerind 447=118+329 449=75+374 Rimnicu Vilcea 646=280+366 415=239+176 671=291+380 Craiova Pitesti Sibiu 526=366+160 417=317+100 553=300+253 (e) After expanding Fagaras Arad Sibiu Arad Fagaras 646=280+366 Oradea Timisoara Zerind 447=118+329 449=75+374 Rimnicu Vilcea 671=291+380 Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Best-first Sibiu Bucharest Craiovasearch Pitesti Sibiu 67 Sibiu Timisoara Zerind 447=118+329 449=75+374 A* search: an example Arad Fagaras Oradea Rimnicu Vilcea 646=280+366 415=239+176 671=291+380 Craiova Pitesti Sibiu 526=366+160 417=317+100 553=300+253 (e) After expanding Fagaras Arad Sibiu Arad Fagaras Rimnicu Vilcea Bucharest 591=338+253 450=450+0 Craiova Pitesti Arad Sibiu Fagaras Arad Sibiu 526=366+160 417=317+100 553=300+253 (f) After expanding Pitesti 646=280+366 Zerind 449=75+374 671=291+380 646=280+366 Sibiu Oradea Timisoara 447=118+329 Oradea Timisoara Zerind 447=118+329 449=75+374 Rimnicu Vilcea 671=291+380 Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Best-first Sibiu Bucharest Craiovasearch Pitesti Sibiu 68 447=118+329 Arad 646=280+366 449=75+374 A* search: an example Fagaras Sibiu Oradea Rimnicu Vilcea 671=291+380 Bucharest 591=338+253 450=450+0 Craiova Pitesti (f) After expanding Pitesti Arad Sibiu Fagaras Arad 646=280+366 Sibiu Sibiu 526=366+160 417=317+100 553=300+253 Timisoara Zerind 447=118+329 449=75+374 Rimnicu Vilcea Oradea 671=291+380 Bucharest 591=338+253 450=450+0 Craiova Pitesti 526=366+160 Bucharest Sibiu 553=300+253 Craiova Rimnicu Vilcea 418=418+0 615=455+160 607=414+193 Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Best-first search 69 A* search: Properties Complete? Yes, unless there are infinitely many nodes n with f (n) ≤ f (G ) where G is the goal. Time? e relative error in h×length of solution Space? Keeps all nodes in memory Optimal? Yes, if heuristic is admissible! Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Best-first search 70 A* search: Contour Map O N Z A I S 380 400 T F R P L Contour map of Romania using f -costs: V M D Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Best-first search B 420 C U H E G 71 A* search: Optimality A* is optimally efficient for any given heuristic function no other algorithm is guaranteed to expand fewer nodes than A* (except possibly through tie-breaking among the nodes which have f (n) = C ∗ ). But . . . I the number of nodes within the goal contour search space is still exponential in the length of the solution for most problems! I A* usually runs out of space as it keeps all nodes in memory! Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Best-first search 72 Memory Bounded Heuristic Search Several approaches: IDA* Iterative deepening A* A combination of IDS and A* RBFS Recursive best-first search Uses idea of best-fist search with only linear space MA* Memory bounded A* SMA* simplified MA* Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Best-first search 73 SMA* I Like A*, it expands the best leaf until memory is full I Then, it deletes the worst leaf node I And it backs up the value of this leaf node to the corresponding parent node, hence the parent knows the quality of the best path in the subtree Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Best-first search 74 SMA* search: Properties Complete? Yes, if there is any reachable solution, i.e. the depth of the shallowest goal node is less than memory size. Space? Linear Optimal? Yes, if any optimal solutions is reachable Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Best-first search 75 9-Puzzle Example 7 2 5 Example: 8-puzzle 8 I Average solution cost: 22 steps I Branching factor ≈ 3 I Exhaustive search: 322 ≈ 3.1 × 1010 7 2 5 8 3 Start State Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Heuristic functions 3 4 6 3 1 6 Start State 4 1 2 6 3 4 5 1 6 7 8 Goal State 76 Heuristics for the 8-Puzzle Typical heuristic functions for the 8-puzzle: I h1 = the number of misplaces tiles I h2 = the total city block distance or Manhattan distance 7 h1 = 8 h2 = 3 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 2 = 18 2 5 8 3 4 6 3 1 6 Start State True solution cost = 26, hence both heuristics are admissible! Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Heuristic functions 77 Heuristics for the 8-Puzzle For every n: h2 (n) ≥ h1 (n), i.e. h2 dominates h1 → h2 is better for search! Comparison of I IDS Iterative deepening search I A* with h1 I A* with h2 Data: 100 instances of 8-puzzles, various solution lengths Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Heuristic functions 78 Results d 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Search Cost IDS A*(h1 ) A*(h2 ) 10 6 6 112 13 12 680 20 18 6384 39 25 47127 93 39 3644035 227 73 – 539 113 – 1301 211 – 3056 363 – 7276 676 – 18094 1219 – 39135 1641 Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Heuristic functions Effective branching factor IDS A*(h1 ) A*(h2 ) 2.45 1.79 1.79 2.87 1.48 1.45 2.73 1.34 1.30 2.80 1.33 1.24 2.79 1.38 1.22 2.79 1.42 1.24 – 1.44 1.23 – 1.45 1.25 – 1.46 1.26 – 1.47 1.27 – 1.48 1.28 – 1.48 1.26 79 New Heuristic Functions Invent new admissible heuristic functions: Relaxed problem = problem with fewer restrictions on the action than the original one Idea: Cost of an optimal solution to a relaxed problem is a heuristic for the original problem! The optimal solution cost of the relaxed problem is no greater than the optimal solution cost of the real problem Admissible: clearly fulfilled! Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Heuristic functions 80 New Heuristic Functions Example: 8-puzzle Original rule: A tile can move from square A to square B if A is horizontally or vertically adjacent to B and B is blank Relaxed problems: a) A tile can move from square A to square B if A is adjacent to B b) A tile can move from square A to square B if B is blank c) A tile can move from square A to square B Derived heuristics: a) ⇒ Manhattan distance h2 b) ⇒ ? c) ⇒ Number of misplaced tiles h1 Artificial Intelligence Informed Search Strategies: Heuristic functions 81 Local Search Strategies: Content Local Search Strategies Introduction Hill-climbing Simulated annealing Local beam search Genetic Algorithms Artificial Intelligence Local Search Strategies 82 Properties of local search algorithms Local search algorithms . . . I are also informed search algorithms I The path to the solution does not matter! I operate using a single current state I use very little memory I can often find reasonable solutions in large or infinite state spaces Typical examples: Optimization problems! Artificial Intelligence Local Search Strategies: Introduction 83 Example objective function global maximum shoulder local maximum “flat” local maximum current state Artificial Intelligence Local Search Strategies: Introduction state space 84 Algorithm Function Hill-Climbing(problem) returns a state that is a local maximum inputs: problem, a problem local variables: current, a node neighbor, a node current ← MakeNode(InitialState[problem]) loop do neighbor ← a highest-valued successor of current if Value[neighbor ] ≤ Value[current] then return State[current] current ← neighbor This is steepest-ascent hill climbing! Artificial Intelligence Local Search Strategies: Hill-climbing 85 Example: 8-queens I Each state has all 8 queens on the board, one per column I Successor function: returns all possible states generated by moving one single queen in its column I Each state has 8 × 7 = 56 successors I Heuristic function: # of pairs of queens attacking each other (directly of indirectly!) I Global minimum if h is zero! Artificial Intelligence Local Search Strategies: Hill-climbing 86 Example: 8-queens (cont) 18 12 14 13 13 12 14 14 14 16 13 15 12 14 12 16 14 12 18 13 15 12 14 14 15 14 14 13 16 13 16 14 17 15 17 14 16 16 16 18 15 18 14 15 15 15 14 16 14 14 13 17 12 14 12 18 State with h = 17 Artificial Intelligence Local Search Strategies: Hill-climbing Local minimum with h = 1 87 Problems I Stuck in local maxima I Stuck in ridges (= sequence of local maxima not directly connected) I Stuck on a plateaux: flat area Example 8-queens: steepest-ascent hill-climbing get stuck in 86% Artificial Intelligence Local Search Strategies: Hill-climbing 88 Variants Stochastic hill-climbing: choose at random from among the uphill moves Convergence is more slowly, sometimes finds better solutions! First-choice hill-climbing: Generate successors randomly until one is better than the actual one Good strategy if a state has many many successors! Random-restart hill-climbing: “If at first you don’t succeed, then try, try again” Artificial Intelligence Local Search Strategies: Hill-climbing 89 Simulated Annealing – General Idea Annealing: process used to temper or harden metals and glass by heating them to a high temperature and then gradually cooling them, thus allowing the material to coalesce into a low-energy crystalline state. Idea: Task of getting a ping-pong ball into the deepest crevice in a bumpy surface. If you let the ball roll, it goes to the next local minimum But if you shake the surface more or less . . . Algorithm: First shake hard, and then gradually reduce the intensity of shaking. Artificial Intelligence Local Search Strategies: Simulated annealing 90 Algorithm Function Simulated-Annealing(problem, schedule) returns a sol. state inputs: problem, a problem schedule, a mapping from time to “temperature” local variables: current, a node next, a node T, a “temperature” controlling the probab. of downward steps current ← MakeNode(InitialState[problem]) for t ← 1 to ∞ do T ← schedule[t] if T = 0 then return current next ← a randomly selected successor of current ∆E ← Value[next] - Value[current] if ∆E > 0 then current ← next ∆E else current ← next only with probability e D Artificial Intelligence Local Search Strategies: Simulated annealing 91 Local beam search – General Idea Idea: Start with k randomly selected states Successors: Compute k successor states in parallel Information sharing: Between the parallel searches information is shared Example: If one state generates several good successors, the other ones only poor successors, the first one informs the other ones that “the grass is greener over here, come over!” Variant: Stochastic beam search, chooses k successors at random Artificial Intelligence Local Search Strategies: Local beam search 92 Genetic Algorithms – General Idea Idea: Variant of stochastic beam search, successor states are generated by combining two parent states Background: This corresponds to sexual reproduction rather than asexual reproduction as in the beam search Start: k randomly selected states Each state is represented as a string over a finite alphabet (often 0/1) Artificial Intelligence Local Search Strategies: Genetic Algorithms 93 8-queens example 24748552 24 31% 32752411 32748552 32748152 32752411 23 29% 24748552 24752411 24752411 24415124 20 26% 32752411 32752124 32252124 32543213 11 14% 24415124 24415411 24415417 (a) Initial Population (b) Fitness Function (c) Selection (d) Crossover (e) Mutation Fitness function = # of non-attacking queens (optimum = 28) Artificial Intelligence Local Search Strategies: Genetic Algorithms 94 8-Queens (cont) Crossover of the first two parents from the previous slide: + Artificial Intelligence Local Search Strategies: Genetic Algorithms = 95 Algorithm Function Genetic-Algorithm(population, Fitness-Fn) returns individual inputs: population, a set of individuals Fitness-Fn, a function that measures the fitness of an individual repeat new-population ← empty set loop for i from 1 to Size(population) do x ← Random-Selection(population,Fitness-Fn) y ← Random-Selection(population,Fitness-Fn) child ← Reproduce(x,y ) if (small random probability) then child ← Mutate(child) add child to new-population population ← new-population until some individual is fit enough, or enough time has elapsed return the best individual in population according to Fitness-Fn Artificial Intelligence Local Search Strategies: Genetic Algorithms 96 Algorithm (cont) Function Reproduce(x, y ) returns an individual inputs: x,y , parent individuals n ← Length(x) c ← random number from 1 to n return Append(Substring(x,1,c),Substring(y ,c + 1,n)) Artificial Intelligence Local Search Strategies: Genetic Algorithms 97 Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Content Constraint Satisfaction Problems Introduction Formal Definition Visualization: Constraint Graph Typology Backtracking Search Improving Efficiency Propagating information Artificial Intelligence Constraint Satisfaction Problems 98 Introduction Search problems as seen before: I Each state is a black box! I It supports goal-test, successor, eval Constraint satisfaction Problems CSP I State is defined by variables with values from domains I Goal-test is a set of constraints which specify the allowable values for some variables Artificial Intelligence Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Introduction 99 Definitions A CSP is defined by Variables: X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn Constraints: C1 , C2 , . . . , Cm I Each variables Xi has a domain Di I Each constraint Ci involves some variables and constraints their values I A state of the problem is an assignment of values to variables I Assignment is consistent when it does not violate any constraint I Complete assignment = assignment with all variables I Solution of CSP = complete consistent assignment Artificial Intelligence Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Formal Definition 100 Example: Map-Coloring Northern Territory Western Australia Queensland South Australia New South Wales Victoria Tasmania I Variables: WA, NT, Q, NSW, V, SA, T I Domains: Di = {red, green, blue} I Constraints: Adjacent regions must have different colors Artificial Intelligence Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Formal Definition 101 Example NT WA Northern Territory Western Australia Q Queensland South Australia New South Wales SA NSW V Victoria Tasmania T Binary CSP: Each constraint relates at most two variables Constraint graph: nodes are variables, arcs show constraints Artificial Intelligence Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Visualization: Constraint Graph 102 CSP as search problem A CSP can be seen as a search problem: Initial State: empty assignment {} all variables are unassigned Successor function: a value is assigned to any unassigned variable, provided that there is no conflict with previously assigned variables and the constraints Goal test: the assignment is complete Path cost: a constant cost for every step Artificial Intelligence Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Visualization: Constraint Graph 103 Types of CSP’s Discrete variables and finite domains: Map-coloring, 8-queens If domain size = d then O(d m ) possible complete assignments Boolean CSP: Each variables has only two values Example: 3Sat Discrete variables with infinite domains: Scheduling Needed: Constrain language, e.g. StartJob1 + 5 ≤ StartJob3 Linear constraints: Algorithms for integer variables Non-linear constraints may be undecidable Continuous variables: linear programming Artificial Intelligence Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Typology 104 Types of CSP’s (cont) Unary constraints: only one variable, SA6=green Binary constraints: pairs of variables SA6=WA Higher order constraints: more variables . . . Preference constraints: e.g. green is better than red Artificial Intelligence Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Typology 105 Example: Cryptarithmetic F T W O + T W O T U W R O F O U R X3 (a) X1 X2 (b) O + O = R + 10X1 X1 + W + W = U + 10X2 X2 + T + T = O + 10X3 Alldif(F , T , U, W , R, O) X3 = F Artificial Intelligence Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Typology 106 Typical Examples I Assignment problem, timetabling problems I Hardware configuration I Spreadsheets I Transportation scheduling I Floorplanning I ... Artificial Intelligence Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Typology 107 Backtracking Naive depth-first search: I branching factor at the top: nd Any of d values can be assigned to any of n variables I on the next level, branching factors: (n − 1)d I So total n! · d n leaves I But there are “only” d n possible complete assignments!!! What can help us: Commutativity of variables assignments! Hence only assignment to a single variable at each node and b = d and only d n leaves. Depth-first search for CSPs with single variable assignment = backtracking search! Artificial Intelligence Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Backtracking Search 108 Algorithm Function Backtracking-Search(csp) returns solution/failure return Recursive-Backtracking({},csp) Function Recursive-Backtracking(assignment, csp) returns sol/fail if assignment is complete then return assignment var ← Select-Unassigned-Variable(Variables[csp],assignment,csp) for each value in Order-Domain-Values(var, assignment, csp) do if value is consistent with assignment according to Constraints[csp] then add {var =value} to assignment result ← Recursive-Backtracking(assignment, csp) if result 6= failure then return result remove {var =value} from assignment return failure Artificial Intelligence Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Backtracking Search 109 Example WA=red WA=red NT=green WA=red NT=green Q=red WA=green WA=blue WA=red NT=blue WA=red NT=green Q=blue Artificial Intelligence Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Backtracking Search 110 Improving Efficiency Key points for improving the efficiency of backtracking search: I Which variable should be assigned next? I In what order should its values be tried? I Can inevitable failures be detected early? I Can we take advantage of the problem structure? Artificial Intelligence Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Improving Efficiency 111 Selecting variable + value var ← Select-Unassigned-Variable(Variables[csp],assignment,csp) ⇒ Choose the variable with the minimum remaining values (MRV)! ⇒ For tie breaks: Choose the variable which is involved in the largest number of constraints ⇒ For this variable, choose the least constraining value i.e. the one that rules out the fewest values in the remaining variables Artificial Intelligence Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Improving Efficiency 112 Forward-checking FC Idea: Keep track of remaining legal values for unassigned variables Terminate search when any variable has no legal value left FC propagates information from assigned to unassigned variables. Artificial Intelligence Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Propagating information 113 Example of Propagating information WA Initial domains After WA=red After Q=green After V=blue NT Q NSW V SA T R G B R G B R G B R G B R G B R G B R G G B R G B R G B R G B R G B R G G B R B R G B R B R G G B R B R G R Northern Territory Western Australia B B B B Queensland South Australia New South Wales Victoria Tasmania Artificial Intelligence Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Propagating information 114 Constraint propagation CP FC does not detect all failures early Example: After WA=red and Q=green, NT and SA cannot both be blue! Types of CP: I Arc consistency I k-consistency I path-consistency I strong k-consistency Artificial Intelligence Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Propagating information 115 Exercices 1 Give the initial state, goal test, successor function, and cost function for each of the following. Choose a formulation that is precise enough to be implemented! a) You have to color a planar map using only four colors, in such a way that no two adjacent regions have the same color. b) A 3-foot-tall monkey is in a room where some bananas are suspended from the 8-foot ceiling. He would like to get the bananas. The room contains two stackable, movable, climbable 3-foot-high crates. c) You have a program that outputs the message “illegal input record” when fed a certain file of input records. You know that processing of each input record is independent of the other records. You want to discover what record is illegal. Artificial Intelligence Exercises 116 d) You have three jugs, measuring 12 gallons, 8 gallons, and 3 gallons, and a water faucet. You can fill the jugs up or empty them out from one to another or onto the ground. You need to measure exactly one gallon e) Three missionaries and three cannibals find themselves at one side of a river. They have agreed that they would all like to get to the other side. But the missionaries are not sure what else the cannibals have agreed to. So the missionaries want to manage the trip across the river in such a way that the number of missionaries on either side of the river is never less than the number of cannibals who are on the same side. The only boat available holds only two people at a time. How can everyone get across the river without the missionaries risking being eaten. Artificial Intelligence Exercises 117 Exercises 2 Consider a state space where the start state is number 1 and the successor function for state n returns two states, numbers 2n and 2n + 1. a) Draw the portion of the state space for states 1 to 15. b) Suppose that the goal state is 11. List the order in which nodes will be visited for breath-first search, depth-limited search with limit 3 and iterative deepening search. c) Would bidirectional search be appropriate for this problem? If so, describe in detail how it would work. d) What is the branching factor in each direction of the bidirectional search? e) Does the answer to c) suggest a reformulation of the problem that would allow you to solve the problem of getting from state 1 to a given goal state wich almost no search? Artificial Intelligence Exercises 118 Exercises 3 Consider again the Water Jug Problem (Exercice 3.1.c). a) Solve the problem once using BFS, once using DBS. b) Is bidirectional search appropriate for this problem? 4 Consider again the Missionaries + Cannibals problem (Exercice 3.1.e). a) Draw a diagram of the complete state space. b) Implement and solve the problem optimally using an appropriate search algorithm. Is it a good idea to check for repeated states? c) Why do you think people have a hard time solving this puzzle, given that the state space is so simple? Artificial Intelligence Exercises 119 Exercises 5 Consider the problem of finding the shortest path between two points on a plane that has convex polygon obstacles as shown in the figure below. G S a) Suppose the state space consists of all positions (x, y ) in the plane, How many states are there? How many paths are there to the goal? Artificial Intelligence Exercises 120 Exercises b) Explain why the shortest path from one polygon vertex to any other in the scene must consist of straight-line segments joining some of the vertices of the polygons. Define a good state space now. How large is the state space? c) Define the necessary functions to implement the search problem, including a successor function that takes a vertex as input and returns the set of vertices that can be reached in a straight line from the given vertex. (Do not forget the neighbors on the same polygon.) Use the straight-line distance for the heuristic function. d) Apply one or more of the algorithms in this chapter to solve a range of problems in the domain, and comment on their performance. Artificial Intelligence Exercises 121 Exercises 6 Write a program that will take as input two Web Page URLs and finds a path of links from one to the other. a) What is an appropriate search strategy? Is bidirectional search a good idea? b) Could a search engine be used to implement a predecessor function? c) Consider the two URLs below as input for your algorithm. How many URLs are on the shortest path of your algorithm? Artificial Intelligence Exercises and 122 Exercises 7 Prove each of the following statements: I Breath-first search is a special case of uniform-cost search. I Breath-first search, depth-first search, and uniform-cost search are special cases of best-first search. I Uniform-cost search is a special case of A*-search. 8 The straight-line distance heuristic leads greedy best-first search astray on the problem going from Iasi to Fargas (in the Rumania example), but the heuristic is perfect in the opposite direction, i.e. going from Fargas to Iasi. Are there problems for which the heuristic is misleading in both directions? If so, make an example! Artificial Intelligence Exercises 123 Exercises 9 The traveling salesman problem (TSP) can be solved via the minimum spanning tree (MST) heuristic, which is used to estimate the cost of completing a tour, given that a partial tour has already been constructed. The MST cost of a set of cities is the smallest sum of the link costs of any tree that connects all cities. a) Show how this heuristic can be derived from a relaxed version of the TSP. b) Show that the MST heuristic dominates straight-line distance. c) Write a problem-generator for instances of the TSP where the cities are represented by random points in the unit square (= square with length and height equal to 1). d) Implement a good algorithm for constructing the MST. Use this algorithm with an admissible search algorithm to solve instances of the TSP. Artificial Intelligence Exercises 124 Exercises 10 Program a genetic algorithm for the problem of the n-queens. a) Run the program on different n’s and random initial states. Compare it to other algorithms which solve the problem. b) Increase and decrease systematically the probability p for a mutation. Make a graphical comparison of a large set of tests of n-queens problem with different p’s. Artificial Intelligence Exercises 125 Exercises 11 How many solution are there for the map coloring problem of slide 99? 12 Solve the cryptarithmetic problem (slide 103) by hand using backtracking, forward checking and the MRV and least-constraining-value heuristic. Artificial Intelligence Exercises 126 Exercises 13 Consider the following logical puzzle: In five houses, each with a different color, live 5 persons of different nationality, each of whom prefer a different brand of cigarette, a different drink, and a different pet. Given the following facts, the question to answer is: “Where does the zebra live, and in which house do they drink water?” I The Englishman lives in a red house. I The Spaniard owns the dog. I The Norwegian lives in the first house on the left. I Kools are smoked in the yellow house. I The man who smokes Chesterfields lives in the house next to the man with the fox. I The Norwegian lives next to the blue house. Artificial Intelligence Exercises 127 Exercises I I I I I I I I The Winston smoker owns snails. The Lucky Strike smoker drinks orange juice. The Ukrainian drinks tea. The Japanese smokes Parliaments. Kools are smoked in the house next to the house where the horse is kept. Coffee is drunk in the green house. The green house is immediately to the right (your right!) of the ivory house. Milk is drunk in the middle house. Discuss different representations of this problem as a CSP. Why would one prefer one representation over another? Solve the problem! Artificial Intelligence Exercises 128