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Measuring Segments and Angles
Finding Segment Lengths
To find the distance between two points on a
number line, there is a need to use the Ruler
Finding Segment Lengths
Postulate 1-5
The points of a line can be put into one-to-one
correspondence with the real numbers so
that the distance between any two points is
the absolute value of the difference of the
corresponding numbers.
Finding Segment Lengths
Postulate 1-5
AB  a  b
length of A
of B
Finding Segment Lengths
Two segments with the same length are
congruent ( ) segments.
The statement that congruent segments are
segments with the same length is also true.
Finding Segment Lengths
Postulate 1-6
Segment Addition Postulate
If three points, A, B, and C are collinear and B
is between A and C, then
AB + BC = AC.
Finding Segment Lengths
Finding Segment Lengths
A midpoint of a segment is a point that
divides a segment into two congruent
A midpoint, or any line, ray, or other segment
through a midpoint, is said to bisect the
Finding Segment Lengths
Finding Angle Measures
An angle is formed by two rays with the same
endpoint. The rays are the sides of the angle.
The endpoint is the vertex of the angle.
Finding Angle Measures
One way to measure an angle is in degrees, To
indicate the size or degree measure of an
angle, write a lower case m in front of the
angle symbol.
Finding Angle Measures
Postulate 1-7 : Protractor Postulate
Let ray OA and ray OB be opposite rays in a
plane. Rays OA, OB and all the rays with
endpoint O can be drawn on one side of line
AB can be paired with the real numbers from
0 to 180 so that ray OA is paired with 0 and ray
OB is paired with 180. If ray OC is paired with
x and ray OD is paired with y, then the
measure of angle COD is x  y
Finding Angle Measures
Finding Angle Measures
Angles can be classified according to their
Acute angle : 0 < x < 90
Right angle: x = 90
Obtuse angle: 90 < x < 180
Straight angle: x = 180
Finding Angle Measures
Finding Angle Measures
Postulate 1-8 : Angle-Addition Postulate
If point B is in the interior of angle AOC, then
measure of angle AOB plus the measure of
angle BOC is equal to the measure of angle
Finding Angle Measures
If angle AOC is a straight angle, then the
measure of angle AOB plus the measure of
angle BOC is equal to 180.
Finding Angle Measures
Finding Angle Measures
Angles with the same measure are congruent
angles. In the same manner, if two angles are
congruent then their measures are equal.