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THE “Last-Chance-to-Show-Your-Geometry-Skills” TEST
(Also known as: The Extra-Credit Practice Exam)
DO NOT write on this page. Show all work and write answers on a separate piece of paper.
1. <A and <B are complementary. <A = 2x+14°, <B = 4x-21°. Solve for x.
2. Draw a supplementary pair of angles AND a linear pair of angles including angle measures.
How are they different?
3. How many obtuse angles can an obtuse triangle have? Draw an obtuse triangle, label the
angle measures and explain your answer.
4. The sum of the interior angles of a polygon is 2160°. Use the (n-2)*180° formula to answer:
How many sides does this polygon have?
5. What is the sum of the exterior angles of a hexagon?
6. How many diagonals can an octagon have from ONE VERTEX? Draw a diagram.
7. A ___________ is a segment from a vertex of a triangle to the midpoint of the opposite side.
Draw a diagram to support your answer.
8. A ___________ is a segment from the midpoint of one side of a triangle to the midpoint of
another side of the triangle. Draw a diagram to support your answer.
9. An ___________ is a segment from the vertex of a triangle that is perpendicular to the base.
Draw a diagram to support your answer.
10. Line segment AT has midpoint C. Draw this segment. If AC is 27cm long and CT is 4x-3, then
how long is x?
11. Angle HOG is bisected by ray OR. Draw the angle and bisector. If <HOG = 84° and <ROG =
6x, then how many degrees is x?
Copy each pattern and fill in the blanks:
Use the figures above to answer the questions below. If you need to, draw the shape on your
answer sheet and write in the given information.
17. If <ABC = 86°, then <EBD = _____°
18. If <CBD = 113°, then <CBA = ______°
19. If IG = IH and <I = 48°, then <FGI = ______°
20. If <IGF = 134° and <H = 73°, then <I = ______°
If JL || NP,
21. Write one pair of corresponding angles.
22. Write one pair of exterior alternate angles.
23. If <LMO is 87°, then <POM = _____°
24. If <POQ = 83° and <KML = 83°, then are JL and NP parallel. Why or why not?
25. All four polygons above are called ___________________.
AB || DC and AD || BC
26. ABCD is a ______________________.
27. AE = ____
28. FGHI is a _______________________.
29. <GFJ = < _____
30. <HJI = ____°
KL || MN and KM=LN and OP is the mid-segment.
31. KLMN is an _____________ ______________.
32. OP is _____________ to both bases.
33. If KL = 14 and MN = 21, then OP = _______.
34. If KL = 2x-4, OP = 3x, and MN = 24, then x = _____.
35. QRST is a rectangle. If QT is 23, then how long is SU? _____
36.-41. If it helps you answer the questions, draw each figure below on your paper and add tick
marks. For each pair of triangles, if possible, prove they are congruent.
Write: “ congruent by ______” OR “ can’t prove it “ for each.
42. Explain why two pairs of congruent sides don’t prove that two triangles are congruent. Draw a
pair of triangles to support your answer.
43. Explain why AAA doesn’t prove that two triangles are congruent. Draw a pair of triangles to
support your answer. What does AAA prove?