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Chapter 11
A New Civilization Emerges in Western Europe
Multiple-Choice Questions
1) The _______ began to raid Europe from the north in the eighth century.
A) Magyars
B) Germanic peoples
C) Vikings
D) Muslims
Page Ref: 243
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
2) Manorialism was the ________ of the Middle Ages.
A) feudal system
B) monetary system
C) rural economy
D) dominant family pattern
Page Ref: 243
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
3) The ________ of Europe provided most of the necessary rural labor.
A) free peasants
B) serfs
C) slaves
D) immigrants
Page Ref: 243
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
4) The three-field system improved European agricultural yield through ________.
A) crop rotation
B) chemical fertilizer
C) new crops
D) better plowing techniques
Page Ref: 244
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
5) Charles Martel’s most famous victory was over ________.
A) the Almoravids
B) Germanic invaders
C) the Huns
D) Arab Muslims
Page Ref: 245
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
6) Which of these men ruled the Frankish kingdom in 800?
A) Charles Martel
B) Charlemagne
C) Louis XI
D) William the Conqueror
Page Ref: 245
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
7) The rulers of Germany in the Middle Ages and after were titled the ________.
A) dukes of Aquitaine
B) Holy Roman emperors
C) emperors of the Second Reich
D) popes
Page Ref: 246
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
8) William the Conqueror became king of _________ in 1066.
A) Normandy
B) France
C) England
D) Ireland
Page Ref: 248
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
9) Which of these describes the Magna Carta?
A) a law code
B) a land grant
C) a charter founding parliament
D) a legal agreement
Page Ref: 249
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
10) The three estates were the ________.
A) clergy, nobility, town dwellers
B) monarchs, nobility, vassals
C) merchants, guild members, land owners
D) monarchs, nobles, clergy
Page Ref: 249
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
11) What two countries fought during the Hundred Years’ War?
A) the Holy Roman Empire and France
B) Spain and England
C) France and England
D) Italy and the Holy Roman Empire
Page Ref: 249
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
12) Urban II is best known for what action?
A) defeating Henry IV in the investiture controversy
B) launching the Crusades
C) invading England
D) founding the Franciscan order
Page Ref: 250
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
13) A new religious order was founded by _________ in the early thirteenth century.
A) Benedict of Nursia
B) Peter Abelard
C) Bernard of Clairvaux
D) Saint Francis
Page Ref: 252
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
14) Important reforms were implemented in the Catholic church during the eleventh century by
A) Gregory VII
B) Thomas Aquinas
C) Urban II
D) Pius XII
Page Ref: 252
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
15) Which of these men challenged church traditions through his application of logic?
A) Peter Abelard
B) Francis of Assisi
C) Bernard of Clairvaux
D) Jacques Coeur
Page Ref: 254
Topic: Western Culture in the Postclassical Era
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
16) ________ was a proponent of Christian mysticism.
A) Peter Abelard
B) Saint Clare
C) Bernard of Clairvaux
D) Gregory VII
Page Ref: 254
Topic: Western Culture in the Postclassical Era
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
17) The Summas of Christian philosophy were written by ________.
A) Roger Bacon
B) Ibn-Rushd
C) Bernard of Clairvaux
D) Thomas Aquinas
Page Ref: 255
Topic: Western Culture in the Postclassical Era
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
18) Which of these was the mainstream philosophy of Christianity in the later Middle Ages?
A) realism
B) scholasticism
C) mysticism
D) rationalism
Page Ref: 255
Topic: Western Culture in the Postclassical Era
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
19) The dominant architectural style of the twelfth century and after was ________.
A) Gothic
B) Romanesque
C) Baroque
D) Rococo
Page Ref: 256
Topic: Western Culture in the Postclassical Era
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
20) Which of these became an important center of cloth production in the Middle Ages?
A) Ireland
B) France
C) Spain
D) the Low Countries
Page Ref: 257
Topic: Changing Economic and Social Forms in the Postclassical Centuries
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
21) The purpose of the Hanseatic League was ________.
A) defense
B) cultural exchange
C) protecting skilled crafts
D) supporting commerce
Page Ref: 258
Topic: Changing Economic and Social Forms in the Postclassical Centuries
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
22) Which of these emerged with the revival of trade in the later Middle Ages?
A) manorialism
B) capitalism
C) serfdom
D) monasticism
Page Ref: 258
Topic: Changing Economic and Social Forms in the Postclassical Centuries
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
23) Guilds were groups organized by ________.
A) class
B) faith
C) region
D) occupation
Page Ref: 259
Topic: Changing Economic and Social Forms in the Postclassical Centuries
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
24) Which of these first hit Europe in the 1340s?
A) the Norman conquest
B) the Black Death
C) Viking raids
D) the Crusades
Page Ref: 261
Topic: The Decline of the Medieval Synthesis
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
25) In the later Middle Ages, the papacy took up residence in ________.
A) France
B) the Byzantine Empire
C) Spain
D) the Holy Roman Empire
Page Ref: 261
Topic: The Decline of the Medieval Synthesis
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
26) In the Middle Ages, most literate Europeans were members of what group?
A) the nobility
B) merchants
C) the clergy
D) farmers
Page Ref: 243
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Understand the Connections
27) Manorialism was above all a(n) ________ economy.
A) international
B) local
C) monetary
D) industrial
Page Ref: 243
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Understand the Connections
28) Serfs are best characterized as ________.
A) slaves used for farm labor
B) war captives
C) peasants
D) semi-free rural laborers
Page Ref: 243
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Understand the Connections
Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
29) The administrative organization of the Roman Empire was most clearly seen in what
medieval institution?
A) universities
B) the Holy Roman Empire
C) the church
D) guilds
Page Ref: 244
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Understand the Connections
30) Which of these was arguably the only state in Europe prior to the Carolingian dynasty?
A) the Holy Roman Empire
B) the Catholic church
C) Normandy
D) monasteries
Page Ref: 244
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Understand the Connections
31) From around 500 to around 1000, the Catholic church can be said to have been ________.
A) growing in power
B) lacking in influence
C) a local authority
D) defunct
Page Ref: 244
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Understand the Connections
32) The Carolingian Empire represented a ________ shift in power in Europe.
A) westward
B) eastward
C) southward
D) northward
Page Ref: 245-246
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Understand the Connections
Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
33) The title of Holy Roman emperor, as used in the Middle Ages, represented which of these?
A) the revival of the Roman Empire
B) the partial revival of the Roman Empire
C) the utter collapse of the Roman Empire
D) the aspirations of German rulers
Page Ref: 246
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Understand the Connections
34) In the later Middle Ages, the serfs of Europe were becoming ________.
A) slaves
B) landless laborers
C) freer
D) more oppressed
Page Ref: 247
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Understand the Connections
35) Which of these was increasing in Europe around 1200?
A) manorialism
B) urbanization
C) feudalism
D) invasions
Page Ref: 247
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Understand the Connections
36) Both cathedral schools and universities were ________.
A) run by the Catholic church
B) dedicated to Roman law
C) centered on secular learning
D) urban institutions
Page Ref: 248
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Understand the Connections
Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
37) The political system of Europe up to about 1200 can be characterized as ________.
A) networks of personal loyalties
B) strongly centralized monarchies
C) emerging states
D) a system of republics
Page Ref: 248
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Understand the Connections
38) The medieval parliaments represented Europe’s ________.
A) elites
B) commoners and nobles
C) monarchs
D) workers
Page Ref: 249
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Understand the Connections
39) The Crusades can be characterized as ________.
A) voyages of discovery
B) holy war
C) folk migrations
D) popular wars
Page Ref: 250
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Understand the Connections
40) Which of these best evaluates the results of the Crusades?
A) completely unsuccessful
B) unimportant
C) successful only in the short term
D) partially successful in the long term
Page Ref: 252
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Understand the Connections
Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
41) Under Gregory VII, a new division emerged between ________.
A) Catholicism and Byzantine Orthodoxy
B) eastern and western Europe
C) mysticism and popular religion
D) secular and religious authority
Page Ref: 252
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Understand the Connections
42) Peter Abelard’s Yes and No represents which of these?
A) the triumph of faith over reason
B) the scholastic dominance
C) the emergence of the universities
D) a new application for classical rationalism
Page Ref: 254
Topic: Western Culture in the Postclassical Era
Skill Level: Understand the Connections
43) Scholasticism can be understood as a reconciliation of Europe’s ________ heritage.
A) German and Celtic
B) Roman and Germanic
C) Christian and classical
D) artistic and intellectual
Page Ref: 255
Topic: Western Culture in the Postclassical Era
Skill Level: Understand the Connections
44) Around 1400, contact between Europe and neighboring world regions was ________.
A) stagnant
B) beginning
C) increasing
D) declining
Page Ref: 258
Topic: Changing Economic and Social Forms in the Postclassical Centuries
Skill Level: Understand the Connections
Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
45) Medieval guilds were formed for what purpose?
A) to control trade
B) to promote the interests of a particular occupation
C) to encourage handicrafts
D) to respond to the threat of royal power
Page Ref: 259
Topic: Changing Economic and Social Forms in the Postclassical Centuries
Skill Level: Understand the Connections
46) The Black Death had the greatest impact on Europe in what domain?
A) society
B) politics
C) economy
D) the arts
Page Ref: 261
Topic: The Decline of the Medieval Synthesis
Skill Level: Understand the Connections
47) The most important result of the Avignon papacy was the churches loss of ________.
A) revenue
B) land
C) control over education
D) authority
Page Ref: 261
Topic: The Decline of the Medieval Synthesis
Skill Level: Understand the Connections
48) Like Alexander’s empire, the Carolingian Empire was ________.
A) enduring
B) shortlived but influential
C) composed of two ethnic groups
D) the product of marriage alliances
Page Ref: 245-246
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
Skill Level: Analyze the Past
Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
49) Like Daoism and Confucianism, Peter Abelard and Bernard of Clairvaux represented
A) two distinct philosophical approaches
B) two strands of the same philosophy
C) religious and secular philosophy, respectively
D) a philosophy and one of its branches, respectively
Page Ref: 254
Topic: Western Culture in the Postclassical Era
Skill Level: Analyze the Past
50) By around 1500, the nobility of Europe had arguably become ________.
A) national armies
B) Europe’s intellectual class
C) an obsolete urban class
D) farmers
Page Ref: 261
Topic: The Decline of the Medieval Synthesis
Skill Level: Analyze the Past
Essay Questions
51) Manorialism resembles what other culture discussed in the text so far? Compare the two in
detail, considering what caused the two to emerge.
Page Ref: 243-244
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
52) When did true states emerge in medieval Europe? In your answer, include what you consider
the key elements in the definition of a state.
Page Ref: 244-253
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development
53) What was the role of the church in medieval culture?
Page Ref: 244-256
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development, Western Culture in the Postclassical Era
54) Did economic changes in the later Middle Ages drive social and political changes, or were
they all part of the same development? Support your answer.
Page Ref: 257-260
Topic: Changing Economic and Social Forms in the Postclassical Centuries
55) Comparing the early and late medieval periods, what do you consider the most important
developments? Why?
Page Ref: 243-253; 260-263
Topic: Stages of Postclassical Development, The Decline of the Medieval Synthesis
Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.